Tyler wrapped his arms tighter around the warm body next to him. He smiled softly in his sleep as he cuddled close, his head resting on the person's chest.
"Mmm. Abbie?"
He slowly opened up his eyes and that's when he realized the body he was holding wasn't Abbie's. He quickly sat up and stared down at Sebastian.
"Crap!" Tyler pulled back in a hurry, feeling embarrassed that he had held onto Sebastian like that. That's when Sebastian started waking up himself. He let out a yawn and opened up his eyes to see Tyler staring down at him in horror.
"What's wrong?"
"I...you..." He stammered.
Sebastian slowly sat up, raising an eyebrow at Tyler.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hold onto you. I thought...I thought you were Abbie." He admitted.
"Ouch." Sebastian dramatically planted a hand over his own heart. "Even in your dreams, you're still thinking about Abbie."
Tyler frowned. "Sorry. Anyways, you want to head out for some breakfast or something?" He suggested.
Sebastian nodded as he climbed out of the bed. "Sounds good to me. I'll head back to my room first to freshen up a bit then I'll meet up with you later." He said then he headed to the bathroom and put on his clothes from yesterday.
"Here." Sebastian handed Tyler back his pjs after he changed.
"Oh, you could've kept them and gave them back later."
Sebastian shook his head as he walked to the door. "No need."
Tyler quickly followed Sebastian to the door.
"Hey..Sebastian? Thanks again for staying with me tonight."
Sebastian turned around and smiled. "Yes. Last night was...interesting."
Tyler's eyes widen then he quickly looked away shyly. "I'll uh see you later." He said then he watched Sebastian leave before walking over to the couch. He placed the folded up pjs on the back of the couch then laid down on his back. Suddenly, the clothes fell on top of his face.
Tyler flailed his arms, but then he slowly relaxed when he caught a whiff of Sebastian's scent on the clothes. It was an indescribable scent. It smelled warm and comforting. Almost like vanilla. It caused his heart to start pounding in his chest. This made Tyler quickly sit up and push the clothes off of him. He rested a hand on his chest.
"Why is my heart pounding like this?"
Tyler sighed as he rubbed his face. "I need coffee."
After Tyler got ready for the day and headed out, he sent a quick text to Sebastian, letting him know that he was gonna pick up some coffee for them. He stepped into the coffee shop and was greeted by a warm, strong scent of coffee that made his body relax. Though, the feeling didn't last for very long when his eyes landed on his group of friends who were sitting at a table near him. Emily (the MC), Zack, Kaitlyn and Becca. Tyler was relieved that Abbie wasn't with them, but it still didn't make him feel better seeing them after what happened last night.
"Hey, Tyler." Zack was the first to greet him.
"Hey, guys. How's it going?" Tyler asked as he approached their table.
"We've been better." Becca commented.
"So...how was the party last night? I'm sorry I left so early."
Emily shook her head. "It's fine, Tyler. It actually went pretty well. Everybody was having a good time and Kaitlyn and her band gave us one last butt kicking song to dance to." She explained with a smile.
"Yep! Aside from the drama with Sebastian and the boiler breaking down, it was a pretty fun night!" Zack said happily.
"What happened with the boiler?" Tyler asked.
Becca shrugged. "We don't know. It broke randomly."
"It's a good thing Zack was there to quickly turn it off before things got worse." Kaitlyn chimed in.
"I got the coffee!" Abbie exclaimed as she walked up to the table with five cups of coffee and her smiled quickly dropped when she saw Tyler.
Tyler turned around and stared right at Abbie in shock. "Hey...Abbie..."
"Tyler..." She said with a frown.
Tyler was about to open up his mouth to speak when he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.
"Tyler, I think I might have left my watch at your apartment." Sebastian spoke up when he stepped into the coffee shop and immediately got quiet when he saw Tyler with the gang and even Abbie.
Abbie looked from Sebastian to Tyler. "What did he mean by leaving his watch in the apartment?"
Becca smirked. "Don't tell me Sebastian spent the night with you last night after the big fight you had with Abbie?"
Emily threw a glare at Becca. "Not now."
Tyler looked around at everybody nervously then to Abbie. "He...I..."
"So, not only do you call him up right after we finish talking on the phone, but now you're letting him sleep in our apartment!?" Abbie shouted.
Tyler's eyes widen and he quickly held his hands up in defense. "No, Abbie! It's not-"
That's when Sebastian stepped in between them.
"What's wrong with that? You're obviously not there with him. He didn't want to sleep alone in the apartment last night so he asked me to stay with him." He explained.
Abbie's eyes started welling up with tears. "I can't believe you, Tyler!"
Abbie slammed the coffee cups down on the table then she grabbed her's and threw it right on Tyler.
"Ah! Hot!" Tyler shouted as he jumped and quickly tried to fan his shirt out.
"If you want to break up with me and date Sebastian then just say so!" She shouted before walking right out of the coffee shop.
"Abbie!" Tyler stared, watching her go.