Chapter 22. Aboard the Prinz, traveling in the Higgs Glebe.
"Oh dear, oh my," said Chef Enzo. "Everything has become bluer than blue."
"Why is that, Councilor Vegan?" asked Duchess Aria."You know all about travel in the Higgs Glebe. What's the Chef chattering about every time we make another interstellar trip?"
"Light, my dear, has a certain wavelength. Blue is a little shorter than the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum."
"Is that why the sky is blue back on Earth?"
"Indeed, it is to a certain extent. Blue wavelengths are scattered by the molecules in the atmosphere. That makes the sky blue."
"But what's this bluer than blue he's gabbing about?"
"We call it ultraviolet light, you know, UV rays."
"That's the reason for the Starfleet tan," said Isla.
"You are always so correct," said Councilor Vegan. "I will put in for my own personal secretary when I get back."
"I don't tan very well," said Isla. "But I can adjust my tone. Watch this."
"Now you look like Subcom Jurusha Sanas," said Councilor Vegan. "I have my eye on her. She'll be up for a starship command soon. You can count on that."
"Now what did you do?" said Duchess Aria.
"Albino" said Isla. It's sexy on Jenowigner."
"So . . . back to my question: what does UV have to do with bluer than blue?" asked the Duchess.
"The Chef and I can detect energy with wavelengths too short for humans to see," said Isla.
"It's a bit of distraction," said Chef Enzo. "Especially when cooking."
"On the other side of the spectrum we can see the redder than red wavelengths."
"Then I don't have any excuses for not getting the temperatures just right," said Chef Enzo."
"Redder than red?" asked Duchess Aria.
"Infrared light. Discovered in the year 1800 by William Herschel when he found that temperature increases in the color spectrum from blue to red," said Isla.
"So red really does mean something is hot?"
"Like last night's jambalaya?" said Councilor Vegan.
"It's an old family recipe," said Chef Enzo.
"From Japan," said Isla. "Honto desu, ne?"
"Honto desu, yo," Chef Enzo. "I'm from a long lineage of cooks. My full name is Lorenzo Vincenzo Fiorenzo."
"That's why we just call him Enzo," said Isla.
A buzzer started to sound.
"Speaking of red lights . . . " said Duchess Aria.
"This is Captain Promis. Prepare for actualization."
"I don't get it," said Duchess Aria. "There is always the same announcement. How do we prepare to actualize?"
"It does sound a bit philosophic, doesn't it?" said Councilor Vegan.
"To be or not to be. That is the question. Shakespeare," said Isla.
"And?" said the Councilor.
"And what?"
Are you? Or are you not?"
"I think. Therefore I am," said Chef Enzo.
"Cogito ergo sum. Said by René Descartes," said Isla.
"No, he did not say that," said Chef Enzo. "He really said, Je pense, donc je suis."
"Actualization complete," said the ship's announcer.
To be continued . . .