How many sleepovers did they have as children? It had to be close to the hundreds. They’d even had a few recently, if you could call them that. Gio had spent days just sleeping over, but maybe that was the difference. All they had done was actually sleep. This was going to be a completely new experience for both of them — in very different ways.
Sure, maybe he was overthinking it. They’d gone a little further than just kissing. Though they hadn’t done much more than slightly explore each other’s bodies. Tate hadn’t fully healed from the surgery, what was now a rather pale pink line down his chest had been red and angry still back then. “Back then” made it sound like it had been years ago, but really it had only been a handful of weeks. He could heal quickly, was ten times stronger than Gio could probably hope to be, and had powers that reacted to his emotions which were often explosive — okay, yeah. He was definitely overthinking this entire thing.
That morning they’d spent together had been a spur of the moment thing. As quickly as it began it had ended. Tate had mumbled about how wonderful it’d been. How great Giovanni had treated him. Something about “the best he’d ever had”, but really… What did the slightly younger man have to compare it to? Unless something occurred during their years of not speaking, which had already been confirmed that wasn’t the case, then Tate had absolutely no other experience to compare it to. Taking virginities was becoming a habit of his that he didn’t want to have. Pippa, Isla, and Lesedi… Adding Tate to that list terrified him in more than one way.
For starters, he’d never been with a man. Not like that, at least. He and Pippa had once tried to experiment, as usual in their long term relationship, but before anything other than the guy kissing Gio had happened she’d gotten upset and backed out. He’d silently thanked everything that she’d asked to stop. His anxiety had been trying to eat him alive that night — much like it was in that very moment. So, truthfully, not only was he going to be taking Tate’s virginity but this would be his own first time going all the way with a man. And what if Tate didn’t actually want to do that? What if he backed out? What if he decided that, actually, he didn’t want to ever do anything like that with Gio? They were already a couple of months into their still unspoken relationship, but he wasn’t seeing anyone else. He’d always been a really sexual person. He needed that form of intimacy to feel secure. Something about how it came with his ‘acts of service’ love language. Still, though, he’d never push Tate into doing something he didn’t want to. Full consent or nothing at all, that was always the way Gio had been.
Then his mind began to delve even deeper into the growing anxiety attack. In high school they’d once discussed their sexualities. Gio had finally admitted to finding men attractive, but didn’t think he’d ever act on the urges. Mostly because he was scared and insecure in his own body. He compared himself to every other guy he came in contact with. Football had really been hell on his mental health in that way. And yet, what worried him was what Tate had said back then. The thought of sex repulsed him. He only spoke to Gio about his sex life with Pippa when Gio needed advice and a logical eye. The amount of times Tate had given him genuinely good advice that probably saved their relationship was ironic considering where they all were now. That just made him more nervous. How grossed out sex seemed to make Tate. He was too nervous to ever bring it up again, or to ask if his outlook on that had changed.
But what exactly was he nervous about? The fact that he was afraid he would be too selfish to continue a relationship with Tate if he truly still felt that way? Giovanni was already viewed as an asshole, an arrogant one at that. He knew ending a relationship over lack of sex wouldn’t help that. It made him feel disgusting that he actually felt that way, but then his mind began racing over every other possibility. Maybe, if Tate didn’t want to go that far, it wasn’t because he still felt the same way about sex — but… maybe sex with Gio would make him feel that way. It was absolutely no secret between the two of them that one had the confidence of a God walking among their worshippers, and the other had such horrible self body images that he’d only recently begun to work on his eating disorder. He wasn’t exactly sure when their personalities had switched, but maybe they’d always quietly been that way. Though Gio knew he was the ideal male specimen to some, to himself he was nothing but a work in progress that would never be completed nor good enough.
Ever since he’d started taking more breaks from training and football to help with his mental health, he could see it. The softening of his muscle definition. Every injury that he got while running around the streets in his not-so-super suit knocked him back more and more. Time that would have been spent at the dojo training until he could hardly stand was spent recovering more often than not. He felt himself straining more when trying to do things he used to do with less effort. He wasn’t even twenty-five yet, but he was just starting to understand what Isaiah had meant when he said that, eventually, Giovanni would feel older than he was. It didn’t help his insecurities, but it was the entire Crawford family that had been drilling it into him. Take more breaks. Eat more food. Stop punishing yourself so much. Despite how guilty it made him feel, he’d been trying. Eating more than one meal a day had helped him put on more weight, but without his extra intensive workouts lately to help shape it he wasn’t so sure he was liking the way he carried it. What if Tate noticed that, too?
All of it terrified him. With those fears came the one that, of course, he always had performance issues. Anxiety, his doctor had told him. What could be more embarrassing than having to pop a pill to make your dick work at only twenty? Not much, he imagined. The bottle had expired a year prior, but he just let them sit with all of his other multitude of pill bottles. He hadn’t ever used them. Frankly, he refused. If he could make his mind shut the fuck up long enough to get into the motions, drown out his thoughts with the pleasure filled sounds of his partner, then usually everything fell into place. There had been a few times it hadn’t. Some with Pippa, who despite being obviously frustrated had sat with him and consoled him every time. She’d been patient where Gio couldn’t. Once with a girl he’d met for a one night stand. He couldn’t even remember her name, but she’d walked out laughing at him. Really, who could blame her? He’d been standing directly at attention for her and so suddenly lost it all. It was nothing she’d done and entirely his own fault. How embarrassing would that be to happen during Tate’s first time? Maybe, if he wasn’t disgusted about having sex with Gio, the other man would find it hilarious as he inevitably deflated due to his nervousness. He’d laugh, or take pity on him like Pippa had.
But no, that wasn’t fair. Gio knew it wasn’t. There was nothing malicious, ever, about Tate when it concerned his friend’s anxiety. Even when Tate had hated Gio for years, Tana had said that he worried if Gio was taking his meds and doing okay. He’d always been such an anchor for the Italian man, patiently sitting through every panic attack or bout of anxiety. Talking through it, helping make even the most life shattering moments logical again. Tate would never make fun of him for his anxiety, nor would he be disgusted with him. He knew that, knew how the other man viewed him — had always viewed him, and yet his mind still continued to shout the intrusive thoughts. His irrational fears still blared, raging on inside his head and not wanting to cease even as he tried to ground himself.
His thoughts that Tate was repulsed by the thought of sex with him was overly irrational, too. They already touched each other intimately. They’d talked about this, too. This specific night. Thoroughly, they’d discussed at length exactly what each of them expected. Both of them were aware that the moment they possibly wanted to stop, it would stop. Cease without issue, and they would communicate about why. It was a big step for not just their relationship, but both of them individually. Despite everything, Tate was surprisingly… well researched. He seemed to know exactly what he wanted and what he thought he would like, so he had laid everything out for Gio. Which should have helped to ease his nerves, but somehow it simply did not. If anything, it made him more eager to do everything right. Disappointing someone else, but especially Tate, wasn’t an option.
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Giovanni had showered and attempted to style his hair three different times, washing it back out in the sink until he finally got it right. He’d probably put on too much cologne, zoning out in the middle of spraying it and panicking as he attempted to wipe his torso down to quell the strong scent. Thankfully he had done that hours ago, so it definitely wasn’t as strong anymore. Then came picking out his clothes. He stood in front of a mirror and looked over his body for several long minutes, completely naked except for his boxers, and picked apart everything he saw. His ribs had several bruises that were still blooming across them. Sore, and angry, and definitely not something pretty to look at. Some scrapes on his shoulder from the last fight that had caused the bruised ribs. Lucky nothing broke again, but also too sore to go about his entire grooming ritual. Due to that his body hair on his chest and lower abdomen had grown back enough to become wispy. It caused him to sneer with disgust, so he finally moved on to picking out his outfit.
The amount of times he changed his shirt and pants was laughable even to him. First he tried sweats because they were the most comfortable, with a plain t-shirt. That looked way too casual for something this big. Then he put on slacks and a buttoned dress shirt, but that was just way too formal. He could already hear Tate’s chuckle over the fact he dressed up for the occasion. Again, stripping back out of everything and tossing more clothes over his bed. What he finally settled on was between the two, he thought. One of his nicest pairs of jeans that were still decently comfortable, with a nice button up shirt. It was warm enough that he needed to roll the sleeves up his forearms, but still cool enough that he wouldn’t sweat through his outfit — he hoped. When he was happy enough with his outfit, he finally left his place and made his way over to Tate’s apartment.
It was probably about two weeks into whatever he and Tate had going on that he was entrusted with another key. At one point the Crawford residence was like his second home. Coming and going whenever he wanted, as if he simply belonged there with them. Now that Tate had his own apartment it was different. Even though he only lived a couple of doors down from where he once had, it gave Tate his own privacy. Gio never wanted to intrude on that, even if he’d been told countless times that he was allowed in whenever he wished. That’s why he still knocked and waited a few moments before unlocking the door every single time. The silence that stretched on inside the still apartment felt like it was screaming at him, but right on cue his phone let out a blip to indicate he’d gotten a text.
“Five minutes out, sorry. Got thrown through a few walls this time. Make yourself at home if you’re there.” Giovanni had stared at his phone for several long moments, rereading the text, before it suddenly kicked in that Tate had gone out on patrol that evening. His phone went off again, this time he couldn’t help the small smile as he looked at the picture that quickly downloaded. It was blurry from the man literally running at top speeds, but there was a large grin on the exposed lower half of his face as he held up a peace sign. Still wearing the suit that Gio had made for him, and repaired once already, as a faint blue glow lit up the night behind him. He wasn’t sure what compelled him, but he took a selfie back and sent it. Didn’t even give himself time to analyze it, typing out a quick text in response that told Tate to stop texting and hopping across rooftops at the same time.
True to his word, within about five minutes there was a loud clank outside the window with the fire escape. Landing hard as he’d jumped down from the rooftop of the building next door, somehow landing perfectly right in the middle flight of steps. The bright flash of blue had been brief, dampening his harsh landing. Gio would never understand how the Crawfords could be such bold people. Jumping off fifteen storey or higher buildings without any hesitation, freefalling towards the ground at high velocity as if it were nothing, and at the last moment they could turn their skin into the hardest material known to man and crater the ground from their impact — or slow themselves down enough with a single blast of energy to land as if they’d only jumped from a couple of feet. He was constantly in awe, and this time was no different as he watched the window be pushed open and Tate come tumbling in with ease.
It was reminiscent of that night that had changed everything between them. The positions were switched, as Gio had been the one in his suit and climbing in through the window before. He’d been the one thrown through a wall that night. Sore ribs were just such a common thing for him. Tate had been such a wreck then. Barely came out the other side alive and yelled in Gio’s face about how his life didn’t matter, which was why he was so willing to just die. It was the second time that they’d ever shared a kiss, but the first time that the tanned man had ever made the move himself. Tate had kissed him back like he was the very air that filled his lungs and he’d been suffocating without it. So much had changed since then, namely the fact that Tate seemed to be doing better mentally. He knew it would be a long and constant journey, but he’d stick by him through it. Them bringing Walter and Warmonger to justice would also certainly help, too.
This time it wasn't Gio that made the first move. Tate yanked his mask off and shook out his hair before closing the short gap between them. He knocked into the taller man with enough force to cause him to stumble slightly. He was thankful for the kitchen island being behind him, as it stopped what could have turned into him being thrown completely off balance. Strong arms draped over his shoulders, a grin tugged at the corners of thick lips, and thick lashes framed half lidded eyes that were already exploring his face. He’d let his own eyes close as he felt a breath ghost across his chin. The kiss was long, and slow, and firm. Planting him right where he stood and not letting him go. It helped some of the nerves he was feeling begin to ease. When Tate finally broke the kiss he couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. At some point he’d taken his hands off of the counter behind him and gripped at the sides of the suit he’d intricately designed. Fitted perfectly for the body it clung so tightly to.
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“I’ve gotta go take a shower.” Tate’s voice was low, just above a whisper. He nuzzled the bridge of his nose against the tip of Gio’s before stepping back. Letting one of his hands trail down Gio’s arm, slowly, before stopping once he got to his large hands and interlocked their fingers together. “C’mon, you don’t have to wait out here for that.”
Letting himself be led by his hand, he followed right behind Tate into the bedroom that had already become familiar to him. Watching as the other man walked around and gathered clothes he needed to shower, before finally turning back to Gio again and tilting his head slightly with a crooked grin. “G, you can sit.” The words were chuckled out, but a single hand brushed over his arm as it directed him towards the bed. He sat down on the edge, looking up at Tate as he gave him another smile and walked backwards for a moment into the open bathroom door.
It was sitting there, alone, unable to take his eyes off the back of his childhood friend as he began to undress that Gio’s mind began to race so badly. His palms became clammy and hot as he watched the suit he’d made be peeled off of pale, tattooed skin. He tried wiping them on his thighs, trying to make them stop sweating so his touches wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. At that point he was sure that Tate had left the bathroom door open on purpose. Stepping to the side out of view was possible, but from where Gio sat he had a clear view directly into the shower. His eyes raked down the frame of the other man as he swallowed a lump in his throat that he was unaware had even formed. Dark blues and deep purples creeped out from under dark outlines of the art that covered his back. Already beginning to heal from trauma that had been inflicted upon his body probably only a couple of hours prior. He wished he was capable of that himself. Instead he was stuck with non-mutated DNA. He instinctively rubbed over his own bruised ribs as he watched shoulder blades roll under stiff muscles.
By the time the shower turned on Tate was already completely stripped down. Gio had seen his friend naked before, at least partially, plenty of times. They’d changed in front of each other and even, a few times as kids, showered with each other. None of it had ever been sexual, but this? It was entirely different. After stepping into the shower and letting the water run over his entire body, Tate looked up and locked eyes with Gio. He couldn’t help but watch as the water ran over shoulders and down large pectorals. Watching as a head was tipped back and both water and hands ran through black hair. Suddenly he wondered what it would feel like for his hands to run through those same raven strands, and when his mind finally brought him out of that trance he noticed the smirk. Tate was absolutely putting on a show to purposely tease. Gio’s face began to heat up and he looked away, trying desperately to look anywhere but at the man showering.
Despite the fact he’d just realized that Tate was teasing him, that’s when his mind spiraled with the intrusive thoughts all over again. What if his friend, this man who had once been so scrawny you could see every notch of his ribs and spine but was now more ripped than even Gio, found him repulsive? When he couldn’t find any place left for his eyes to explore, he wound up with his face in his hands. Listening to the water cut off and shuffling in the bathroom, his mind was racing again. He had no idea how long he sat there, trying to calm his breathing, but what drew him back to reality was a gentle hand resting on his knee. It took a few blinks for his vision to refocus. Looking up graced him with long hair that was dripping water droplets all over a bare torso, eyes filled with nothing but concern, and a mouth pulled into a taut frown. He could feel his heart rate spike again, quickly looking back down and focusing on the fact that Tate was wearing black gym shorts.
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“Giovanni…” Tate began, causing him to startle slightly. His shoulders lurched upwards and he felt like he wanted to dive out the nearest window. “Hey, G-” This time Tate reached up from his leaned over position, hooking a finger under Gio’s chin and gently tipping it towards his face. “Talk to me. What’s going on inside that whirlwind head of yours?”
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Tate already knew. Or at least, he had a decent idea. He knew pretty well just how Gio’s thoughts could get. He also knew that it could be hard to speak about. Once he voiced those intrusive thoughts aloud they often made him feel stupid for thinking that way. Yet, he had to try. Getting it out would be better, and make him feel better in the end. It was times like these that he missed being able to so easily wear his Cap façade and play things off as if nothing was wrong.
“Are you repulsed by me?” Well, alright, he didn’t exactly mean for it to come out that way. The twist of confusion and alarm that flashed across Tate’s face made his panic only spike worse. Of course he would say something to ruin it all. “I-I-, I mean…” He stuttered over his words, letting out a frustrated sigh before trying again. “I mean, you know, do you really want… this… with me?” Using his hands to gesture to himself entirely, hoping that Tate could just read his mind at this point so he didn’t have to keep talking.
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If Tate didn’t speak, or stop Gio in some way, then he would continue to ramble. He’d babble on until he said things he didn’t mean and make everything worse. Thankfully, though, it was obvious that the look on Tate’s face had softened. His eyes held more understanding as he eventually stood up straight, letting his hand cup Gio’s cheek. Sitting on Tate’s bed made him slightly shorter, but his forehead could rest against Tate’s chest.
“I think you’re probably the hottest guy I know, G.” There was a quiet chuckle, but it was clear he meant what he’d said. “The fact that you, Giovanni Capitani, the hottest and most popular guy I know, is interested in me? Insane.” He ran his hand up and let his fingers lace into slightly stiff strands of curls. So much for spending all that time trying to get the perfect hairstyle. Though, truthfully, it was a welcome comfort to feel fingernails gently massaging at his scalp. “Makes sense you’d be interested in me, though. Look at me.” Tate joked, eliciting a small scoff from Gio as he pressed the side of his face against the warm flesh that was decorated with that long scar. “But really, Gio, you’re worried I think having sex with you would be gross?” Tate’s hand stilled in his hair, causing Gio to tilt his head just enough to look up at the other’s face. “I wanna both fuck you and also ride you all night long. Does that sound like I’m repulsed by you?”
Leave it to Tate to be blunt as usual. Gio sputtered, his face immediately grew hot as a flush spread down his neck and to his chest. With wide eyes he stared up at the growing smirk, obviously pleased that this was the reaction to those words. The hand left his hair as he took a step back, placing it firmly on Gio’s chest and giving him a small push. He scooted back, watching as Tate got on the bed and straddled Gio’s lap. Knees on either side of his thighs, resting there as hands gripped his shoulders. He had no idea what to do with his own hands, first putting them on hips and then moving them up to sides, before finally moving them away completely and resting them behind him on the bed to help prop himself up.
“I’ve thought about this a lot. Ever since that morning we spent together.” The confession didn’t help the furious blush that seemed to just keep getting warmer. “Thought about your hands all over me. About how you look when you finally come fully undone.” Tate moved to press his lips right by Gio’s ear before he spoke the next lines. “About you listening to my every command, about me being inside of you. How I know you’d be such a good boy for me.”
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He felt his own breath hitch at the words, bringing his hands back around to rest on hips and unable to resist the urge to squeeze. Thumbs nipping at hip bones to help ground himself again. Tate’s words were ghosting hot air right into his ear that sent a shiver through his body. His jeans were becoming uncomfortably tight, which only made him more embarrassed. All it took was just a few sentences and he was already getting hard. To be a virgin he noted how… experienced that Tate still seemed to be. Or maybe it was just because Gio had only started to experiment with the idea of being with a man. He’d done his research and tried a few things while masturbating, but otherwise he was at a loss for this.
This time Tate pressed his lips against Gio’s jaw, kissing down to his neck. Once he got to his pulse point, no doubt feeling how hard Gio’s heart was hammering there, he licked back up to his jaw in a long stripe. Chuckling at the muffled noise that got stuck in Gio’s throat, which came out more like a small whine than anything else. He began fumbling with buttons, eventually getting them loose and pushing the long sleeved shirt back until it fell off wide shoulders. Clearly noticing the bruised ribs as a frown graced soft features, he didn’t say anything as hands went straight for an ungroomed chest. Exploring the wide expanse slowly. His mouth went right back to Gio’s neck, this time the kisses turned into teeth raking across flesh.
“You’re so sexy, G.” Tate breathed out harshly against his throat. He pulled back and ran his hand down Gio’s abdomen, running his fingertips over the trail of hair that disappeared into the waistband of his jeans. “Fuck, just-” He paused to suck in air loudly through his nose, letting it out slowly as he let his eyes rake back up to Gio’s face. “So perfect.”
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There was something about that praise, about knowing that Tate found him attractive even in his most ungroomed state, that really did it for him. He brought his own hands up, letting them rub against pale skin until they reached collarbones. One of his thumbs rested in the notch between the clavicles, rubbing up the center of Tate’s throat and over the cartilage carefully. Just enough pressure pressed to be felt, but not enough to be uncomfortable or dangerous. When his thumb finally reached those thick lips he gripped the side of Tate’s face and pulled him closer, tilting his head to the side for better access. It was like all the kisses they’d shared while laying in bed together. Deep, but slow. Almost lazy, until he pressed forward and with a new intensity. He could feel fingers hooking into the waistband of his jeans, but it wasn’t him that broke the kiss.
Tate pulled away only for a moment, to look over his face and then down to his hands. Managing to unbutton and unzip Gio’s fly before immediately returning their lips together. He gasped at the contact, a cool hand reached into his boxers and rather clumsily gripped. It didn’t stop him from twitching in the palm of Tate’s hand, but the feel of a tongue slipping into his mouth only made him melt further into everything. His own hands began to trail back down, brushing tentatively over the front of Tate’s shorts. He was probably just as hard as Gio, and that drove his mind wild. He’d hardly done anything and yet still had that kind of effect on Tate? Paired with the awkwardly positioned strokes and the way Tate seemed to want to just swallow every breath he had whole, Gio had to break away.
“Tate,” he almost moaned his name, reaching down to grip a tattooed wrist to still the hand that clearly wanted to keep stroking. “If you’re ready to do this, I am too.” It was hard for him to hold eye contact. Those light amber eyes were practically all black from pupils being blown so wide. Half lidded, and yet they were clearly staring right into him. Filled with nothing but lust. It was the same look he’d seen that morning, weeks ago. The look that said just how much he wanted Gio, how badly, without him having to speak a single syllable.
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“What exactly do you want?” It was a question, but the words were almost like a command. He wasn’t just asking Gio to tell him what he wanted, he was commanding him to as well. When he watched hazel eyes glance away, unable to keep holding the intense eye contact, the tight squeeze to his erection brought Gio’s attention back with another gasp. “Look at me when you tell me. I wanna hear it, Gio.”
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He could feel his cheeks heating up again as he glanced away for another moment, quickly returning it before he began to try and mumble over his words. “I… I want you.” Gio managed to get out, seeing a single eyebrow raise that clearly said that wasn’t enough. “I want you… inside of me.” He sounded like a mouse, barely able to squeak his words out. Gio was already a very quiet person typically, but his words this time were absolutely inaudible. He watched as Tate continued to look at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. This time he let out a loud puff, trying to reign in his nerves. “I want you inside of me.”
Now it was Tate’s turn to flush, though it wasn’t nearly as deep as Gio. The tips of his ears were the first to stain pink, with his eyes getting wide for a moment before he regained his composure. He probably hadn’t been expecting Gio to be the one who wanted to take anything tonight, but he was ready — he thought. He’d prepared as thoroughly as he could. The amount of gay porn he’d watched was embarrassing all on its own, but he wanted visuals so he knew at least what to possibly expect. Even if he knew very well that real sex was very different from porn. Tate only hesitated for a moment, but as soon as he pulled his hands from Gio’s pants he got up and shoved him backwards. His back hit the bed, with his legs still hanging off the edge, and he didn’t even have time to raise his hips up as hands grabbed his jeans and yanked.
A laugh bubbled up from him, spilling out as he looked down and saw Tate absolutely ripping his jeans from his body. They got stuck around his ankles, but were pulled off within seconds. When he reached for his boxers Gio reached down and grabbed his wrists, still laughing as he tried to keep Tate from ripping them off as well. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey!” He managed to calm his laughter, raising his brows as he looked at the clear frustration on Tate’s face. “Slow down there, impatient! These clothes were expensive, you know!”
Tate swatted at his hands after the comment, yanking his boxers off in almost one clean swipe and tossing them behind him. All that was left on his body was his shirt, still hanging off his shoulders but laying wide open. Gio couldn’t even be bothered that he was currently completely naked, erection standing at full attention, in front of Tate. He was still laughing over the fact that his Dior brand boxers, which he was pretty sure were almost two grand for a single pair, had been discarded like trash. So much for dressing to impress. He continued to chuckle until he watched Tate drop his shorts. Nothing underneath them, probably because he knew what was coming, and could finally see just how hard the whole situation had made Tate as well. Already leaking from the tip as he wasted no time crawling back onto the bed and over Gio.
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“I’m gonna need you to turn over, big guy.” Tate purred into his ear, kissing the side of his face. “And take that shirt off so I don’t ruin any more designer shit.” He chuckled, running a hand down Gio’s chest. He couldn’t help but let his eyes trail down Tate’s torso as well, becoming increasingly aware again just how little body hair he had. It was thin and fine, very unlike his own, and he felt his stomach wanting to lurch with insecurity — until Tate buried his face against Gio’s chest and took in a deep breath. He let out a content sigh afterwards, nuzzling there for a moment before pulling away. “I gotta say, I like you a little unkempt.” He ran a finger over the sharp stubble on Gio’s jaw. It didn’t matter if he shaved every single day, he always had a shadow that never seemed to want to go away fully. “I think you’re beautiful either way, but damn, G.” Alright, now he was beginning to think that Tate was reading his mind. It helped put a cork on any more of the insecurities, though, stopping them from pouring out momentarily.
When Tate pulled back fully, going to his bedside table and opening a drawer, Gio did as he was told. He turned over and pulled his shirt off, tossing it away from the bed in a random direction. Tate returned to the bed, as he could feel it shift under his weight, and spread a towel down in one swift motion. Gio assumed he wanted to make as little of a mess as possible, so he laid back down on his stomach on the towel. He startled slightly at the feel of Tate’s hands on his ass, groping roughly before rubbing up to his lower back and massaging the dimples he had there. “Put your knees under you, it’ll help.” Again, he did as he was told. Suddenly feeling way more exposed than he had just a few seconds before. He heard a cap click open and his entire body tensed as Tate returned one hand back to his ass. Rather than grope, however, this time he gently rubbed. “Relax, big guy. You won’t need much of this. Perks of me being so small.” Tate joked, but as Gio glanced back and caught a glimpse of Tate’s erection bobbing in the air he swallowed hard. He absolutely wasn’t that small. He was only slightly smaller than Gio was, and he’d been told plenty of times he was ‘huge’. Maybe those girls were just trying to boost his ego, but he’d only ever gotten himself completely inside of one woman before. So he imagined that, probably, he was on the bigger side. Certainly well above average.
He sucked in a sharp breath as he felt a cold, slick finger touch him. Granted, Gio had done this to himself a few times. However this? It was a completely different feeling than his own fingers. Tate was slow and careful. A bit shocked at how easily he sunk his finger inside, but when there was resistance he massaged Gio’s lower back again with his free hand. “Deep breaths, you got this.” He cooed, only pressing forward once more when he could feel the larger man relax. “You’re doing so good, G. Taking me so well.” He continued to encourage as he thrusted his finger in and out, waiting a bit before he pulled back and added a second.
He could feel the pressure, but tried to keep his breathing even. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but that may have been due to his previous aforementioned prepping. However, Gio hardly made a sound other than the occasional sharp intake of air. Tate was two fingers to his third knuckles deep inside of him, he wasn’t sure what sounds he was supposed to be making. He just focused on staying relaxed while listening to Tate’s quiet words of praise. Though, when Tate slowed down, he couldn’t help but push back. It earned a small huff from Tate, which was probably a chuckle.
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“Tate, please.” Gio begged, looking back at the man positioned behind him. “I’m ready, I promise.” There was a moment of hesitation, but finally Tate pulled back. His fingers slipped out easily and Gio realized that he almost missed that sensation. He continued to watch as Tate picked up a condom from the bed and opened it with his teeth, pulling it out with his clean hand and rolling it with ease over himself. It was insane how skilled he seemed, but then he remembered their sex education class in high school. He’d been one of the only few during that demonstration to roll the condom over the banana so easily — while Tana had gotten so frustrated she squeezed the banana so hard she crushed it. Maybe it was a good thing she was a lesbian, so that possibly any penis wouldn’t meet the same fate as that poor banana.
Gio let out a small grunt as Tate put a hand on one of his hips, and prepared to begin lining himself up. He paused, looking up at Gio. “I wanna see your face.” He cleared his throat, unaware of when his voice had become so hoarse sounding. “I like… I like being able to see my partner’s face.” The admission made Tate smile, but he pulled away with a nod.
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“Alright, on your back.” He commanded with a soft tone. Gio complied, easily rolling back over and managing to stay on the towel. Tate reached up to the head of the bed and grabbed a pillow, giving Gio’s ass a pat. “Raise up, let’s slide this under you.” He, yet again, did as he was told. Tate adjusted the pillow until it was under the small of his back, raising him off the bed enough for easier access in their missionary position. Nestling himself right between Gio’s legs afterwards.
Tate placed his hands on Gio’s inner thighs and pushed them farther apart. This time he lined himself up and leaned forward, placing a hand above Gio’s shoulder on the bed to help hold his weight. Despite the fact he’d said that he wanted to see Tate’s face, he squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the tip begin to push against him. It didn’t take much for it to start slowly pushing inside, and the only reason he cracked one of his eyes open to take a peek was because he heard the groan that came from above him. Tate had closed his own eyes as well, clearly trying hard to focus on what he was doing, as his brows knitted together tightly. Biting his lower lip hard enough to possibly bring blood, and trying to steady his breathing. It was only then that Gio realized Tate’s arm was trembling. All of his weight bore onto it, but that couldn’t be the only thing causing the shake. He’d watched Tate pick up the front end of a car with a single hand, and he knew how much Tate had to weigh in comparison. It was his nerves, more than likely. The intensity of the situation catching up with him.
Not sure what else to do, and trying to take his own mind off the pressure he was feeling that kept pressing into him, Gio reached up. Pushing some of Tate’s hair behind an ear, giving him a meek smile whenever he opened his eyes and looked down. Of course he wouldn’t be the only one with pent up nerves during this. It seemed to help, as the man above him took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He stilled his movements as he leaned down and gave Gio a chaste peck to his lips. Then, reinvigorated, began sliding deeper inside. When he stilled again, several moments later, he pushed himself up from his partially leaning position and placed both of his hands on Gio’s hips. All it took was one rather forceful tug and a gasp from the other, and Tate was flush against Gio. He could feel hip bones digging into the backs of his thighs. Tate himself had tightened his grip, leaning over slightly for a few moments before clearing his throat and straightening his back again.
“Alright, I’m gonna try thrusting now.” Gio nodded quickly in reply, clamping his eyes shut again as soon as he felt Tate slide out just slightly before he pushed right back in as deep as he was prior. He brought a hand up to bite down on his thumb, hardly containing the noise which sounded like a whimper that came from him. “You’re doing great, G.” Tate began praising and encouraging him again, eventually reaching out and taking his hand away from his mouth. He pulled it up over his head and pinned it there, not wanting Gio to hide his voice. It didn’t take long after that for Tate to find his rhythm. Rolling his hips forward in sync as Gio found himself pushing down.
Gio’s other hand had wrapped around his own erection long ago. Not even fully aware of when he’d begun stroking himself, but it was following each of Tate’s thrusts. As Tate picked up the pace, so did his own hand. Tate’s free hand was gripping one of his thighs, hard enough that there may be bruises where each of his fingertips bit into flesh by the next day. It’d just be a happy reminder, so he really didn’t mind. He’d finally reopened his eyes and continued to watch Tate’s face. Every contortion in pleasure, every gasp or grunt or groan, and whenever those honeyed colored orbs locked with his hazel ones it really didn’t take him much longer to finish. Painting his abdomen in hot stripes. Tate’s thrusts picked up in velocity again, slamming into Gio until finally he could feel his hips shutter. Brows knitted together again, panting heavily with his release, and then he leaned down and kissed Gio again. Devouring his mouth with both hunger and desperation.
As the intensity of the kiss slowly died down, Tate eventually pulled out. He sat back on his haunches, clearly admiring the view in front of him. “So sexy.” He breathed out, rubbing over the spot on Gio’s thigh where he’d gripped so tightly. “Let’s get you cleaned up, big guy.”
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Gio, out of breath and still a bit in awe at what had just happened — maybe even still riding the aftershock of his orgasm, for that matter, could only think of one thing to say. “Then we go for round two?” It got a loud laugh out of Tate, who shook his head in amusement as he got out of bed. “Dude, I’m not kidding.” Gio added, but another laugh came. As he slowly pushed himself up he realized that maybe he was jumping way too far ahead of himself. “Oh, wow, okay. Maybe another day.” Hopefully another day, he thought to himself. Either way, he was definitely content in how things had gone that night.
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After such a huge step in their relationship, Tate and Giovanni are reeling from delight. Surely now their bond has just become ever more unbreakable, as they continue to grow closer. Yet, despite that, neither of them have actually vocalized exactly what their relationship is. It seems to be an unspoken fact that they are together, but unspoken things can lead to complications when assumptions are made.