The next day was quite the same, only this time, in the afternoon, the Captain called me out instead of Ren. He studied me sharply as we squared off, and even though I knew he was fast, he still surprised me when he attacked. I wasn't used to sparring with someone who wasn't Ren. I quickly found my footing as we exchanged blows, though I was mostly on the defensive. Soon I got the feel of him and my attacks increased as I got used to the rhythm. By the time dinner was ready, I was a sweaty, panting mess, but neither of us had won yet. Many tried to strike up a conversation with me during dinner, but I simply answered what was asked of me before going silent again. Later that night, I was eager for everyone to sleep so I could bathe. I had just striped and unbound myself, washing up when I heard something behind me. Curious, I turned and my jaw dropped when I looked up at Osagawa, the washbowl falling from my hands to clatter to the ground. I looked toward the door but I could see it was still locked. ~What the hell?~719Please respect copyright.PENANAAA5MdFRqfr
"Finish up and get dressed, I'll be waiting outside, lock the door behind me."719Please respect copyright.PENANAPtoDIUw5HM
Numbly, I nodded, following him to the door and locking it after he went out. ~What's going to happen now?~ I kept my swords close as I exited the bathing house. Osagawa was waiting for me, arms crossed. Without a word, he led me toward the Captains' rooms. I was starting to get angry. All the time I had to hide my identity, just so I could live how I wanted... Osagawa led me to a dim room. The stern captain was waiting for us along with a man I had never seen before, his hair flipped up and pinned.719Please respect copyright.PENANArvwY4J2P6i
"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance Honda-chan." The new man said. "Your name is Honda Kohaku is it not?" I bowed my head. "I am Hayashi Ken'ichi." My eyes widened at the name, recognizing it. "I am leader of the Night." I bowed. Hayashi laughed awkwardly. "Please rise, it makes me nervous when a beautiful woman like you bows to me." I frowned, more aggravated by the different treatment than flattered by the compliment.719Please respect copyright.PENANAwYxoSIkrNt
"Enough pleasantries." The stern captain snarled. "I want to know who sent you."719Please respect copyright.PENANAGI9vq2JnFT
I furrowed my brows. "No one sent me. It was onii-san's idea to join the Night. he thought I would fit in here."719Please respect copyright.PENANAYqVz1q7Evc
The Captain slammed his hand down on the tatami mat. "You think we are stupid? Someone sent you to infiltrate the Night!"719Please respect copyright.PENANAdxJynxhLQ4
I grew cold at the thought of what they might do to me if they thought I was a threat. "No."719Please respect copyright.PENANAw91Vszz5Ro
"Come now Zuki, you're scaring the girl."719Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2gGOKGzST
"I meant to scare her!" The Captain turned on his leader, who ignored him and focused on me.719Please respect copyright.PENANAwdgif61ZR2
"If you tell us the truth, I promise no harm shall befall you." He said kindly.719Please respect copyright.PENANArfmqo6LABO
"But I am telling the truth." I said in a small voice.719Please respect copyright.PENANA9sGHhDxqFm
"I see, however, we cannot just let you go in case that is not the case." Silence descended, no on spoke, all considered one another.719Please respect copyright.PENANAFNul6Ctlq4
"If you refuse to name names, then torture is the only option-"719Please respect copyright.PENANAJqsHqAal5l
"I'll watch her." Osagawa said suddenly, cutting off the angry Captain.719Please respect copyright.PENANA5ZFIBb91Bw
"What?"719Please respect copyright.PENANA4K2uHPDqQ1
"I said, I'll watch her. A month should do right? If no one from the outside tries to contact her, then she's telling the truth and she isn't a spy. Just some kid gallivanting around as a man. And if she is a spy, then Captain Shimizu can have his fun with her."719Please respect copyright.PENANAlHYjxeGnk5
"It isn't fun." Shimizu sulked. "I just do what needs to be done."719Please respect copyright.PENANAplwa1acIwl
"I would hate to confine a young lady. What would you propose we do?" Hayashi said, watching me with troubled eyes.719Please respect copyright.PENANATNjzrqV5bZ
I blinked, blindsided by that question. "Me?"719Please respect copyright.PENANAmrbIDoi7z4
Hayashi smiled calmly. "Yes my dear. You. You are the one this all entails, you are the one who will have to live with the decision."719Please respect copyright.PENANAdmrTHUFOX9
I shut my eyes for a moment before opening them again. "I would like to do the observation for a month. I suppose there is still no way for me to join the Night?"719Please respect copyright.PENANA4bW3Je25zU
Hayashi was surprised. "We might still torture you, yet you still want to join us?"719Please respect copyright.PENANAHzeWPSpG6I
I shrugged. "You didn't torture me."719Please respect copyright.PENANA9TYmQ1jg98
Hayashi hesitated. "No. I will not put a woman in danger." I felt let down and angry. I had already proved I was more talented than many of the men here. I clenched my fists, but otherwise tried to hide any outward change of emotion. I must not have done a good job however, for Hayashi frowned, troubled, but pushed onward. "You will change your lodgings immediately to the room next to Shiro-kun's. You are not to leave without an escort at all times. Do you understand?" I nodded, then hesitated, afraid to ask... "What is on your mind Child?"719Please respect copyright.PENANACOlIkTm3Sl
"Onii-san."719Please respect copyright.PENANAQJxlMzxvIT
"No harm will befall your brother. Uh...he is your brother, right?" I nodded. Hayashi looked relieved. "Ren-kun will not be harmed. He will be questioned much like you are and also be kept under watch by Michi-kun, a captain who was there when you were first tested for entrance into Night." I nodded, trying not to worry too much. "One other thing Kohaku-chan. I will need to hold onto your swords for you for awhile." I frowned, not at all liking that...but knew there was no getting around it. Slowly, I forced myself to hand over my swords. Hayashi smiled reassuringly. "I promise to keep them safe until they are returned to you." I nodded.719Please respect copyright.PENANA8S8PBH4h5J
"Come on, let's go get your things." Osagawa said. I silently followed him. Kawaguchi, another Captain, and Ren were all talking in front of the bunk house when we got there. The quiet Captain that hadn't said a word during our entrance testing had Ren's swords. They turned toward us when we approached.
"Onee-san." Ren said, walking past the Captains to give me a hug. I hugged back tightly. "I'm sorry." He whispered as we parted.
I shrugged. "The Night is interresting, unfortunately they're just like everyone else."
"What does that mean?" The Captain spoke for the first time.
"Just because I'm a woman, you ignore my ability and turn me away."
The Captain rubbed his neck. "Is that what Hayashi-San said?"
"In much more eloquent terms." The Captain gave a small smile.
"Is would think you not being allowed into the Night has more to do with you lying than anything else." Kawaguchi said.
"Whatever." I wanted to dispute that, but thought I'd get nowhere, so didn't try.
Ren smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry. It's a sore subject for my sister. That is the reason she dresses like a man. She's always had a passion for fighting." Kawaguchi huffed, not looking upset at my rude behavior at all.
"In a way she is right though." The Captain said. Kawaguchi looked over at him. The Captain shrugged. "Hayashi-san would never let a woman fight." Kawaguchi frowned, but didn't say that was wrong.
"Come on Kohaku-san, get your things and I'll how you to your new room." Osagawa got us back on track and I nodded, giving Ren one more hug before I grabbed the little sack with my kimono and hakama in it, shoving the junbei I had worn that day in it. I also took off the hiori and folded it on my bunk. I couldn't believe I was going to miss that thing. When I came back out, the Captain and Ren were gone. I felt the loss of my twin in that moment. It's not like we're glued to the hip or anything, but still. This was an uncertain time. We were being confined and there was no telling when the next time we might see each other during this month will be... "You look like a lost puppy." I frowned but pushed my loneliness aside. Osagawa led me to a large room near the Captains' quarters.
I looked around. "This is where I will stay?" I asked in surprise.
Osagawa nodded, then hesitated to leave. "I'll be right next door if you need anything." I nodded and he left, sliding the doors shut behind him. Feeling unsettled, I hung up my blue kimono, before eventually laying down, but try as I might, sleep evaded me that night.