Caroll City is the capital of the Archadian Empire. It is suspended in the sky over the Prairie Carroll. The city is surrounded by high-rise buildings built with white marble. Caroll City has a lot of portals leading to other cities, towns and villages. Right at the centre of the city, stands a tall and gigantic statue. An old archmage carrying a sceptre, he is the primary founder of the Archadian Empire, Lord Renodet.
The streets are crowded, filled with lots of energetic individuals.
"Good quality common dagger for level 0 players, it is 2 damage higher than the one you start with. Only for 2 copper! There is only 3! First come, first serve." A level 3 arcane mage is trying to sell gears right in front of the spawning portal, and he drew a lot of attention among the new players.
Each new player comes into the game with 10 copper as the start-up capital. Even though it might look stupid, a lot of people actually are willing to spend that 2 copper in order to try and level faster.
Gustav looks at them and grins. This dagger that the mage is selling, you can get it at the blacksmith in Town Locke and it only cost 1 copper. On top of that, level 0 players get to use the portals for free. It will only take an extra minute or two for Gustav to get the exact same dagger, with 1 copper.
Of course, he was fooled last time and bought one, only to discovered he was cheated later.
Cloth vendor in Link Village, Accessory store in Town Joseph and of course the blacksmith in Town Locke. Gustav pays all of them a visit. Using the knowledge of reborning, by just spending 6 copper, from a defenceless new comer, he is now ready for combat.
With the gear he has right now, he can easily outclass a lot of level 2-3 players that have no idea where and how to get gears.
Strolling around the market area for a while, Gustav manages to find a level 3 silencer that is trying to sell the skill book for "Stealth". He had six on the booth and they cost 6 copper each. It is way too expensive for any low level rogues, they will just walk pass, look at it, drool, and walk away.
That silencer looks like he is around his twenties. He is tall and fit. He can easily be a very good warrior material, being a paladin is not a bad idea for him as well.
Silencers are attached to the guardian of the Holy temple. They can learn divine spells that are inherited from their seniors paladins. Paladins have a good balance between magic damage and healing. They are not too bad at melee combat as well. On top of that, they have a class specific spells which allows them to cast different aura to buff their team mates. Silencers are specialised in counter-spells and silencing which is extremely effective against mages and priests and other spell casters in general.
"How much does the skill book for stealth cost?" Gustav asks when he bends over and picks up the book from the booth.
Stealth is the most essential and necessary skill for any rogues at any stages of the game and that is why this silencer is selling it at 6 copper each.
"As you can read, 6 coppers each," said the silencer.
Gustav knows it very well, even though the demand of this specific skill book is very high, there are a lot of areas that have very high drop rates for it, so it was never set at any ridiculous price.
"Killing the Demented Sorceress at the Hesselink forest right outside Link Village for a few hours can easily yield you at least five to six of these books. Going there as a paladin, you do not even need to worry about your safety issues. You earn more that way when you compare to killing goblins outside here because you do not need a single health potion if you do it correctly. And you are telling me this is going to cost me 6 coppers? 3 coppers, not a single more," Gustav starts to bargain without any hesitation.
"It is easy to be said than done, do you have any idea how much money I spend on potions everyday? I am not going to sell you for 3 coppers. No way I am doing that, the lowest I can do is 5," the silencer was shocked. This rogue in front of him is no new comer, he is a veteran and he is not stupid.
"Then, it is your own fault. If you go to 22385.21338.23329 and start farming there, you can get at least 10 of these a day. The only money that you need to spend on is mana potions because that is all you will and should need. 3 coppers and I am not going to repeat myself again. If you are not selling, I am leaving," Gustav looks at this silencer, he does not look like a cunning individual to him and he should not be that hard to deal with.