"And it looks like another victory for Regina... she races towards the goalpost ... and GOOA... uhmmm... the goal saved by the last second by Trevor... with a ... definitely illegal tackle to Regina.... Regina still on the ground... and Trevor kicks the ball towards the goalpost ... and Goal! Trevor Smith, the winner for tonight , ladies and gentlemen. While the audience is definitely rejoicing over Trevor's victory, the commentator is definitely worried if Regina is okay... and cannot help but wonder what anger provoked Trevor to ... uhhh... brutally tackle Regina".
_________________________________________________ Trevor and Jane with their trays. "Yeah, fuck his Tryouts. There is no way that he gets to decide whether I am worthy of being on the team or not". "Brother, I don't think you understand", Regina pitched in calmly. "He may not be the capable one to decide whether you should be on HIS team or not, but since he's the captain, he gets to. So better prepare for the Tryouts, because you sure as hell aren't getting out of them." Trevor looked at Regina dead in the eye, anger pulsating through him, and said, his voice almost a whisper , "Fuck the Tryouts ". With that he picked up his tray and walked off.
"Can you believe him?", Trevor mumbled to no one in particular. Next to him, Jane nodded her head in silent agreement. "Alex is a bitch, Trevor. But don't mind him, there's no question about you not being in the team. Even if you had to give the Tryouts, you will be the first one to be selected", said Jane, planting a kiss on Trevor's cheek. "It's not about that Jane. I have played for the Stonewood Tigers for years now. And now, in my senior year, Alex gets to tell me that I can only play for the Tigers if I clear his stupid Tryouts? It's insulting! Fuck his stupid Tryouts, fuck him!", Trevor banged his hand on the canteen table, making Jane scramble back to her chair. "Fuck his Tryouts? Are you serious, Smithie boy,", said George, as he and Regina joinedRegina and George looked at Jane, who was busy texting. She looked up from her phone , only to say, "Yeah, he's been like that all morning".