"If I got all you just said, the people of this village poisoned us? They tried to use us as a sacrifice?"
Eryth pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "That's not what matters right now, you need to think of the good side…"
"And that is?"
"…For you to think about."
[That is not helping]
"My point is they regret going about things the way they did and are apologizing for their actions."
Blutox got up and picked up his weapon before starting for the door. "Let's just get moving, away from this village before I lose my mind."
The dark brown-haired man and Danila both picked up their bags and followed behind the Blue Kanrei.
As they stepped out of the hut, they were greeted by the many faces and cheers from the village gathered around. Eryth smiled and looked at Blutox. "See? They regret their actions."
The blue-skinned man held his stare for a moment before turning to Gal who walked forward, towards the three. "I'm not going to apologize for what I did," he started. "I did it because it was what I thought would keep this village safe… but I will thank you, for protecting the people of this village safe."
The village's physician approached the three and stood in front of Danila, causing her to shy backwards. "You remind me of my daughter, beautiful and harmless."
The fairy tried to smile but it came out creepy. The lady extended her hand to handed a necklace to Danila. "Take this, you can use it to summon any god you want, in any location."
The pink-haired girl hesitated for a moment before collecting the necklace. She held it in her hand and bowed a little.
"Eryth! No, don't go!" Pelee quickly jumped out into the open and grabbed the dark brown-haired man's shirt.
The brown-eyed mage sighed before curbing to her level. He used his thumb to wipe a drop of tear from her left cheek. "Don't worry I will be back soon."
Pelee sobbed. "But who's going to teach me about my Act?"
Eryth smiled and placed his hands on her shoulder. "You are my first student, and as a student of mine, I am sure you have learned everything you need to know to become a master."
The girl sobbed once more before wiping her face. She then extended her palm and sniffed. "Promise me you'll return."
The dark brown-haired man placed his palm on hers and chuckled. "I promise I will." The young girl smiled and threw herself over the mage, hugging him tightly.
She pulled back after a while, letting Eryth walked up to Gal. He held his stare for a moment before extending his hand for a handshake. As Gal shook his hand, white energy flowed from their linked hands and engulfed Gal's body, causing everyone to gasp.
"What was that."
"I have unlocked the restrain blocking your energy… so protect these people with your life."
"And what if Hex attacks?"
"Didn't you say you have the protection of the gods? You only need to worry about any other Collector sent your way, and I trust you won't fail to fight them if that happens?"
Gal scoffed. "You can count on me."
They said their goodbyes and the three made their way out of the village.
"You know, I kind of liked that village," Eryth said after sparing one last glance at it.
[Of course, you do… you got a lot from the people]
"W-what?" He said with his brows shooting up into his hairline. He had forgotten about his connection with the fairy and it hit him hard now that he recalled.
"I didn't say anything," Blutox said while walking ahead of the two.
The pink-haired girl shoots Eryth a bright smile before following behind the Blue Kanrei.
Eryth chuckled and ran his hand through his hair.
"Eryth, wait," a familiar voice called out from behind. The trio stopped and turned to see the wife of the Chief of the village approaching them with a backpack strapped behind her back.
"What are you doing here?" The dark brown-haired man asked.
"Following my source of survival. Everything else tastes disgusting since you." She stopped in front of Eryth, staring him in the eyes. "It's your fault."
"What about your husband? And everyone else in the village?"
"They won't know I'm gone, plus if I stayed back, I'd probably kill every single person in that village." She moved and continued walking in the direction they were headed.
"Who is she?" Blutox queried.
The dark brown-haired man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "It's a long story."
[I do agree, it is a long story]