"Hey Alice", Trevor winked at Alice as he and Regina sniggered. Embarrassed, Alice hid behind her locker door. Trevor and Regina made their way to their usual table in the common lounge, where they were greeted by the rest of their group. Alex, the captain of the boy's football team, was as jock at it gets. He was tall, well built and his brown locks fell roughly over his shoulders. He was dressed in all black today, his black biker jacket shining. Next to him was his girlfriend Pearl, a glitter covered doll in flesh and bones. Then there was Jane, the petite brunette who was dating Trevor on and off since the past six months, who Regina secretly hated for playing with her brother dearie. And finally , sitting next to her, was George. He had his legs up on the table, reading the sports section of the newspaper. He was easily the smartest out of them all, he had straight A's in every subject and had what people might call a good knowledge of current affairs. Add to it the fact that he was one of the best players of the school's football team , and his six foot stature and ocean green eyes , and he was easily out of most people's league. Also, he was Regina's ex. That made Regina one of the most despised yet known junior at Stonewood High. George scooted over to make room for Regina, while Trevor was left standing . He absent mindedly sat down on a blue beanbag lying next to the lounge table.
Pearl and Alex hadn't seen to notice the arrival of their two friends, as they were in the midst of a full fledged make out session. George however, looked utterly dismayed about something. He spoke as soon as Trevor sat down. "So this bastard Alex wants to keep tryout for the football team this year ", George grumbled at Trevor. Trevor, shocked, looked at Alex, who was glued to Pearl. Unsure if Alex had even heard a word said by George, Trevor continued the conversation as if Alex was not even here. "Tryouts? Like new additions to the team? Isn't it a bit too early for that? ". "Not just for new additions apparently. Being captain has taken a toll on Alex's head. He thinks everyone else apart from him is garbage". "What ? Do you mean Tryouts for the entire team? But we have been playing for the Stonewood Tigers for years! He surely can't hold Tryouts for us too!". "That's what he told me. " " Are you fucking kidding me, Alex? Atleast don't hold Tryouts for George and me, man. We're the guys who made you captain. You know as well as me you're only the captain because George couldn't handle being captain along with all his classes. What the hell Alex, are you even listening?", Trevor slapped Alex's shoulder hoping to illicit a response from him. Alex parted his lips only long enough from Pearl's to say,"Everyone."