As days went by, Katherine and Logan grew closer. So much so that they were holding hands and resting each other's head on their shoulders. I wished that was me, seeing them just made me feel alone and unhappy. I felt part of it was my doing. I could not have told Katherine to talk to Logan herself. But I did anyway.
It was the day before the theater showcase and until that point, I had hardly spoken to Katherine. I only said hello to her back whenever she saw me.
School was dismissed and they didn't need me to work on set pieces for the showcase so I planned to walk home without any worry at all. But then I felt something tight wrap around my arm. Opposite of how I felt when Katherine touched me, this touch gave me the most unpleasant feeling. "Jude," Caroline whined, "You barely talk to me,"
That girl was a leech, she would cling on to you and never let go. Even if you try to swing her off with all your strength. "I'm just feeling tired," I replied. I didn't try to hide how tired of her I felt because being tired wasn't a lie.
"Wait but for two whole weeks?" Caroline complained, "I think it's because of Katherine--"
The arm Caroline was holding on to suddenly jerked towards her, elbowing her in between her chest. I hardly had any time to think before I had done it, all the negative feelings that were building up decided for me. I felt Caroline's grip release and she stared at me, her eyes wide with confusion. It made me angry, seeing her so confused. She didn't know how annoying she was to me. She just did things because she felt like it. Because she felt like hanging on to me.
"Stop it," I snapped.
I didn't yell but my voice was louder than usual. It even made a few heads turn in our direction.
"When will you get it?" I asked, "I don't like you, I never have and never will. I didn't even agree to 'date' you. You just force yourself on me like some emotional support!"
Caroline still looked at me with wide eyes, her hand over the place I had elbowed her. But this time, her eyes filled up with tears and her face was pink. Finally, she ran off and I don't think she ever stopped running. Faces then turned towards me and I started to feel guilty. I was sure I wouldn't have felt guilty if I didn't do it in front of everybody. Right when I was going to take the walk of shame home I felt a light touch on my shoulder. I tensed up, feeling a tingling feeling in my body that spread throughout my veins. "Hey," Katherine said as I turned around, "You're not staying after school?"
I froze, only staring at her. Did she not see what happened? I hoped she didn't see, she would probably have thought I'm a horrible person. She wouldn't know how much trouble Caroline was putting me through. But right then, Katherine was acting like everything was normal between us. Unless everything was really normal in her eyes.
"Tasuki?" She said
"No," I said quickly, "I don't. They already have people there so…"
"Ah, I see," Katherine said, "Well if you don't have anything planned, do you want to come to my house?"
I stared at her again without saying a word. Katherine was asking me to come to her house. What could have possibly been the reason?
"If you don't want to come it's fine," Katherine said
"No, no," I said quickly, "I'd love to,"
I had wished I didn't add the last part, it made me sound desperate. But back then I overthink a lot, I still do now. But there were some things I didn't need to worry about, there were more things to think about.