They all looked at the seed that sprouted " I get a little sibling ? " " Yep we'll make sure you can see her " Chara said " Why is it called a her " Zhack asked " Oh yeah why is Yukina's new sibling a sister ? "
" That's how it is you already saw that the nymphs are all female " " Oh yeah that's true " Ikuta looked at the wall where Zhack was working for the wall " So we just want to make sure they can get the two springs right ? " Ikuta asked " Yes you can make a river out of it "
Ikuta looked at the small well suspicious about how it would look more like a spill " It's bigger than you think young master " " It is ? " " Yes " " If it is should I also make it flow through the underworld too ? " " No need young master " " why ? " " Because the underworld is literally the thing under this world "
" It is ? " Ikuta asked with surprise " Yes but the gods distorted the space to expand it which Hel can also do " " Then why was it a separate map like it was another realm ? " " Because that's just how great the spell of the underworld was " " Oh "
Zhack finished making the portal to Niflheim " It's done " " Wow this is amazing " Ikuta walked through it and looked at Hvergelmir " Okay so I just have to plant this " " Give her a name " Yukina said .
" You still got to write it done " Claire said even preparing the contract " Okay " Ikuta looked at the seed planting it down so that Mimisbrunnr and Hvergelmir would appear at her side . He drew the character 冬香 on the contract .
" How do you pronounce that ? " Yukina asked " Fuyumi , it's a name that has snow when you translate it " " And yet Harry accepted the name Chara gave without a problem " Zhack said " Not like I'm complaining " Harry said .
" Okay now you just extend Hvergelmir and Misbrunnr into a river " Ikuta started digging while Chara , Zhack and Stork watched their parents take care of dinner , they saw them preparing their favorite and really wonder what their parent's goal is .
" It's done " Vedrfolnir looked at Fuyumi who was still a tiny little plant consuming the lifeforce from Ikuta " Now you need to make it's warm " Ikuta thinks about Surtr's flames and his stomach fire and asked Vedrfolnir .
" Hmm the fire did burn Yggdrasil before but the ability to mimic other flames is something I never knew about " ' The first time it did happen was during ragnarok ' " But you discovered it although you should still go for the option of using your own stomach fire for this "
Ikuta thinks about both fires and decides to use it . He moved Surtr's flames to his stomach fire and watched it become like his stomach fire but it quickly reverted back ' Hmm ? maybe I didn't have enough food ? '
' I'll just give her my stomach fire she will need it for the cold ' Ikuta looks around at Niflheim and decided to tell Petra about this later " What would Fuyumi eat ? " " There are some animals in Niflheim "
Ikuta was confused about how that could be possible and Vedrfolnir explained further .
" See while this world Gaia was born from the chaos so where the realms and there was already life it's just that a few gods wanted to take credit for it since they were responsible for managing them just like how Hel claims ownership of the underworld because of the recent improvement after Ragnarok "
" So Gaia wasn't Ymir ? " " No but I assure you you still won't think less of Ymir after hearing this , you see Ymir was a great giant that is now asgard , and Niflheim is a very big realm even bigger than Muspelheim but think of it like this "
Zhack sat beside them curious about this " Both realms of primordial ice and fire used to be a bunch of lifeforms made from chaos itself " " Really ? " " yes Gaia was just a more perfect one while the others were less perfect " " But it doesn't make Ymir or the other creations any less powerful . "
" That sounds so interesting " Zhack said " Yes so back to the two realms ice and fire were formed in these two lifeforms , Niflheim froze the mass of life and Muspelheim burned them and used them as eternal fuel "
" So they're dead ? " " Well sort of but their souls aren't that easy to destroy you could say that their souls became a part of Niflheim and Muspelheim respectively they're essentially what you may call a hivemind although the level of intelligence doesn't even hold a candle to mortals these days because they are essentially trapped inside "
" Tell us more " " There's no need that's the end of it just like how ragnarok is supposed to end with a few victors to recover it these souls are trapped in Niflheim and Muspelheim " Vedrfolnir said " Aww " Ikuta was disappointed while Zhack patted his back .
" Aww it's little bro , this kinds of thing mean that you decided what the fate of those souls are " " Little bro ? are you finally catching on ? " their father said and Ikuta quickly answered " Well I do like having older siblings "
" Ahh , yeah , me too " Zhack said , pretending they had adopted a brotherly relationship ' I mean , Zhack isn't wrong , those souls are just down there . ' Ikuta had an idea and the creature at the place woke up.
" Where's Hades ? " Persephone picks up the creature " He's out at Ginnungagap to take care of the souls why is that ? " " I was going to ask him how I can take souls out of a corpse " Persephone wondered how to help .
" I'm not sure , this is supposed to be discussed by Thanatos " " I will help you " Nyx said " You can ? " " Yes as the mother of Thanatos , I usually watch over him when he brings souls " " Okay I'll send Harry over "
" harry ? " " Harry is a sword with flesh around as well as Odin's sacrificed eye , Harry's not Odin but its own person " " Okay "
Ikuta secretly told Harry about this excited to obtain more knowledge and Ikuta used Surtr's flames and his memory to form the sacred flame and blew the sacred flame out of his mouth since the fireplace had been extinguished .
" Wow " he was more surprised he could blow fire and Harry returned to him " Thank you so much Ikuta " " Time for dinner " " I'll get back to you later " Ikuta hungrily ate the food and finally went to bed .
He learned with Harry at the underworld how to get souls and finally the next day Fuyumi greeted them " Ikuta Fuyumi is awake " Ikuta rushed downstairs and saw the roots stretch to both rivers " Hi Fuyumi " " Hello Ikuta Big sis Yukina told me about you " " Oh yep I hope you won't mind this cold place "
" It's okay even though it's called it feels warm " " because Ikuta shared with you his stomach fire he did the same for me " Yukina said " Oh really ? " Ikuta nodded " I'll also be taking care of you young mistress " Nidhogg said and Ikuta looked down remembering the knowledge .
' I'll still need to make another underworld so i'll have to put the souls from Niflheim and Muspelheim aside ' Ikuta went to the research institute hoping to get something from it .
" You want this sword to be enchanted ? " Petra asked " Yes I already got some books of Muspelheim runes from Urdarbrunnr for it and the sword is Surtr's which I shrunk here is how you unshrink it "
" Okay then " Ikuta handed the researchers a stack of book to work with , Petra refuses to ask more about the other things he got from Urdarbrunnr " Uhm Petra can we tell what I got right now at home ? "
Ikuta showed a picture of all the things related to Yggdrasil including Fuyumi who was at Niflheim through a portal " That eagle I found was Vedrfolnir and the two others are all caretakers of yggdrasil " Petra took a deep breath wondering how she can remedy this "
" Okay so let's just say that Vedrfolnir sent you on a quest to bring back the world tree " " That's not Yggdrasil but her children I want to cover that part too I did find seeds at Mount Olympus and Urdarbrunnr "
" Alright we will publish this at the end of the year " " Oh and I also have some wood from Yggdrasil " ' from Hestia of course ' " What would you like to do with it " " For the weapon you're gonna make of course , I used the sword enchanted with Niflheim's runes and the handle is too weak "
" Well we can give that to them but we don't know how to use it " " Oh I have been dreamwalking Vedrfolnir taught me how " " I will say that you learned how to do that as a perk for being on that quest of finding Yggdrasil seeds "
" that makes sense " " Yes also that amusement park has been cleared do you want us to do anything about it ? " " Oh I'll head there and leave a forest " " Pardon ? " " Stork help me find Arachne who lived in the forest "
Petra was surprised by how many things Ikuta planned to publicize " Okay are there any other secrets you want to show the world ? " " Hmm maybe the fact that the underworld is making a weapon ? I'll have to ask Hel for this though "
' he even knows Hel , I would've lost my mind but I have seen much bigger things ' " Okay I will wait for you when you call back , for now we will take the stacks of book of Muspelheim runes and Surtr's sword "
Ikuta was excited about the enchantments , it might even be better than the ones for Niflheim which he wondered what would happen when they learned about this .
He returned home to pack and bring the forest with him . He took Zhack's portal for travel " Thank you so much for bringing me here it's so much easier now that the Norn's protection is around and I even have some gifts I prepared " Arachne showed Ikuta some silk that she made " Wow these are really beautiful "
He took a picture of it and sends it to Petra " And for the human form I asked about Hestia for that and she's helping me look into it " " Oh that goddess she does sound the least controversial among everyone else "
Ikuta nodded and looked around " Arachne remember the story about you that says you were gifted by the gods ? " " Oh yeah and like the petty gods they are they wish to claim credit for that , they're not even the one who made life it was gaia "
He wondered why the gods do it but like Arachne's story he just believed they love being worshiped for something they didn't do as long as it's credible " Anyways I'll be leaving I checked around the underworld but they don't have anything about transforming you back to human "
" You can't do it ? " " I tried to with Hermes's power before your talent to weave is too interconnected with your spider form . " " So that's how it works ? "
" Yeah it's hard to describe it how it is connected , but your talent for weaving is very interconnected with your spider form and I'm not sure how I can take the spider form if it's stuck with your talent and you might die "
" Hmm how ? " " Cause your talent is a part of you " Arachne chuckled " So that means Athena never had the ability to gift me this talent " " Yes why " Arachne laughed with glee " Ahh nevermind that Ikuta just make sure to be my witness that Athena never gave me a gift "
" Ehh ? " " Oh but what about those computers can you get one for me ? " " Uhh I'll call Petra for it " After making calls Ikuta went out while Petra had to deal with Arachne " So you would like a computer ? " " Yes I am very delicate with my limbs so don't worry about sending me another one "
Petra was horrified of the forest but thanks to Arachne escorting her she survived ' I'm really glad young master didn't suddenly surprise me '
Ikuta returned home through Zhack's portal " Yo Ikuta how do beat this boss " " Oh you should do it like this " Ikuta gave some of Yggdrasil wood to the dead blacksmith and Ivaldi arranged so that Ikuta could find the way to use Yggdrasil wood while keeping the line between and living broad and clear .
He gave the wood and Niflheim sword to be delivered to the blacksmith for further use and finally was reading the book about the Bifrost in bed periodically going to Zhack's room to teach him how to finish one part of a game .
" Chara how can you tell the Norn's protection ? " Ikuta asked " It's more like a feeling , it's hard to describe it because it's hard to see the runes of the Norns " Ikuta remembered what he got from urdarbrunnr and showed them to Chara .
" You mean these " " Wow how did you get this ? " " From the well " Chara opens the book " It's more complete than my own knowledge " " you can read it if you want " " Me too I want to do it Harry said .
" Okay " Ikuta got a text and found that his Niflheim would be sent to him on the morning of this saturday " It's still Wednesday night right now " he still gladly waited for it and got another text for Surtr's sword .
' January ' he sighed and read about the book about Norns to understand the works of the Norns even more while also remembering the otherworlders ' They'll be big trouble but at least Locke is out to get them '
The dragon Locke flew to Ginnungagap and remembered the information ' So these otherworlders have been desecrating the land after ragnarok ' He landed on a moon and looked at the base .
' Then first I'll have to destroy this one , Zhack already said that the planet only has otherworlders so there will not be a problem ' Locke commands all of his elemental affinities to work in harmony .
Mana of different natures flow through his cells and then sparkle each of his scales . A magic circle with different runes formed facing the planet he aimed to destroy " I hope this will be enough "
The magic activates taking the mana he offered and dropping a blast cracking the planet " Cithrel Zhack gave you a portal back to Midgard right ? " " No they just told you to fly back " " Haa please tell me the directions then "
Locke flew with Cithrel at his back " Your family is strange " " I know I was surprised I had one apparently father is actually some crazy being you don't want to mess with " " And that boy has a lot of strength " Locke wondered how much potential Ikuta has while flying through space .
Ikuta woke up the next morning and learned from Vedrfolnir " Alright young master here is the norn's protection progression rate " Ikuta looked at the chip and guessed what Vedrfolnir did " You knew about the runes of norns ? " " Not very well but I can create a device that allows you to check its overall performance "
Ikuta removed the chip from his console and replaced it with Vedrfolnir " Wow Midgard is 100 percent " " Yeah there was a bit of it that fell down but after you planted Yukina it has increased however Niflheim doesn't have proper coverage because of that spike you made "
Ikuta remembered that was the spike that he used to get the voidlings in " Wait those the norn's runes keep anything foreign from entering ? " " Yep and that spike you had punched a hole but it's not like the otherworlders are that willing to go to Niflheim "
" I can at least go when I finish " " How far ahead are you ? " " A lot which is weird since Chara was having a hard time along with Harry " " Because you were the one who proved yourself " " I did ? " " It used all of the wood from Yggdrasil when you appeared "
Ikuta looked at Chara and Harry who were still behind him in reading " So I can fix it ? " " If you finished at least one then you can patch that hole but I suggest you finish everything else so that your contribution worked with the norn's parts "
So he did until Saturday morning when he got Niflheim's sword " Okay I'll be off to seal the hole " Ikuta greeted Fuyumi and Put Niflheim through the ice to obtain the souls " I'll be back Fuyumi "
He ran to the spikes and patched everything he returned and Fuyumi asked " Ikuta there's something I wanna ask ? " Ikuta sat by Fuyumi " What is it ? " " I've been watching and hearing from you all day and you work so hard "
" I just think I should you know " " Oh I just want to say that you're amazing to be able to do all that , I'm just confused why ? " " I just get a feeling of achievement when I do it , just like Zhack every time he finishes a quest he used to do it "
" Yeah , but you keep going he does it to survive and Yukina told me a lot , is it something like ragnarok ? " " Yeah sorta I wanna protect myself and ... maybe dad and claire and Louis too but they're very strong too "
" Oh okay " Fuyumi said with joy " It's nice knowing you want to do that ? " " Yep Ikuta looks at the stream where voidlings were drinking from . Ikuta goes back home and asked " Do the voidlings know about the protection of norns ? "
" That could be possible it does extend to all the known realms the nine realms specifically " " Hmm but I didn't see any at Vanaheim or Alfheim " " The protection of norns ? " " No the voidlings , wait so the protection of Norns keeps anything that foreign so the otherworlders count as something foreign ? "
" Yep but it doesn't mean that they can prevent a foreign soul from entering " Ikuta looked at Niflheim through the portal and remembered the sword " I completely forgot that " He ran to where he left the sword and the mist showed the faces of the souls that were taken " Berg ? "
He was surprised but it seemed that Berg was still asleep along with the other ice giants " Hmm I think I have to fix this problem " he grabbed the sword and gathered all the souls to the abyss while making sure they didn't touch the pool of lifeforce .
" I need to go to the underworld again " He looked down at the ice thinking about the kinds of lives that are hidden inside the ice and looked at the mountain of ice giants ' I'll ask about it later ' he heads back home .
' Just so you know Locke destroyed the base of the otherworlders " ' Already ? " ' yeah but I doubt they have figured out how to break the norns protection "
' oh that's true " Ikuta had been fiddling around Richard and the otherworlder's souls and discovered how well the otherworlder with the Norn's power was faring .
' They are terrible at it probably because they don't have the runes ' he felt bored since he's gonna be waiting for the next few weeks so he got his phone and saw Ezio's active status "hi Ezio how's the road trip ?" "It's very nice but right now we are waiting in line at an amusement park"
"Must be fun" "yeah the first time you went one you ended up getting a whole company that owns it" "except I had to fight for it" "who's your big bro coming along ?" "Oh he is terrible at playing games , he overloaded the circuits so much we had to enchant his room and his computer"
"Wow usually it's supposed to be the older brother teaching you how to do that" "not his fault he never played games before" "so that means I can beat him in a game ?" "Definitely he just spams the button I had to set up the difficulty to easy for him"
"That is so funny" Ikuta felt bored after all that was happening "Is it weird that I'm bored now ?" "Why ?" "Cause I've been going back and forth through the world and to outside our world" "I mean you could fight god" "I went to underworld and beat Hermes in a race already"
"Oh yeah I mean it makes sense for you to get bored with what you've been doing" "i know" "Hey don't worry about it I'm sure something will happen for now just relax" " That does soung nice "
"Sorry Ikuta I'll have to catch you later we're gonna get our tickets" Ikuta sighed and closed his phone . He went to read about the Bifrost and thinks about Gungnir " I could try "
Ikuta brought all the parts of the Bifrost together with Gungnir " What are you doing ? " Ratatoskr asked " Putting the Bifrost together with Gungnir I need something to pass the time " " what about games " " they get boring when you have to fight god " " Understandable "
Ikuta started reading for awhile but felt distracted . He sighed feeling bored and went to ask Zhack " Zhack I'm feeling very bored " " why are you asking me ? " Zhack paused the game and Ikuta explained " I don't have any motivation to read I just wanna sleep but it's not even lunch yet "
Zhack watched him yawn and wonder ' You sure it isn't something like the blessing of Hypnos ? " ' Huh ? " Ikuta felt more and more sleepy ' I'll go ask them " " then go sleep " Ikuta looked at Zhack's bed and fell letting his hair fall on his back .
He didn't even get a chance to dreamwalk at all and when he woke up " Huh ? " He checked the time and Zhack came out of the bathroom " Oh you're awake "
" Ugh " ' Hypnos is a really strong deity no wonder Zeus went after him ' " You were asleep like a log " ' did you talk to them " ' No I couldn't even dreamwalk "
' that's a first " ' At least I feel refreshed " Ikuta stretched his body and left Zhack's room ' but I can't be noisy ' he didn't like that idea and looked at Gungnir .
' I could go check on Muspelheim but first ' Ikuta combs his hair while making other preparations and quietly sneaks past Fuyumi he climbs the mountain and blows the sacred flame out of his mouth .
The flames lingered for a while and he passed through it . He climbed out of the fire place and see Hestia tending to the same fireplace " Oh hello Hestia "
" Oh you must be Ikuta " " Yeah sorry for coming here like this " " oh it's okay , but what are you here for " " I want to ask if Hypnos gave me something I slept so early today "
" Oh that should be very hard he is sleeping right now " " I can dreamwalk but I'll probably fall asleep ... Looks like I have to do that thing now , where is Hypnos anyways ? " " In one of the bedrooms " Hestia guides Ikuta through her home , it was too strange for him when he walked past the doors .
" This place is strange " " you think so ? " " Yeah , I don't get how this place exist " Hestia smiled " It's like another dimension " Ikuta said " It's really not it's closer than you think " Hestia answered and Ikuta looked at a window and spots Midgard .
" Wow that's really close " " of course afterall we are in the sun " there were so many things Ikuta wanted to ask and Hestia answered without him asking .
" I was in a home far from mount Olympus when Ragnarok came I sought shelter elsewhere , it was there that the bodies of the gods piled up , I cried for days there as my flames kept me warm . Nyx found me and took me to the sun where she helped build a shelter "
" Why didn't you go to Midgard ? " " I don't know , seeing how little they needed during their development made me think it's best for me to leave them alone " Ikuta understand that .
Even though the gods weren't around mortals were still thriving without them , everyone worked together and grew .There was no need for the gods to be around .
" Everyone slowly forgot the value of the hearth as better alternatives appear " Ikuta recounts the new heaters that appeared from technology that pushed the worship of Hestia's dominion of the hearth .
" Guess grandmother Gaia was right , gods will soon lose their worship as time passes it makes me wonder about father Cronus " Ikuta thinks about the titan god of time " What did he say ? " " When I was born I was met with his mouth mother Rhea wept for me at that time "
Hestia continued talking about her birth " father would say that she will grow up and kill him and ate me after that , it's quite a sad story and well known , mother then went to bed a supporting figure but she died and you bought her back " Hestia reaches a door " In here is Hypnos's room "