With the otherworlder's memories , Ikuta was able to learn more about how they operate " Someone can learn the past from a power obtained from the fates or norns , but it's very limited " " You know kid you are really bad at fighting "
" Because I don't want to accidentally destroy stuff when I raced Hermes I destroyed a lot of things but luckily all the watchers pitched in to help " " What did they say ? That you were too young ? "
Stork asked " I think they said that because I have Odin's eye so it was okay for me to destroy a few things on accident " " There are indeed a lot of things you can get away with by being related to a god "
" That feels kinda too much " " You only thought that because you come from a time where you get to live in a world that doesn't see gods at all if you were to fight one ahead you would see the difference "
" Yeah the god would " Arachne said " Get in the circle you need to stay inside for this to work , " Stork said and Ikuta finally had a globe of the forest and temple in his bag " Okay time to grab the last piece "
Ikuta used Gungnir to fly out of the realm and gazed at the different worlds " Ginnugagap is beautiful " " I know " Ikuta dived straight to Niflheim's ground and stored all the kinetic energy back into Gungnir .
" Okay the blue light should be in ice " Ikuta located the mountain and extracted the blue light and finally had all the end pieces of the Bifrost " How will you even put them all together ? " " That's something I'll have to ask the eye for "
Ikuta also deploys the temple of plenty inside Niflheim and told Petra to keep how it appeared a secret " Ahahaha so who actually wins this bet ? " the adventurers asked " So there are many ores inside ? " " Yep can you pack the ores for me , you can keep the treasures but I'll get the ores "
" I will young master " Ikuta felt refreshed after eating lunch that didn't involve camping outside " Where are you going to put Arachne's forest " Ikuta thought about the amusement park which is still around .
" Petra can you also remove the amusement park that Faulks had make sure there is nothing on it but we still own it "
Ikuta plans to head home with the portal along with new voidlings , after everything is gathered it is time to go home " Finally I'm done " ' You're back " Harkness tells Ikuta about the otherworlders and he shares his experience with her .
' That would be trouble are you sure about bringing Stork with you ? " ' Yep although I had to tell him not to acknowledge that dad is around " ' So you think it will be okay ? " ' Yep it's not like dad knows what happens if you see him "
' That is true the only time mother can tell is if you acknowledged she was there and when you can actually see her " They both agreed on saying they have seen the denier but not currently see the denier .
Ikuta makes sure that Stork knows this and finally returns home " I gathered them all " " Perfect now all you have to do is bring them to mount olympus and use them there " " Oh right can you tell me more ? " " Yep it's where the god gather to talk matters about the cosmos and they also use the Bifrost to go there too "
Ikuta could tell plenty of lawsuits coming up and called Petra " You want to buy Mount Olympus ? " " well at least everything around it ? " Petra wondered if Ikuta had planned to use all the gold to buy it .
" It could be possible " " By the way Stork is it okay for me to use all the gold ? " " Yeah sure I that was made from practicing Draupnir although the apples are really something new you gotta teach someday "
" How about tonight you go tonight you said you had dreamwalked to the underworld " " Yep and I can be free from this body then " " Oh looks like you found all the Bifrost " His father said and Stork became quiet .
" Also Vedrfolnir do you know about the adventurer ? " " Oh yes that lad was very good at fighting although I recall he has a strange friend , I don't seem to remember " " Hahah because that friend is that squirrel over there " his father said .
" Too bad he died in Mount Olympus " ' I have to find him ' " Oh right he was the youngest to die by me , be careful kid make sure you don't become the youngest to die and it seems like Stork never died so maybe he is the oldest ? But then there's Harkness whose body is gathering information maybe she's the oldest "
His father leaves but Stork remains silent " I have to go to Mount Olympus to use the Bifrost "
" Now go and rest young master have dinner and sleep don't dreamwalk at all " Ikuta thinks about the exams he's gonna have and is excited about it " Okay " ... Ikuta goes to bed leaving Stork blade at the side and sleeps .
Stork finally was able to breathe at Tartarus and sees Harkness " Hello younger brother " " Wait you're " " Harkness , I have been talking to Ikuta through a soul link you should get by with one too so we can communicate " " wasn't Harkness the same name of that family " " It indeed it was just a puppet family I made , it was a means to an end "
" Dang I have some weird siblings " " Don't be too surprised you already know about the adventurer " " Oh yeah that very young boy was very excited about adventuring I told him that an beastfolks like him wouldn't be able to stand out so he decided to first change his appearance by making sure his head has some hair like us dwarves , humans and elves "
Harkness laughed and walked with Stork to the ferrymen " He worked so hard to make himself look different than the other otters he ended up being a fashion Icon instead " " I do remember that happening , but I'm sure you also decided to change your body too "
" Hey not my fault some taller folks decided to make smiths I had to turn my legs to metal to adjust the height but using metal to move is quite hard " Harkness looked at his legs " You even remember " " Yep with all the dreamwalking I have been doing it was only normal for that to happen "
They both reached a fence of the garden of three cyclopes " Hey " the three brothers looked at Harkness " You remember the kid that you turned down when he asked you about how he could preserve elements in a form "
" What do you want ? " Arges asked " I have bought you Apollo's bow and arrows " Harkness presented them one hand held the bow and the other held a quiver of silver arrows " the brothers were surprised to see that .
" will letting you do whatever you want with these be enough so that you will teach him ? " the cyclopes look at Harkness " What if we incur Apollo's wrath ? He can do that you know " " We know he beat Hermes in a race , I doubt Apollo could "
" Tell him to come here and break the bow and arrow himself " Harkness was glad the deal went well and Stork went to visit Brokk and Sindri . Harkness walks around and hears some rumors about the brother beating up Stork for turning Mjolnir into a sword .
' So that's where Zhack's signature sword came from ' Harkness enjoys what the underworld has to offer while Stork visits a few of his mentors .
The next day Ikuta tells his friends he's home and they visit him at the Voidlings house " Okay so what is the " Ikuta was being nuzzled by a few Voidlings " parts of an eye " " Ikuta are you okay ? " Nisse asked on the treadmill while everyone was panting to get their morning exercise .
" Iris " " Pupil " " it's probably because I did something nice to them " Ikuta whispered to Nisse " Oh if you tell that to everyone they will definitely freak out " " Why would we freak out " Ezio and Pyra asked " No it's best if you avoid saying that to anyone Ikuta " " Petra did say the same thing "
" And you told me anyway " " Because I thought you would like it " Nisse remembers how she does like finding dirt on Faulks " You're right Ikuta I do like to hear that kind of news " Amber slows down her treadmill " I'm tired " " Take a break we can still continue reviewing " Ikuta said with a few Voidlings nuzzling into him very affectionately .
Amber looked at the Voidlings nuzzling at Ikuta remembering how familiars would nuzzle their contracted person " Why are they like that to you " " uhh " " He did something for them " Nisse said " You probably were too tired to hear it "
" That's why you should rest " Ikuta said " I wish they would have done that to me last time I came here I just touched them and nothing else it's like just touching something " a voidling pushed their heads to toss Ikuta up to the air and made him sit on their heads happily .
" Oh thanks , for the next question about history what did Zhack the adventurer bring back from Mount Olympus " " Oh Zeus's lightning bolts " Druk said . They continued with the Voidlings taking all the opportunity to play with Ikuta " Okay see you guys on Tuesday "
Ikuta said and the voidlings kept playing with him through the day even after the researchers came to study them . They didn't talk much with Ikuta while he was with the Voidlings . At night the three went to the underworld " Ikuta here " Harkness gives Ikuta Apollo's bow and tells him what the brothers agreed on .
" I'll be visiting Erebus " " I'll be going to Dionysus gotta have some fun there " the separate and Ikuta learned about how to materialize an elemental lifeform through the brothers after he broke the bow and arrow and took it away . The next morning he successfully creates a lifeform of darkness .
" perfect " he was happy to see something like this , a tiny little lifeform that moved around . It would eat a duplicated apple whenever it appears " The batch of golden apples has been sold for a staggering "
" And we have a winner for today's lottery " Ikuta kept changing the channel bored and made more dark lifeforms that would eat the duplicated apple .
He finished it and now they start surrounding the initial golden apple which Ikuta plans to send to the abyss " But it's kinda hard and also it's weird " " What's weird ? " " How am I able to use the abyss when it's so far away " " Because it is within you already "
The sudden and instant answer that didn't give him a chance to properly absorb this information surprised him " Huh ? " " The chasm that normally leads to the abyss is closed already after you said you were going to use it your father stopped using the abyss and let you have it by releasing the seal that kept it open "
No words could be heard from Ikuta's mouth while Claire continued to explain " Which is why he was going to send you some books about how to use this advantage , which he copied out of the research data " This was a chance to use the abyss , so Ikuta quickly accepted the fact.
" Can I get those books now ? " " Sure " the books arrived instantly and Ikuta spent the whole day studying it .
Tuesday exams wrapped up quickly and Ikuta headed back home to study on his own , until Friday which was the last exam day they all went to visit Ikuta .
" It's still winter I hope it'll end before Febuary " Ezio said " Don't be too excited maybe the portal could explode and bring fimbulwinter " Nisse said .
" Wait you still haven't told us about the secret you promised to tell us that " Nisse thinks about it " Sure " Nisse tells them how Ikuta has been to the underworld , fought an otherworlder who turned out to have been destroyer of worlds .
" What ? " Pyra was surprised to hear that " Are you kidding me ? " Ezio asked " No Ezio the otherworlders were really bad people " Nisse said with a calm smile while Amber was very unaffected by the news .
" Dang the people who were called heroes were like that " " Oh yeah but don't worry the legends aren't " Ikuta said " Of course they aren't they earned their spot by their own efforts " his father said " Oh and he found Stork "
" The blacksmith ? " all of Amber's attention was taken " Yeah althoguh the temple he built only has one weapon which turns out to be him " Ikuta mentioned " He said that he saw a terrifying monster which instantly made his god friends disappear " Nisse said .
" Why do you know so much " Amber asked " Because I'm guaranteed to get good grades because I'm smart " " But Druk was busy exercising " they all turned to Druk who had muscle pain all over his body .
" Should we help him " " I tried " Ikuta said " But he kept saying he needs to be strong " " I do have to go on a trip on sunday " Druk said " Oh yeah you told me that you were going to that place , I'm sure that was where Zhack put Zeus's lightning bolts in "
" So that's why you answered so fast " Ezio said , Ikuta thought about the frost and fire giants he found in the primordial realms " Try to be careful there Druk , you don't want to get so much thunder mana that you can't handle it " " I know " Druk said still on the floor trying to get used to Ikuta's old gravity enchanted Hoodie .
" You sound worried " Ikuta mentions the ice giants and the fire giants at Muspelheim " If it's like that you might die " " Oh don't worry Ikuta if he does die you can visit him for us " Nisse says calmly " What no if Druk dies I won't have someone stand on last place for me " Ezio complained .
Druk wonders if this is what friends are like " Amber don't tell anyone about Stork okay ? " Nisse said , not seeing the reason why Amber still agreed and considered it a friend group secret " our friend group secret is so weird "
They all think about the first time they saw something special and how Ezio and Nisse were the least surprised " Anyways Druk get out of that hoodie let's play till nighttime " What ? We are staying over ? " Amber and Druk asked .
" I already have my pajamas in my bag " Nisse mentioned " You should've told me we were gonna have a sleepover " they all lay on the mattress that were left on the floor with Voidlings around " Ikuta can you let us go to the underworld ? " Ezio asked .
" No because you would have to sleep for a long time and I've been reading too much so I want to rest today " Ikuta yawned and goes to sleep with everyone else . The next morning they leave to prepare for their respective trips while Ikuta goes in a plane .
" Morning Petra " " Morning young master I have secured the project concerning Mount Olympus " " Okay I'll just go in " " Wait young master I know you were able to survive the vacuum of space and spatial distortions but it would still be best if you understand what you are going in for "
" No I need to go now "" That would be a problem , with the surging elements around Mount Olympus we have been extracting as much of the energy as possible " " So we can't make a shield ? "
" That would be wasteful Young master and it would likely be destroyed considering how many kinds of magic you would have to protect yourself in " Ikuta thinks of the abyss that he was told that he has .
" Where do you extract the energy ? " " There is a magic item that does it and we had to buy it because it was part of the project in order to maintain it we had to replace the batteries "
Petra explains more about how the magic item takes it all " But if we bring it too close then the magic item will be overloaded trying to keep up with the amount of elemental energy that is surging "
" So I can't go in ? " " Exactly young master " Ikuta looks at colorful picture of the surging tide of elemental ' I could get a lot of mana from this ' " This looks beautiful " " It was one of the ways people earn money which was selling pictures of Mount Olympus "
" Can you send the Niflheim batteries over " Petra was baffled to imagine what Ikuta planned to do " Young master will you even be okay ? " " Huh what are you talking about ? " " I mean if you were to use that much of Niflheim's frost your body could freeze "
' I have been training with the cold of Niflheim since I was young though ' " Don't worry about it I won't end up like Berg I have been training with a very special waterfall since I was young I didn't even use my Niflheim affinity to survive the cold at Niflheim "
Petra wonders if this was overconfidence speaking since she sensed the confidence that Ikuta has which seemed to have increased compared to before .
" But the problem is if I freeze it I won't be able to stop the wind but if I make it so that all the magic is caught like a snowflake " Ikuta could already see how well it could work .
" Maybe I could do that " " Wait young master you aren't thinking of doing such a thing right ? " " Well I have to or else I won't get in , don't worry Petra even if I die I already went to the underworld "
Petra wondered when Ikuta went to the underworld but figured that she might have to retrieve his body for that purpose " Do you need a wand ? " " No any kind of ice wand would break because my Afffinity is very high "
" No , it's okay young master we made many efforts to make one catalyst just for you " Ikuta was curious about what she meant " After you bought that giant book we were able to partner up and gain connections with the magic tower because of the nature of the knowledge "
Petra brought a box " We were going to gift this to you " Ikuta looked at the magnificent sword " Everyone thought it would be good if you use it as the first one to have gotten the book " Ikuta looked at the sword and compared it to the supposed sword of Surtr .
" This is a really good sword " " A lot of blacksmiths had to forge the right metal so that it could work and the runes too " Ikuta imbued it with Niflheim's frost and watched it glow blue " Must be the Bifrost blue "
Petra was confused as to why Ikuta used a word about the Bifrost " Oh and is Niflheim still blue ? " " Yes why ? " Ikuta wondered if the Bifrost had some lasting effects and looked at the runes to see how perfectly enchanted it was .
" It's the best sword among all and we felt it was right to give it to you " Ikuta remembers what Hecate said about the rewards and thinks this must be one of them " Everything is correct " " Yes it was very hard to get everything right "
Ikuta was excited to use the sword out but they were in a plane " How long will the plane be ? " " About four hours your lunch could be a bit late " Petra tells Ikuta more about the geological time zones which Ikuta probably wouldn't follow but Petra would tell him about the time zones just so that he could enjoy the night sky if he wishes to .
The plane finally arrives and Ikuta eats lunch before heading to the camp that watches over the surging Mount Olympus , there were those elemental magic extractors surrounding the foot of mount Olympus .
" It really looks like a storm " Mount Olympus was covered with a great storm of elements primarily the ones that were related to the weather , while crystals formed around it showing the purity of earth mana that is condensed as well as nature sprouting like there was no problem at all , there was even light and some other uncommon forces of nature .
" Be careful Young master Mount Olympus is said to be where Ragnarok has occured , the only surviving adventurer died here on their last there even is data that it is gradually getting stronger " " I know " Ikuta carried the sword and wondered what kind of treasures he could get from the mountain .
He absorbs all the batteries of Niflheim frost into the abyss while walking to the foot of the mountain , holding the sword he channels all Niflheim frost through it and it glows a great blue color . He looks at the mountain and decides to use the mountain's earth and nature mana as the base of the foundation .
" I can do this " Ikuta pointed his sword at a pure earth crystal and tapped it freezing it and preventing the earth mana to react , the frost spread to the next crystal forming a ring of Niflheim's frost surrounding the mountain's foot and started stretching up .
It froze the growing plants which allowed it to reach out and freeze droplets of water , these waters then formed a network that allowed Ikuta to clear up the clouds allowing it to spread and freeze thunder .
It proceeded to freeze more and trap other forces in one place . The camp watchers were amazed to watch the ice make its way up , freezing any kind of force of nature while it climbs and even revealed some light mana .
They suddenly see that some darkness is replacing the ice that holds the structure " Everyone calm down , that is young master's dark magic " Petra announced , they watched Ikuta hold the sword in one hand and an umbrella in the other .
The dark mana was able to highlight the mana that was frozen in place and made it seem like Mount Olympus was being painted with a nightsky . The darkness followed the path of Niflheim's frost sustaining the important structure that kept the mana from falling .
Many reporters recorded this amazing phenomenon and planned for a name for it . Names like "Artificial starlit night sky on the mountain" or "The tattered cloak of Nyx over the home of gods" all names referencing the nightsky .
Ikuta concentrated on making sure the structure didn't fall and finally , it reached the peak showing a glimpse of the home of gods before darkness formed to hold the structure together .
Ikuta checked to see if the structure was okay and thanks to his lessons with the three brothers the dark structure remained .
" It worked " He said with a smile " I need to rest I'll go there tommorow " some people tried to get close seeing how calm the storm is .
" Young master , that was amazing " Petra said " Yeah " Ikuta sat on the ground to admire the beautiful structure he made " Do you think someone will paint this ? " " They will young master "
Ikuta remembers the picture that he was given which looked different and looked at the structure " It's going to be night much earlier right ? " " Yes it will be why ? " " I'll rest somewhere very high so I can look at this and can you bring a lot of food for my dinner ? "
' You outdone yourself " Stork told Ikuta ' I know , but it's not like you couldn't do this " ' I wouldn't be able to do that , you have the abyss in you so that's basically having a storage of mana to help you "
' Thanks for helping me map the structure " ' That was like the easiest part for me " ' For you but for me , I wouldn't be able to make one I would probably have just hoped that all the dots of mana start forming snowflakes and freeze on top of each other and waste a lot of Niflheim frost "
Ikuta goes to a tall building with a suite and checks his friend's group chat . His friends were excitedly talking about the giant dark structure Ikuta made "I couldn't have done it without Stork , he helped my build it"
"It's still amazing using two affinities on its own is already very hard but you manage to use both" Nisse messaged "But won't it break" Pyra asked worried since she knew about the nature of dark magic .
"You don't have to worry about it I learned how to turn it into a solid structure from the Cyclopes that made Zeus's thunderbolt at the underworld" "Wow do you think I can learn to that on wind magic ?" Ezio asked .
"I'm not sure" Ikuta answered "Ezio there's no point in trying to do that if you're just gonna throw wind out like normal" Nisse pointed out .