As Jason came in front of the tree he took a deep breath to calm himself.
He didn't know what he will find and who he will find on the other side. It was nerve wrecking, he never doubted why he was doing this, he only doubted if he will be able to do something or not.
He took a deep breath and he touched the tree.
" Take me to her." He whispered.
The tree whistled and Jason closed his eyes.
When a cold breeze hit his face, he had to cover his eyes again. When he opened he found snow. Everything was covered in snow.
When he looked up he saw a soft light descending down near him.
The light stopped near his face.
" Are you Jason ?" A soft voice, bearly audible said.
Jason nodded.
The light faded and he could see a small fairy.
Her hair was red and her skin very pale, her blue wings beat together at a fast pace.
" I'm Sola, the whistling tree spoke to me and told me to help you."
" Do you know where Maeve is ?"
Jason asked.
The fairy shook her small head.
" I know she's in the castle but its too big to give you exact coordinates."
Jason sighed.
" I don't know what to do."
He rubbed his confused head.
The small fairy sat on his shoulder.
" I'm here to help. First, we need to ask around, we need to know what is going around."
Jason's eyes fell on the fairy.
" You don't?"
The fairy shook her head. " Faires are usually asleep in this winter. But the whistling tree woke me up."
Jason felt guilty.
" I'm sorry."
The fairy pinched his face.
" I'm a fire fairy I can survive this."
Jason smiled.
" Where to?"
The fairy thought for a moment.
" We need to be careful, anyone could be a spy."
After a moment, she clapped her small hands.
" The originals should be able to help."
" Who ?" Jason asked confused.
The fairy flew and twirled around herself.
" The originals are the first beings to have lived here. They are dead, but they have a huge library full of books who I'm sure will help you. We can always ask their spirits of course."
Jason's eyes went wide.
" Spirits? For real ?"
The fairy nodded.
" It's a long story I'll tell you on the way come on."
The fairy shined and moved.
Jason followed her, confused but it's the only lead he got.
He needs to save her.
No matter what, even if she would end up in someone else's arms.