The cooler night was breaking into a warm summer dawn, the sky overcast, as my brother led me through the awakening streets. I wore peasant cloths of a dark blue junbei because the shorter sleeves were appropriate during the summer heat, waraji shoes covering my bare feet. My twin brother and I had long hair pulled back in a high pony and identical side bangs. My twin wore more respectable cloths, a black kimono and zori. On both our hips were rare red sheathed katana and wakizashi, which often drew attention to us. Luckily, the streets weren't too busy as my brother led me toward a large compound, guards on either side of the entrance. The men tensed as we approached. Ren, my brother gave a disarming smile he was known for. "Beautiful morning isn't it?" The men didn't change expression at all, resting their hands on their swords. I watched them closely but from a distance so as not to antagonize them. "We're here to see Inoue-san."837Please respect copyright.PENANAiyDNoNL9ba
The guards shared a look. "Stay here." One said grimly and left, the remaining guard ever more tense now that he was alone with us. Ren smiled at him reassuringly and I moved further out of the street and leaned against the wall. I ended up studying the clouds as we waited quite awhile before the guard came back with a rumpled youth and stern looking man with a bit of a mustache and stubble going on. Both of their long hair back in pony tails. The stern man had hair that fell out on either side and the playful looking youth had some bangs.837Please respect copyright.PENANAfR6B1VMCoF
"Ah, hey Ren." The younger, tired looking men said with a smile, then noticed me and did a double take. "Whoa. You really do look alike!" He said, coming over to me and studying us. "Amazing!"837Please respect copyright.PENANAPAdM9mVANe
"Honda Ren and Kohaku was it?" The stern looking man said in a deep voice with a bit of a scowl.837Please respect copyright.PENANAzf263HoaP8
"Yes sir." Ren said with a smile.837Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0687sPttr
"Come with me." He turned on his heels and we all followed him closely. The man had an aura of authority around him that you just did not rebuke. He led us to a training yard where five people were waiting for us. Four of them waited in a semi-circle wearing matching black hioris with golden arrowheads on the shoulders. The opposing man and Inoue were also wearing them so I assumed they were significant uniform. The fifth person was the one who had captured my attention. He wore an open backed shozoku and was watching us from a branch in a tree nearby. His bangs were cut framing his face, his long hair in a low pony. I was having trouble focusing on those on the ground and forcibly tore my gaze away from his.837Please respect copyright.PENANAdXV2KwXYG6
"A bit flashy aren't we?" One of the men on the ground said, his hair flipped up and pinned. I scanned the men I had previously ignored and raised an eyebrow. They were all handsome as hell.
Ren smiled good-naturedly, laying a hand on his swords. "A family heirloom."
"Yes, yes." The man said, waving my brother off. "The Twin Crimson Blades of the Honda family."
"So you want to join the Night?" The stern one spoke again.
"Yes." Ren said seriously.
"It's not so easy as just saying you want to join, and you won't get any privileges just because you're the Twin Blades of Honda."
"Understood." Ren confirmed.
The man who had talked before placed his hand eagerly on his sword, his gaze focused on Ren and instantly had my attention, my own hand itching toward my katana. "Why don't I test him out?" He asked, a glint in his eyes.
The stern man waved to him to go ahead, "Do as you will." He was fast, instantly before Ren, katana already out. Just as fast, though caught off guard, Ren drew his katana, barely blocking the strike before his sword was even all the way out of his sheath. They parted, getting space.
"Ho-ho. You blocked."
Ren smiled, drawing his katana all the way. "As expected from a Night Captain, you are fast." The Captain attacked again, his movements a blur of speed. Ren kept up with his strike and countered, his usual smile gone in an expression of concentration. The Captain was surprised Ren countered and came at him even fiercer. I was impressed. I had heard the Nights were talented, but this was insane. Ren was using both katana and sheath to keep the Captain at bey and also slide in a counter attack here and there. It continued, for quite some time.
Finally the stern man spoke. "Enough." Immediately the men disengaged and sheathed their swords. "If I let you continue it might take days to decide a victor." There were some chuckles from the captains and Ren smiled.
Even the challenger laughed. "That is true. You are quite skilled." There were a few murmurs from the others. I assumed the man didn't give out compliments lightly.
"Now." The stern man turned his gaze on me. "Who will test the second twin?"
"Allow me." Murmuring broke out and I jumped, disconserted that I hadn't noticed the man from the tree move such a distance. He stepped up from behind the stern man whom seemed to be the captains' leader.
The man shrugged. "He'd already known I was here." More murmuring at that. Smirking, the stern man gestured for Osagawa to step forward. With a smirk of his own, Osagawa did, my hand went to my sword as he squared off with me.
"I'd prefer to use wooden swords." I spoke for the first time, causing more talk from the captains.
"Heh," one man said, his arms crossed. "That might be a good idea." Osagawa nodded and the swords were given to us. I handed my swords to Ren, the others watching me curiously. Ren seemed amused. I barely saw Osagawa attack, he was just suddenly in front of me and I fell back as I sluggishly raised my sword to block, the clack of the two wooden swords echoing in the training area. He was insanely fast. I somehow blocked three more strikes before I actually could catch my balance. He was so fast I could barely get into position to block. I finally was able to collect myself to counter but he effortlessly dodged. I centered myself, not losing focus. He smirked and we considered one another. He cocked his head, and attacked. I was on much surer footing this time, more aware of his abilities. I could think of moves using my katana and wakizashi, but that did me no good. All I had at the moment was one wooden stick. I suddenly dropped down and lashed my leg out to swipe his legs out from under him but he jumped over me with a smile. I narrowed my eyes at him and we attacked with renewed vigor. But still I wasn't anywhere near getting the leg up on him. I flicked the dirt with my sword tip, sending sand up toward his eyes. He tried to shield them, but was unsuccessful. He put distance between us and the stern man raised his hand for us to stop. We both straightened. Everyone was deathly quiet. I could tell my style of fighting made the captains uneasy. They didn't approve of me using my scenery as I fought. They viewed it as cheating because it isn't just going off of your swordmanship. Perhaps it was cheating.
"So the decision is," The stern one said, breaking the silence. "Whether the Twin Blades shall join the Night or not. All in favor?" Hesitantly, everyone raised their hands.
With an apprehensive smile, Ren bowed. "Thank you for accepting us." I nodded agreement.
"Alright!" Inoue Kenshin said excitedly, trying to liven up the atmosphere. "I'll help you two get settled in."
"Hold up Kenshin." The stern man ordered, wiping the smile from the energetic lad's face. "They'll be under Taro's command. He'll show them where they need to go."
"Aw, okay." Inoue said. "Well, some other time."
One of the calmer captains with a low pony stepped forward with a gentle smile. "I'm Captain Kawaguchi Tarou, let's work well together."
Ren and I bowed and as one said, "We'll be in your care."
Kawaguchi laughed. "That's pretty cool how you do that. Telling you apart might be difficult. Come, I'll give you a tour." Other soldiers stopped and stared as Kawaguchi led us around, showing us where the bathing house was, where the dinning area was. Various training yards and the dojo. The Captain area and where each squad area was. He made introductions to the other soldiers as we went, knowing everyone by name. I was immediately coming to respect this guy. He took us to an area where we were given uniforms, then showed us to where we would be bunking with all the other members of his squad. There were 10 others. "Alright everyone, form up." Kawaguchi announced, causing the other men to come over and form a circle. "This is Honda Ren and Kohaku. They will be joining us from now on. Get along well. Ren-kun, Kohaku-kun, put on the hioris, we're about to go on rounds and you'll join us." We nodded and everyone bustled about getting ready. Some coming up to us and talking about our red sheaths, the Hondas, or how we looked identical. I let Ten do all the talking, I wasn't thrilled to wear the black hiori. It was going to make me even hotter in this heat. But a uniform was a uniform. The walk through town was a peaceful one. We were met with mixed reactions of respect and distrust. Interesting. When we were done with rounds, Kawaguchi led us out to the farmlands and we started jogging. I wasn't a fan of jogging. When we finally got back to the compound, we did various exercises before starting drills. It was all basics for Ren and I, but we went along with it good-naturedly. It didn't hurt to do the basic moves over again. Wooden swords were passed out and we were called out to have matches while the others watched and Kawaguchi instructed, pointing out faults and giving advice. Ren and I were called to have a match against each other. Used to sparing with each other, we went all out. We made the others step back as we used more and more space. We went at it for a long time, exchanging blows, neither gaining the upper hand. The more time went however, the more I was breathing more heavily than ren , sweat pouring down. Eventually Kawaguchi called a stalemate. We all cleaned up some and met at the dining area for lunch. It was so crowded and rowdy. Afterward we were given free time, in which Ren was called out by the Captain that tested him and they had a fierce match with wooden swords. It lasted for the rest of the day and attracted quite a crowd. It was good for Ren to be able to spar with someone of this caliber. Eventually the match was called to an end because dinner was being served. We went to bed early, everyone exhausted.
In the middle of the night, I snuck out to the the bath house, locking the door and covering the high windows with cloths. I striped and ynbound my chest, sighing in relief as I bathed. ~So this is my new life?~ I thought as I soaked.