Chapter 18. Approaching Nu Neden, city of over 1 billion people, on the planet Anemone.
"Never volunteer," said CPO Modine as he sat behind the controls of the JXX shuttle craft
"I thought—" said Egon.
"You thought what? Nobody pays you to think."
"How did I know that you would have to go as well?"
"That's because you don't think like a team player. If you did you would have gotten a consensus before agreeing to this request. There is no "I" in deep space."
Nu Neden Flight Control. Identify your craft.
"JXX shuttle craft six from the Eridanus carrying the crew from the Tucana," said CPO Modine.
JXX six, wait for escort fighters.
"Escort fighters? We are unarmed. Repeat this craft is unarmed."
"What's going on?" asked Egon.
"Something doesn't seem right. I don't know what," said Modine.
JXX six, alter your course away from Nu Neden. Fighters will meet you over the water.
Modine punched in a code.
"Your coordinates put us right over the city," said Egon.
"Since we're on the way down, I'm going in for a little look-see."
"What do you expect to find?"
"I don't know. But I have full scanners on."
The shuttle broke through the clouds over Anemone.
"It's almost white. Is that snow or ice?" asked Egon.
"Sodium chloride."
"The planet was full of volcanoes billions of years ago. Sodium and chloride mixed together to form sodium chloride. The ocean is so heavy you can probably walk on it."
They flew over Nu Neden. Tall colored spires rose to the sky. Small craft hovered near the spires.
A warning message flashed on the screen. A low-level buzzer started to sound.
"Three fighters are approaching," said Egon.
"I hate to cut this visit short, but it might be time to bid Nu Neden adieu."
JXX six, this is Nu Neden Flight Control. Prepare to land at Nu Neden Terminal Port.
"The fighters are armed and their weapon systems are ready," said Egon.
"Nu Neden Flight Control, what are the coordinates?" said Modine.
JXX six, you should have a visual. Land now.
"What are you going to do?"asked Egon.
"Is the comsys open to the ship?"
Egon attempted to communicate. "We're being jammed."
"Somehow I'm not surprised."
"What are our options?"
"They aren't too many. But if we could communicate with the ship, we might have a chance."
"There's one on our tail . . . riding real close."
"Good," said Modine. "Watch the third one for me."
"CPO Modine, you're headed right for the fighter . . ."
"Very astute, my young friend."
"I don't think we should be doing this."
"Oh, I agree. Do you a better option?"
"Land and talk it out?"
"They'll never let us. We'll either end up in the brine soup or vaporized."
"Modine! There's a laser locked on us. Modine, he's firing his weapons. Modine . . ."
To be continued . . .