The four climbed to the top of a mountain. As they did, they noticed an extremely large green veil covering their path. There was no way for them to pass unless through the veil.
"Is that what I think it is?" Eryth asked.
Blutox nodded. "It is. That is how the Green Kanreis have stayed away from Hex and his evil, and beneath that veil is where I'll get everything I want, at least I hope so."
"Right, so we just walk through it then?"
"As long as you have no evil intent and no chaos resides in you, you should be fine, else, your soul will be consumed by the veil."
"I mean… err, right, let's just go through then," the dark brown-haired man said, starting forward.
Danila looked at him with concern in her eyes but brushed off the thought and started after the Dark Mage.
"I think I'll stay right here," Syrie said, cutting them just seconds away from the veil.
"Why?" The Kanrei queried.
"Well, for beginners, I don't think I'm exactly pure."
Blutox quickly moved his hand to hold the handle of his sword. "What does that mean?"
"I am a Lamia, a chaos being cursed by Askiyol, I believe my whole existence spells chaos, so I'll just stay back here."
The Blue Kanrei dropped his sword and relaxed his brows. "Fine by me," he added before walking through the veil.
Eryth looked at Syrie. "Are you sure about this?" He asked.
She shoots him a small smile. "Of course. I'll just stay here and look around while you guys do your thing. I'll be here when you get back."
The Dark Mage sighed and turned back to Danila. "I probably should stay out here too you know, Monk Zumma did say I am a Dark Mage, and Dark Mages possess chaos energy, so."
"Then I'll stay here with you."
Eryth shook his head. "No, you go through, stay by Blutox's side," he smiled. "Bring me a bread on your way out."
She hesitated for a second before a smile curved up her lips. "Will do."
The dark brown-haired man leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. She deepened the kiss and let herself sink into his touch but the mage pulled back. "Come on, just talk to me if something happens, I'll find a way in to get you guys out of there."
She nodded before also walking through the veil. Eryth smiled and slipped his hands into his pocket.
"The audacity you have, kissing another woman in front of me."
Eryth veered around to look at the arctic blue-haired woman. "I'm sorry, I don't remember saying I was yours to keep."
"And I didn't say you were… I just don't like you kissing other women, if you want to do that so bad, maybe do it when I'm not there."
"My wife did say I'll find a girl that'll oppose my ways," Eryth said while fiddling with the ring around his finger.
"You are married?" She probed.
"Well, she rejected me for long and only accepted me when I was just about leaving the village, but I guess you can say I am married."
Syrie scoffed and inched closer to the dark brown-haired man. "Only it doesn't matter, I am the one that's here with you and not her, so I guess it's a win for me."
"See unlike you my wife doesn't mind me seeing other women."
"Well I'm not your wife, I'm a very jealous Lamia… if you hadn't come along, I would have killed Gal back at the village."
She placed her hands on his shoulder and stepped forward, making her face only inches away from Eryth's.
"I'm hungry, I want to feed."
"You did not long ago," he said.
"That Frostholm lady hurt me extremely, I want to feed, you badly."
Her fangs became longer as she began towards Eryth's neck but the dark brown-haired man used his hand to stop her. He slowly pushed her back and turned his heels away from her. "In this life, people work for things, so if you want to feed, you have to work for it."
The Lamia licked her lower lips and sighed. "What must I do?"
"Currently, nothing. Let's hope I figure something out as we go," he said while continuing forward.
Eryth walked to the bottom of the mountain the way they came with the arctic blue-haired woman following behind him.
He arrived at a river with a waterfall and the sight before him made him freeze in his tracks. A lady stood in the water, letting the low-dropping waterfall pour all over her.
The dark brown-haired man couldn't help but watch her naked body as she pushed her wet emerald green hair back. The lady was light-skinned with blue eyes. After having a beautiful face and figure, she had an unclear tattoo on her chest, above her breast and another that completely covered her right arm.
"Do you always stare at naked women when they bathe?" Syrie questioned.
"Only when they are as beautiful."
The arctic blue-haired woman laughed softly and turned to watch as the lady in the river strolled to land. As she made her way out of the water, she noticed Eryth and his partner staring at her but she didn't run or try to cover herself, instead, her steps became slower and more eloquent, as if she was putting on a show.
She approached them and stopped just a few steps away from Eryth. "Do you always stare at naked women when they bathe?" The stranger asked.
[No… Eryth, don't say it]
"Only when they are as beautiful."
[Blerk… I'm gonna puke]
'Shut it, Dani'
The lady scoffed. "Do you mind, you are on my clothes."
Eryth took a step back and let out an awkward laugh. "Sorry, didn't see it."
"Of course you didn't." She bent over and picked up her pants which she ever so slowly slipped her legs into. She then, threw her shirt over her head to cover up her body.
"What might you be doing out here all by yourself?" The Dark Mage asked.
"Strange question from someone that almost lost his eyes in my asshole." She tied her belt around her waist before letting out a deep breath. "You must also be part of the runway people looking for a place to stay."
"Runaway people?"
She nodded. "I'm Arya, nice to meet you Scoptophilus."
"Scoptophilus?" He repeated.
"Uh-huh… looks to me like you have fun staring at women when they take their bath."
"Again, only when the women are as stunning as you are."
The lady looked at him thoroughly before fixing her gloves. "Anyway, my father would love to have you at his camp, right this way." She started walking.
Eryth was about to follow her but the arctic blue-haired girl stopped him. "Are you sure about this?"
"What? I'm not about to wait days for Blutox to finish learning whatever it is he wants, a little fun won't hurt, come on." He picked up his pace to catch up to the emerald green-haired lady.
They walked in silence for a moment until Eryth broke it. "What are you doing out here? I'm pretty sure this whole place has been claimed."
"Are you talking about Hex?… Well, the Green Kanrei wouldn't shelter us. So my father created a hidden camp to help any person that wandered off to this area. He claims it's a way of repaying the gods for protecting him."
She tilted he head. "What about you, Scoptophilus, how did you end up here?"
"It's a long story, one thing led to the other and now I'm here."
She stopped and quickly pointed a dagger at Eryth. The arctic blue-haired woman charged forward but Arya skilfully turned and manoeuvred her way behind her, now holding Syrie with the dagger pressing against her neck.
"You work for Hex don't you?" She asked.
Eryth put his hands up. "If I did I would have killed you while you were in the river."
"Then who are you?" She probed.
"You don't have to be so aggressive, put down the weapon let's talk. Didn't you say your father takes refugees into his camp?"
"And that has caused him a lot of things. I'll ask one last time… who are you?"
Eryth sighed. "We are survivors. We survived an attack from Hex and now we search for a place to rest, is all."
The emerald green-haired lady narrowed her eyes at him. "You survived an attack from Hex?"
"You better use that dagger on me now…" Syrie started. "Because if you don't and I do get out of this, I will use it on you."
"Syrie, shut it… there's no need to resort to violence. We didn't fight Hex, our village was attacked by his High knight..."
Before the dark brown-haired man could finish his sentence, his partner, Syrie grabbed the lady's hand and hurled her over her shoulder and onto the ground with a loud thud.
The lady swiftly got up to charge but Syrie was quick to action. She moved forward and seized the dagger from her opponent's hand before she fully regained her balance. The lamia switched the hand which she used to hold the dagger and unhesitatingly swung it at her opponent's neck, meeting and leaving a deep cut in her neck.
The emerald green-haired lady held the wound and gurgled as blood uncontrollably gushed out. Her eyes rolled upwards before she crashed to the ground, dead.