Ikuta returns to see Zhack and Chara eating lunch " Why were you gone for so long " " Sorry Demeter was teaching me and where are Claire and Louis ? " " They went out and those things that's in your bedroom what are you gonna do with them ? "
" I'm not sure , Baldr's oaths could be useful but I really don't want to die by a mistletoe " " Yeah that's embarrassing to die to one plant " Zhack said " Ares's helmet is ugly , I don't like the shows , the pouch that's Hermes's thieving power doesn't look as good as I hoped , I'm not a good blacksmith or archer "
" I mean you should keep the pouch we might need it to take the seed of madness " " if that's what you're worried about Ikuta still has a bit of the thieving power " Harry pointed out " Really ? " Ikuta was surprised and Harry mentioned " What about that thing you got from Hades ? "
" Oh that's right " Ikuta checked his abyss and felt it was much emptier " It does feel a bit empty maybe that's why " " Yeah but it's still not as much as the underworld that Hades made throughout the years "
Ikuta thinks about Hades and how his power was this powerful " How did he learn this ? " " It might have to do with how both him and Hestia were inside Cronus's stomach , I heard from Hestia that when Hades came to her he had the wish for more space because it was so small and manifested this power "
" Wow that's amazing , what about Hestia ? " " She must've absorbed Cronus's stomach fire " Chara explains " I didn't hear about this ? " " Because it wasn't something you'd write in a story during those times , Hestia's warmth was obtained by the stomach fire Hades manifested his own power by will "
" So who's next ? " " Demeter manifested her power out of her hunger for some food , then came Poseidon who had willed his power a little late from the lack of clean water , Hera being the youngest was protected by all four of them "
" That's a really sad story " " The one who had the most pain was actually Hestia the way she obtained her sacred flame was because one was burning her she wished for it to stop and made it her fire she made some changes to it not wishing to feel the pain "
" Wow I never heard of that story " " You never would've if you weren't very close to the gods , but just because Hestia was the last to be vomited out doesn't make her any weaker than Zeus " Chara said .
Zhack and Ikuta were curious since they were never very close to the gods " Keep going Chara " Zhack said and Chara drank some water to continue .
" The prophecy Cronus was given was that his children would overthrow him and the fact that Hestia made him feel fear signifies she could've been been able to do it all by herself "
Ikuta was impressed since Hestia was the most peaceful deity due to her lack of involvement in any myths " So that means if Cronus hadn't swallowed Hestia he could've only had one child ? "
" No , if Cronus never believed the prophecy that his children would overthrow him he could've been alive at a peaceful retirement home while his children thanked him for raising them "
Ikuta and Zhack were surprised by this turn of events " Prophecies aren't all accurate , you can say that your son will kill you in the future but that's all you know maybe if you gave him a very good life you could've been killed while you were suffering greater pain than death "
Chara takes another drink of water " That's why when Cronus learned that his children would overthrow him had he chosen the path of not playing the active role of a king and instead chosen the role of a father the way he would be overthrown was his children forcing him to relax by sitting him down in a nice bench while they inherit his work and still reap benefits "
Their parent watched them with a smile as the three ignored their presence " What nice children you are , although it's not like I can do anything for you if you can't even see me " their parent passed and they wondered why they were made , especially Ikuta since he was the youngest .
" Maybe if he had been a good father his children wouldn't have been committing all sorts of atrocities " Zhack scorns " That could be true " Ikuta said using him and his siblings as a reference .
" But if what you said about all of his children being able to have enough power to overthrow him wouldn't Hestia be more powerful ? " " Yes but she would still need fuel for her sacred flame else she wants to be burned by her own power "
Ikuta thinks about the primordial lifeforms " I mean I could get her some fuels " " Really ? " Ikuta talks about the primordial lifeform's fossils that were burning at Muspelheim " " There won't be a problem with that but you should focus on spreading the Norn's protection "
" Oh yeah there's that " Ikuta said and Zhack proudly smiled " and I can join too because Chara had already enchanted the Bifrost into Gungnir " Chara nodded " And make sure to bring a seed with you we have to plant a seed there for it "
" Okay " Ikuta was excited to see what would happen and the three left a note for their parents " Wait what about Stork ? " " After he finished making the weapon for you he said he was gonna stay behind to strengthen his sword he's also been learning from Dionysus about the core and alchemist too "
" Dionysus knows that much ? " " He does spend more time in the mortal world than in Olympus " Chara said and they walked at Niflheim .
" He's got a lot of information about the ancient civilization , but Dionysus doesn't know where so we can only ask gods like Demeter or Hestia but unfortunately it turns out that when the ancient civilization grew they used safer alternatives than fire and tampered with nature too much " Zhack explained .
" We have other options like Artemis and Apollo although both are gonna be hard " Chara said " Hah you mean those pathetic gods who fail at staying at one relationship " Zhack insulted the twins and they reached the mountain and started to scale it while talking about the gods .
" Says you , you have all kinds of people fawning over you wishing to take you as a spouse " " Hey at least I didn't fall in love and kill them " " What kind of otherworlders would we meet ? " Ikuta asked trying to change the topic .
" We can be sure they would be settling around they surely knew about you through that power they have obtained from the fates or norns " Chara said " It doesn't matter we get to beat up more otherworlders and you can use that power to see if you can take their powers " Zhack explains .
" Yeah I just wish we could see them " Zhack gives Chara a kind of look " Fine I will use it " " Use what ? " " Long story short Chara went to Urdarbrunnr and wished for some runes of the Norns which taught her foresight but it's more like a precognition for any kind of danger so we have been working hard for that "
" So that's why you had the underworld work with the living ? " " Sort of , you don't have to worry about the timing you'll get to school with one last battle " while climbing Ikuta asked more about what happened while he was asleep .
" We sometimes see Harry take a few things from you to probably explains why you didn't have the Aegis " Zhack mentions " I forgot I had that " They arrive at Niflheim's sky and Chara points Gungnir activating it causing light to wrap around them .
" Let's go " like an elevator they moved to Nidavellir , Ikuta and Chara could sense the protection of norns dwindling " So where is Locke coming from ? " Zhack asked " I wished to meet a giant dragon when I was adventuring "
" Here's your chance then " the wind blew hard making the grass rustles , pebbles and dirt fly out of the ground . Locke lands with Cithrel at his back " WOAH " Zhack was excited to see Locke " they really do look as big as the murals "
Cithrel gets off Locke who shapeshifts into a smaller humanoid form " What the hel ? " " I hope I wasn't late " Locke said " Don't worry did you see anything that isn't supposed to be surviving at Ginnungagap ? " Chara asked .
" I did see some " the three prepared their weapons " We don't have Harry with us so we'll just have to make do with what we know " Chara said and they saw a beautiful woman floating downwards with light being her clothes.
Zhack covers Ikuta's eyes and Chara identifies her " Aphrodite " " What ? " Zhack was surprised to see her and Aphrodite standing on the grassland " Oh I want to puke " Aphrodite looks at Zhack " Ahhaha what is this adorable thing "
Zhack quickly disappeared with Ikuta like lightning " Wow amazing to think he has Zeus's powers " Chara and Cithrel wondered why she was here " Oh and Chara and Cithrel and even Locke here looks like you are all here "
Chara points Gungnir at Aphrodite " Don't come any closer are you the real { Insert derogatory terms } Aphrodite ? " " You didn't have to call me that I'm the goddess of love and beauty don't fault me for having so many suitors " Chara compares to how much Aphrodite has many suitors just like Zhack .
" At least you are the [ CENSORED ] of the gods " " Must you always use those words ? And I came here escaping from those otherworlders , trust me they are really active in activities surrounding my domains " Aphrodite said with a smile ' Good thing Ikuta isn't here '
" Alright you can tell us the news " ' Zhack stay with Ikuta and you two shouldn't be here but we'll tell you what is happening while she's talking " ' Okay better that way " " So who was she ? " " Aphrodite the goddess of beauty we'll stay here and wait for what they have to say "
" So you came here after I destroyed their base ? " " Exactly I didn't have much help but as it turns out the fates are still within their power and sent me to this location saying someone that can help would reach this place "
" Still good as ever and why would they send you here ? " Aphrodite had no answers " I'm not entirely sure they just said I can survive if I come here " " Was anything following you " Aphrodite fell silent and fidgeted around .
" I suppose I was being followed but I can't really tell I have always been pursued all my life " ' Hurry and come back Aphrodite was followed " Zhack and Ikuta ran in their direction and Locke and Chara prepared for battle Cithrel also did so after seeing their guards rise up .
" Aphrodite , Stay close to me ? " Chara said and quickly summoned a shield against an attack ' Feels familiar ' she looked up and saw the otherworlders " We'll be enough " Chara said and more attacks flew down from the sky .
Locke grabs Cithrel sprouting wings out of his back and flies navigating through the attacks . Chara stood by Aphrodite protecting her and the two watched at a distance seeing the otherworlders in the sky taking the advantage .
" Hey Ikuta can you help me jump to them ? " Zhack asked " Okay " Zhack went back and Ikuta stopped at his tracks " send me as high as you can " " I'll try " Zhack dashed forward watching Ikuta's hand ready for him .
" Hup " as soon as Ikuta sensed that Zhack got his position correctly he sent Zhack up while jumping towards space ' I'm sending them down " ' Make sure to trap them then " Chara said ' You got it " the otherworlders threw attacks downwards while Zhack zooms past them .
He twisted his body to land on one of the moons " Hey Foreigners " some of them stopped their attacks and Zhack threw a thunder at one of them " I have the higher ground " he threw thunder at each of them making them fall into the atmosphere despite the shields they put up .
' now for trapping ' the otherworlders fell and Chara alarmed Locke " Zhack will take awhile to trap them so take the skies " Ikuta arrived and the otherworlders landed . Chara cast a debuff on them and Ikuta changed his liquid weapon and threw the saw towards them .
Mine controlled the wind and hurled Ikuta's saw at greater speed while Dann sent a stream of water . Chara sees what they are doing and counters Teru's poison . Ikuta slammed his saw down and transformed it into a sword " Aphrodite are these all them ? " " Sounds like it , they are always in a group "
The others quickly used their power against Chara and Ikuta . Both countered it with a shield and sword respectively while protecting Aphrodite " The ones at the back are the most dangerous ones " Aphrodite said and Chara waves her hand " Don't worry I dealt with their telepathic connection "
They looked at Chara who maintained the spell " Get her " all of them aimed for Chara and Ikuta blocked their way holding his katana in one hand " don't destroy this place we need it " Chara said and Ikuta froze the waters with poison .
Chara whispered what she was gonna do and Cithrel who was on Locke's back threw attacks down " Okay I'll buy as much time as possible " Ikuta parried an attack and Mine and Ren went to the sky only for Locke and Cithrel to fight them .
Zhack jumps to the next moon further reinforcing his trap " So that man has the blood of hydra from the constellation Cancer and the other one over there has Aquarius and Poseidon " " Thanks for the information " Ikuta kicks Dann away freezing him in place while using Surtr's flames to scorch Teru's body .
" One of them is Leo by the way " Ikuta was pushed away leaving Chara open for any attacks . Ikuta was slammed to the ground and he kicks Leo out " Chara " Leo punched Ikuta in his stomach trying to keep him away while Ikuta grabbed his hand and swung him away .
He ran to Chara seeing her preserving her shield while continuing her initial spellcasting . Ikuta grabbed kicks them away from the shield " Sorry " " it's okay " Chara refocused her efforts while another otherworlder was sent down from the sky .
Locke flies avoiding any attacks and Cithrel throws magic while with Locke " Stop moving you coward " Cithrel enchants Locke's wings and the otherworlders try to hit him . Locke flaps his wings creating a great wind that sweeps the elements thrown at him and towards them .
" AHH what a beautiful dragon " Aphrodite said " Not right now " Chara said , Zhack jumped into the last patch of his trap and patched it before running to meet with Chara ' I made the trap it's a very stable spatial trap it still let's light through but nothing physical "
' I'm also finished at my end so all three of you can go all out " Ikuta sensed that the Norn's protection had been cast on , Zhack removed the gravity that was holding him down and Locke put Cithrel together with Chara and Aphrodite " I know that one it's the one who used the Norn's powers "
Ikuta , Locke and Zhack quickly aimed for the Possessor of Norn . Ikuta transforms his weapon , Zhack uses his gravity affinity to create a point that bends space and Locke's elements surfaced from his body . Ikuta crouched focusing his strength on his legs .
The runes on his body start to crack and upon jumping he left a trail of shattered runes . He closed in on the possessor with his sword ready and easily slashed with his sword in several angles before Locke threw a breath with different elements .
Finally , Zhack threw the point while Ikuta used his console and jumped out before the point hit the possessor collapsing all of Locke's magic and the possesor into it .
The otherworlders were surprised and were suddenly getting closer to the point " Zhack you know you have to get rid of that " Locke said and they looked at the swirling black dot .
" Uhm I don't actually know how " Chara wondered how stupid Zhack could be and Locke returned to his smaller humanoid form and Ikuta quickly armed his weapon with Norn's protection " What are you doing ? " Locke asked " Cutting it " " How ? "
" I'll try at least " Ikuta prepared his sword and used the seeing dark to pinpoint the exact place " It's like drawing the diameter " He saw the line he needed to cut and swung his sword , sending a slash flying cutting the point and destroying it causing an explosion .
" Wow " The elements clouded the atmosphere while sending bits of mana out at high speed . Chara protected Aphrodite and Cithrel " Ahh got dang it this is gonna take weeks to recover " Zhack was annoyed with his clothes that took some damage while Locke's clothes regenerated as part of his other form .
" Why do you get to keep yours ? " Zhack pointed at Ikuta " I enchanted mine with Norn's " Locke sprouted a wing and sent a great wind blowing the elements while also causing the otherworlders corpses to move a little showing the holes that were made by tiny bits of mana that flew at high speed .
" Oh god , that looks absolutely gruesome " Zhack said " So we got them all " they suddenly heard someone calling out the names of the otherworlders " " Oh that must be Leo " They looked at the man rushing and saw the corpses at a distance .
" WHAT DID YOU DO !? YOU MONSTERS " " Weird to call you all monsters when they did those things " Before they took their battle stance Leo stopped in his tracks " Huh ? " They see his body smashed as if the ceiling and floor were pressed together spilling his blood through the filled .
" OH " Zhack wondered if he should've called that a more gruesome death " Wait but who did that ? Definitely not me ... Chara ? " Chara shook her head and so did the others " How did that even happen ? "
" I did it " Harkness appeared with her umbrella covering the sun " Harkness " Locke and Cithrel waved at her while Ikuta felt something different about her " How was the project ? " Zhack and Chara also tried to see what was different .
Zhack checked his trap's condition " CHARA PROTECT THOSE TWO !!! " Chara quickly reinforced her shield with the Norn's protection and Ikuta punched the hidden darkness that tried to kill him and so did Zhack .
Locke was too slow in realizing the problem and was trapped " What are you doing ? " Zhack asked and Harkness sighed " It's just that I get to have Erebus's divinity in my hands " Ikuta was surprised to hear that .
" You sound like the traitors who allied themselves with the abyss " Locke yells " And yet you are allied with the abyss itself " Harkness joked " That's different " " Locke she was making a joke " Zhack said .
" Why didn't you just take it and leave ? " Zhack asked " It's not going to be that simple , the otherworlders used the bestower to give me Erebus's divinity , something I had wished for all those years when I was controlling that fake family ... yet I still failed at the moon so I took their offer "
They see Harkness raise her hand and say " and a mission " Harkness forms a giant dark nail " I'm not strong enough to handle all of you at once " Ikuta jumped to slash Harkness only for him to see dark flames " I'll also be taking back my doll's affinity "
Harkness reached into Ikuta but he quickly cut her hand off and jumped on a constructed platform away from her " I guess you can keep it " Harkness disappeared and the nail fell penetrating the planet and causing it to shake " No that nail has a seed of madness "
" So ? " " We have to do something before it reaches the will of the world " Chara quickly removed her shield and ran to it . Locke freed himself and dashed picking up Chara and flying her to the nail .
Ikuta and Zhack watched Chara reach the dark nail and try to reach the seed of madness . She pulled her hand out of the nail saying " I was too late " The world started to shake " What do we do ? " Zhack asked " We have a few options we can kill the will of the world " Locke said .
" Weren't they already dead ? " Zhack asked " Yes they were but this seed of madness is like a soul it will destroy this world " " Then we can leave ? " Zhack asked only for Locke to hit him in the head .
" And what let all the life in here die ? " " It's just tree grass and insects " Zhack said " Still life " " Zhack if it makes this world more worth it , the land with two names actually has many kinds of ores , minerals , the core of the world which can fuel a lot of forges which Stork has been using to power his temple of plenty "
" Can you like give me a summary " " In other words it's a perfect place for a dwarves to get minerals they just need the will of the world to cooperate " " I already said this but there is no will of the world "
Ikuta looked at Chara " Are we supposed to be in a hurry ? " " Yes I am , so hurry up and crack this world " Chara starts getting rid of the norn's enchantment while Ikuta is thinking about the will of the world " Chara can I use the souls of Muspelheim to replace the will of the world "
" Sure , do that " Chara said with a single hesitation " But first , you have to help get rid of the seed of madness or else you are just going to make this world a big enemy we have to destroy " " What do we need to do ? " Zhack asked .
" I want you to break the crust of this planet so I can get through with the Bifrost and hopefully not burn " " Would the sword even work ? " Zhack asked " JUST GET TO BREAKING THE CRUST " Chara yelled and finally took all the norn's protection out .
" Got it " Chara gave them coordinates to strike and Cithrel was told to retrieve Surtr's sword ' Yukina , Fuyumi I need you to send this sword to Ikuta be careful when you are holding it " ' Okay " the two world trees followed the command of their teacher and Ratatoskr was confused about what they were doing .
" What are you two kids doing ? " " We need to send this to Nidavellir " " Why ? " " We just have to " Yukina said and Ratatoskr offered " How about I bring it for you then ? " There was no context that Yukina and Fuyumi had so they simply agreed .
" Okay make sure to give it to Ikuta " " I got it " Ratatoskr took the sword with him carrying it and crossed Niflheim .
He reached Ginnungagap and finally went to Nidavellir and Svartalfheim ' On three , One , two , three " Ratatoskr watched the world crack . The crust cracked revealing the glowing core " Amazing "
Ratatoskr remembered he needed to get the sword to Ikuta and jumped in . Chara used Gungnir and activated the enchanted bifrost , diving into the planet's core .
Ratatoskr landed and found Ikuta " Young master I got you the sword " " Thanks " Ikuta was surprised how Ratatoskr got here so easily .
" You got here so fast " " What sort of trouble did you get yourself into ? " " Otherworlders again " " " Sounds a lot " ' And Harkness betrayed us '
Harkness walks along with the otherworlders at the dark mansion " So you cut them off completely ? " " Yes I did and it's truly a pleasure working with you "
She passed by them walking to a coffin with Erebus's name " To think you could locate and kill a god like this " " It was the good work of your group too bad they died but that just shows how powerful they are "
Harkness looked at the leader and said " so don't make me regret making a deal with you " Harkness gives the leader the powers she obtained from the dead otherworlders