At lunch the following day, Logan talked about Katherine, as he usually did. The rest of the boys didn't seem to mind, they always listened or did their own things. "I wish Katherine would not go to that stupid showcase or whatever," he complained, "It'll take forever until my parents both go to work again,"
"Why can't you go to her house tomorrow?" Someone asked.
Logan just shrugged. Logan already annoyed me badly when he spoke about Katherine but right then he was really starting to get on my nerves. I just thought he was being selfish, he just wanted what he wanted. And I didn't want him to force her into ditching something she has a major grade on. "Katherine's parents aren't home," I blurted, "Hardly ever. So you can go to her house anytime,"
Everyone at my table just stared at me. I hardly ever talked at my table so I thought maybe that's why they were looking at me funny. But then Logan spoke up.
"Wait…how do you know?"
I felt my palms getting sweaty, I didn't have an exact idea how Logan would feel about Katherine inviting me to her house but I knew he'd get the wrong idea. I didn't want that. So I just shrugged and tried to answer as casually as I could. "She just told me,"
Logan still looked at me while everyone else was talking to each other. That time, I could tell Logan was angry, but he was trying to hide it. I avoided eye contact with him all throughout lunch and I could still feel him looking at me.
I left the cafeteria as soon as lunch ended. I couldn't help feeling a little bit bad. I wasn't sure if Logan had thought of us as friends before that happened. But I was sure he didn't think of me as a friend after that. I couldn't help saying what I said, I didn't want Logan forcing Katherine out of something she worked hard on. I didn't think Logan was a good boyfriend for Katherine, and it wasn't because I was jealous.
I wasn't going to tell Katherine that, so after school when the theater students were supposed to go to the auditorium, I waited for Katherine in front of the entrance. She came eventually. I hoped Logan hadn't persuaded her to skip the showcase. "Tasuki," she said, her face lighting up, "Are you excited for the showcase?"
I nodded but my excitement was the least of my concerns. "Are you staying?" I asked.
Katherine slowly shrugged. "Well I was planning to go out before the showcase but I will come back before it starts. Tell the teacher for me?"
I didn't respond, so Logan basically did make her hang out with him. It wasn't as bad because she said she'd be back before it started. It still made me a little angry. When I didn't respond Katherine frowned a little. "I said I'd be back," she said and smiled a little, "You're being so worrisome,"
When I didn't answer again she just waved goodbye and walked off. Looking back at it, I was being overprotective. But when I remember my point of view back then, I remember how angry I felt at Katherine for "giving in". I had a feeling Logan was going to force her to stay longer. Katherine couldn't miss this showcase, it was fifty percent of our grade. Plus, no one could replace her role.
What did Katherine see in Logan? He hardly does anything, he's lazy and currently has a 2.5 GPA. He doesn't seem to care, it's like he brags about it. Someone like him shouldn't have a girlfriend. Was this how the world really works? I knew the world was unfair but it could also be stupid.
I heard feet thundering my way, for a brief second I thought it was Katherine. But before looking up I knew it wasn't her. I just knew it.
"Jude!" Caroline said, her feet skidding to a stop when she reached me, "Please don't ignore me, I just want to talk,"
I regretted staying near the auditorium longer than I should have.
"I'm sorry for what happened," Caroline said quickly, "I--"
"I should be sorry for, uh, elbowing you like that," I interrupted, "But I want some space,"
Caroline's face looked all hopeful. Her eyes were shiny, I didn't know if she was going to cry or what. I didn't expect that, I was sure I was telling her that I wanted to break up with her.
"Then when do you want to get back together?" She asked, her arms reaching towards me.
I quickly took a step back. "No, Caroline. I just don't want to be with you, I'm sorry,"
Before I could see her reaction, I rushed inside the auditorium. I had a feeling she was going to chase after me but she didn't, much to my relief. My shoulders relaxed, sensing that Caroline was finally going to leave me alone.