It was nearing winter break, everyday, the atmosphere was unbearably cold. I've always hated the cold. I always seemed to be colder than others when put in a cold setting. I rather be hot than cold, I hate feeling cold.
A bad day during winter feels worse than it already is.
People talked about school closing early for winter break because of snow, I had hoped that wasn't the case. That meant we had to come back early. Missing school wouldn't be all that bad, it felt lonely during the last couple of months. I felt even lonelier once it was December, my mom spoke about seasonal depression but I thought then that I could never be depressed. I didn't have a reason to. Something as measly as the seasons being a reason for depression while others are suffering more just seemed odd to me.
One of those days I stepped outside of the school, I was met with freezing cold. I wore a puffy jacket and gloves and that was it. My mom told me to wear a scarf but I didn't think I needed it. I didn't want to look dumb. But looking back, I did look stupid, for caring about what others thought. Something as simple as wearing a scarf when most people wore one and even earmuffs. My teeth chattered like one of those wind up teeth toys.
I hated the cold. I knew it would be a short time before I got sick.
I felt a tap on my shoulder which instantly irritated me. I had a few reasons why I was annoyed. Because I was cold and someone was trying to talk to me while it was cold.
But I turned around and saw that it was Katherine. It blinked twice in a row just to make sure she was the one in front of me. We hadn't spoken since the showcase, not even a hi or a wave. I thought she was mad at me or she just felt bored of me. I didn't blame her if she ever did feel bored, I felt like there was nothing interesting about me at all. She greeted me with a smile which made my face heat up. It felt nice, I wanted to thank her.
"It's cold," Katherine said, "Isn't it?"
I nodded.
"I hope they close school on Wednesday," she said, "I hate going to school…in the cold,"
I nodded again and this time added, "Yeah,"
There was silence.
"Okay," Katherine said, walking away, "Bye,"
And then she left. My face immediately turned cold as ice again and my body seemed to shiver even more. I felt this stinging feeling in my throat. Why did I want to cry? I was fifteen and I wanted to cry over a girl? No, I missed my chance. I could have said plenty of things. How I hated the cold, what I planned on doing during break, anything but to just let Katherine walk away!
I didn't know when I was going to talk to her again, or if I was going to talk to her at all.