" Jason hurry up."
A young man was near the door of Jason's house.
Jason slowly descendent from the stairs and he rubbed his eyes.
" Today we have camping bro, what took you so long?" The young man said.
" I had that dream again and I couldn't wake up properly after that," Jason said.
"Oh right, your Aphrodite. Does this girl even exist? It's been 10 years since you told me about this dream after I found you in that forest alone."
" I hope she does, Mark. I hope." Jason said.
Mark snorted and grabbed his bag.
" A girl as beautiful as Aphrodite, with white hair and crimson eyes? Did I miss anything?"
Jason rolled his eyes. " She had two swords."
" Oh right. As if a girl like that would exist and no one would know about her."
Jason knew that Mark was right but he still wished for it.
Jason mom came into the room. " Have fun today okay?"
He smiled and hugged his mother.
After the long walk up the hill, they saw a group of people waiting near a bench.
" Hey guys, sorry, someone had a nice dream," Mark said.
Jason shoved Mark and walked to the group.
Two guys and three girls were waiting for them with a smile on their faces.
Everyone gathered their things and started to walk towards the forest.
" Jason wait up." A petite girl reached for Jason's arm.
" Hey Kat," Jason said, knowing well enough that she would cling to him for the rest of the camp.
Suddenly he heard a whistle and he stopped in his tracks.
Everyone behind him stopped. " What is it?" Mark said.
Jason looked around, trying to listen to the whistle again.
" Did you hear that?"
Mark looked at him. " Hear what?"
Jason shook his head. " I'm still sleepy."
Everyone chuckled and started to walk again. But Jason was sure of what he heard.
When they found a comfortable spot everyone started to put their things out and their camps were set up.
A soft wind touched Jason's face and he closed his eyes. He knew this wind so well, for ten years he came up here to try and see if he found that girl again but he never managed to. After they ate everyone set near a campfire and started to tell stories.
Everyone told a story except Jason, he didn't really care for the stories, he was on alert for any sound.
" Jason, tell us a story," Kat said grabbing Jason's hand.
Suddenly he heard a whistle again, Jason jumped on his feet and Kat almost fell on the ground.
When he turned he couldn't believe his eyes.
" What's wrong with you man?" Mark said.
When he looked the way Jason was looking his eyes went wide and so did everyone else's.
" Maeve," Jason whispered.
The girl was standing near a tree. She smiled softly.
" You remember my name."
Jason took a step forward. " What are you doing here?"
When Jason looked at her properly, he noticed that she didn't age at all.
Maeve stepped closed and looked at the others behind Jason.
" I'm sorry to disturb." She said.
Mark spoke up. " Not at all."
Jason kept staring at her. She was real after all.
" You've grown up." She said softly.
" You haven't."
She laughed softly and nodded. " We don't age the same."
Jason nodded.
He looked down and saw that she didn't have the swords today, in fact, she was wearing a long white dress instead.
" What brings you here?"
Maeve smiled and touched the trunk of the tree.
" The tree brought me here. I didn't mean to intrude."
Jason shook his head. " Not at all, it's good to actually see you."
She smiled.
Mark reached for Jason's shoulder. " What about the swords?" He whispered.
Maeve heard him and smiled sadly.
Jason glared at Mark.
" I'm sorry I told him about you."
She shook her head. " That's okay. It's good that you found someone who you can trust."
She looked sad and that made Jason's heartache. He wanted to know why.
" Can I ask you a question?"
She looked at Jason and nodded.
" What happened to the swords?"
" A lot of things happen which you don't need to know, actually it's bad for me to be here. I have to leave, your friends will probably forget me so don't take it at heart. Except him of course since he knew about me from before."
Jason almost jumped. " Don't leave."
Maeve smiled softly and walked towards Jason. She put her hand on his cheek.
" I thought you would have forgotten me, maybe that's why the whistling tree brought me here. But I can't stay as you can't come to my world, I can't come to yours."
Jason put his hand on hers. " Why? I want to get to know you."
A whistle made Maeve's eyes go wide.
" I have to go." She walked toward the tree but Jason stopped her.
" I can't let you leave."
" I have to, please." She looked down at her feet and that's when Jason noticed that she was barefoot.
" I want to see you again."
She shook her head. " You can't."
A soft wind blew her long hair away from her face, as Jason closed his eyes she disappeared.
When he looked at his friends, everyone was talking normally again, except Mark.
Mark came near Jason. " She's real."
" She's real." Jason echoed.
" Why did you let her leave? You always dream about her."
Jason slid down on the floor and sighed. " I can't even believe she is real, it all looks like a dream. She's too unreal."
Mark knelt down near him.
" You were right about her though."
" About what?" Jason said looking at his friend.
" She is beautiful as Aphrodite."
Jason chuckled and touched the tree.
The whistle tree she touched with so much love.