"Y-Yes." I hurriedly scrambled out from under the blanket and to my feet.
"May I come in? I've brought a gift."
"Y-Yes you can come in." ~A gift? Aren't I like, their prisoner for the next month?~ He opened the door with a kind smile...and in his hands was a square thin box like the ones cloths came in. On top was a beautiful golden hairpin with sakura flowers and little golden fans hanging from it. I frowned.
He laughed. "Don't look so on guard, you'll hurt my feelings."
My expression didn't change. "What is all this?"
"A gift." Hayashi said cheerily, taking a seat and setting the box down before him. I sat down across from him, apprehensive. "Kohaku-chan. You are a woman, and as such I want you to dress as a woman. No more gallavanting around as a man. It is deceitful." I felt like I was being scolded by my father. And it pissed me off, but I could tell Hayashi meant no ill will. My lips thinned into a line and I clenched my jaw as I stifled my emotions. Hayashi smiled, trying to cheer me up. "Come, get dressed and come join us for breakfast." He stood and left. I sat there for a moment, staring at the hateful box. I do have to admit...I loved the kimono color, a rich royal blue, my favorite color, scattered with sakura petals and other designs with a matching obi. I sighed and got dressed. I piled my hair on top my head, leaving a little tail off to my right side and inserted the pin. I was hesitant to leave the room however.
"Are you ready Kohaku-san?" Obagawa.
"Yes. Sorry for making you wait." He stared as I opened the door, then his gaze softened and he raised a hand to my cheek. Shocked I met his gaze.
"You look like shit."
I laughed, surprised and broken out of my gloomy mood for a second. "Thanks." I said, grinning.
"You should try to take a nap today."
"If I can." I agreed. He led me to the dinning area. My appearance caused quite a stir, but I was happy when I saw a confused Ren and rushed to his side, the quiet Captain sitting beside him.
"So they are having you dress as a female..." I nodded, feeling the hairpin sway with me. It was a pleasant feeling. I may not like how easily they can fall out, but I do have to admit, they weren't all that bad. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"I won't let anything happen to her." Osagawa said as he sat next to me. Ren met his gaze, then looked away, still not happy with this. Breakfast was an uncomfortable one after which I was escorted back to my room. With nothing to do, but not allowed to leave, I sat in the corner with my knees drawn up to me, arms around them and rested my head against them...
Something was rousing me, but I was so comfortable. "Kohaku-san..." Osagawa. I sighed and relented, opening my eyes. Osagawa knelt next to me. I was somehow in bed under the covers, fully dressed. I leaned up. "I didn't think you'd want to miss lunch, for it is a time you get to see your brother."
I nodded. "Thank you." I tidyed myself up and left with Osagawa, once again causing whispers as we passed people. "Your morning go any slower than mine?" I muttered to Ren in between picking at my food.
Ren smiled his usual smile but it seemed a bit forced. "I found it quite restful."
"Of course you did." My brother could probably find imitating a rock for days interesting and not grow bored.
"How are you doing?"
"You know me. Aggrevated, but not ungrateful."
Ren gave me a sad smile. "I really thought this would work out." I shrugged, looking away. "If anything happens, come to me." He said seriously.
I gave him a sad smile. "Ok." Lunch was once again awkward and I stayed close to Ren. Afterward, I once again returned to my empty room.
I sat again in my corner, but after awhile a voice called out to me. "Kohaku-chan." Hayashi called out from the other side of the door. "May I come in?"
I stood, smoothing the kimono he had given me, and stepped toward the middle of the room. "Yes."
The door slid open and he stepped in with a welcoming smile. "Kohaku-chan, won't you accompany me for an outing into town?"
I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Isn't that counter-productive to proving my innocence with this whole isolation for a month thing?"
"It must get boring, staying hoed up in this room. Besides, Shiro-kun's and I will be with you to keep an eye out."
"I see." I bowed. "I accept the invitation."
"How elegant. It's hard to believe you were disguised as a man just yesterday." Honestly, I felt defeated by the world. It was so restraining, acting like what society expected of me. What I wanted to do was relax and wield a sword. But for the next month, that was impossible for me... "Come now. Don't look so sad." Hayashi said, troubled. I averted my gaze. "Do you like sweets Kohaku-chan?"
"Fair enough Hayashi-san."
"I know this wonderful new shop I've been dying to try." Osagawa joined us as we were leaving, dressed in a blue kimono and black and white striped hakama. The shopping trip ended up being Hayashi buying me clothes, then buying us dinner and sweets. It was late evening by the time we headed back to the compound. "Kohaku-chan, it pains me that you are still so sad. Is it because of the agreement for a month?"
"No Hayashi-san. Though it might be a bit boring in my room, I agreed to staying until my innocence is cleared."
"Then what is the matter child, you are so solemn."
"All I want in life is to live the way I want Hayashi-san. And all my life all anyone wants from me is to confine myself in tight clothing, wear delicate things, and look pretty. I want to take long strides, I want to fight, to feel alive. Being forced not to is...quite stifling."
Hayashi who had been trying all this time to wear a cheerful expression, suddenly became sullen as he thought over what I had said. "But you are a woman." I sighed and said no more. But Hayashi seemed to still be turning over my words in his mind, and he was still solemn when he and Osagawa left me in my room. I laid out the hairpins on the dresser near the kimono stand, my vision blurring in defeated tears but I tried not to let them fall as my nose burned. I gingerly took down my male kimono and replaced it with the more elegant female one. An indigo color with pink sakura flowers piling toward the bottom. I packed away the other two in the drawers along with my male one. I sniffed as a few tears leaked out. I scrubbed them away. ~It's only for a month. This isn't the end to everything. After a month, Ren and I can go back to the way we were living before.~ I tried to cheer myself up.
"Kohaku-san." Osagawa said from the other side of the door.
~What does he want this late at night?~ I went to the door and slid it open. He didn't say anything, just reached out and pulled on my cheeks. My eyes widened as I was pulled out of my stuper.
"What's with this face of yours, Kicked Puppy?" Eventually I came to my senses and swatted his hands away, holding my abused cheeks and glowering at him. He tossed some black cloths at me. "Change into that and come out." He said before shutting the door. Confused, I looked at the clothes. It was a sleeveless shozoku. My mood immediately lifted and I eagerly changed clothes, binding my chest lightly, more for support than pretending to be a guy. I felt refreshed as I exited my room. Osagawa huffed. "Finally." I smiled and he shook his head in disbelief. "Something so simple makes you this happy?" I nodded. "Come with me." He took me to the dojo and handed me a wooden sword.
"Really?" I asked excitedly. He studied me and nodded, his own wooden sword in his hand. We squared off and I relaxed, centering myself before analyzing Osagawa. He attacked and I smiled, exhilarated at his speed as I met him.
It was close to midnight when a voice interrupted us. "Don't you think that's enough already? You should pace yourselves." I looked over with wide eyes to see Hayashi standing there, along with Ren and the quiet Captain.
"Ha-Hayashi-san. U-Um..." I stood straighter and waited to see what he would do about all this. Osagawa didn't seem worried.
Hayashi smiled, trying to reassure me. "You really do shine when holding a blade...just, don't forget that you are female I guess us what I am trying to say. You shouldn't have to be male to enjoy what you like doing. I apologize if I was a little overbearing. I shall work on it if you'll try giving being female a chance?" Gratitude filled my chest and I nodded with a smile. Hayashi cleared his throat. "Well, get some rest soon. You all need your sleep." He left and Ren came over to me.
"Feeling better?"
I smiled wider, "Much."
"How do you like the shozoku?"
"I love how light it is. Though it's a little hotter than the junbei."
Ren ruffled my hair. "Good night Onee-chan."
"Good night Nii-san." The quiet Captain nodded to me and Osagawa before he left with my brother. "Thank you Osagawa-san."
Osagawa nodded, taking the wooden sword from me and putting it away. "I need a sparring partner to improve my swordmanship."
"I'll spar with you anytime." He smirked and took me back to my room. I was much more content and relaxed, able to fall to sleep quickly.