Kane dropped his cup on the ground in front of him. "The first badge of Hex's army were undead creatures, and we easily wiped them all. Our kingdom was on a mountain so the enemy could only attack us on one front."
"I led the army, I was the strongest and I led the army. But that was the problem, being the strongest… I watched as every single one of my comrades died."
"I was the only breathing Knight, and I knew there was no way I could defeat Hex's men alone, so I challenged their leader to a one-on-one fight, we agreed on a contract that if I won, he would leave the kingdom alone, if not, well, he'll do whatever he wants with the kingdom. But the whole reason I made the challenge was to give the people time to escape.
"I had no chance against him. The energy he expelled alone, the Dark aura that exuded from his body alone scared me to the bone, that was the last thing I remembered before I found myself with the civilians who managed to escape. A lot of people I knew, died," he exhaled and looked up, trying hard to hold back his tears.
"Well at least you survived, and you have your beautiful daughter with you," Eryth said while glancing at Arya.
She glared at him before rising to her feet. "I'm out of here."
May shook her head at the green-haired man. "I hope you are happy, that's another dinner you've ruined with your stories, when are you going to let it go?" She sighed before standing on her feet. "Come on now, let me show you two your tent, there's no room so you'll have to share."
"That's fine with me," Syrie replied almost immediately after the suggestion was made.
"Ehh, lead the way, I'll catch up to you."
Once they were out of earshot, Eryth turned to Kane. "Look, I know how you feel."
Kane looked up at Eryth. "You do?"
The dark brown-haired man rubbed the back of his ear and drawled. "Well, not really no. I cannot even imagine how you feel, but that is because I have never been in such a situation, and neither have any of these people. You are a survivor, and I'll tell you if I was ever in your shoes I'd be just as loud as you are, hell I'll be even louder."
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me, I didn't do anything. I know you feel empty inside, I know you feel as though you do not belong here… that feeling I can strongly say I understand how you feel. But it doesn't matter if you fit it or not…" Eryth paused.
The green-haired man's brows shoot up as he waits for Eryth to add to his words but nothing comes. "Is that all?"
"Oh yeah that's it, I'm done," Eryth smiled and got up to his feet. He extended his hand and helped the man up. "I'll see you around." The dark brown-haired man turned and ran to catch up to the two.
May led the two towards one of the many tents present. "Well, here we are." As she spoke, she noticed Eryth staring at the Emerald green-haired girl as she entered her tent. "It is small, but it'll only be for when you sleep, so it doesn't matter, does it."
"Not at all, thank you."
She smiled before leaving the two alone. Once inside the tent, the dark brown-haired mage removed his sword and dropped it on the ground. "Well at least we can say we have a roof over our head…" his words trail off as he turned to see Syrie standing naked before him.
"Straight to business huh…"
"I'm burning up, if this doesn't happen, I might go on a rampage."
"I can't say no now, can I?"
She quickly moved in and pressed her lips against the Dark Mage's. Eryth moved from her lips and kissed down her neck, forcing a light moan from the arctic blue-haired.
She pulled back and lay on the ground, spreading her legs open. "Well? What are you waiting for?"
"I thought you were going to feed first."
"That can wait… don't make me beg."
He smiled. "I just might love that," he said before closing the distance between them.
Blutox walked out of the room he was given to reside in. He climbed out of the hole in the mountain to get a breath of fresh air but he was greeted by the lady who welcomed him earlier by making the entire town raise a sword against him.
"Hey," he said the moment he stepped out of the hole.
She glanced at him and then turned back to look at the large blue moon in the sky.
"Do you mind if I sit?"
She didn't reply but the blue-skinned man went ahead and sat on the ground next to her. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
"I'm sorry about earlier, it's just…" she stopped halfway.
"I understand and it's okay," Blutox said, his tone bent into a calm and friendly one. It was as though he had dropped whatever wall he had up his whole life. "You probably acted that way because I'm a War Kanrei, and you are scared of the War Kanrei."
"I'm not scared of any War Kanrei, I just…" she paused.
"Hate them?"
She looked into Blutox's eyes for a while before turning to the moon. "When the War Kanrei's first came here, we didn't have the wall up. One of them claimed she came in peace, and we let her in but she betrayed our trust and attacked us, I lost my father and mother then. We did manage to push them back and my sister gave up her life to put up the wall. I've hated the blues since then."
"I hate them too, I hate how they are willing to do anything as long as it gets them into the battlefield. I hate that I am not strong enough to stop them."
Nkati smiled softly. "I guess you and I are somewhat alike, we both hate the same thing." She inhaled and exhaled deeply before standing up to her feet. "You should get some rest, I'm sure grandfather has something big for you when the sun rises..."
"See you tomorrow," she added before throwing herself into the hole in the mountain.
Eryth opened his eyes abruptly as he jumped up from his sleep. He inhaled and exhaled rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. He's been having nightmares and it seems to be getting worse with each passing day.
He looked around to find himself lying on the ground with Syrie next to him. The dark brown-haired man stood up and pulled his pants up his waist before walking out of the tent. He yawned while walking up to a lake that was only a few meters from the main camp.
[You must be tired]
"Fuck, Danila… you know, I don't know how I feel about you just being able to know everything I'm thinking or doing."
[You didn't think that earlier when you were with Syrie, did you?]
"Can you, can you not speak of moments like that? I want to try and act like you have no idea it happened."
[But I have yes idea it did… I'd say I even enjoyed it, but that'll just be weird, right?]
"Don't…" he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "What are you doing up?"
[I've been away from my betrothed, and I can't sleep knowing he's with someone else.]
Eryth tried to stop himself but a smile slipped off his lips. "Worry not, we'll have our time together."
[It's taking too long]
"Very…" the dark brown-haired man let his words trail off as he heard footsteps approaching him from behind.
He turned to see a figure approaching him. "Arya?"
"You'd like it to be her wouldn't you?" The figure walked into the moonlight to reveal herself.
"Hi," she greeted. The red-haired woman had only an unbuttoned nightgown on as she approached him.
"So, you are handsome, look strong, and you have nightmares that stop you from sleeping at night. It's the whole package in one."
"I don't know whether to take that last part into thought."
She chuckled. "It's the truth, and I'm a woman who likes revealing the truth."
"Sure you are."
May turned to Eryth and grabbed his hand, placing it on her chest. "Do you feel my heartbeat?"
The Mage had one thing on his mind and it fueled his reply. "No, not really."
"Don't be silly," she laughed softly. "It's beating really fast I bet you can even hear it. Want to know why it is as such?"
"Because I'm about to make a very bold move." She quickly leaned in and planted a kiss on Eryth's lips. The dark brown haired man could feel her body, pressing against his bare chest through the cloth she had on. She moved her head back and laughed softly.
"It's been long since I felt the touch of another. It is nice to feel this way again," she added before walking back the way she came.
Eryth watched her until she was completely out of sight before turning back to the lake. "What a night."
[I know right]
"Don't, don't try to be part of this."
[Fine, fine… but you know she's Kane's wife and Arya's mother, right?]
"No, there's no way."
[Come on, it was obvious. The way she insulted him, anyone would be able to tell those two had history]
Eryth placed his hands on his waist, thinking back. "Oh fuck you Miss smart."