Chapter 19. Aboard the Prinz, orbiting the planet Anemone.
"Greetings," said Councilor Vegan.
"How may we assist you?" said Captain Promis.
"Duchess Aria would like to take a short excursion to pay her respects to the High Council of Anemone at Nu Neden."
"I would be happy to grant this request, if it were up to me. As it is, our main mission is the safe passage of Convoy XM-25 to the outer regions."
"Of course, Captain Promis, of course. I perfectly understand. But please also understand our position. The High Duchess is, after all, liaison to Ab Alto from the Supreme Council. As such, a certain level of respect must be appropriated for her wishes."
"No disrespect is intended. However, I, too must follow certain protocols and am not able to deviate from them."
"Perhaps you would like to join us, on Anemone? It's a well known fact that they have the best gaming tables in the universe."
"The idea is intriguing. What happens in Nu Neden, stays in Nu Neden. So I'm told."
"Now you're talking," said Councilor Vegan and he gave a nod to emphasize his delight.
"A request to high command, even with the superluminator, would take several days. So . . ."
"I see," said Councilor Vegan, and he frowned. "I will explain the situation to the Duchess." He then turned on his heels and strolled to the fairway, his assistant Ezio in tow, nervously glancing around.
"Captain Promis, the Eridanus reports loss of all contact with the shuttle Jax six," said Subcommander Xan. "Captain Simme believes communication is being jammed."
"Run a scan of their starfighter traffic," said Captain Promis, tapping his finger on his armrest.
"There have been three starfighters active at low-level altitudes since the jamming begin."
"This could be a new development. Place the convoy on alert level one."
"What do you think it means?"
"It could mean nothing . . . or it could be something."
"Something as in?"
"Perhaps Anemone has gone rogue . . . or has joined the Alliance."
"Wouldn't our intel have given us any advance warning?"
"Does it ever? Look at history . . . ancient history. The attack on Pearl Harbor. Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union. Or more recently the attack of the Siemions. Intel can only warn, but never guarantee something will happen or not happen."
So you think there is danger?"
"What I think is not important. I need some sort of evidence. It's not "if" there is danger, but what is the nature of the danger and how much. Run your scans again."
Captain Promis looked at the Earth-like planet as it rotated in the light of its star. Just like a rose. Beautiful to look at, but with hidden thorns.
"Captain, there seems to be something wrong with the scan. Perhaps it's the angle of planet."
"What does it show?"
"You're not going to believe this."
"If these readings are correct . . . you will have your evidence."
To be continued . . .