All were attentive to the godlike man, 936Please respect copyright.PENANApP0Q88MDyJ
When from his lofty couch he thus began: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxvRcw9cLZ5
"Great queen, what you command me to relate 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIismgkDn4R
Renews the sad remembrance of our fate: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAVvF20IsHec
An empire from its old foundations rent, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgIXIc9FIl2
And ev'ry woe the Trojans underwent; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfKN4PFQ0Pk
A peopled city made a desart place; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEq08C5lgp2
All that I saw, and part of which I was: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHLo40HEW7r
Not ev'n the hardest of our foes could hear, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzrr5fGtXU6
Nor stern Ulysses tell without a tear. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMZlblR9H0P
And now the latter watch of wasting night, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAKXKgBm58Dw
And setting stars, to kindly rest invite; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA16oK3EUuKn
But, since you take such int'rest in our woe, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwEFuk18CSi
And Troy's disastrous end desire to know, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmzqBL6f4bN
I will restrain my tears, and briefly tell 936Please respect copyright.PENANAOSHZOSQZxI
What in our last and fatal night befell. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcbJP7dCrqX
"By destiny compell'd, and in despair, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIRIDVvM1v5
The Greeks grew weary of the tedious war, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJu5Si1hlL6
And by Minerva's aid a fabric rear'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANApStwzqFUeI
Which like a steed of monstrous height appear'd: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8O4EBX9g94
The sides were plank'd with pine; they feign'd it made 936Please respect copyright.PENANAE3NHZ6jU4D
For their return, and this the vow they paid. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIvKbeEWioc
Thus they pretend, but in the hollow side 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4PiGZtCsqi
Selected numbers of their soldiers hide: 936Please respect copyright.PENANALyS1OG6b6T
With inward arms the dire machine they load, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqczdjMPPTQ
And iron bowels stuff the dark abode. 936Please respect copyright.PENANACVl0ri68tN
In sight of Troy lies Tenedos, an isle 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhLLrnqwh69
(While Fortune did on Priam's empire smile) 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwew7kwXaPw
Renown'd for wealth; but, since, a faithless bay, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAecUaxF4w7d
Where ships expos'd to wind and weather lay. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnTmgo2wvrG
There was their fleet conceal'd. We thought, for Greece 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZlEtxmRzkY
Their sails were hoisted, and our fears release. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAVyoFp1v2Vy
The Trojans, coop'd within their walls so long, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1LCNZoFHGO
Unbar their gates, and issue in a throng, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9EdzX5P9x0
Like swarming bees, and with delight survey 936Please respect copyright.PENANABXQjaXrmy4
The camp deserted, where the Grecians lay: 936Please respect copyright.PENANASiCH7va1Lx
The quarters of the sev'ral chiefs they show'd; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAn463QOrRHn
Here Phoenix, here Achilles, made abode; 936Please respect copyright.PENANABdvWxqIPHF
Here join'd the battles; there the navy rode. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhAPD6H0r7K
Part on the pile their wond'ring eyes employ: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQDF5Bbs5yq
The pile by Pallas rais'd to ruin Troy. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA28poxQu2db
Thymoetes first ('t is doubtful whether hir'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcy3kZK3oql
Or so the Trojan destiny requir'd) 936Please respect copyright.PENANACQPAAxSZEC
Mov'd that the ramparts might be broken down, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEkqxCDMZOI
To lodge the monster fabric in the town. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeBlcu1O73r
But Capys, and the rest of sounder mind, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdXpKPyf2Zj
The fatal present to the flames designed, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZiHS7v6Aks
Or to the wat'ry deep; at least to bore 936Please respect copyright.PENANASvyIqNr0Fb
The hollow sides, and hidden frauds explore. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQZjRTy7mOb
The giddy vulgar, as their fancies guide, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAboEwxPJWvS
With noise say nothing, and in parts divide. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgRa15SJVay
Laocoon, follow'd by a num'rous crowd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAv3WHKH0M61
Ran from the fort, and cried, from far, aloud: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8pC4SWl7iq
'O wretched countrymen! what fury reigns? 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2uNqwKyeGK
What more than madness has possess'd your brains? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoY12groDHz
Think you the Grecians from your coasts are gone? 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5AXQg0RXxf
And are Ulysses' arts no better known? 936Please respect copyright.PENANARygq6wnA0o
This hollow fabric either must inclose, 936Please respect copyright.PENANANroR6Nu63B
Within its blind recess, our secret foes; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5EXcntBTqH
Or 't is an engine rais'd above the town, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeSWZ1Hj6aw
T' o'erlook the walls, and then to batter down. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdB1r8Jve3q
Somewhat is sure design'd, by fraud or force: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3JpjgAb0nL
Trust not their presents, nor admit the horse.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjDmlNEx06s
Thus having said, against the steed he threw 936Please respect copyright.PENANAED7OO5dZil
His forceful spear, which, hissing as flew, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAYapJJZf3rP
Pierc'd thro' the yielding planks of jointed wood, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvnnskIXJFT
And trembling in the hollow belly stood. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAKZ5y1T8QE9
The sides, transpierc'd, return a rattling sound, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAubMKMhM5mV
And groans of Greeks inclos'd come issuing thro' the wound 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPkkwgIwL1h
And, had not Heav'n the fall of Troy design'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxcVkORvD9l
Or had not men been fated to be blind, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAc70puU0NWD
Enough was said and done t'inspire a better mind. 936Please respect copyright.PENANALVTB3rlw7E
Then had our lances pierc'd the treach'rous wood, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHbK5BeNQbT
And Ilian tow'rs and Priam's empire stood. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAudwQ9C74Mu
Meantime, with shouts, the Trojan shepherds bring 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8xer3V4t3g
A captive Greek, in bands, before the king; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2vTY0Gh8Dq
Taken to take; who made himself their prey, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAE4dJxs288K
T' impose on their belief, and Troy betray; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAKrR7ImvU3O
Fix'd on his aim, and obstinately bent 936Please respect copyright.PENANAyaK0fkMbKe
To die undaunted, or to circumvent. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXwEwhpEQeC
About the captive, tides of Trojans flow; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAU3Q92m5UD3
All press to see, and some insult the foe. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMW8qaDmxXk
Now hear how well the Greeks their wiles disguis'd; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAi6wb41o80S
Behold a nation in a man compris'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANALv48Va91qD
Trembling the miscreant stood, unarm'd and bound; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEFBh9Qz9Qp
He star'd, and roll'd his haggard eyes around, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhIubBo1tAi
Then said: 'Alas! what earth remains, what sea 936Please respect copyright.PENANAv1NNXPWZyl
Is open to receive unhappy me? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPLimw5QxNk
What fate a wretched fugitive attends, 936Please respect copyright.PENANArpMhSFt37c
Scorn'd by my foes, abandon'd by my friends?' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjRXfbXlxVa
He said, and sigh'd, and cast a rueful eye: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4v6BWdUubZ
Our pity kindles, and our passions die. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8sDYI32pjC
We cheer youth to make his own defense, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbHkFyNDzG0
And freely tell us what he was, and whence: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPSVUeKNVdO
What news he could impart, we long to know, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnsiieV97Fa
And what to credit from a captive foe. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHAGxVapm4T
"His fear at length dismiss'd, he said: 'Whate'er 936Please respect copyright.PENANAa3O2YGPaBO
My fate ordains, my words shall be sincere: 936Please respect copyright.PENANARk8iTfUFsG
I neither can nor dare my birth disclaim; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAps3rqKNFDY
Greece is my country, Sinon is my name. 936Please respect copyright.PENANADoN3DHCPaH
Tho' plung'd by Fortune's pow'r in misery, 936Please respect copyright.PENANASlE6AztnTm
'T is not in Fortune's pow'r to make me lie. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcdHqvUF3Gi
If any chance has hither brought the name 936Please respect copyright.PENANAyaTyC8uNTM
Of Palamedes, not unknown to fame, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQQOsr7JaqB
Who suffer'd from the malice of the times, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAG85fLd6zIm
Accus'd and sentenc'd for pretended crimes, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJrXo7xhoLp
Because these fatal wars he would prevent; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqvOkBljPRm
Whose death the wretched Greeks too late lament- 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnr5DdKhT3w
Me, then a boy, my father, poor and bare 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2qLbGTUw8h
Of other means, committed to his care, 936Please respect copyright.PENANANhT9rfXWBa
His kinsman and companion in the war. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeZll19jMSn
While Fortune favor'd, while his arms support 936Please respect copyright.PENANAShOWIgNu9Q
The cause, and rul'd the counsels, of the court, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoGKb3ZBuAp
I made some figure there; nor was my name 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZWETSyuCxE
Obscure, nor I without my share of fame. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGhkPtnMT5d
But when Ulysses, with fallacious arts, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFYB7pZwAb3
Had made impression in the people's hearts, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhAD9cCTKwv
And forg'd a treason in my patron's name 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUcz21fbBvn
(I speak of things too far divulg'd by fame), 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkNg7GUglC9
My kinsman fell. Then I, without support, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEDPB0g9a4q
In private mourn'd his loss, and left the court. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2qUa4d0jfU
Mad as I was, I could not bear his fate 936Please respect copyright.PENANABRWJaLyO0n
With silent grief, but loudly blam'd the state, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmFyEuDiSdZ
And curs'd the direful author of my woes. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAACJE8xzulw
'T was told again; and hence my ruin rose. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeCMUBXrFDm
I threaten'd, if indulgent Heav'n once more 936Please respect copyright.PENANAloLnuFepDt
Would land me safely on my native shore, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA85VUw1VzBE
His death with double vengeance to restore. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAYfmXCR61He
This mov'd the murderer's hate; and soon ensued 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6zTGhKmWZz
Th' effects of malice from a man so proud. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvnMONgJHBa
Ambiguous rumors thro' the camp he spread, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAF6Jd1TWeRE
And sought, by treason, my devoted head; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8IjxfRTMMd
New crimes invented; left unturn'd no stone, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuXOXgtwThM
To make my guilt appear, and hide his own; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAulyVo1R2j1
Till Calchas was by force and threat'ning wrought- 936Please respect copyright.PENANABZJ4wf63tm
But why- why dwell I on that anxious thought? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcvSR5KEOkt
If on my nation just revenge you seek, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgeeuUw2M9c
And 't is t' appear a foe, t' appear a Greek; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQvgek9l4dV
Already you my name and country know; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1bP2NYIrzV
Assuage your thirst of blood, and strike the blow: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPA1Eg77iJX
My death will both the kingly brothers please, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHwLfvXuLJI
And set insatiate Ithacus at ease.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFOAbDiWyu0
This fair unfinish'd tale, these broken starts, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFnrzu07UGa
Rais'd expectations in our longing hearts: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6Thd2Q3Cx6
Unknowing as we were in Grecian arts. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAARWfsu0qYQ
His former trembling once again renew'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQfVswDoVji
With acted fear, the villain thus pursued: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAa3PWal0I3j
"'Long had the Grecians (tir'd with fruitless care, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMUwG5RsDBq
And wearied with an unsuccessful war) 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQVCdkFr2eQ
Resolv'd to raise the siege, and leave the town; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAefBryeOyiD
And, had the gods permitted, they had gone; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgrxjWezilD
But oft the wintry seas and southern winds 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtaZkqm3li0
Withstood their passage home, and chang'd their minds. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkmUqhNMCqR
Portents and prodigies their souls amaz'd; 936Please respect copyright.PENANADJDM7YyJHz
But most, when this stupendous pile was rais'd: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhP2BTvGwh4
Then flaming meteors, hung in air, were seen, 936Please respect copyright.PENANALfcLA0n2C0
And thunders rattled thro' a sky serene. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAse8MZ32j8i
Dismay'd, and fearful of some dire event, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAr2cYEYbHPa
Eurypylus t' enquire their fate was sent. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA7JCkY4xl3J
He from the gods this dreadful answer brought: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnqYkmjJ5Eb
"O Grecians, when the Trojan shores you sought, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9LjjZ4yIOs
Your passage with a virgin's blood was bought: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAOyMmeGzrjf
So must your safe return be bought again, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqKtIccJBZ0
And Grecian blood once more atone the main." 936Please respect copyright.PENANALR4tAMrwnG
The spreading rumor round the people ran; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAASfXymCxJa
All fear'd, and each believ'd himself the man. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4iWhpomXc
Ulysses took th' advantage of their fright; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIwwDK5wk5u
Call'd Calchas, and produc'd in open sight: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAm8gV2KkkP8
Then bade him name the wretch, ordain'd by fate 936Please respect copyright.PENANAimrHVzky7Q
The public victim, to redeem the state. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdlLBjIu9Gb
Already some presag'd the dire event, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAVcZsMyoufj
And saw what sacrifice Ulysses meant. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeXQhykwoj0
For twice five days the good old seer withstood 936Please respect copyright.PENANAckF7PdY8Qd
Th' intended treason, and was dumb to blood, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA15l9LcfKpT
Till, tir'd, with endless clamors and pursuit 936Please respect copyright.PENANAivdAIQvBjI
Of Ithacus, he stood no longer mute; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAOyLY5QMDib
But, as it was agreed, pronounc'd that I 936Please respect copyright.PENANAm4I0A1THm5
Was destin'd by the wrathful gods to die. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEqcJdcdnR8
All prais'd the sentence, pleas'd the storm should fall 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdu6VHBdLyF
On one alone, whose fury threaten'd all. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3aFrjXm9yA
The dismal day was come; the priests prepare 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfT9v9PTyVo
Their leaven'd cakes, and fillets for my hair. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3LeetaNHVC
I follow'd nature's laws, and must avow 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4enBGoxusB
I broke my bonds and fled the fatal blow. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAENSv1sjucJ
Hid in a weedy lake all night I lay, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXJZC5EZ6P4
Secure of safety when they sail'd away. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcyFJkLz2IB
But now what further hopes for me remain, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFdmPLuLAEm
To see my friends, or native soil, again; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcQ0O112Axz
My tender infants, or my careful sire, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeXVerxX9Z0
Whom they returning will to death require; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUkVSizon6f
Will perpetrate on them their first design, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAclJz2SWTJP
And take the forfeit of their heads for mine? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAv5NmPXuiqs
Which, O! if pity mortal minds can move, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhEjZkVkrbR
If there be faith below, or gods above, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhJJICfgxah
If innocence and truth can claim desert, 936Please respect copyright.PENANANPBhAJEIcf
Ye Trojans, from an injur'd wretch avert.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdh20lVH5ov
"False tears true pity move; the king commands 936Please respect copyright.PENANAC0ErHmEtRT
To loose his fetters, and unbind his hands: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFzOcUEFJgn
Then adds these friendly words: 'Dismiss thy fears; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWFvNMp741V
Forget the Greeks; be mine as thou wert theirs. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdLtkEEiy6R
But truly tell, was it for force or guile, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIaxrQUCbGu
Or some religious end, you rais'd the pile?' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAleDqzcWqe5
Thus said the king. He, full of fraudful arts, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXzEUnv6WpD
This well-invented tale for truth imparts: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvWLZI3F6n6
'Ye lamps of heav'n!' he said, and lifted high 936Please respect copyright.PENANArEveAu5QNj
His hands now free, 'thou venerable sky! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAe9p5DO6wZg
Inviolable pow'rs, ador'd with dread! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZhrzTsCrGm
Ye fatal fillets, that once bound this head! 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6QRaY4HeWl
Ye sacred altars, from whose flames I fled! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAArvUunR3Ir
Be all of you adjur'd; and grant I may, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8AZpkZqzGg
Without a crime, th' ungrateful Greeks betray, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAg2NWHtwXDj
Reveal the secrets of the guilty state, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAO02cZW7OAQ
And justly punish whom I justly hate! 936Please respect copyright.PENANA24VSMbLNkc
But you, O king, preserve the faith you gave, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIDZ3CirUG0
If I, to save myself, your empire save. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgnMYxhyCsd
The Grecian hopes, and all th' attempts they made, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhmFkB4op4s
Were only founded on Minerva's aid. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEYUebEwDY2
But from the time when impious Diomede, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvbbPxYUegS
And false Ulysses, that inventive head, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHKfcr7r2lN
Her fatal image from the temple drew, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEh176Ijed5
The sleeping guardians of the castle slew, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAa3UpxZvddR
Her virgin statue with their bloody hands 936Please respect copyright.PENANAE9klZoeDoC
Polluted, and profan'd her holy bands; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAT2xDcRcAjk
From thence the tide of fortune left their shore, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8gqnmrj5in
And ebb'd much faster than it flow'd before: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbJHWVZfoIQ
Their courage languish'd, as their hopes decay'd; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAS71es4URKR
And Pallas, now averse, refus'd her aid. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAOvYwsMi36o
Nor did the goddess doubtfully declare 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUlc6SPdRFa
Her alter'd mind and alienated care. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfyzfx7Itvr
When first her fatal image touch'd the ground, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAKfXw1zAuxF
She sternly cast her glaring eyes around, 936Please respect copyright.PENANATEZf5WdFon
That sparkled as they roll'd, and seem'd to threat: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJqhgGTLfEy
Her heav'nly limbs distill'd a briny sweat. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAy7XryyJKEN
Thrice from the ground she leap'd, was seen to wield 936Please respect copyright.PENANAT7AXDeTpUk
Her brandish'd lance, and shake her horrid shield. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnAKqDLADhD
Then Calchas bade our host for flight 936Please respect copyright.PENANAlbhd9RTvx8
And hope no conquest from the tedious war, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5M8aG5YKT4
Till first they sail'd for Greece; with pray'rs besought 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8iwDaDcN9d
Her injur'd pow'r, and better omens brought. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAyaUucKeKuQ
And now their navy plows the wat'ry main, 936Please respect copyright.PENANARgnCyrGZZF
Yet soon expect it on your shores again, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuXOzmi4dwz
With Pallas pleas'd; as Calchas did ordain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeSr6B8X18k
But first, to reconcile the blue-ey'd maid 936Please respect copyright.PENANAVv7vwahnvk
For her stol'n statue and her tow'r betray'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnbypOijHFe
Warn'd by the seer, to her offended name 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9KztqQv0QP
We rais'd and dedicate this wondrous frame, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHx8OkFdUsQ
So lofty, lest thro' your forbidden gates 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwrLE5gTduz
It pass, and intercept our better fates: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAn5rpQb8H1g
For, once admitted there, our hopes are lost; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtfY8ZVW582
And Troy may then a new Palladium boast; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvbWDLp6dJm
For so religion and the gods ordain, 936Please respect copyright.PENANApOPTgazj1f
That, if you violate with hands profane 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXHw5AQKYmy
Minerva's gift, your town in flames shall burn, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdtcJN82t15
(Which omen, O ye gods, on Graecia turn!) 936Please respect copyright.PENANAVjfoEcfHE4
But if it climb, with your assisting hands, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAR5eYs4gJDu
The Trojan walls, and in the city stands; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGtgRsUXhTa
Then Troy shall Argos and Mycenae burn, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAc0MsiWg7OM
And the reverse of fate on us return.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANArydNWp4AdJ
"With such deceits he gain'd their easy hearts, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvJ50GrZSIU
Too prone to credit his perfidious arts. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxIzHXIReJu
What Diomede, nor Thetis' greater son, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAI1PECdqDg1
A thousand ships, nor ten years' siege, had done- 936Please respect copyright.PENANASwLSdlucMU
False tears and fawning words the city won. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhIGbS7KMCp
"A greater omen, and of worse portent, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuArktwIlu4
Did our unwary minds with fear torment, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAYvOA5pZfKq
Concurring to produce the dire event. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxrXgWS45KD
Laocoon, Neptune's priest by lot that year, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqYAa8N4js0
With solemn pomp then sacrific'd a steer; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZ12KYuilcc
When, dreadful to behold, from sea we spied 936Please respect copyright.PENANA7762evclqx
Two serpents, rank'd abreast, the seas divide, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMbTR9iX7d8
And smoothly sweep along the swelling tide. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAX2O4cyC6cr
Their flaming crests above the waves they show; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAM7A4LxKK9S
Their bellies seem to burn the seas below; 936Please respect copyright.PENANANUFYh9qMOX
Their speckled tails advance to steer their course, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5BOidWru7u
And on the sounding shore the flying billows force. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmF00se9d1U
And now the strand, and now the plain they held; 936Please respect copyright.PENANANxMZTfAI3m
Their ardent eyes with bloody streaks were fill'd; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbd13NbgJXi
Their nimble tongues they brandish'd as they came, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3jkthot50j
And lick'd their hissing jaws, that sputter'd flame. 936Please respect copyright.PENANATp7B9W62yc
We fled amaz'd; their destin'd way they take, 936Please respect copyright.PENANACGQYJzjIRW
And to Laocoon and his children make; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgS8P1jW7Qt
And first around the tender boys they wind, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwSbSsmwyAD
Then with their sharpen'd fangs their limbs and bodies grind. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsm6PaZsDOl
The wretched father, running to their aid 936Please respect copyright.PENANABk8WdDEC9U
With pious haste, but vain, they next invade; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAt3np8LoSfs
Twice round his waist their winding volumes roll'd; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbwKjXCEc4Z
And twice about his gasping throat they fold. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAU2o7cpazQU
The priest thus doubly chok'd, their crests divide, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeAWxij1vgB
And tow'ring o'er his head in triumph ride. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA0FGbpLhYES
With both his hands he labors at the knots; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAaLGlvBUtn2
His holy fillets the blue venom blots; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIeMF5xrF7V
His roaring fills the flitting air around. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdmJ3Eo25Zk
Thus, when an ox receives a glancing wound, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXhYTYB3FBs
He breaks his bands, the fatal altar flies, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAG4zqDNDgU5
And with loud bellowings breaks the yielding skies. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnUFs5u0nUv
Their tasks perform'd, the serpents quit their prey, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmOfA4GCAs7
And to the tow'r of Pallas make their way: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJrCN2OaGGL
Couch'd at her feet, they lie protected there 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUqrp8UPMjJ
By her large buckler and protended spear. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAAmiwPRxhsU
Amazement seizes all; the gen'ral cry 936Please respect copyright.PENANAci5vCLCowv
Proclaims Laocoon justly doom'd to die, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAM8M3SOGHRu
Whose hand the will of Pallas had withstood, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAVgd4UVtrWK
And dared to violate the sacred wood. 936Please respect copyright.PENANARMKe2WB7k5
All vote t' admit the steed, that vows be paid 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQVBbSMrqG7
And incense offer'd to th' offended maid. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAlfwTJ7Le83
A spacious breach is made; the town lies bare; 936Please respect copyright.PENANABu7A2TRtjs
Some hoisting-levers, some the wheels prepare 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgG14YNHUkw
And fasten to the horse's feet; the rest 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvW3537FAWM
With cables haul along th' unwieldly beast. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzdDpKi2DqE
Each on his fellow for assistance calls; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfluNCTjNun
At length the fatal fabric mounts the walls, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAyDxEnRtYLy
Big with destruction. Boys with chaplets crown'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAprXyaPBUlJ
And choirs of virgins, sing and dance around. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA7hHG4mFtRK
Thus rais'd aloft, and then descending down, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUKlP6Bm5vr
It enters o'er our heads, and threats the town. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1AI1NmfmgK
O sacred city, built by hands divine! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXiJiFJfROn
O valiant heroes of the Trojan line! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWEHwO6sAJa
Four times he struck: as oft the clashing sound 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5qvVL5KARx
Of arms was heard, and inward groans rebound. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAT1SnWNk9y9
Yet, mad with zeal, and blinded with our fate, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1hSOhPa1Ai
We haul along the horse in solemn state; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZyAVULEEs
Then place the dire portent within the tow'r. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbHorra102Z
Cassandra cried, and curs'd th' unhappy hour; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA32PnSc90a2
Foretold our fate; but, by the god's decree, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAz9bbnZqvzW
All heard, and none believ'd the prophecy. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjbg3XFhjNG
With branches we the fanes adorn, and waste, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwnqs7SEKIk
In jollity, the day ordain'd to be the last. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2Z37tfIJCY
Meantime the rapid heav'ns roll'd down the light, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjEpoTUILkH
And on the shaded ocean rush'd the night; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsxcrCw3UEC
Our men, secure, nor guards nor sentries held, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsbE4IyozHW
But easy sleep their weary limbs compell'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANADY7WsmxAkI
The Grecians had embark'd their naval pow'rs 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQI1GlYGfaL
From Tenedos, and sought our well-known shores, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAb08t85xEV1
Safe under covert of the silent night, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1gU1ZUlUpp
And guided by th' imperial galley's light; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4ekDFOWt03
When Sinon, favor'd by the partial gods, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoYhwXjXzbR
Unlock'd the horse, and op'd his dark abodes; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAlqvW3UG8Co
Restor'd to vital air our hidden foes, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA88pc3H24RT
Who joyful from their long confinement rose. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3Zjr6IDz0s
Tysander bold, and Sthenelus their guide, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAusCvODcZKU
And dire Ulysses down the cable slide: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcmBQvzn0rN
Then Thoas, Athamas, and Pyrrhus haste; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAggYm4dHfNX
Nor was the Podalirian hero last, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQrXH9tnT67
Nor injur'd Menelaus, nor the fam'd 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3K0bhA2tsz
Epeus, who the fatal engine fram'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANATrpkqitoza
A nameless crowd succeed; their forces join 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzbcfQXN4JW
T' invade the town, oppress'd with sleep and wine. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnmibdlcEMH
Those few they find awake first meet their fate; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuP6p5rpGNd
Then to their fellows they unbar the gate. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAyrHfZUoPOt
"'T was in the dead of night, when sleep repairs 936Please respect copyright.PENANAY4U1HvoxE9
Our bodies worn with toils, our minds with cares, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAouYIpZRHkA
When Hector's ghost before my sight appears: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5Mj2kxDmPv
A bloody shroud he seem'd, and bath'd in tears; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAs8VuSVRN4W
Such as he was, when, by Pelides slain, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAa9eMP7aCiB
Thessalian coursers dragg'd him o'er the plain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2DO82DjjA9
Swoln were his feet, as when the thongs were thrust 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHQThjGmmJo
Thro' the bor'd holes; his body black with dust; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAiaUuNGdOTC
Unlike that Hector who return'd from toils 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1rPiiUezTr
Of war, triumphant, in Aeacian spoils, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjNslfzURRr
Or him who made the fainting Greeks retire, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2swutpEQGJ
And launch'd against their navy Phrygian fire. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsrXgJtNlcl
His hair and beard stood stiffen'd with his gore; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqvsTvUs2UZ
And all the wounds he for his country bore 936Please respect copyright.PENANAop62TwOkvX
Now stream'd afresh, and with new purple ran. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAc8nRIpiMoa
I wept to see the visionary man, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIpZr49UrLr
And, while my trance continued, thus began: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhO9KH0Nepr
'O light of Trojans, and support of Troy, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFfufIWnrSy
Thy father's champion, and thy country's joy! 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2Lxgsx9AcB
O, long expected by thy friends! from whence 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjw2UMAYb0t
Art thou so late return'd for our defense? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoBKWkuTUTU
Do we behold thee, wearied as we are 936Please respect copyright.PENANAh4JcrnNwTE
With length of labors, and with toils of war? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgIjpbAfkta
After so many fun'rals of thy own 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGfFNSVWfaN
Art thou restor'd to thy declining town? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAiuTTFdpnHR
But say, what wounds are these? What new disgrace 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFzNa490epd
Deforms the manly features of thy face?' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXEI0HsjghA
"To this the specter no reply did frame, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIn1LcGgCoX
But answer'd to the cause for which he came, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA35Ba2WI7Tz
And, groaning from the bottom of his breast, 936Please respect copyright.PENANApCvKh6IJ96
This warning in these mournful words express'd: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzjaPmeV8tJ
'O goddess-born! escape, by timely flight, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGc24haFfJf
The flames and horrors of this fatal night. 936Please respect copyright.PENANACOlfdMnZb5
The foes already have possess'd the wall; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqoZ0LhDYwD
Troy nods from high, and totters to her fall. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3a51hrbE2Z
Enough is paid to Priam's royal name, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZlpm2Hqsmr
More than enough to duty and to fame. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGJxRHiifCB
If by a mortal hand my father's throne 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJyc7AqXqoa
Could be defended, 't was by mine alone. 936Please respect copyright.PENANArMJb268GyX
Now Troy to thee commends her future state, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9ZigyYsxP8
And gives her gods companions of thy fate: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJIGtInhmUQ
From their assistance walls expect, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEeoX9xZml4
Which, wand'ring long, at last thou shalt erect.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxjxbQivEyf
He said, and brought me, from their blest abodes, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAB9CQk2xsgO
The venerable statues of the gods, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxMKkIWjle7
With ancient Vesta from the sacred choir, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWZuVAUTLpm
The wreaths and relics of th' immortal fire. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2i9gdTkx4H
"Now peals of shouts come thund'ring from afar, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJWoCqXgaKp
Cries, threats, and loud laments, and mingled war: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2U1pTc2g5s
The noise approaches, tho' our palace stood 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQZc26B9j3B
Aloof from streets, encompass'd with a wood. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAme94XAzwqD
Louder, and yet more loud, I hear th' alarms 936Please respect copyright.PENANAD39H6g8IaP
Of human cries distinct, and clashing arms. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxZDboFLnGG
Fear broke my slumbers; I no longer stay, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4xRPfccgsO
But mount the terrace, thence the town survey, 936Please respect copyright.PENANATyl9w1qBF4
And hearken what the frightful sounds convey. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9ptvtEPGhY
Thus, when a flood of fire by wind is borne, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkRYy6YcxMa
Crackling it rolls, and mows the standing corn; 936Please respect copyright.PENANASCsfKKSahf
Or deluges, descending on the plains, 936Please respect copyright.PENANANmvnwcMd5R
Sweep o'er the yellow year, destroy the pains 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPr2cozgqCu
Of lab'ring oxen and the peasant's gains; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwBT5WqhzZy
Unroot the forest oaks, and bear away 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIMYv58D61w
Flocks, folds, and trees, and undistinguish'd prey: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAaki8Vrywp2
The shepherd climbs the cliff, and sees from far 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2IKcznB9M1
The wasteful ravage of the wat'ry war. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEgbVlK6upL
Then Hector's faith was manifestly clear'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4klEZRXYM3
And Grecian frauds in open light appear'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANALBhcb1MeEN
The palace of Deiphobus ascends 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUSmwh7GTTJ
In smoky flames, and catches on his friends. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAm412ake0fS
Ucalegon burns next: the seas are bright 936Please respect copyright.PENANA47WGdTFSC6
With splendor not their own, and shine with Trojan light. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAld0192Ixhh
New clamors and new clangors now arise, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMesOnNUjL9
The sound of trumpets mix'd with fighting cries. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkLiu1021aK
With frenzy seiz'd, I run to meet th' alarms, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAH2rGgz4W34
Resolv'd on death, resolv'd to die in arms, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAx2cIte54LV
But first to gather friends, with them t' oppose 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXjyfo1mFwc
(If fortune favor'd) and repel the foes; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMBMd1k2P6w
Spurr'd by my courage, by my country fir'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAB971jIQlxN
With sense of honor and revenge inspir'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8C7ROxvYLr
"Pantheus, Apollo's priest, a sacred name, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAd1pPeXKGd4
Had scap'd the Grecian swords, and pass'd the flame: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsClpHyrr5w
With relics loaden. to my doors he fled, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4IWxosNTdQ
And by the hand his tender grandson led. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwGsVCTYViJ
'What hope, O Pantheus? whither can we run? 936Please respect copyright.PENANArWtcYTAGVA
Where make a stand? and what may yet be done?' 936Please respect copyright.PENANATw70FIH0xy
Scarce had I said, when Pantheus, with a groan: 936Please respect copyright.PENANATxmsNpi1br
'Troy is no more, and Ilium was a town! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAntwD1dFeMt
The fatal day, th' appointed hour, is come, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoOtRk4Ze5V
When wrathful Jove's irrevocable doom 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgADPcw7xlb
Transfers the Trojan state to Grecian hands. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5vPL8LMhqN
The fire consumes the town, the foe commands; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcCk6EGQM4A
And armed hosts, an unexpected force, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWgZwWkQvR9
Break from the bowels of the fatal horse. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZz76Er3Zog
Within the gates, proud Sinon throws about 936Please respect copyright.PENANAi6SKfAjsqz
The flames; and foes for entrance press without, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9jlvOxLqAN
With thousand others, whom I fear to name, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnLgWxraoxn
More than from Argos or Mycenae came. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAaUsk7KI9QL
To sev'ral posts their parties they divide; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPQgRo2Sc90
Some block the narrow streets, some scour the wide: 936Please respect copyright.PENANASDmVDxHda8
The bold they kill, th' unwary they surprise; 936Please respect copyright.PENANANp6QJ4EPiE
Who fights finds death, and death finds him who flies. 936Please respect copyright.PENANATpNKearAr2
The warders of the gate but scarce maintain 936Please respect copyright.PENANA0OgWmiki3K
Th' unequal combat, and resist in vain.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAAC0C6PviBF
"I heard; and Heav'n, that well-born souls inspires, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAh8MGVzAW9B
Prompts me thro' lifted swords and rising fires 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWnQvRkqeD9
To run where clashing arms and clamor calls, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbaJcqQRAyO
And rush undaunted to defend the walls. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcavcaf81pD
Ripheus and Iph'itus by my side engage, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwPBsP8SmvB
For valor one renown'd, and one for age. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAyB7mlNnABV
Dymas and Hypanis by moonlight knew 936Please respect copyright.PENANAlE83A2V3dY
My motions and my mien, and to my party drew; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxTRfcMaX6J
With young Coroebus, who by love was led 936Please respect copyright.PENANArb8TeLkhRI
To win renown and fair Cassandra's bed, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAu0xcwmbzso
And lately brought his troops to Priam's aid, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAi2x15NRG4j
Forewarn'd in vain by the prophetic maid. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAL6DWBnjXyd
Whom when I saw resolv'd in arms to fall, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZxp42Humjy
And that one spirit animated all: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAAXou6XiRZ8
'Brave souls!' said I,- 'but brave, alas! in vain- 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeYTeI8CXdX
Come, finish what our cruel fates ordain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAD7F9W5aQz5
You see the desp'rate state of our affairs, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAyGErCgveZi
And heav'n's protecting pow'rs are deaf to pray'rs. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA328rgfmDq9
The passive gods behold the Greeks defile 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEX8OUUPUMn
Their temples, and abandon to the spoil 936Please respect copyright.PENANAehvSHLvhax
Their own abodes: we, feeble few, conspire 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdEYyiGavCq
To save a sinking town, involv'd in fire. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAad331CCbEZ
Then let us fall, but fall amidst our foes: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJiFlwzsQUA
Despair of life the means of living shows.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6GuK6CG7HS
So bold a speech incourag'd their desire 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmG3bqq68LR
Of death, and added fuel to their fire. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAiN7YI028R5
"As hungry wolves, with raging appetite, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXbkRrSWN97
Scour thro' the fields, nor fear the stormy night- 936Please respect copyright.PENANApvmpGx5CKT
Their whelps at home expect the promis'd food, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEZmHFqwaTQ
And long to temper their dry chaps in blood- 936Please respect copyright.PENANAg0DI7RMMKJ
So rush'd we forth at once; resolv'd to die, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGahvuvVPZ5
Resolv'd, in death, the last extremes to try. 936Please respect copyright.PENANArFefZqtqvJ
We leave the narrow lanes behind, and dare 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHGoRspo6bv
Th' unequal combat in the public square: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA0JfByLOX84
Night was our friend; our leader was despair. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAokc7UjfEpZ
What tongue can tell the slaughter of that night? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvLFckXNYGJ
What eyes can weep the sorrows and affright? 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8TUmNFMEyD
An ancient and imperial city falls: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtBXpfBhFku
The streets are fill'd with frequent funerals; 936Please respect copyright.PENANArjqTnyeVVp
Houses and holy temples float in blood, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA09qaFjnn4i
And hostile nations make a common flood. 936Please respect copyright.PENANACTDiBVsAef
Not only Trojans fall; but, in their turn, 936Please respect copyright.PENANALlLCYZVACC
The vanquish'd triumph, and the victors mourn. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzAhWbm750g
Ours take new courage from despair and night: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzv1rdynZGf
Confus'd the fortune is, confus'd the fight. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAI5X3AjsKKP
All parts resound with tumults, plaints, and fears; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHqBKbtZtyG
And grisly Death in sundry shapes appears. 936Please respect copyright.PENANACHBgxZFhq7
Androgeos fell among us, with his band, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8bC9fUWa5d
Who thought us Grecians newly come to land. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAH8AfSIvl1a
'From whence,' said he, 'my friends, this long delay? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbhe22DrmTc
You loiter, while the spoils are borne away: 936Please respect copyright.PENANASwAMd2rugS
Our ships are laden with the Trojan store; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtmpJOaYIPh
And you, like truants, come too late ashore.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANABi8Jr1Fc3J
He said, but soon corrected his mistake, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAF38mOvXxXO
Found, by the doubtful answers which we make: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuO6MEbjQdG
Amaz'd, he would have shunn'd th' unequal fight; 936Please respect copyright.PENANApr6Q4iakau
But we, more num'rous, intercept his flight. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuP0CdGRdBB
As when some peasant, in a bushy brake, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdChWe2yCvW
Has with unwary footing press'd a snake; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXymXXQu7cP
He starts aside, astonish'd, when he spies 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUCm6pWoQxd
His rising crest, blue neck, and rolling eyes; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhhDlsx7yg5
So from our arms surpris'd Androgeos flies. 936Please respect copyright.PENANApyxwjz0O4K
In vain; for him and his we compass'd round, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdE8KTD6NUd
Possess'd with fear, unknowing of the ground, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcXafYDzXNT
And of their lives an easy conquest found. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAn98Bj65SfU
Thus Fortune on our first endeavor smil'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmy2UeBfKEt
Coroebus then, with youthful hopes beguil'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6Vj2opxUGR
Swoln with success, and a daring mind, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnb4btQ4o7a
This new invention fatally design'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZL7m8My34e
'My friends,' said he, 'since Fortune shows the way, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsBDHlqFkPM
'T is fit we should th' auspicious guide obey. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA74K5AZuH9u
For what has she these Grecian arms bestow'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6VVyR0MP4z
But their destruction, and the Trojans' good? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZHrTfMaMp5
Then change we shields, and their devices bear: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5vnaGsjOtl
Let fraud supply the want of force in war. 936Please respect copyright.PENANArwXgOfiVUf
They find us arms.' This said, himself he dress'd 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGELPmFYWfy
In dead Androgeos' spoils, his upper vest, 936Please respect copyright.PENANApgISq3chPJ
His painted buckler, and his plumy crest. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQwxZzZ5L4j
Thus Ripheus, Dymas, all the Trojan train, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA52nHjsmpdq
Lay down their own attire, and strip the slain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANASHirM7S6HG
Mix'd with the Greeks, we go with ill presage, 936Please respect copyright.PENANACQn1boCe5P
Flatter'd with hopes to glut our greedy rage; 936Please respect copyright.PENANArYJkV0ZsYg
Unknown, assaulting whom we blindly meet, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgdYRCLdpOv
And strew with Grecian carcasses the street. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAK4SetKTYJE
Thus while their straggling parties we defeat, 936Please respect copyright.PENANArAaSqH1GV0
Some to the shore and safer ships retreat; 936Please respect copyright.PENANASP7nNqiWE9
And some, oppress'd with more ignoble fear, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAaMK4z8t4nU
Remount the hollow horse, and pant in secret there. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsU1BTxRSgJ
"But, ah! what use of valor can be made, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAKCXGi14Srl
When heav'n's propitious pow'rs refuse their aid! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkk9DWbqC7E
Behold the royal prophetess, the fair 936Please respect copyright.PENANA92qVZGSt1M
Cassandra, dragg'd by her dishevel'd hair, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnK7gwsc4Ru
Whom not Minerva's shrine, nor sacred bands, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAASjnCBxit7
In safety could protect from sacrilegious hands: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkIpRhpWcBa
On heav'n she cast her eyes, she sigh'd, she cried- 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZit4wz8gFV
'T was all she could- her tender arms were tied. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAawkLDtZttD
So sad a sight Coroebus could not bear; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAt69JmUpSTu
But, fir'd with rage, distracted with despair, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAVuWtpKBTlb
Amid the barb'rous ravishers he flew: 936Please respect copyright.PENANANyjMedWuQK
Our leader's rash example we pursue. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUoRpDajT83
But storms of stones, from the proud temple's height, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAabeqZVgnp1
Pour down, and on our batter'd helms alight: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZVRm2S3NBW
We from our friends receiv'd this fatal blow, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGEA3X191Rd
Who thought us Grecians, as we seem'd in show. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbgAtwuNwj2
They aim at the mistaken crests, from high; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAM4MnA6J78H
And ours beneath the pond'rous ruin lie. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAq71ihKPNZa
Then, mov'd with anger and disdain, to see 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZPV4FBtIB
Their troops dispers'd, the royal virgin free, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUJDTrdKWqm
The Grecians rally, and their pow'rs unite, 936Please respect copyright.PENANARWSqvhWplE
With fury charge us, and renew the fight. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwTRheOG8Wc
The brother kings with Ajax join their force, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZzjUftMPIE
And the whole squadron of Thessalian horse. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAAECe7KRp5k
"Thus, when the rival winds their quarrel try, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgxF862Z9VS
Contending for the kingdom of the sky, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAYMFttYlfUk
South, east, and west, on airy coursers borne; 936Please respect copyright.PENANASvX7SFoRM1
The whirlwind gathers, and the woods are torn: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6wik7cBbqC
Then Nereus strikes the deep; the billows rise, 936Please respect copyright.PENANADHQAQGimtv
And, mix'd with ooze and sand, pollute the skies. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcPDh0vfZg1
The troops we squander'd first again appear 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPpk0dIzaRK
From several quarters, and enclose the rear. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoSH0wQFDCp
They first observe, and to the rest betray, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtGGaXZGJpN
Our diff'rent speech; our borrow'd arms survey. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtUOIUkx5n3
Oppress'd with odds, we fall; Coroebus first, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuMCQelrQ0D
At Pallas' altar, by Peneleus pierc'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAITM5LeOfBn
Then Ripheus follow'd, in th' unequal fight; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfEhvFhug5l
Just of his word, observant of the right: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgy2EWvIH58
Heav'n thought not so. Dymas their fate attends, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoaTNpGHHwN
With Hypanis, mistaken by their friends. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFxGHtSpx3S
Nor, Pantheus, thee, thy miter, nor the bands 936Please respect copyright.PENANAje7VtrPhgy
Of awful Phoebus, sav'd from impious hands. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAibAZZjewwD
Ye Trojan flames, your testimony bear, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsq3mCfRNze
What I perform'd, and what I suffer'd there; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeBBM432Qvn
No sword avoiding in the fatal strife, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAn0e6EAQoGC
Expos'd to death, and prodigal of life; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4e7e2XZTax
Witness, ye heavens! I live not by my fault: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXHDtUbXUgn
I strove to have deserv'd the death I sought. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFtYfqSopO6
But, when I could not fight, and would have died, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfG63QLCcfB
Borne off to distance by the growing tide, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAINuvEl8tZ6
Old Iphitus and I were hurried thence, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAH8cCnAwaDK
With Pelias wounded, and without defense. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXiKlk3VEZ6
New clamors from th' invested palace ring: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3cpAWs2pTV
We run to die, or disengage the king. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoQf7rgMTPQ
So hot th' assault, so high the tumult rose, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwwq9rsLTUo
While ours defend, and while the Greeks oppose 936Please respect copyright.PENANAodn1gFd0w0
As all the Dardan and Argolic race 936Please respect copyright.PENANAVJZjGBTIRE
Had been contracted in that narrow space; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdUhBAzK7wQ
Or as all Ilium else were void of fear, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQxHA7ex67W
And tumult, war, and slaughter, only there. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAKwTFVcVOQ7
Their targets in a tortoise cast, the foes, 936Please respect copyright.PENANATExnPAdtRu
Secure advancing, to the turrets rose: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAYMZaeY7EkS
Some mount the scaling ladders; some, more bold, 936Please respect copyright.PENANASI4gBacOBC
Swerve upwards, and by posts and pillars hold; 936Please respect copyright.PENANACqrWmjALZA
Their left hand gripes their bucklers in th' ascent, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8wowqyMKXM
While with their right they seize the battlement. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIR9dO1gJwG
From their demolish'd tow'rs the Trojans throw 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeErwLgg2Gd
Huge heaps of stones, that, falling, crush the foe; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGsLENGKtvr
And heavy beams and rafters from the sides 936Please respect copyright.PENANAM6N3LVBnYZ
(Such arms their last necessity provides) 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6dXyFUyp8w
And gilded roofs, come tumbling from on high, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAlnPmkknCKe
The marks of state and ancient royalty. 936Please respect copyright.PENANApi0XvtOmm0
The guards below, fix'd in the pass, attend 936Please respect copyright.PENANAiRdLr6ZE4m
The charge undaunted, and the gate defend. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9YkEocqJ1k
Renew'd in courage with recover'd breath, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqB6SQsNcN8
A second time we ran to tempt our death, 936Please respect copyright.PENANArmrwdd8eII
To clear the palace from the foe, succeed 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHgM2UDCqC1
The weary living, and revenge the dead. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxAVc3fazWS
"A postern door, yet unobserv'd and free, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAX2Uc2uhMlM
Join'd by the length of a blind gallery, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAS7TqLsADNR
To the king's closet led: a way well known 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5ImWvFzx1r
To Hector's wife, while Priam held the throne, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbN2y78zwOL
Thro' which she brought Astyanax, unseen, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdxobZqf76V
To cheer his grandsire and his grandsire's queen. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuO38cyTc8b
Thro' this we pass, and mount the tow'r, from whence 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtXzDqlUg5n
With unavailing arms the Trojans make defense. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHHz7j1TAKN
From this the trembling king had oft descried 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtycqhs6fNa
The Grecian camp, and saw their navy ride. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIr4pzWscBU
Beams from its lofty height with swords we hew, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAB7Y1KKEJPl
Then, wrenching with our hands, th' assault renew; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnamfdwcVuP
And, where the rafters on the columns meet, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAntmwWnVds4
We push them headlong with our arms and feet. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdek034nk8U
The lightning flies not swifter than the fall, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1XypUYBsCU
Nor thunder louder than the ruin'd wall: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuw43BDSwEH
Down goes the top at once; the Greeks beneath 936Please respect copyright.PENANAKx0orkwsKb
Are piecemeal torn, or pounded into death. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmBvVpyJypP
Yet more succeed, and more to death are sent; 936Please respect copyright.PENANARgvkNA6cri
We cease not from above, nor they below relent. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQOGIhIRwC0
Before the gate stood Pyrrhus, threat'ning loud, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXck1ESuAHB
With glitt'ring arms conspicuous in the crowd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAKdvvkQrzST
So shines, renew'd in youth, the crested snake, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcLheFuoEgd
Who slept the winter in a thorny brake, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA0uqgHeIKaE
And, casting off his slough when spring returns, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4XkrpI4oay
Now looks aloft, and with new glory burns; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsiXFGSYnWl
Restor'd with poisonous herbs, his ardent sides 936Please respect copyright.PENANA450aJJ4EdF
Reflect the sun; and rais'd on spires he rides; 936Please respect copyright.PENANATwNxvF6JQA
High o'er the grass, hissing he rolls along, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2TA7aWbgw6
And brandishes by fits his forky tongue. 936Please respect copyright.PENANARtabG9ZXuJ
Proud Periphas, and fierce Automedon, 936Please respect copyright.PENANACNRUDPltbd
His father's charioteer, together run 936Please respect copyright.PENANAO0iMcwglt1
To force the gate; the Scyrian infantry 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZEVdsg2Q6i
Rush on in crowds, and the barr'd passage free. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2bqlbrVYgR
Ent'ring the court, with shouts the skies they rend; 936Please respect copyright.PENANANbQVI8x7ni
And flaming firebrands to the roofs ascend. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAH5k5RI0fd6
Himself, among the foremost, deals his blows, 936Please respect copyright.PENANALklZF59qO8
And with his ax repeated strokes bestows 936Please respect copyright.PENANAluvS5o8qpV
On the strong doors; then all their shoulders ply, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4kMcHfgxFE
Till from the posts the brazen hinges fly. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9sZ1W5IkQ1
He hews apace; the double bars at length 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoI0fUHKGM1
Yield to his ax and unresisted strength. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjgPDLJVu0O
A mighty breach is made: the rooms conceal'd 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnKuCXEmOyw
Appear, and all the palace is reveal'd; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuI7Ld5nlkY
The halls of audience, and of public state, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFLPMHltljF
And where the lonely queen in secret sate. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGHwj6SwSYH
Arm'd soldiers now by trembling maids are seen, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHEAz8ij8G1
With not a door, and scarce a space, between. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6pDJ9mQWBw
The house is fill'd with loud laments and cries, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvLOETdzAwc
And shrieks of women rend the vaulted skies; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAym0sag3DFz
The fearful matrons run from place to place, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXsYZZxyFJr
And kiss the thresholds, and the posts embrace. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUq11O01cFC
The fatal work inhuman Pyrrhus plies, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIei9RkJc5v
And all his father sparkles in his eyes; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmz7C7g4LYK
Nor bars, nor fighting guards, his force sustain: 936Please respect copyright.PENANARgad7KszH2
The bars are broken, and the guards are slain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwEnSAFfZkz
In rush the Greeks, and all the apartments fill; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAAyKjDACqRb
Those few defendants whom they find, they kill. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAAla9DYfa3B
Not with so fierce a rage the foaming flood 936Please respect copyright.PENANAliod8shybA
Roars, when he finds his rapid course withstood; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAijIk3A6Cfn
Bears down the dams with unresisted sway, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAd8mgxE8WLq
And sweeps the cattle and the cots away. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtV4ci1KE4A
These eyes beheld him when he march'd between 936Please respect copyright.PENANAELrX2b63Zk
The brother kings: I saw th' unhappy queen, 936Please respect copyright.PENANARjDYjM9RMQ
The hundred wives, and where old Priam stood, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwqK12EmIMB
To stain his hallow'd altar with his brood. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3oh4X33spw
The fifty nuptial beds (such hopes had he, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdHuRHGq1Vi
So large a promise, of a progeny), 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3yH7dalwUC
The posts, of plated gold, and hung with spoils, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmZuOvykfhZ
Fell the reward of the proud victor's toils. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeuA52H4awp
Where'er the raging fire had left a space, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAaHkP2SPAeS
The Grecians enter and possess the place. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdKXeLDAEEr
"Perhaps you may of Priam's fate enquire. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAd9kMg3deGl
He, when he saw his regal town on fire, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGI9Vy4r8iE
His ruin'd palace, and his ent'ring foes, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoCVrx8MtxT
On ev'ry side inevitable woes, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtY9RFAUzET
In arms, disus'd, invests his limbs, decay'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4pys6jVWCn
Like them, with age; a late and useless aid. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUEHDKSE4G4
His feeble shoulders scarce the weight sustain; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2qHgVbBzHM
Loaded, not arm'd, he creeps along with pain, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbtH1o0raPx
Despairing of success, ambitious to be slain! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGY9NqApNqW
Uncover'd but by heav'n, there stood in view 936Please respect copyright.PENANAex0SL0HldT
An altar; near the hearth a laurel grew, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoI2EbEGWj9
Dodder'd with age, whose boughs encompass round 936Please respect copyright.PENANAAbUq4cIWRE
The household gods, and shade the holy ground. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAw33WqZiFUJ
Here Hecuba, with all her helpless train 936Please respect copyright.PENANAduTlIFvmET
Of dames, for shelter sought, but sought in vain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMjjwDi75zO
Driv'n like a flock of doves along the sky, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAr6UGGBdr6N
Their images they hug, and to their altars fly. 936Please respect copyright.PENANASJqiSHV8UR
The Queen, when she beheld her trembling lord, 936Please respect copyright.PENANApU3O14aLeX
And hanging by his side a heavy sword, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAc8pWMbGQWr
'What rage,' she cried, 'has seiz'd my husband's mind? 936Please respect copyright.PENANACeZ7r17JRN
What arms are these, and to what use design'd? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWbEfxg2gZi
These times want other aids! Were Hector here, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6e3qqvYNYI
Ev'n Hector now in vain, like Priam, would appear. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAaTauGdL8lp
With us, one common shelter thou shalt find, 936Please respect copyright.PENANANWt67KURM1
Or in one common fate with us be join'd.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAAZTthOSN2H
She said, and with a last salute embrac'd 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1iFNtu5FsL
The poor old man, and by the laurel plac'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgBOJSZOsVO
Behold! Polites, one of Priam's sons, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuCWn7nEcBm
Pursued by Pyrrhus, there for safety runs. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAW15nOIDdZ9
Thro' swords and foes, amaz'd and hurt, he flies 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4TA0cpYOnr
Thro' empty courts and open galleries. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3nmqckJ8Ro
Him Pyrrhus, urging with his lance, pursues, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvnymcXAFqM
And often reaches, and his thrusts renews. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuzS2QDTBD9
The youth, transfix'd, with lamentable cries, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA7ayyL3Jlud
Expires before his wretched parent's eyes: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAP7v9LQrJA5
Whom gasping at his feet when Priam saw, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzZwx6k1woy
The fear of death gave place to nature's law; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA0RrNfUIDdO
And, shaking more with anger than with age, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvkbvd4IHTU
'The gods,' said he, 'requite thy brutal rage! 936Please respect copyright.PENANA01T1jiXkFE
As sure they will, barbarian, sure they must, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIOs2haA7n3
If there be gods in heav'n, and gods be just- 936Please respect copyright.PENANABXACSnuGP3
Who tak'st in wrongs an insolent delight; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAYEDyKe9lyY
With a son's death t' infect a father's sight. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwXeHSRY1lw
Not he, whom thou and lying fame conspire 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuBR2GSOACC
To call thee his- not he, thy vaunted sire, 936Please respect copyright.PENANARPd6wBJi7V
Thus us'd my wretched age: the gods he fear'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAVoHDmoE8z1
The laws of nature and of nations heard. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjyliwLWazP
He cheer'd my sorrows, and, for sums of gold, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWMEjyRnW86
The bloodless carcass of my Hector sold; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2lmQr5dQWg
Pitied the woes a parent underwent, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmDyq3wkcDn
And sent me back in safety from his tent.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANADDAjQJk6zF
"This said, his feeble hand a javelin threw, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAOO9c702129
Which, flutt'ring, seem'd to loiter as it flew: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAo7S0J01RVc
Just, and but barely, to the mark it held, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHKn60fhGgw
And faintly tinkled on the brazen shield. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAG6knLR4yE0
"Then Pyrrhus thus: 'Go thou from me to fate, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtxqa4e3VQP
And to my father my foul deeds relate. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAawfZmVq7cg
Now die!' With that he dragg'd the trembling sire, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8BLIu1AqCR
Slidd'ring thro' clotter'd blood and holy mire, 936Please respect copyright.PENANArT86chpYQD
(The mingled paste his murder'd son had made,) 936Please respect copyright.PENANASvAe8CNhgd
Haul'd from beneath the violated shade, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzHHGQq4zXI
And on the sacred pile the royal victim laid. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAq1ghPWeE6M
His right hand held his bloody falchion bare, 936Please respect copyright.PENANADwfiHHfh1H
His left he twisted in his hoary hair; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmF7hgk8gwW
Then, with a speeding thrust, his heart he found: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGqGBhDjFmw
The lukewarm blood came rushing thro' the wound, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA7vgFZiFNQb
And sanguine streams distain'd the sacred ground. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgBQq1K0N6c
Thus Priam fell, and shar'd one common fate 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbRGn3gbt26
With Troy in ashes, and his ruin'd state: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA64GJQgavaT
He, who the scepter of all Asia sway'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIaYhwzKzkI
Whom monarchs like domestic slaves obey'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfEwHGaxLeF
On the bleak shore now lies th' abandon'd king, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEGmJrmuVD8
A headless carcass, and a nameless thing. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWsnwavKWEH
"Then, not before, I felt my cruddled blood 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3HFA1VABo3
Congeal with fear, my hair with horror stood: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhwnrWZs14y
My father's image fill'd my pious mind, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6dZzwjNTug
Lest equal years might equal fortune find. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAys4BW0SJ1T
Again I thought on my forsaken wife, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmTRFxsaR48
And trembled for my son's abandon'd life. 936Please respect copyright.PENANADJObe8laTN
I look'd about, but found myself alone, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUIo0mmpwoT
Deserted at my need! My friends were gone. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZLNtdXJFV2
Some spent with toil, some with despair oppress'd, 936Please respect copyright.PENANArNTlcV5E57
Leap'd headlong from the heights; the flames consum'd the rest. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAekjrJ68M33
Thus, wand'ring in my way, without a guide, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAH5AgrtjJGs
The graceless Helen in the porch I spied 936Please respect copyright.PENANASVK1nDBevC
Of Vesta's temple; there she lurk'd alone; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdvteAmkrfH
Muffled she sate, and, what she could, unknown: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzwPqqiXGy6
But, by the flames that cast their blaze around, 936Please respect copyright.PENANACFwQZfN5lA
That common bane of Greece and Troy I found. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeubymCqERP
For Ilium burnt, she dreads the Trojan sword; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtB5WiEam48
More dreads the vengeance of her injur'd lord; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5GXqL2hZ3
Ev'n by those gods who refug'd her abhorr'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgpEpamYMqi
Trembling with rage, the strumpet I regard, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5nfOsmT0FH
Resolv'd to give her guilt the due reward: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAYkZfqFLxu3
'Shall she triumphant sail before the wind, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMg87peyzsK
And leave in flames unhappy Troy behind? 936Please respect copyright.PENANACP9B8EnaAu
Shall she her kingdom and her friends review, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAePck6V82J7
In state attended with a captive crew, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQpuCddqBsH
While unreveng'd the good old Priam falls, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPOs6MFpX7m
And Grecian fires consume the Trojan walls? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIKljMUW1Pv
For this the Phrygian fields and Xanthian flood 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfJQ5lwUpeM
Were swell'd with bodies, and were drunk with blood? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAE8v5TrOTse
'T is true, a soldier can small honor gain, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAm2wd2CThr1
And boast no conquest, from a woman slain: 936Please respect copyright.PENANACaCtPDcAmW
Yet shall the fact not pass without applause, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAa38IDejtA2
Of vengeance taken in so just a cause; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIl2mHlvWUF
The punish'd crime shall set my soul at ease, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAAoyYEuDc7z
And murm'ring manes of my friends appease.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPo8kbbtsm5
Thus while I rave, a gleam of pleasing light 936Please respect copyright.PENANArYBrU02kNZ
Spread o'er the place; and, shining heav'nly bright, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAo4XeutIpJ8
My mother stood reveal'd before my sight 936Please respect copyright.PENANASlPojJooxQ
Never so radiant did her eyes appear; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtp0UxMSYaq
Not her own star confess'd a light so clear: 936Please respect copyright.PENANASQwZ4hjx73
Great in her charms, as when on gods above 936Please respect copyright.PENANACsZBZkkLKw
She looks, and breathes herself into their love. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAViabTOA3pv
She held my hand, the destin'd blow to break; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9zQP87hiCs
Then from her rosy lips began to speak: 936Please respect copyright.PENANArFd8HTE3Kn
'My son, from whence this madness, this neglect 936Please respect copyright.PENANALiHHirWNBI
Of my commands, and those whom I protect? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtqgUqK9xoR
Why this unmanly rage? Recall to mind 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4oeiQhwRK
Whom you forsake, what pledges leave behind. 936Please respect copyright.PENANARRu1ZfHhzY
Look if your helpless father yet survive, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkPu3mBIUqq
Or if Ascanius or Creusa live. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAT4dl3hK7AJ
Around your house the greedy Grecians err; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoMVZgqC7tp
And these had perish'd in the nightly war, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAF0Ty5uut57
But for my presence and protecting care. 936Please respect copyright.PENANArOmVQ3zk2L
Not Helen's face, nor Paris, was in fault; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAL7g0XSae0G
But by the gods was this destruction brought. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAaCYfPhwzxS
Now cast your eyes around, while I dissolve 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnYmlYFb2jO
The mists and films that mortal eyes involve, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2oMpEPQJf
Purge from your sight the dross, and make you see 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcRFXOdB7am
The shape of each avenging deity. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2gpxfqXEXK
Enlighten'd thus, my just commands fulfil, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAW8ptIQub0k
Nor fear obedience to your mother's will. 936Please respect copyright.PENANANr3qzZiheU
Where yon disorder'd heap of ruin lies, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnCfCDVjZIi
Stones rent from stones; where clouds of dust arise- 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvun2fPg0Mo
Amid that smother Neptune holds his place, 936Please respect copyright.PENANABYyj8mmbWU
Below the wall's foundation drives his mace, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuuj0OLXDcJ
And heaves the building from the solid base. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJe7QDidlU0
Look where, in arms, imperial Juno stands 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtR12uoJjQn
Full in the Scaean gate, with loud commands, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbkFCsIK1nU
Urging on shore the tardy Grecian bands. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3qlf90Dfw9
See! Pallas, of her snaky buckler proud, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsG7ZSKmpVE
Bestrides the tow'r, refulgent thro' the cloud: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAKpDop8o7Zf
See! Jove new courage to the foe supplies, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkfgUoX5pmy
And arms against the town the partial deities. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAc5baQjnAap
Haste hence, my son; this fruitless labor end: 936Please respect copyright.PENANANldAyzKuBx
Haste, where your trembling spouse and sire attend: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWqsYTb9RLj
Haste; and a mother's care your passage shall befriend.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjJvUyrW2BX
She said, and swiftly vanish'd from my sight, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXm11aP9aCJ
Obscure in clouds and gloomy shades of night. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxSqnbgwomx
I look'd, I listen'd; dreadful sounds I hear; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWa9L07euJZ
And the dire forms of hostile gods appear. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWlGSMJ911t
Troy sunk in flames I saw (nor could prevent), 936Please respect copyright.PENANAlPD2kYKpN2
And Ilium from its old foundations rent; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQB2CYxK3Ge
Rent like a mountain ash, which dar'd the winds, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAiCkscFjS9g
And stood the sturdy strokes of lab'ring hinds. 936Please respect copyright.PENANADPtBsYB9Gj
About the roots the cruel ax resounds; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9SPlNSBrNI
The stumps are pierc'd with oft-repeated wounds: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2Erwa70o0S
The war is felt on high; the nodding crown 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGIJNRgPfuA
Now threats a fall, and throws the leafy honors down. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwujQHlIYFu
To their united force it yields, tho' late, 936Please respect copyright.PENANANtSRUayJzH
And mourns with mortal groans th' approaching fate: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMPp6nMofNk
The roots no more their upper load sustain; 936Please respect copyright.PENANABioD5l3Rji
But down she falls, and spreads a ruin thro' the plain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfZwhrassgD
"Descending thence, I scape thro' foes and fire: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuSZPc4FrkK
Before the goddess, foes and flames retire. 936Please respect copyright.PENANALBrlC0CMV0
Arriv'd at home, he, for whose only sake, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmth0DpnTwD
Or most for his, such toils I undertake, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAu6wXqJhy02
The good Anchises, whom, by timely flight, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeu83rVSiMK
I purpos'd to secure on Ida's height, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAE3oKrciUJE
Refus'd the journey, resolute to die 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEiRWUzZUOJ
And add his fun'rals to the fate of Troy, 936Please respect copyright.PENANARUaqRsKEQP
Rather than exile and old age sustain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA7JI6cBqAUs
'Go you, whose blood runs warm in ev'ry vein. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAT4yrToJMQ4
Had Heav'n decreed that I should life enjoy, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2XSUqFgSt6
Heav'n had decreed to save unhappy Troy. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGmFySiX2lL
'T is, sure, enough, if not too much, for one, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA96CNhy6AFs
Twice to have seen our Ilium overthrown. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAP5Nzv3Sk7r
Make haste to save the poor remaining crew, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA71qJycB9yQ
And give this useless corpse a long adieu. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJt21U7fN0G
These weak old hands suffice to stop my breath; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvJiMVhzurG
At least the pitying foes will aid my death, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzqR6hoO0ET
To take my spoils, and leave my body bare: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAToc4NONv7t
As for my sepulcher, let Heav'n take care. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAM5sKCOmwey
'T is long since I, for my celestial wife 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvVfla7bgBw
Loath'd by the gods, have dragg'd a ling'ring life; 936Please respect copyright.PENANARrIQKAt46o
Since ev'ry hour and moment I expire, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZAWqpv0doZ
Blasted from heav'n by Jove's avenging fire.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQA2pL5VIGV
This oft repeated, he stood fix'd to die: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjOrEGpWmyw
Myself, my wife, my son, my family, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFvHfTDrcQ8
Intreat, pray, beg, and raise a doleful cry- 936Please respect copyright.PENANA7G3z3DNxMX
'What, will he still persist, on death resolve, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGt1FAyHAvc
And in his ruin all his house involve!' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEeqOAXLAAB
He still persists his reasons to maintain; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkBME2YZFTW
Our pray'rs, our tears, our loud laments, are vain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzcDxX5lh8p
"Urg'd by despair, again I go to try 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3FCqESDoYd
The fate of arms, resolv'd in fight to die: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAD6rqZ8srs4
'What hope remains, but what my death must give? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfC9MLFPtkp
Can I, without so dear a father, live? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbTNLK3U4CN
You term it prudence, what I baseness call: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIGiGGFC1U2
Could such a word from such a parent fall? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkvWpwxYpkh
If Fortune please, and so the gods ordain, 936Please respect copyright.PENANABnWCfsRgrx
That nothing should of ruin'd Troy remain, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAt7vE91J8m1
And you conspire with Fortune to be slain, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAOneMpv2n9S
The way to death is wide, th' approaches near: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtiThXWlY60
For soon relentless Pyrrhus will appear, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAu6FdRIFgbn
Reeking with Priam's blood- the wretch who slew 936Please respect copyright.PENANApoaxvWZPQL
The son (inhuman) in the father's view, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2OF9ZAZ3e3
And then the sire himself to the dire altar drew. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIVjgrBXEck
O goddess mother, give me back to Fate; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHOk9w2VrXQ
Your gift was undesir'd, and came too late! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbJmahUiYtC
Did you, for this, unhappy me convey 936Please respect copyright.PENANA1KtLWwLOTT
Thro' foes and fires, to see my house a prey? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAImNbpU1AwS
Shall I my father, wife, and son behold, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAFAokpXQxwj
Welt'ring in blood, each other's arms infold? 936Please respect copyright.PENANAcVA5lynwBS
Haste! gird my sword, tho' spent and overcome: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAv4aDSLMhp6
'T is the last summons to receive our doom. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtUQl972cIP
I hear thee, Fate; and I obey thy call! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAOmMeKMC3Ns
Not unreveng'd the foe shall see my fall. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjoaZj0Uu7K
Restore me to the yet unfinish'd fight: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMvZo50Iany
My death is wanting to conclude the night.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANATngYE37g1d
Arm'd once again, my glitt'ring sword I wield, 936Please respect copyright.PENANALS9TLpDtbk
While th' other hand sustains my weighty shield, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAW3Kdh8EbG2
And forth I rush to seek th' abandon'd field. 936Please respect copyright.PENANALxRP3654AM
I went; but sad Creusa stopp'd my way, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbFcSumGPec
And cross the threshold in my passage lay, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAWufgRkZzhz
Embrac'd my knees, and, when I would have gone, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAN0UzTJtQnS
Shew'd me my feeble sire and tender son: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAjlDK1dp3TP
'If death be your design, at least,' said she, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8gin92TwNQ
'Take us along to share your destiny. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5HaWKdVht6
If any farther hopes in arms remain, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPB8fbpR9H9
This place, these pledges of your love, maintain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA0Od2sLKEM6
To whom do you expose your father's life, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA38776Xp8nX
Your son's, and mine, your now forgotten wife!' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxQ9tbJQJyc
While thus she fills the house with clam'rous cries, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9Xs6b5NALa
Our hearing is diverted by our eyes: 936Please respect copyright.PENANApmeuW7qL8R
For, while I held my son, in the short space 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6rHzlyvYaa
Betwixt our kisses and our last embrace; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbFlCYgT4w1
Strange to relate, from young Iulus' head 936Please respect copyright.PENANALzeEczg0qO
A lambent flame arose, which gently spread 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9vyTkizpSb
Around his brows, and on his temples fed. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAhVa6rtdoBr
Amaz'd, with running water we prepare 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZrASCxONqK
To quench the sacred fire, and slake his hair; 936Please respect copyright.PENANApEFY7zfNmQ
But old Anchises, vers'd in omens, rear'd 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIj9b2sEcOw
His hands to heav'n, and this request preferr'd: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAI03hyKNmWg
'If any vows, almighty Jove, can bend 936Please respect copyright.PENANApNakN85qLz
Thy will; if piety can pray'rs commend, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtdBlXLKz6n
Confirm the glad presage which thou art pleas'd to send.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkzh39ZeQNg
Scarce had he said, when, on our left, we hear 936Please respect copyright.PENANAiMIlG4jihE
A peal of rattling thunder roll in air: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8mZXjQQycw
There shot a streaming lamp along the sky, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuJOXgA8A4B
Which on the winged lightning seem'd to fly; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbuAQQjaAOq
From o'er the roof the blaze began to move, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAU4ga1QTt8m
And, trailing, vanish'd in th' Idaean grove. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzzFTc9GNNf
It swept a path in heav'n, and shone a guide, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAKKAeX2cx2R
Then in a steaming stench of sulphur died. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8maD1Tor2o
"The good old man with suppliant hands implor'd 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHdPhTeVN0O
The gods' protection, and their star ador'd. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA7waNed7PnC
'Now, now,' said he, 'my son, no more delay! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmVTxbmwJPo
I yield, I follow where Heav'n shews the way. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAN4gBCxqkK8
Keep, O my country gods, our dwelling place, 936Please respect copyright.PENANANLxE9ulAfy
And guard this relic of the Trojan race, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA30ppmQG2zY
This tender child! These omens are your own, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUvv4vXYlKh
And you can yet restore the ruin'd town. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAeyTBAWXqY6
At least accomplish what your signs foreshow: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAIjnja0rPV9
I stand resign'd, and am prepar'd to go.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvKPyGYpSH5
"He said. The crackling flames appear on high. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6DcvS9xQZ1
And driving sparkles dance along the sky. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA0O0KRBc9BL
With Vulcan's rage the rising winds conspire, 936Please respect copyright.PENANALLLElikFW8
And near our palace roll the flood of fire. 936Please respect copyright.PENANApa9sWAofSR
'Haste, my dear father, ('t is no time to wait,) 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3pKytpTUS3
And load my shoulders with a willing freight. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtg8kIXpRub
Whate'er befalls, your life shall be my care; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqKyoOCOUKc
One death, or one deliv'rance, we will share. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAE0fu4pOirW
My hand shall lead our little son; and you, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAQD7VrB1IMr
My faithful consort, shall our steps pursue. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5cAlE7jV22
Next, you, my servants, heed my strict commands: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAf0YyWeKICs
Without the walls a ruin'd temple stands, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGDnsaSjDSv
To Ceres hallow'd once; a cypress nigh 936Please respect copyright.PENANAJbwRLtoLf9
Shoots up her venerable head on high, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuQJjgotIPw
By long religion kept; there bend your feet, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAy0phSAt2O2
And in divided parties let us meet. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAOZ4DyRtoLj
Our country gods, the relics, and the bands, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkDUi9NTp5h
Hold you, my father, in your guiltless hands: 936Please respect copyright.PENANA5P23035Lxe
In me 't is impious holy things to bear, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgUVNAcWbRq
Red as I am with slaughter, new from war, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuPPsAQrwtN
Till in some living stream I cleanse the guilt 936Please respect copyright.PENANAv7NvkgspNt
Of dire debate, and blood in battle spilt.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwW51q28PPd
Thus, ord'ring all that prudence could provide, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtNURrzEihG
I clothe my shoulders with a lion's hide 936Please respect copyright.PENANAby1dIXWpj1
And yellow spoils; then, on my bending back, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAg9c6HJKO1c
The welcome load of my dear father take; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGkpR2Xbekc
While on my better hand Ascanius hung, 936Please respect copyright.PENANABTwsbzjLjC
And with unequal paces tripp'd along. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6GocpKwr4a
Creusa kept behind; by choice we stray 936Please respect copyright.PENANAYVDtpyoszA
Thro' ev'ry dark and ev'ry devious way. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZqUyEdijvf
I, who so bold and dauntless, just before, 936Please respect copyright.PENANADjC3zezaxd
The Grecian darts and shock of lances bore, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAZjGBkPGxoZ
At ev'ry shadow now am seiz'd with fear, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkA1nXLQIdk
Not for myself, but for the charge I bear; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAunNrHU91ys
Till, near the ruin'd gate arriv'd at last, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUHxlTVRsfx
Secure, and deeming all the danger past, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3Vi94Hk9IJ
A frightful noise of trampling feet we hear. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsQqEn0yuHq
My father, looking thro' the shades, with fear, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUsmdsrefzr
Cried out: 'Haste, haste, my son, the foes are nigh; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAC3k2ftb2ye
Their swords and shining armor I descry.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANAn4EJgs3xbf
Some hostile god, for some unknown offense, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzeGtG6DFkZ
Had sure bereft my mind of better sense; 936Please respect copyright.PENANA37B64Y5cci
For, while thro' winding ways I took my flight, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXF4xDDz7sR
And sought the shelter of the gloomy night, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuyyTfQWb4T
Alas! I lost Creusa: hard to tell 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkLny628OnQ
If by her fatal destiny she fell, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAduBZjOhQL2
Or weary sate, or wander'd with affright; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMw2RUCkEbJ
But she was lost for ever to my sight. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAlc56wukju2
I knew not, or reflected, till I meet 936Please respect copyright.PENANASa8Dviq4Lf
My friends, at Ceres' now deserted seat. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAP5psxLa1aE
We met: not one was wanting; only she 936Please respect copyright.PENANAtwgljqmgzU
Deceiv'd her friends, her son, and wretched me. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAe4Ki11WVb5
"What mad expressions did my tongue refuse! 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4PhmTOScV2
Whom did I not, of gods or men, accuse! 936Please respect copyright.PENANAHbw53aTOPS
This was the fatal blow, that pain'd me more 936Please respect copyright.PENANAPohDttmeHB
Than all I felt from ruin'd Troy before. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA7Ofq7ej7qh
Stung with my loss, and raving with despair, 936Please respect copyright.PENANACwzkoP0nMl
Abandoning my now forgotten care, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAajDHsLbLXw
Of counsel, comfort, and of hope bereft, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAf70LwFelDJ
My sire, my son, my country gods I left. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA9rphZyDtF3
In shining armor once again I sheathe 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4K7VNVGkCX
My limbs, not feeling wounds, nor fearing death. 936Please respect copyright.PENANArigQoUfgeT
Then headlong to the burning walls I run, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmuD4YqAGM0
And seek the danger I was forc'd to shun. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGZRIOdybGQ
I tread my former tracks; thro' night explore 936Please respect copyright.PENANAl5cCQpwzqw
Each passage, ev'ry street I cross'd before. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAh5MxJQn1EM
All things were full of horror and affright, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAc4KFeYfeCy
And dreadful ev'n the silence of the night. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAlYzOygEZEm
Then to my father's house I make repair, 936Please respect copyright.PENANASfvFUL3AvM
With some small glimpse of hope to find her there. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAaV9n4TcOCY
Instead of her, the cruel Greeks I met; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbZqk9vmIVh
The house was fill'd with foes, with flames beset. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqjgW0E1pHD
Driv'n on the wings of winds, whole sheets of fire, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqTGVeGMReK
Thro' air transported, to the roofs aspire. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAfWWOiIQE8R
From thence to Priam's palace I resort, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAK5VBACqohr
And search the citadel and desart court. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA2aOBa0Vx4Q
Then, unobserv'd, I pass by Juno's church: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAotGwVIgAqx
A guard of Grecians had possess'd the porch; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAnzTAGezbfZ
There Phoenix and Ulysses watch prey, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA4khdMUJ2gM
And thither all the wealth of Troy convey: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAg8LdYJMOKR
The spoils which they from ransack'd houses brought, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAyLo8hsz9eP
And golden bowls from burning altars caught, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAXM79wulkfT
The tables of the gods, the purple vests, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAkT2pD2DaqU
The people's treasure, and the pomp of priests. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAi0xV5hQclp
A rank of wretched youths, with pinion'd hands, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAn3gAGaZi13
And captive matrons, in long order stands. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAUQEatJpcjy
Then, with ungovern'd madness, I proclaim, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAEE1SnFemPB
Thro' all the silent street, Creusa's name: 936Please respect copyright.PENANATeYaaRt0KC
Creusa still I call; at length she hears, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuwyVIlGBUp
And sudden thro' the shades of night appears- 936Please respect copyright.PENANAbL1YAlUZAl
Appears, no more Creusa, nor my wife, 936Please respect copyright.PENANARPfNMqv5tT
But a pale specter, larger than the life. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAaw4O36gqyE
Aghast, astonish'd, and struck dumb with fear, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAw8lNFdsfKb
I stood; like bristles rose my stiffen'd hair. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAm09V05oV9t
Then thus the ghost began to soothe my grief 936Please respect copyright.PENANAqP4I2iEKBz
'Nor tears, nor cries, can give the dead relief. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAzhwy6EeHva
Desist, my much-lov'd lord,'t indulge your pain; 936Please respect copyright.PENANABsChhjHjlp
You bear no more than what the gods ordain. 936Please respect copyright.PENANACPmUNcllAB
My fates permit me not from hence to fly; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAiTr28NxxbL
Nor he, the great controller of the sky. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAOkkPmg7fd4
Long wand'ring ways for you the pow'rs decree; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAERrBwOpvH7
On land hard labors, and a length of sea. 936Please respect copyright.PENANASFFVazosPE
Then, after many painful years are past, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAsPlxfuG2Ay
On Latium's happy shore you shall be cast, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAYZtBD8RW2k
Where gentle Tiber from his bed beholds 936Please respect copyright.PENANAoFvCE6lPjU
The flow'ry meadows, and the feeding folds. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAil2X7c8DRw
There end your toils; and there your fates provide 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMaQVfrgVwD
A quiet kingdom, and a royal bride: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAE17JtEKkiM
There fortune shall the Trojan line restore, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAT87qPzxGsy
And you for lost Creusa weep no more. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAITJIvF3boE
Fear not that I shall watch, with servile shame, 936Please respect copyright.PENANA6fWhXlNlqZ
Th' imperious looks of some proud Grecian dame; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAD18puVoxSr
Or, stooping to the victor's lust, disgrace 936Please respect copyright.PENANAE4VfBJ906g
My goddess mother, or my royal race. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAvbiunwFj6S
And now, farewell! The parent of the gods 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwev2arspXa
Restrains my fleeting soul in her abodes: 936Please respect copyright.PENANANaTSCmCtxF
I trust our common issue to your care.' 936Please respect copyright.PENANACYD0t52xjJ
She said, and gliding pass'd unseen in air. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAm2ivSfw5Bq
I strove to speak: but horror tied my tongue; 936Please respect copyright.PENANAdoqWhffRpW
And thrice about her neck my arms I flung, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAmFSX7Ywb6r
And, thrice deceiv'd, on vain embraces hung. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAxN49iD9g8i
Light as an empty dream at break of day, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAgh14cU2gTK
Or as a blast of wind, she rush'd away. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAp7Nxc9xAFV
"Thus having pass'd the night in fruitless pain, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAYsQs1tIK4D
I to my longing friends return again, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAO0JgLBLOtV
Amaz'd th' augmented number to behold, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAGYUE9Qpggz
Of men and matrons mix'd, of young and old; 936Please respect copyright.PENANArMwX6CWAqb
A wretched exil'd crew together brought, 936Please respect copyright.PENANANPpOJgARgw
With arms appointed, and with treasure fraught, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAMZgJdIwpmg
Resolv'd, and willing, under my command, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAVHHw6fr2tr
To run all hazards both of sea and land. 936Please respect copyright.PENANA8voQan9pqb
The Morn began, from Ida, to display 936Please respect copyright.PENANAuV9AOwcFLa
Her rosy cheeks; and Phosphor led the day: 936Please respect copyright.PENANAD89xsgtCXu
Before the gates the Grecians took their post, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAadcfyJq1Uo
And all pretense of late relief was lost. 936Please respect copyright.PENANAwcfjgx2nN1
I yield to Fate, unwillingly retire, 936Please respect copyright.PENANAclm8YBSinb
And, loaded, up the hill convey my sire." 936Please respect copyright.PENANA3KROJ4pE0e