Tyler stared at Sebastian with his eyes wide open like a fish. He was sure that he must look crazy right now having his eyes open while someone is kissing him, but that didn't matter to Tyler right now. What mattered was...why is Sebastian kissing him!? A million thoughts were running through Tyler's mind and he couldn't decide what to say as his first few words.
Sebastian slowly pulled away from Tyler and just stared at him, waiting for his reaction. Tyler looked away then back at Sebastian then away again before looking right back at Sebastian and that's when he finally jumped up and pointed an accusatory finger at him.
"Yes. It is I, Sebastian Delacroix." Sebastian said coolly.
"Why did you do that!?" Tyler shouted.
Sebastian smirked and rolled his eyes. "You act like I stole your first kiss. I'm sure Abbie already had the opportunity to do that before me."
Tyler quickly planted a hand on his own lips then he sighed before dropping his hand.
"I'm just wondering why you did that."
Sebastian shrugged. "You obviously had a hard time not thinking about Abbie and relationships so I figured, why not focus your mind on something else?"
"So that meant kissing me!?"
Sebastian smiled. "It worked, didn't it?"
Tyler couldn't deny that after that kiss, his mind was completely filled with thoughts of the kiss and even Sebastian!
"Jeez...you...no wonder you're such a good actor on stage."
Sebastian stood up and smirked. "Who said I was acting?"
Tyler's eyes widen. "What!?"
Sebastian chuckled. "That was a joke." He walked up to Tyler and gently patted his shoulder. "We should head to bed. It's getting late."
Tyler slowly nodded, still feeling dazed.
"Yeah, you can...hey!"
Tyler turned around to see Sebastian heading straight for his room. He quickly followed after him. Sebastian took a look around Tyler's room before plopping down on the bed.
"Nice room. Do you and Abbie share it?"
Tyler nodded. "Used to, I guess you can say." He said with a sigh then he walked over to Sebastian and sat down next to him.
"Sebastian, thanks again for spending the night with me."
Sebastian smiled and gave a little nod.
"I know how it feels to be alone too so there's no way I could leave you alone. The least I can do is be here for you while you're going through some things."
"Will things ever get better?" Tyler asked.
"In due time, friend. And I apologize for kissing you like that."
Tyler chuckled awkwardly, glancing away. "Don't...mention it."
Tyler then stood up. "Since we're here, might as well go to sleep. Um, if you don't mind..."
Sebastian smirked then he crawled into the bed and got comfy. Tyler gave a small, awkward smile before walking over to the other side and got in. He snuggled under the covers and let out a yawn.
"Night, Sebastian."
"Good night, Tyler. Sweet dreams."