But anxious cares already seiz'd the queen: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA9gBL8qrlRS
She fed within her veins a flame unseen; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAujmAGB2MJO
The hero's valor, acts, and birth inspire 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiibgaqh6ud
Her soul with love, and fan the secret fire. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwfkNR9ZiBP
His words, his looks, imprinted in her heart, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlvD6gmmtpU
Improve the passion, and increase the smart. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGW1dZeboy3
Now, when the purple morn had chas'd away 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARqv6tY0z4O
The dewy shadows, and restor'd the day, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZg9VMghNoN
Her sister first with early care she sought, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaL9kSwOqaj
And thus in mournful accents eas'd her thought: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbzjeEkhPlM
"My dearest Anna, what new dreams affright 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAY8AYNFxllY
My lab'ring soul! what visions of the night 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWCOX1FtSi9
Disturb my quiet, and distract my breast 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbFnyIajlyT
With strange ideas of our Trojan guest! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7m0Yuqik9w
His worth, his actions, and majestic air, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZ21UQvFUSp
A man descended from the gods declare. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAa6qJPOiNgf
Fear ever argues a degenerate kind; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaRXmpuawFI
His birth is well asserted by his mind. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUOj6WM0M78
Then, what he suffer'd, when by Fate betray'd! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASsN7XDnClE
What brave attempts for falling Troy he made! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAVcX8ELmCuE
Such were his looks, so gracefully he spoke, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYghxXZM2BQ
That, were I not resolv'd against the yoke 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnWbrvKIp0E
Of hapless marriage, never to be curst 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATGyUqErCjt
With second love, so fatal was my first, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAklrZspjpYj
To this one error I might yield again; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaI0WNy19WZ
For, since Sichaeus was untimely slain, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANArHIrHFRp2j
This only man is able to subvert 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAV0N59LFnDD
The fix'd foundations of my stubborn heart. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYOprLPVABu
And, to confess my frailty, to my shame, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAL9t38HXdAa
Somewhat I find within, if not the same, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlqyJ4LEfaz
Too like the sparkles of my former flame. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANArGTretwdUx
But first let yawning earth a passage rend, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAedoVxl2pZp
And let me thro' the dark abyss descend; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjjX1c2eDf1
First let avenging Jove, with flames from high, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnaS1CWROpr
Drive down this body to the nether sky, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGXhwWTLY1C
Condemn'd with ghosts in endless night to lie, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnlCh8Bntz7
Before I break the plighted faith I gave! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcIw4qPgh8y
No! he who had my vows shall ever have; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAY0VXbNLIV4
For, whom I lov'd on earth, I worship in the grave." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA64eC7gWAtK
She said: the tears ran gushing from her eyes, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAp2MCLRJKY1
And stopp'd her speech. Her sister thus replies: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA21IrtVi1iW
"O dearer than the vital air I breathe, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnxOpjeQT76
Will you to grief your blooming years bequeath, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzBBYwTJgyU
Condemn'd to waste in woes your lonely life, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhwqUHWs747
Without the joys of mother or of wife? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAk3isyWBdxj
Think you these tears, this pompous train of woe, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARQUcxl35S5
Are known or valued by the ghosts below? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZcLHDcqyY8
I grant that, while your sorrows yet were green, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPWb3OawKAt
It well became a woman, and a queen, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvQKZL2SK0y
The vows of Tyrian princes to neglect, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACM5Sy9mXah
To scorn Hyarbas, and his love reject, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmW5QkQs0uG
With all the Libyan lords of mighty name; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuJRdlNDwxA
But will you fight against a pleasing flame! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADPmbTdMlUV
This little spot of land, which Heav'n bestows, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnGB2QXl4la
On ev'ry side is hemm'd with warlike foes; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYyqHaQ4D5e
Gaetulian cities here are spread around, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEOTv6odgU0
And fierce Numidians there your frontiers bound; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARUX7LYuCcp
Here lies a barren waste of thirsty land, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6U0hKaIUvZ
And there the Syrtes raise the moving sand; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfWfUxpOTyS
Barcaean troops besiege the narrow shore, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANABDAZi6MKnx
And from the sea Pygmalion threatens more. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALOJ5yBn7xo
Propitious Heav'n, and gracious Juno, lead 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAKvp7hUrGct
This wand'ring navy to your needful aid: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAj7gMSTkqKY
How will your empire spread, your city rise, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAoUhAGNogyt
From such a union, and with such allies? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJXll4ONIQb
Implore the favor of the pow'rs above, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAahifnuXlas
And leave the conduct of the rest to love. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZPCb9gh82A
Continue still your hospitable way, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzjmxo7f0Dx
And still invent occasions of their stay, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdTavT3ToBi
Till storms and winter winds shall cease to threat, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkhigErGJsh
And planks and oars repair their shatter'd fleet." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAKk9qzeNLhb
These words, which from a friend and sister came, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUuOIEZjkvt
With ease resolv'd the scruples of her fame, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAO6MKiFCXmb
And added fury to the kindled flame. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzqbSF1shSY
Inspir'd with hope, the project they pursue; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAeHq3HWqX41
On ev'ry altar sacrifice renew: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASvQu0yDnZp
A chosen ewe of two years old they pay 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYkd2pNKogB
To Ceres, Bacchus, and the God of Day; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcFgOUY0D7X
Preferring Juno's pow'r, for Juno ties 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwZ7bwfVYxw
The nuptial knot and makes the marriage joys. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANzaLtkjWHz
The beauteous queen before her altar stands, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJhwOBjuhLw
And holds the golden goblet in her hands. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXn3O3chG7a
A milk-white heifer she with flow'rs adorns, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANArWrDIVQLdj
And pours the ruddy wine betwixt her horns; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAMCYz5Wo3j5
And, while the priests with pray'r the gods invoke, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5TuPH3Uz9T
She feeds their altars with Sabaean smoke, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUK4V0XnPxH
With hourly care the sacrifice renews, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsXly8GhD6o
And anxiously the panting entrails views. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGxwzE1YcXp
What priestly rites, alas! what pious art, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASVe5KspM7Q
What vows avail to cure a bleeding heart! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAd2BMCRg7KP
A gentle fire she feeds within her veins, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAoZe4HwjKGx
Where the soft god secure in silence reigns. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFzZBrP9CBI
Sick with desire, and seeking him she loves, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFYRlqbg1Hy
From street to street the raving Dido roves. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbYorPeOA8Z
So when the watchful shepherd, from the blind, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAw3A01gx4AZ
Wounds with a random shaft the careless hind, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANfFcaUu56W
Distracted with her pain she flies the woods, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQbrGYRJF2P
Bounds o'er the lawn, and seeks the silent floods, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4YEPLmOhul
With fruitless care; for still the fatal dart 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASeXfR2zZ7w
Sticks in her side, and rankles in her heart. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmU8jwGn2SP
And now she leads the Trojan chief along 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJQ7mPblruz
The lofty walls, amidst the busy throng; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAi9cZzEwy8B
Displays her Tyrian wealth, and rising town, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZT4T9DmNOC
Which love, without his labor, makes his own. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWefn09Yu8T
This pomp she shows, to tempt her wand'ring guest; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADzyhv2p4dv
Her falt'ring tongue forbids to speak the rest. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfhwMg2iqrw
When day declines, and feasts renew the night, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJbHYJp6CNZ
Still on his face she feeds her famish'd sight; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAAQbMmkhq0d
She longs again to hear the prince relate 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA42LWvX5lpF
His own adventures and the Trojan fate. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAl3OC3zmnzq
He tells it o'er and o'er; but still in vain, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjfcaLudHxA
For still she begs to hear it once again. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALOyrbOB5Ll
The hearer on the speaker's mouth depends, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACExK8JupCg
And thus the tragic story never ends. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZ6LptdJ74U
Then, when they part, when Phoebe's paler light 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWaWt9UIgj2
Withdraws, and falling stars to sleep invite, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8JoMWudkNa
She last remains, when ev'ry guest is gone, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApQ3xYtGh6k
Sits on the bed he press'd, and sighs alone; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxY7rUBMe44
Absent, her absent hero sees and hears; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATfOo1SLL0C
Or in her bosom young Ascanius bears, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvCbDm7xnFx
And seeks the father's image in the child, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuzZ15BXgtd
If love by likeness might be so beguil'd. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAof4SLKF3rO
Meantime the rising tow'rs are at a stand; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlfMn5yyUbI
No labors exercise the youthful band, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdblUjQL2jv
Nor use of arts, nor toils of arms they know; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5pBc5ssGIH
The mole is left unfinish'd to the foe; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUMrI7ncrvQ
The mounds, the works, the walls, neglected lie, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuxZTosNFUG
Short of their promis'd heighth, that seem'd to threat the sky, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1bWuvfJcdN
But when imperial Juno, from above, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzq38i42Ixo
Saw Dido fetter'd in the chains of love, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3oU9H0pn74
Hot with the venom which her veins inflam'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0rAh0DMvdd
And by no sense of shame to be reclaim'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxwAjxu1QFn
With soothing words to Venus she begun: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALpoZOqVLdv
"High praises, endless honors, you have won, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfVPKcWUCcT
And mighty trophies, with your worthy son! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACdvwxLzqQE
Two gods a silly woman have undone! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2VdRwq13FL
Nor am I ignorant, you both suspect 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA01YyrZ0rnF
This rising city, which my hands erect: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbHuEka9lW3
But shall celestial discord never cease? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqueT15oyR1
'T is better ended in a lasting peace. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAu0ejwZfwxT
You stand possess'd of all your soul desir'd: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbqdkXWrTcN
Poor Dido with consuming love is fir'd. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6aLhe6Wv9F
Your Trojan with my Tyrian let us join; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAA1tkHnCBqf
So Dido shall be yours, Aeneas mine: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaz0uzuZrsT
One common kingdom, one united line. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAoKskfVQ64E
Eliza shall a Dardan lord obey, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4S97C4BrmR
And lofty Carthage for a dow'r convey." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjbxxw9MtP8
Then Venus, who her hidden fraud descried, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhNkbdkn5XW
Which would the scepter of the world misguide 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAK5IkJrYrzX
To Libyan shores, thus artfully replied: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwzjHhg89Ka
"Who, but a fool, would wars with Juno choose, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcYTLEhPqWK
And such alliance and such gifts refuse, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAAbWaEIQe8F
If Fortune with our joint desires comply? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXxEQReOwt8
The doubt is all from Jove and destiny; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0rcxxLOcwL
Lest he forbid, with absolute command, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAesXGcbSZvO
To mix the people in one common land- 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxaceNOt7Kw
Or will the Trojan and the Tyrian line 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATKACj1hJB5
In lasting leagues and sure succession join? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1vEey8ihaV
But you, the partner of his bed and throne, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAAI6M9mpKLP
May move his mind; my wishes are your own." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbtNf0iuNfM
"Mine," said imperial Juno, "be the care; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5xzHS4R4gX
Time urges, now, to perfect this affair: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4up1npFwaF
Attend my counsel, and the secret share. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANABJeZyrRTLv
When next the Sun his rising light displays, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAl7JHQXB9W2
And gilds the world below with purple rays, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYS6jv2ArZG
The queen, Aeneas, and the Tyrian court 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbsFWtiQawd
Shall to the shady woods, for sylvan game, resort. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaBGvfEP9oR
There, while the huntsmen pitch their toils around, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3wxXIYzLt1
And cheerful horns from side to side resound, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAOEh8YUyY8g
A pitchy cloud shall cover all the plain 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAMsjEIrKKRm
With hail, and thunder, and tempestuous rain; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkHuHbmqrWQ
The fearful train shall take their speedy flight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4P89ZaJbxQ
Dispers'd, and all involv'd in gloomy night; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWJ4pCvn79F
One cave a grateful shelter shall afford 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAd8yXd4V1dn
To the fair princess and the Trojan lord. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjHxbOXBCp1
I will myself the bridal bed prepare, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlWEDYAcWJG
If you, to bless the nuptials, will be there: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARY4p6bIItl
So shall their loves be crown'd with due delights, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIvMUhuMfWz
And Hymen shall be present at the rites." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANABpfYO2dwlV
The Queen of Love consents, and closely smiles 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWOEYXfksdu
At her vain project, and discover'd wiles. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADo94M1Lg2X
The rosy morn was risen from the main, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiVVSVc0AFc
And horns and hounds awake the princely train: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFJaNAnv8JR
They issue early thro' the city gate, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsPpHLPFfCv
Where the more wakeful huntsmen ready wait, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7Xwo0SmObk
With nets, and toils, and darts, beside the force 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAK5x2QnB9I9
Of Spartan dogs, and swift Massylian horse. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjxuJqFjut8
The Tyrian peers and officers of state 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApqWrPrmo1L
For the slow queen in antechambers wait; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXfgQlVD7o3
Her lofty courser, in the court below, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6DZoyuBZAA
Who his majestic rider seems to know, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfxyjOQdi9T
Proud of his purple trappings, paws the ground, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7sVuegaOx8
And champs the golden bit, and spreads the foam around. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtfI3nyOVpH
The queen at length appears; on either hand 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgigIVlOki9
The brawny guards in martial order stand. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1gDxwr8uRi
A flow'r'd simar with golden fringe she wore, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIjhuYuVKR5
And at her back a golden quiver bore; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIIJFLWHnhu
Her flowing hair a golden caul restrains, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0ECkNMQzgg
A golden clasp the Tyrian robe sustains. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwOWtMewtj9
Then young Ascanius, with a sprightly grace, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiUyAmte4QW
Leads on the Trojan youth to view the chase. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtQ5Te72AFy
But far above the rest in beauty shines 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgw4R5DPEtM
The great Aeneas, the troop he joins; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwdMHJLDNv5
Like fair Apollo, when he leaves the frost 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATfiuXg3Hsv
Of wint'ry Xanthus, and the Lycian coast, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiCZNwOeif4
When to his native Delos he resorts, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADHWkhPIjz9
Ordains the dances, and renews the sports; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlOzpaaVUmI
Where painted Scythians, mix'd with Cretan bands, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANqhkyC9edv
Before the joyful altars join their hands: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1fHCnZcHjp
Himself, on Cynthus walking, sees below 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjevr3dGOpm
The merry madness of the sacred show. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAVgidJyxkK5
Green wreaths of bays his length of hair inclose; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAibVyl2YEQX
A golden fillet binds his awful brows; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsZ24AnQ0Qw
His quiver sounds: not less the prince is seen 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASiQqqPUSA7
In manly presence, or in lofty mien. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAyhC8XQk9tz
Now had they reach'd the hills, and storm'd the seat 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuE25hHYVNl
Of salvage beasts, in dens, their last retreat. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnLprtx6eqE
The cry pursues the mountain goats: they bound 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIPT4z6sGwO
From rock to rock, and keep the craggy ground; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5u3ssh3i8W
Quite otherwise the stags, a trembling train, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANABmoANyyLr4
In herds unsingled, scour the dusty plain, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATeF7A3NdWy
And a long chase in open view maintain. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZs3LhTKS2u
The glad Ascanius, as his courser guides, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2U0VFJ0f33
Spurs thro' the vale, and these and those outrides. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXuCxlrxKXv
His horse's flanks and sides are forc'd to feel 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7Lvw8rEn82
The clanking lash, and goring of the steel. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEDXAPBadnD
Impatiently he views the feeble prey, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcXQQIiDBZz
Wishing some nobler beast to cross his way, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANActnAWrgOGI
And rather would the tusky boar attend, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdX4AOFwxj2
Or see the tawny lion downward bend. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAT3sGJLQSxm
Meantime, the gath'ring clouds obscure the skies: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjLKIBBbxcr
From pole to pole the forky lightning flies; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAb8NSVOd9Hr
The rattling thunders roll; and Juno pours 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4Eih2pFzFJ
A wintry deluge down, and sounding show'rs. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAixBM9YwXHJ
The company, dispers'd, to converts ride, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAG3Yr9BJ4Z8
And seek the homely cots, or mountain's hollow side. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPjXyXrhbPD
The rapid rains, descending from the hills, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQ1EIHhxPqe
To rolling torrents raise the creeping rills. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsC5Iyd1Aag
The queen and prince, as love or fortune guides, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjeR51SsN7p
One common cavern in her bosom hides. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsYrin8vrek
Then first the trembling earth the signal gave, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjkA66wmQip
And flashing fires enlighten all the cave; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA9aNDEk1aJr
Hell from below, and Juno from above, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5uG3pZ2J18
And howling nymphs, were conscious of their love. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIaL34rgHY5
From this ill-omen'd hour in time arose 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcfN8OyFIPS
Debate and death, and all succeeding woes. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjtlD5SHvR6
The queen, whom sense of honor could not move, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsPFfonutU1
No longer made a secret of her love, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAMtgVt5T8xG
But call'd it marriage, by that specious name 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7oLfEKVzc3
To veil the crime and sanctify the shame. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5nycWQXqKJ
The loud report thro' Libyan cities goes. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5TEqsKCuUc
Fame, the great ill, from small beginnings grows: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAyjmoQpcktP
Swift from the first; and ev'ry moment brings 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAevr6ePlyEV
New vigor to her flights, new pinions to her wings. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAS3yH6trt0K
Soon grows the pigmy to gigantic size; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUix4ftVm8e
Her feet on earth, her forehead in the skies. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADamYUffCJw
Inrag'd against the gods, revengeful Earth 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAujTVpqSb8V
Produc'd her last of the Titanian birth. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAF76BvFiRaO
Swift is her walk, more swift her winged haste: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdor1JZ8jCX
A monstrous phantom, horrible and vast. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAob1DkasmHG
As many plumes as raise her lofty flight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtbkPXZ1ugi
So many piercing eyes inlarge her sight; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPI28eYO6po
Millions of opening mouths to Fame belong, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdp3ua6dQdg
And ev'ry mouth is furnish'd with a tongue, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdHVg9XLyl3
And round with list'ning ears the flying plague is hung. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAf3XQNBuK3q
She fills the peaceful universe with cries; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8jovi98oJo
No slumbers ever close her wakeful eyes; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAX2II3Qf0FJ
By day, from lofty tow'rs her head she shews, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA9Re7JTq6ZU
And spreads thro' trembling crowds disastrous news; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmkVyFMrJMG
With court informers haunts, and royal spies; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuWpEjHvhVT
Things done relates, not done she feigns, and mingles truth with 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAc9r092mZdI
lies. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA088i8T6TgC
Talk is her business, and her chief delight 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUHezlZsxoy
To tell of prodigies and cause affright. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6RwsW5gEw2
She fills the people's ears with Dido's name, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA554OZBYw84
Who, lost to honor and the sense of shame, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASnivmFL5m0
Admits into her throne and nuptial bed 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAO1sxcTwosB
A wand'ring guest, who from his country fled: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA24Z4nNyDaP
Whole days with him she passes in delights, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmGYeaupgre
And wastes in luxury long winter nights, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8h8hFguYcN
Forgetful of her fame and royal trust, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkJc9BwFXHk
Dissolv'd in ease, abandon'd to her lust. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkDnWe5Bmtp
The goddess widely spreads the loud report, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhwmHpW26tq
And flies at length to King Hyarba's court. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATekuMib6VB
When first possess'd with this unwelcome news 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUPtBaXIKWw
Whom did he not of men and gods accuse? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA9CucBXUdSg
This prince, from ravish'd Garamantis born, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATccjdSwvwR
A hundred temples did with spoils adorn, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnXMSikKwyj
In Ammon's honor, his celestial sire; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAicdIlf4MTd
A hundred altars fed with wakeful fire; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAOUBWNZSzvS
And, thro' his vast dominions, priests ordain'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAT2pZgGpqoK
Whose watchful care these holy rites maintain'd. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALeDSdB6j1N
The gates and columns were with garlands crown'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUAuOcKZ3cf
And blood of victim beasts enrich'd the ground. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASzYkw3JLnc
He, when he heard a fugitive could move 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmWaUZosgOP
The Tyrian princess, who disdain'd his love, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJLXkYLfcSH
His breast with fury burn'd, his eyes with fire, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAn7caPHBXzH
Mad with despair, impatient with desire; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAw08GOVVDWE
Then on the sacred altars pouring wine, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPPtwXFa07j
He thus with pray'rs implor'd his sire divine: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAVRWieyJyjT
"Great Jove! propitious to the Moorish race, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaFVF3NsCxs
Who feast on painted beds, with off'rings grace 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1G5ZwgyFqz
Thy temples, and adore thy pow'r divine 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0Qrn58gGyV
With blood of victims, and with sparkling wine, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUaQn7eKEUc
Seest thou not this? or do we fear in vain 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZxyc3kL9T4
Thy boasted thunder, and thy thoughtless reign? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAl0OFciRicz
Do thy broad hands the forky lightnings lance? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQiCsCKgZJl
Thine are the bolts, or the blind work of chance? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZuusZy4v3A
A wand'ring woman builds, within our state, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALnDddAl1gf
A little town, bought at an easy rate; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAe4BQctMhj6
She pays me homage, and my grants allow 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2Y4DIImvEG
A narrow space of Libyan lands to plow; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3fgfip9hG6
Yet, scorning me, by passion blindly led, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaqj0b7IDy6
Admits a banish'd Trojan to her bed! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJRuKsV6oZs
And now this other Paris, with his train 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaLgWHWycom
Of conquer'd cowards, must in Afric reign! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAw72LOpNC3f
(Whom, what they are, their looks and garb confess, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmf0XbgygtQ
Their locks with oil perfum'd, their Lydian dress.) 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYmG6yMInbn
He takes the spoil, enjoys the princely dame; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFkZ9fE9SKP
And I, rejected I, adore an empty name." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXIU4fmKuSp
His vows, in haughty terms, he thus preferr'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfErKBgjdPc
And held his altar's horns. The mighty Thund'rer heard; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJXlDZiLgme
Then cast his eyes on Carthage, where he found 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApIB11U90tk
The lustful pair in lawless pleasure drown'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAL3MbLiO8mm
Lost in their loves, insensible of shame, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaWpJZiBQMr
And both forgetful of their better fame. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANArkQ8vNPvYe
He calls Cyllenius, and the god attends, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgOv8PGENWj
By whom his menacing command he sends: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfmZrEgXO5g
"Go, mount the western winds, and cleave the sky; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6OqCPiZLJO
Then, with a swift descent, to Carthage fly: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAU9bQGFxjFT
There find the Trojan chief, who wastes his days 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAegeEwkDGV2
In slothful not and inglorious ease, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApeJeZEiQ2q
Nor minds the future city, giv'n by fate. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACBUr3LDqP4
To him this message from my mouth relate: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApQ7JF9LCvW
'Not so fair Venus hop'd, when twice she won 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmbR3PS0nu5
Thy life with pray'rs, nor promis'd such a son. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJVQpg8czS3
Hers was a hero, destin'd to command 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAycBnhvMvIs
A martial race, and rule the Latian land, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6s6AAQeuIc
Who should his ancient line from Teucer draw, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARlZIon7nvt
And on the conquer'd world impose the law.' 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlIcZ9eKatQ
If glory cannot move a mind so mean, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADUUa10PvR1
Nor future praise from fading pleasure wean, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgZouZy5qLO
Yet why should he defraud his son of fame, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANABWtaxz9q4s
And grudge the Romans their immortal name! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwaz3b1biTZ
What are his vain designs! what hopes he more 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAldyMuBKX8h
From his long ling'ring on a hostile shore, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAVGpSjT6iMx
Regardless to redeem his honor lost, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3ELc0vzT4o
And for his race to gain th' Ausonian coast! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPTySBfxmvn
Bid him with speed the Tyrian court forsake; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwujvwvw739
With this command the slumb'ring warrior wake." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaq1g6YzzIS
Hermes obeys; with golden pinions binds 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGGiW9iVQmI
His flying feet, and mounts the western winds: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASZQivwKpbV
And, whether o'er the seas or earth he flies, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWIOxWtMqfx
With rapid force they bear him down the skies. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgm75gfgKBX
But first he grasps within his awful hand 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaLqeNa3HFz
The mark of sov'reign pow'r, his magic wand; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6IOZPF6SHH
With this he draws the ghosts from hollow graves; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAX8NKy8MhMV
With this he drives them down the Stygian waves; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAECvoxGR7Wn
With this he seals in sleep the wakeful sight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAMDnuGjBDpA
And eyes, tho' clos'd in death, restores to light. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWR0OAVOhJl
Thus arm'd, the god begins his airy race, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAY8gEht5mJy
And drives the racking clouds along the liquid space; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0e3oJVT4oI
Now sees the tops of Atlas, as he flies, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3vuRnb5Y6v
Whose brawny back supports the starry skies; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJ0BWCb1ZQw
Atlas, whose head, with piny forests crown'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAY50PmPAGja
Is beaten by the winds, with foggy vapors bound. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAae6RiL19yC
Snows hide his shoulders; from beneath his chin 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4Xa9mCsUe4
The founts of rolling streams their race begin; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3geqQBPIN7
A beard of ice on his large breast depends. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhkG7lCZ5xE
Here, pois'd upon his wings, the god descends: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAeN1qzl2v0o
Then, rested thus, he from the tow'ring height 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAu9laFxONxc
Plung'd downward, with precipitated flight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEwfx7YNQD3
Lights on the seas, and skims along the flood. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxrNIndsaBc
As waterfowl, who seek their fishy food, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYRop40qPyl
Less, and yet less, to distant prospect show; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEyhXdltX3v
By turns they dance aloft, and dive below: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAoctYa7dSjr
Like these, the steerage of his wings he plies, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtiDEfP6ZRk
And near the surface of the water flies, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAyQvcYyqvUE
Till, having pass'd the seas, and cross'd the sands, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlMgacHkagb
He clos'd his wings, and stoop'd on Libyan lands: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAloHZZL1rQd
Where shepherds once were hous'd in homely sheds, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAumo4PV9kIG
Now tow'rs within the clouds advance their heads. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzYiwT1GC8z
Arriving there, he found the Trojan prince 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAKijTIdwnXp
New ramparts raising for the town's defense. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAoQXaYWRzOX
A purple scarf, with gold embroider'd o'er, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADylwLONQ7s
(Queen Dido's gift,) about his waist he wore; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvICNqqKbyh
A sword, with glitt'ring gems diversified, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkqYZ3YI3pG
For ornament, not use, hung idly by his side. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANxbVLV6LVm
Then thus, with winged words, the god began, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqDUCamKFwL
Resuming his own shape: "Degenerate man, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8Qlent9q3b
Thou woman's property, what mak'st thou here, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAb8Ht0kYQrc
These foreign walls and Tyrian tow'rs to rear, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATUI9LCTVuZ
Forgetful of thy own? All-pow'rful Jove, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhbhgzfL6km
Who sways the world below and heav'n above, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALqUGMVkouf
Has sent me down with this severe command: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAAy15pqhc2q
What means thy ling'ring in the Libyan land? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7SkALO2Obd
If glory cannot move a mind so mean, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJD5bxyx2lS
Nor future praise from flitting pleasure wean, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3tKlGKlJu4
Regard the fortunes of thy rising heir: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmASh1EGCTB
The promis'd crown let young Ascanius wear, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3U0BYYB67c
To whom th' Ausonian scepter, and the state 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYjWCL0ynFe
Of Rome's imperial name is ow'd by fate." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbFByuxKswK
So spoke the god; and, speaking, took his flight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADimH0Q96GI
Involv'd in clouds, and vanish'd out of sight. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAs3vUttGV3R
The pious prince was seiz'd with sudden fear; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8pNjxcE6qE
Mute was his tongue, and upright stood his hair. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALUhCqdW0H6
Revolving in his mind the stern command, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA9pQY9ETm2l
He longs to fly, and loathes the charming land. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADoLqFGJu6A
What should he say? or how should he begin? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnT855x5a7F
What course, alas! remains to steer between 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEVmp5FcjyB
Th' offended lover and the pow'rful queen? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2Aev92HwEa
This way and that he turns his anxious mind, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtEtBYIaNW5
And all expedients tries, and none can find. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANzw9YqjHZP
Fix'd on the deed, but doubtful of the means, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7YHw7VwaM
After long thought, to this advice he leans: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANWDBMfPLK7
Three chiefs he calls, commands them to repair 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdHOaidzIPZ
The fleet, and ship their men with silent care; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASPj9Xs3iXT
Some plausible pretense he bids them find, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgUxITtdCq0
To color what in secret he design'd. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARQMHqyjviH
Himself, meantime, the softest hours would choose, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAr3XxGl9zhb
Before the love-sick lady heard the news; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlfhbU83Tlg
And move her tender mind, by slow degrees, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZgIjXzgioi
To suffer what the sov'reign pow'r decrees: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtFgtC1tdpB
Jove will inspire him, when, and what to say. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAyAlH6o7zre
They hear with pleasure, and with haste obey. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGDYMkkWqEZ
But soon the queen perceives the thin disguise: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANgwr0ItVP8
(What arts can blind a jealous woman's eyes!) 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqmTDgyLCT6
She was the first to find the secret fraud, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiuB6OtF47d
Before the fatal news was blaz'd abroad. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAyF9EbSCh2a
Love the first motions of the lover hears, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfiW40JP2qN
Quick to presage, and ev'n in safety fears. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIfImAoLkNd
Nor impious Fame was wanting to report 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAKzdy9kvdZN
The ships repair'd, the Trojans' thick resort, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4663ZFXM1J
And purpose to forsake the Tyrian court. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3f0XQfszBz
Frantic with fear, impatient of the wound, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAq1SNgaqAoC
And impotent of mind, she roves the city round. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmN0UXJjfuF
Less wild the Bacchanalian dames appear, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0S4zD0wf6x
When, from afar, their nightly god they hear, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtbCkaqquK7
And howl about the hills, and shake the wreathy spear. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzLnhIjyVwt
At length she finds the dear perfidious man; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfYnFOIbYm6
Prevents his form'd excuse, and thus began: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5D26K6vzrA
"Base and ungrateful! could you hope to fly, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEsllOxcYUf
And undiscover'd scape a lover's eye? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZfXobufZNI
Nor could my kindness your compassion move. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8dQAPLlfEU
Nor plighted vows, nor dearer bands of love? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtHQA4A4M1e
Or is the death of a despairing queen 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvHQA6WkNu6
Not worth preventing, tho' too well foreseen? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5OS16eMzFx
Ev'n when the wintry winds command your stay, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8RdFi1aADF
You dare the tempests, and defy the sea. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAN7KTBXMNnc
False as you are, suppose you were not bound 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJ6QmH8T0pV
To lands unknown, and foreign coasts to sound; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgmLrXNcnJ9
Were Troy restor'd, and Priam's happy reign, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3WBiapStbf
Now durst you tempt, for Troy, the raging main? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7F8MdpPKbp
See whom you fly! am I the foe you shun? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5YGfxF0ia4
Now, by those holy vows, so late begun, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUCvMiVrpXY
By this right hand, (since I have nothing more 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGe0yO200dE
To challenge, but the faith you gave before;) 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2r2iI0Z0wK
I beg you by these tears too truly shed, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA77OdMvlEB1
By the new pleasures of our nuptial bed; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACYOMGlOdfq
If ever Dido, when you most were kind, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnC3qGo6uJJ
Were pleasing in your eyes, or touch'd your mind; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnl9taDJWfO
By these my pray'rs, if pray'rs may yet have place, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0dUGqlZYBJ
Pity the fortunes of a falling race. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALsk5sH54qW
For you I have provok'd a tyrant's hate, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACblgAtUHRS
Incens'd the Libyan and the Tyrian state; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsyApUwbO18
For you alone I suffer in my fame, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA76iEpWllDB
Bereft of honor, and expos'd to shame. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8SpGR97iU7
Whom have I now to trust, ungrateful guest? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAoXD3M6dQxG
(That only name remains of all the rest!) 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAAq2B6aYrcZ
What have I left? or whither can I fly? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAVnzhHh8dmb
Must I attend Pygmalion's cruelty, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZSJbkziumK
Or till Hyarba shall in triumph lead 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiucFcbcGE2
A queen that proudly scorn'd his proffer'd bed? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2po22j994W
Had you deferr'd, at least, your hasty flight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAByy7w2xIyF
And left behind some pledge of our delight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAC1p4XdmgeY
Some babe to bless the mother's mournful sight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXniDQ58YmZ
Some young Aeneas, to supply your place, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA011pPjWML4
Whose features might express his father's face; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA9YVU9S0ZdO
I should not then complain to live bereft 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaN3OLMQ4jl
Of all my husband, or be wholly left." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAX5I96MM4Zp
Here paus'd the queen. Unmov'd he holds his eyes, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGl4N9jfLJc
By Jove's command; nor suffer'd love to rise, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkJCW41g6Yc
Tho' heaving in his heart; and thus at length replies: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwQXe7gfFWk
"Fair queen, you never can enough repeat 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA88jUjtXaBn
Your boundless favors, or I own my debt; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjAYsf0jz8H
Nor can my mind forget Eliza's name, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcrkMj050IV
While vital breath inspires this mortal frame. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkGsUcBPYKd
This only let me speak in my defense: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANzBRUHgydg
I never hop'd a secret flight from hence, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALKO2iBBgNP
Much less pretended to the lawful claim 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATJp2UXatB7
Of sacred nuptials, or a husband's name. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAky3yuCH0IW
For, if indulgent Heav'n would leave me free, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcj1iMu4zh8
And not submit my life to fate's decree, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA43EbJo2WRa
My choice would lead me to the Trojan shore, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARNz29gw7xb
Those relics to review, their dust adore, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtYLjBDcazp
And Priam's ruin'd palace to restore. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqX3WBgKTUO
But now the Delphian oracle commands, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7HYpLWsFXj
And fate invites me to the Latian lands. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAVVMwxZuFRO
That is the promis'd place to which I steer, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4U2KXh0Vwh
And all my vows are terminated there. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAHvh7qLGM47
If you, a Tyrian, and a stranger born, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALV45faB0tt
With walls and tow'rs a Libyan town adorn, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAHDGatHpmjm
Why may not we- like you, a foreign race- 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0NJE3IzslJ
Like you, seek shelter in a foreign place? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjLDK9ENyIB
As often as the night obscures the skies 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcTa5tT950y
With humid shades, or twinkling stars arise, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7oZXEDM1xF
Anchises' angry ghost in dreams appears, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAk1yBlvom6d
Chides my delay, and fills my soul with fears; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAeqLc2oSyZc
And young Ascanius justly may complain 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAP2f2YRYmSE
Of his defrauded and destin'd reign. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALqvsEdrCwp
Ev'n now the herald of the gods appear'd: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApyM99KftVH
Waking I saw him, and his message heard. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFubMXQch6F
From Jove he came commission'd, heav'nly bright 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAu6v3KZJKeG
With radiant beams, and manifest to sight 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6Wn9bfQfKo
(The sender and the sent I both attest) 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2qhb8RG6V
These walls he enter'd, and those words express'd. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAALEXoj9ycn
Fair queen, oppose not what the gods command; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwh7AAr2ClQ
Forc'd by my fate, I leave your happy land." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAOlvKT6A2Fg
Thus while he spoke, already she began, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAKGm7IacHF0
With sparkling eyes, to view the guilty man; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjOhdWrzoeZ
From head to foot survey'd his person o'er, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlUnxK4crXe
Nor longer these outrageous threats forebore: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiXdMzHUWQL
"False as thou art, and, more than false, forsworn! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAstim9fZBQ9
Not sprung from noble blood, nor goddess-born, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJJGqdwfjvP
But hewn from harden'd entrails of a rock! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0TaeNfKMoE
And rough Hyrcanian tigers gave thee suck! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnbSqJr4p5m
Why should I fawn? what have I worse to fear? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjZ0znHUQ7I
Did he once look, or lent a list'ning ear, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAOdYTNwe2gp
Sigh'd when I sobb'd, or shed one kindly tear?- 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5k2F6sVLGg
All symptoms of a base ungrateful mind, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUmV4C0UIxI
So foul, that, which is worse, 'tis hard to find. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtKaDDehP1t
Of man's injustice why should I complain? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfJD65SI465
The gods, and Jove himself, behold in vain 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARjxoTuIV9Z
Triumphant treason; yet no thunder flies, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAHK5Fai2L64
Nor Juno views my wrongs with equal eyes; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGWqNYaL6Ax
Faithless is earth, and faithless are the skies! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtF6dBPA0fA
Justice is fled, and Truth is now no more! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA84TVjJk6WP
I sav'd the shipwrack'd exile on my shore; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAOoU9WGCjSD
With needful food his hungry Trojans fed; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIgWIXysyW4
I took the traitor to my throne and bed: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAc4ohmokNcm
Fool that I was- 't is little to repeat 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAMsPsk7jySd
The rest- I stor'd and rigg'd his ruin'd fleet. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIavGofjibi
I rave, I rave! A god's command he pleads, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJ17SL7E6uS
And makes Heav'n accessary to his deeds. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANSUF5l3qsy
Now Lycian lots, and now the Delian god, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAHQ5S8e7kBb
Now Hermes is employ'd from Jove's abode, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALi5OO70gUH
To warn him hence; as if the peaceful state 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiYkKHFImvO
Of heav'nly pow'rs were touch'd with human fate! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA08B55xuK1k
But go! thy flight no longer I detain- 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJYD58XkMSf
Go seek thy promis'd kingdom thro' the main! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPbEatIRslK
Yet, if the heav'ns will hear my pious vow, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcpX48RcDH4
The faithless waves, not half so false as thou, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZySOP5v0ho
Or secret sands, shall sepulchers afford 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAM6CGbAD035
To thy proud vessels, and their perjur'd lord. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAj0w2AOIBAQ
Then shalt thou call on injur'd Dido's name: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhbZGtR9eGX
Dido shall come in a black sulph'ry flame, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1yR0JG9mEH
When death has once dissolv'd her mortal frame; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAyGWKslYfOO
Shall smile to see the traitor vainly weep: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfNcAQTgnKM
Her angry ghost, arising from the deep, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAOriqyNRsqv
Shall haunt thee waking, and disturb thy sleep. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANy6FjxCdzC
At least my shade thy punishment shall know, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANSsfDXOQBD
And Fame shall spread the pleasing news below." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaAbAnsng86
Abruptly here she stops; then turns away 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmsyJiSk9MW
Her loathing eyes, and shuns the sight of day. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALxituTAmuN
Amaz'd he stood, revolving in his mind 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAasXirCkUQP
What speech to frame, and what excuse to find. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAAnQZtyWz8v
Her fearful maids their fainting mistress led, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXuO1E6aBuO
And softly laid her on her ivory bed. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzsEACJWiY3
But good Aeneas, tho' he much desir'd 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAag0xOgkVi4
To give that pity which her grief requir'd; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqZFXeLiPF2
Tho' much he mourn'd, and labor'd with his love, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzl0dhGqtvO
Resolv'd at length, obeys the will of Jove; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAoYerelFyzQ
Reviews his forces: they with early care 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAClmwlwNlPN
Unmoor their vessels, and for sea prepare. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtKLXRZxN73
The fleet is soon afloat, in all its pride, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiBUlljuue4
And well-calk'd galleys in the harbor ride. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASlU3Fi8ysL
Then oaks for oars they fell'd; or, as they stood, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvH0dTwkXcL
Of its green arms despoil'd the growing wood, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1RNyOQuv73
Studious of flight. The beach is cover'd o'er 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAMEhLkFWJG3
With Trojan bands, that blacken all the shore: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAc2MqkQU2B3
On ev'ry side are seen, descending down, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAOAw2Y9fY3M
Thick swarms of soldiers, loaden from the town. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAezwnqEt85J
Thus, in battalia, march embodied ants, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA10TB97VgBb
Fearful of winter, and of future wants, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAt8jRt6Smtj
T' invade the corn, and to their cells convey 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAp7HvqBd13f
The plunder'd forage of their yellow prey. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnU2zshCDZ2
The sable troops, along the narrow tracks, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwhYwjOGftu
Scarce bear the weighty burthen on their backs: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAAm3usT7snl
Some set their shoulders to the pond'rous grain; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvPRahQEdis
Some guard the spoil; some lash the lagging train; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALgnSipnjFc
All ply their sev'ral tasks, and equal toil sustain. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2aRUIbgLDH
What pangs the tender breast of Dido tore, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1TRPzU66gZ
When, from the tow'r, she saw the cover'd shore, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPqxd8jEWDW
And heard the shouts of sailors from afar, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhdaz05Mfx7
Mix'd with the murmurs of the wat'ry war! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAR6m16UW2Nt
All-pow'rful Love! what changes canst thou cause 1109Please respect copyright.PENANArdpJ8BXDCU
In human hearts, subjected to thy laws! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALXRpJrA8JE
Once more her haughty soul the tyrant bends: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGUhVa00Ajd
To pray'rs and mean submissions she descends. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAATgGfOAsYj
No female arts or aids she left untried, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQ60ZnuTgoW
Nor counsels unexplor'd, before she died. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPU0R44r6bV
"Look, Anna! look! the Trojans crowd to sea; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAW5gmBU2f5a
They spread their canvas, and their anchors weigh. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdoAd57NZPp
The shouting crew their ships with garlands bind, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzRYESkrAMd
Invoke the sea gods, and invite the wind. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYmphnAnOPn
Could I have thought this threat'ning blow so near, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApWwFedoIzX
My tender soul had been forewarn'd to bear. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPEioaQkG9b
But do not you my last request deny; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAT5UQRyD6kM
With yon perfidious man your int'rest try, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAOmhHUoiJ3D
And bring me news, if I must live or die. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANArLZBQ7AZvt
You are his fav'rite; you alone can find 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAe409GEZ665
The dark recesses of his inmost mind: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1t8jCVFHmy
In all his trusted secrets you have part, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3yMpeEjPkz
And know the soft approaches to his heart. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALwyO1cbcRy
Haste then, and humbly seek my haughty foe; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANjQIjPmkaj
Tell him, I did not with the Grecians go, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATcoSLzacNd
Nor did my fleet against his friends employ, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzjUycsPzWm
Nor swore the ruin of unhappy Troy, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAHi2FFR6vWA
Nor mov'd with hands profane his father's dust: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtupGextM0L
Why should he then reject a just! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2ArF0gjXAm
Whom does he shun, and whither would he fly! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgb3nSIPlXU
Can he this last, this only pray'r deny! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAq6FBAGRK0g
Let him at least his dang'rous flight delay, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAK7CC0dZczR
Wait better winds, and hope a calmer sea. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4mrBvSYzwj
The nuptials he disclaims I urge no more: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXDC8rcrXUP
Let him pursue the promis'd Latian shore. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdLk5gT4lsQ
A short delay is all I ask him now; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAh8uMHhHmj9
A pause of grief, an interval from woe, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqbC0rvnZql
Till my soft soul be temper'd to sustain 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGrNlRRh2kX
Accustom'd sorrows, and inur'd to pain. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjjilaw2psd
If you in pity grant this one request, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPMOn1NSH5T
My death shall glut the hatred of his breast." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQ35FAKfISU
This mournful message pious Anna bears, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIesS8hGczz
And seconds with her own her sister's tears: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlyWP9rrIMF
But all her arts are still employ'd in vain; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbm4B2bI4xr
Again she comes, and is refus'd again. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaM1IN4s05t
His harden'd heart nor pray'rs nor threat'nings move; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxoEMgmQ2ZA
Fate, and the god, had stopp'd his ears to love. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAR8ab8C7zX2
As, when the winds their airy quarrel try, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwuqSo2jxHj
Justling from ev'ry quarter of the sky, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAO4seWcJsbY
This way and that the mountain oak they bend, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANABylBEBfWoG
His boughs they shatter, and his branches rend; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtTOxt7oxKL
With leaves and falling mast they spread the ground; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIVrH1TsyXp
The hollow valleys echo to the sound: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAMo4TYvmn2r
Unmov'd, the royal plant their fury mocks, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACke8vqGzZ3
Or, shaken, clings more closely to the rocks; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJdV9vSRiih
Far as he shoots his tow'ring head on high, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaNBwohgcHu
So deep in earth his fix'd foundations lie. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcopYgUidM6
No less a storm the Trojan hero bears; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAeUI3c6GnqA
Thick messages and loud complaints he hears, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcocGILxOce
And bandied words, still beating on his ears. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWOXJG13nsh
Sighs, groans, and tears proclaim his inward pains; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqWkT6rOgNu
But the firm purpose of his heart remains. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzwKr3SkVJk
The wretched queen, pursued by cruel fate, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGA51Hu97iG
Begins at length the light of heav'n to hate, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAU8SJjiv1bF
And loathes to live. Then dire portents she sees, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJvgxJ80WkB
To hasten on the death her soul decrees: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkJ0JFR7wwp
Strange to relate! for when, before the shrine, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfPnUmNl4rl
She pours in sacrifice the purple wine, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANArh3xBVNa4U
The purple wine is turn'd to putrid blood, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0yyi2TRoZu
And the white offer'd milk converts to mud. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxWb2q5EoVQ
This dire presage, to her alone reveal'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAAT2ymOQ6qL
From all, and ev'n her sister, she conceal'd. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFb1qT91QTh
A marble temple stood within the grove, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsqzVKLF9SV
Sacred to death, and to her murther'd love; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAg2KGntpVnN
That honor'd chapel she had hung around 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASTJz6MO0uD
With snowy fleeces, and with garlands crown'd: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlZQM9Mao48
Oft, when she visited this lonely dome, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsY0TRlp54b
Strange voices issued from her husband's tomb; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACnVl9fdij3
She thought she heard him summon her away, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApBEtKFy9c7
Invite her to his grave, and chide her stay. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtbaFVba7Qy
Hourly 't is heard, when with a boding note 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxvaZEBqAly
The solitary screech owl strains her throat, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgnpRr1YwZ2
And, on a chimney's top, or turret's height, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAObrKMD5o8U
With songs obscene disturbs the silence of the night. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqX6VVhX9my
Besides, old prophecies augment her fears; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIEIqgQLvwX
And stern Aeneas in her dreams appears, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjiXqB15diL
Disdainful as by day: she seems, alone, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWesvYtnvKa
To wander in her sleep, thro' ways unknown, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnYWu1YOlU6
Guideless and dark; or, in a desart plain, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAc90MHdsdOx
To seek her subjects, and to seek in vain: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQvVAJ7crQp
Like Pentheus, when, distracted with his fear, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuRMbS4jlOy
He saw two suns, and double Thebes, appear; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASArnq8jwP7
Or mad Orestes, when his mother's ghost 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdrWCjZnmWu
Full in his face infernal torches toss'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiZLaZCFZfc
And shook her snaky locks: he shuns the sight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUjXaDjjc6F
Flies o'er the stage, surpris'd with mortal fright; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAw0Elz93eT2
The Furies guard the door and intercept his flight. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4FpNJygP8Y
Now, sinking underneath a load of grief, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAx0D4pgjZ8b
From death alone she seeks her last relief; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXLaCy5qjuX
The time and means resolv'd within her breast, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6aRRTbJlnz
She to her mournful sister thus address'd 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAoJZigYc0sY
(Dissembling hope, her cloudy front she clears, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxtPpRzCdm8
And a false vigor in her eyes appears): 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5Ao0c36pkH
"Rejoice!" she said. "Instructed from above, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAij6qPaDOBk
My lover I shall gain, or lose my love. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbRTUyllKCq
Nigh rising Atlas, next the falling sun, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdJzCSwXXep
Long tracts of Ethiopian climates run: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANArzFyFCt5jd
There a Massylian priestess I have found, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFsWZiamafB
Honor'd for age, for magic arts renown'd: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvgEWfrWGxM
Th' Hesperian temple was her trusted care; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANASaUgaoPsMM
'T was she supplied the wakeful dragon's fare. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAyO6XSEb1jf
She poppy seeds in honey taught to steep, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQZRPuftqAe
Reclaim'd his rage, and sooth'd him into sleep. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADuSooABRjF
She watch'd the golden fruit; her charms unbind 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANLEhAYBCfh
The chains of love, or fix them on the mind: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAt6r6rB0a08
She stops the torrents, leaves the channel dry, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIcWZc0bVmB
Repels the stars, and backward bears the sky. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAK7NoQbYJ8Z
The yawning earth rebellows to her call, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJhfBBVqVF3
Pale ghosts ascend, and mountain ashes fall. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEteln64Es1
Witness, ye gods, and thou my better part, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARGhsJgYPL7
How loth I am to try this impious art! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZ6lfInKsOP
Within the secret court, with silent care, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANABphSPtR7yJ
Erect a lofty pile, expos'd in air: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkO1d9SQ9uA
Hang on the topmost part the Trojan vest, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQwhX7VWhhL
Spoils, arms, and presents, of my faithless guest. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6nCzorgklB
Next, under these, the bridal bed be plac'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtrFZ5saO0N
Where I my ruin in his arms embrac'd: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmqoPNeOg9I
All relics of the wretch are doom'd to fire; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApz6RU7U9Kn
For so the priestess and her charms require." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnS7U4XQOqy
Thus far she said, and farther speech forbears; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZ91cnMo6gc
A mortal paleness in her face appears: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5Oom7JNqMG
Yet the mistrustless Anna could not find 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATYIfRV2wp8
The secret fun'ral in these rites design'd; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYg7JgQgJLq
Nor thought so dire a rage possess'd her mind. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAW6TUeltsB5
Unknowing of a train conceal'd so well, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdvuzOYyn6Z
She fear'd no worse than when Sichaeus fell; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqZZki6pUm5
Therefore obeys. The fatal pile they rear, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsyvqWvATrM
Within the secret court, expos'd in air. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAevJkqfFaWg
The cloven holms and pines are heap'd on high, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjw8TXxqERH
And garlands on the hollow spaces lie. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEEt69506oa
Sad cypress, vervain, yew, compose the wreath, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAKnyfe9IrF6
And ev'ry baleful green denoting death. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiBTVYodXwf
The queen, determin'd to the fatal deed, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7eMudXzvjy
The spoils and sword he left, in order spread, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAr8kWrrYHKu
And the man's image on the nuptial bed. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmXZA2kgok6
And now (the sacred altars plac'd around) 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2EFDZ38Alg
The priestess enters, with her hair unbound, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7uxLHn3iqa
And thrice invokes the pow'rs below the ground. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADuBThOVpnR
Night, Erebus, and Chaos she proclaims, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhboZ2kJjNC
And threefold Hecate, with her hundred names, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAG3a3yk4OhL
And three Dianas: next, she sprinkles round 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqpeUdrYUA3
With feign'd Avernian drops the hallow'd ground; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAv2fnWaUwE7
Culls hoary simples, found by Phoebe's light, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACNyWdNHhQd
With brazen sickles reap'd at noon of night; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADgvxOgE7hQ
Then mixes baleful juices in the bowl, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAoZxqD6VTnz
And cuts the forehead of a newborn foal, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzahyloIXRJ
Robbing the mother's love. The destin'd queen 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7WwMNgLawI
Observes, assisting at the rites obscene; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGBpYDiT1G7
A leaven'd cake in her devoted hands 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADpKstHTZyx
She holds, and next the highest altar stands: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5MmANYLCP7
One tender foot was shod, her other bare; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA46DguVhyIk
Girt was her gather'd gown, and loose her hair. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApqKuAQFyev
Thus dress'd, she summon'd, with her dying breath, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAImnqT4QYOF
The heav'ns and planets conscious of her death, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIHh49INDVv
And ev'ry pow'r, if any rules above, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7IVnNSXAwu
Who minds, or who revenges, injur'd love. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQUc42CYgVo
"'T was dead of night, when weary bodies close 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAyBeYTndwTt
Their eyes in balmy sleep and soft repose: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPYSh8ekCW4
The winds no longer whisper thro' the woods, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvr0Dq4sTSH
Nor murm'ring tides disturb the gentle floods. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJsClnsdmDX
The stars in silent order mov'd around; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAc0xoj8tKQG
And Peace, with downy wings, was brooding on the ground 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxJmH2jhqxd
The flocks and herds, and party-color'd fowl, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgUPtYaY7F9
Which haunt the woods, or swim the weedy pool, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXjirvQSwSn
Stretch'd on the quiet earth, securely lay, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0Xawm4RUEY
Forgetting the past labors of the day. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANuSRyhQVc1
All else of nature's common gift partake: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5qqEkP7fso
Unhappy Dido was alone awake. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAq6HZSTGD3A
Nor sleep nor ease the furious queen can find; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxhPCAv7pHU
Sleep fled her eyes, as quiet fled her mind. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAN9pyiBFbkP
Despair, and rage, and love divide her heart; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgf3YTdzKzt
Despair and rage had some, but love the greater part. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1c5Zd6AhT
Then thus she said within her secret mind: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhrrySbCbTJ
"What shall I do? what succor can I find? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUMMc0jeySn
Become a suppliant to Hyarba's pride, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAq504uY2Hdo
And take my turn, to court and be denied? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3bwayaUqOh
Shall I with this ungrateful Trojan go, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAF9btbnoH8U
Forsake an empire, and attend a foe? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2SJsjaaa1f
Himself I refug'd, and his train reliev'd- 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAeErjaZeJee
'T is true- but am I sure to be receiv'd? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARNFsNqX7t2
Can gratitude in Trojan souls have place! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhVQk2JnhYQ
Laomedon still lives in all his race! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAVNJqTI2InL
Then, shall I seek alone the churlish crew, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA47L5kR8Moi
Or with my fleet their flying sails pursue? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAq6BRkvGhT1
What force have I but those whom scarce before 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7atWDRDQsF
I drew reluctant from their native shore? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvjgyBGpwN9
Will they again embark at my desire, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiw8wRzurUh
Once more sustain the seas, and quit their second Tyre? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnOcqlUGj5y
Rather with steel thy guilty breast invade, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAVJfNxA7rWH
And take the fortune thou thyself hast made. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2h8ItJ0uK7
Your pity, sister, first seduc'd my mind, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAAkkcXAHYBN
Or seconded too well what I design'd. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUAQ26jjaNs
These dear-bought pleasures had I never known, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACfUDEwJC2w
Had I continued free, and still my own; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANbbztbYxnn
Avoiding love, I had not found despair, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAb4JfJYPNeH
But shar'd with salvage beasts the common air. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACTRq3MwDaB
Like them, a lonely life I might have led, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlmfAIrZz6Q
Not mourn'd the living, nor disturb'd the dead." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlEbP1Vgx0i
These thoughts she brooded in her anxious breast. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAHty8IiG3rj
On board, the Trojan found more easy rest. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIe7SHYr2DF
Resolv'd to sail, in sleep he pass'd the night; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAX9Z3OMufSI
And order'd all things for his early flight. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7aBkNmtYH9
To whom once more the winged god appears; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANARHyLLgPMtY
His former youthful mien and shape he wears, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA85ls9YHrXl
And with this new alarm invades his ears: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIv2VhbNkvQ
"Sleep'st thou, O goddess-born! and canst thou drown 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALWcPU3Wy4U
Thy needful cares, so near a hostile town, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANiMtp6TB8m
Beset with foes; nor hear'st the western gales 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAajq3AaiglX
Invite thy passage, and inspire thy sails? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAo08VSGQiFT
She harbors in her heart a furious hate, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaD8tw6K0TT
And thou shalt find the dire effects too late; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwUYsQ7F4H4
Fix'd on revenge, and obstinate to die. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGkg1Z6lMIk
Haste swiftly hence, while thou hast pow'r to fly. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAF6vFI31Y7q
The sea with ships will soon be cover'd o'er, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACvLC17rLzv
And blazing firebrands kindle all the shore. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjFHBG2rNKH
Prevent her rage, while night obscures the skies, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6KYwlBnswV
And sail before the purple morn arise. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZJSaZ0bQbi
Who knows what hazards thy delay may bring? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwnl0sTiglB
Woman's a various and a changeful thing." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA35lJzYYNMk
Thus Hermes in the dream; then took his flight 1109Please respect copyright.PENANArvYdYbZ4NF
Aloft in air unseen, and mix'd with night. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANJhpKBZWgu
Twice warn'd by the celestial messenger, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQod6xfMQq2
The pious prince arose with hasty fear; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmEkJC69Cp0
Then rous'd his drowsy train without delay: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjz83ebUw7n
"Haste to your banks; your crooked anchors weigh, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANANvIMHfbCeC
And spread your flying sails, and stand to sea. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUqiworZLgP
A god commands: he stood before my sight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7e2ro3nJkr
And urg'd us once again to speedy flight. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwXkERZXOQo
O sacred pow'r, what pow'r soe'er thou art, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQYWOgUoEcU
To thy blest orders I resign my heart. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmeg5iJYv1I
Lead thou the way; protect thy Trojan bands, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQJsdi5UmK8
And prosper the design thy will commands." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAh85pr99ZbA
He said: and, drawing forth his flaming sword, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQPoZjX9SYQ
His thund'ring arm divides the many-twisted cord. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAOnvJALvnpX
An emulating zeal inspires his train: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2DXjWz8LQE
They run; they snatch; they rush into the main. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvFObAxHxQr
With headlong haste they leave the desert shores, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcVN3KDG0EW
And brush the liquid seas with lab'ring oars. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbYo7K3fKTi
Aurora now had left her saffron bed, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWNRCBw8MPp
And beams of early light the heav'ns o'erspread, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAN20n8Ca4C1
When, from a tow'r, the queen, with wakeful eyes, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGSKajIEIxL
Saw day point upward from the rosy skies. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkgJxERyCPG
She look'd to seaward; but the sea was void, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxyDDuO1kCS
And scarce in ken the sailing ships descried. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuKyhgFAo42
Stung with despite, and furious with despair, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEgFBmnJLKG
She struck her trembling breast, and tore her hair. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAlh6BFbwtf8
"And shall th' ungrateful traitor go," she said, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAsh6vj54X6I
"My land forsaken, and my love betray'd? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1a2wf1K2Zn
Shall we not arm? not rush from ev'ry street, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAHh47l4cGUA
To follow, sink, and burn his perjur'd fleet? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdNpXzrfrOM
Haste, haul my galleys out! pursue the foe! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADO8D3O3dLB
Bring flaming brands! set sail, and swiftly row! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAOo6YlwHVvn
What have I said? where am I? Fury turns 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADdHKx55cmb
My brain; and my distemper'd bosom burns. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAZISsgBivEH
Then, when I gave my person and my throne, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAbNgILnB2sq
This hate, this rage, had been more timely shown. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuqOX9pxFXj
See now the promis'd faith, the vaunted name, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAMyzOQULXMm
The pious man, who, rushing thro' the flame, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtAgEkou1YV
Preserv'd his gods, and to the Phrygian shore 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgmDlNEgdpM
The burthen of his feeble father bore! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAranmsVJlXv
I should have torn him piecemeal; strow'd in floods 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuxlp8I84Yt
His scatter'd limbs, or left expos'd in woods; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANALeoNxT10x5
Destroy'd his friends and son; and, from the fire, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0FPJMD8b5b
Have set the reeking boy before the sire. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAY3k8VJOBLt
Events are doubtful, which on battles wait: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFFNyR8gEkY
Yet where's the doubt, to souls secure of fate? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAODCrhF8jG1
My Tyrians, at their injur'd queen's command, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4ESaSAb5W5
Had toss'd their fires amid the Trojan band; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQZoisGttvn
At once extinguish'd all the faithless name; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhh4iy7bHy6
And I myself, in vengeance of my shame, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJ65vgpKzsf
Had fall'n upon the pile, to mend the fun'ral flame. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwbhwGzCbYu
Thou Sun, who view'st at once the world below; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdL3CmN1Fxa
Thou Juno, guardian of the nuptial vow; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXvuTEzvhis
Thou Hecate hearken from thy dark abodes! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAKSgLaYMFNN
Ye Furies, fiends, and violated gods, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAx0AC6BQ28F
All pow'rs invok'd with Dido's dying breath, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANATwWnUfrXKd
Attend her curses and avenge her death! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1i7rpRuWhZ
If so the Fates ordain, Jove commands, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAk72mmzMKMA
Th' ungrateful wretch should find the Latian lands, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8fIr7vrVtT
Yet let a race untam'd, and haughty foes, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2Giwv9kcAC
His peaceful entrance with dire arms oppose: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJpho8nXG1z
Oppress'd with numbers in th' unequal field, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWr9fFJaWjk
His men discourag'd, and himself expell'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAmnCQxpq4VV
Let him for succor sue from place to place, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACJZtO1GF33
Torn from his subjects, and his son's embrace. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjJvCLYjJbF
First, let him see his friends in battle slain, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAeqlNtYhDZv
And their untimely fate lament in vain; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwk3Q5uNKnV
And when, at length, the cruel war shall cease, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANApiuEjoroVm
On hard conditions may he buy his peace: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqKDgeG3bXG
Nor let him then enjoy supreme command; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1JhWtumKK3
But fall, untimely, by some hostile hand, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0fBNG8Wb2p
And lie unburied on the barren sand! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAA7GIrFmFws
These are my pray'rs, and this my dying will; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAyvOBHeXkiI
And you, my Tyrians, ev'ry curse fulfil. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAKHpZP38Ids
Perpetual hate and mortal wars proclaim, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuBy9aqGnli
Against the prince, the people, and the name. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2aCvFdI9ts
These grateful off'rings on my grave bestow; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAnBYLPP6oLc
Nor league, nor love, the hostile nations know! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAl4MHNHD7gw
Now, and from hence, in ev'ry future age, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXyPzjj5oE9
When rage excites your arms, and strength supplies the rage 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqmUwmdDuYO
Rise some avenger of our Libyan blood, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFePA227vqD
With fire and sword pursue the perjur'd brood; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdDBKUgVQuk
Our arms, our seas, our shores, oppos'd to theirs; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXrtqilFudg
And the same hate descend on all our heirs!" 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2r02SPoBOy
This said, within her anxious mind she weighs 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEQRFmydrgd
The means of cutting short her odious days. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAKfIBaEwMy6
Then to Sichaeus' nurse she briefly said 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAy7L3lTGx0M
(For, when she left her country, hers was dead): 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGtxH3KLUwC
"Go, Barce, call my sister. Let her care 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAijKO9xBajw
The solemn rites of sacrifice prepare; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAp7ueu4c9pj
The sheep, and all th' atoning off'rings bring, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA4LKngu5895
Sprinkling her body from the crystal spring 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAMr58O8k708
With living drops; then let her come, and thou 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwl5mr9mmwH
With sacred fillets bind thy hoary brow. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAajctGL3mvo
Thus will I pay my vows to Stygian Jove, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7fk9Tp1VIP
And end the cares of my disastrous love; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcBm1TG1M0F
Then cast the Trojan image on the fire, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJLDHhxLhrh
And, as that burns, my passions shall expire." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtwF9Xzh7KF
The nurse moves onward, with officious care, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzqPjqBnJMe
And all the speed her aged limbs can bear. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUIgefbrvw0
But furious Dido, with dark thoughts involv'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAfjYAPxPNSQ
Shook at the mighty mischief she resolv'd. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIImfsnj3PA
With livid spots distinguish'd was her face; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAemlK0oG1t9
Red were her rolling eyes, and discompos'd her pace; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5PFA6UITOU
Ghastly she gaz'd, with pain she drew her breath, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAVzLnDce7X8
And nature shiver'd at approaching death. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAymUPW2BTjZ
Then swiftly to the fatal place she pass'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7L7jlPtyYu
And mounts the fun'ral pile with furious haste; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQKCbJQjwpw
Unsheathes the sword the Trojan left behind 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAC0IJXx2Jfh
(Not for so dire an enterprise design'd). 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAPzduBl7PoM
But when she view'd the garments loosely spread, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkGHo6WkUuz
Which once he wore, and saw the conscious bed, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8rlnjHiE9x
She paus'd, and with a sigh the robes embrac'd; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFqNdBkLS5H
Then on the couch her trembling body cast, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwo9wGgupHe
Repress'd the ready tears, and spoke her last: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxIOEcqdDxx
"Dear pledges of my love, while Heav'n so pleas'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAvAP3D6s9tN
Receive a soul, of mortal anguish eas'd: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAjk61cZUnzn
My fatal course is finish'd; and I go, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3ajzAOe91s
A glorious name, among the ghosts below. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAqAe3JrUDbV
A lofty city by my hands is rais'd, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAccuGFxSYOR
Pygmalion punish'd, and my lord appeas'd. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAk5dsqBrpAb
What could my fortune have afforded more, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAz2zknIQ7Cv
Had the false Trojan never touch'd my shore!" 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAUfwUk1jCj0
Then kiss'd the couch; and, "Must I die," she said, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAXrZtDLuzr6
"And unreveng'd? 'T is doubly to be dead! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAtNsdOlMIg9
Yet ev'n this death with pleasure I receive: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAP8gevq83hw
On any terms, 't is better than to live. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3y6MBuhuf3
These flames, from far, may the false Trojan view; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAy2CENfZvQ5
These boding omens his base flight pursue!" 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAkB3upxCdhD
She said, and struck; deep enter'd in her side 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAgadNZrQPh5
The piercing steel, with reeking purple dyed: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA9MOIxdwHlK
Clogg'd in the wound the cruel weapon stands; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYjC2HCLEYH
The spouting blood came streaming on her hands. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAxFLR3UvqU8
Her sad attendants saw the deadly stroke, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAF7QHA4odsc
And with loud cries the sounding palace shook. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAGDpPnmsUhA
Distracted, from the fatal sight they fled, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdD21P13og5
And thro' the town the dismal rumor spread. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAj53uUe5oaH
First from the frighted court the yell began; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5OV9y2msfG
Redoubled, thence from house to house it ran: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA3FDnjm6xo9
The groans of men, with shrieks, laments, and cries 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0MLEhrqCx0
Of mixing women, mount the vaulted skies. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA1iL1GCtpI4
Not less the clamor, than if- ancient Tyre, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA0kIQuqFRJP
Or the new Carthage, set by foes on fire- 1109Please respect copyright.PENANADWgojJQg1Y
The rolling ruin, with their lov'd abodes, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5DPXiiI55r
Involv'd the blazing temples of their gods. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAETShbWqFon
Her sister hears; and, furious with despair, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAKZHWD1BIru
She beats her breast, and rends her yellow hair, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA9hkMUXZy05
And, calling on Eliza's name aloud, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcfXzcml0Ej
Runs breathless to the place, and breaks the crowd. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhQ7ORMKmCA
"Was all that pomp of woe for this prepar'd; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAI35kDIyTEl
These fires, this fun'ral pile, these altars rear'd? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA7odQKQQ3nU
Was all this train of plots contriv'd," said she, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAIF3sO9D4dG
"All only to deceive unhappy me? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAuA6ImKKc3e
Which is the worst? Didst thou in death pretend 1109Please respect copyright.PENANACY77ANSYqG
To scorn thy sister, or delude thy friend? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAicUYMNgrwp
Thy summon'd sister, and thy friend, had come; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAdFHBCDEZ4m
One sword had serv'd us both, one common tomb: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAI4vyWEwzSU
Was I to raise the pile, the pow'rs invoke, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAzjOIMoaYgY
Not to be present at the fatal stroke? 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAhFLwaGauco
At once thou hast destroy'd thyself and me, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaCbrEHZffd
Thy town, thy senate, and thy colony! 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcaudHsfiHA
Bring water; bathe the wound; while I in death 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAWL2gLahF09
Lay close my lips to hers, and catch the flying breath." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA9I9YjUqZjp
This said, she mounts the pile with eager haste, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAaTvwu018V8
And in her arms the gasping queen embrac'd; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAV1DAmHUEfA
Her temples chaf'd; and her own garments tore, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEDAi5qQqLE
To stanch the streaming blood, and cleanse the gore. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAK7nSjJE0TI
Thrice Dido tried to raise her drooping head, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA9jEXowGFmo
And, fainting thrice, fell grov'ling on the bed; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJRVOst5YiX
Thrice op'd her heavy eyes, and sought the light, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAviS7jkmRsl
But, having found it, sicken'd at the sight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYC2amYMiMC
And clos'd her lids at last in endless night. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAEYlSobRPRl
Then Juno, grieving that she should sustain 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA2AEd9TYpSN
A death so ling'ring, and so full of pain, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAYlJ482PFws
Sent Iris down, to free her from the strife 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAiUcScfbsxO
Of lab'ring nature, and dissolve her life. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAe8UQGpEWaB
For since she died, not doom'd by Heav'n's decree, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAwgIJSTTdyJ
Or her own crime, but human casualty, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAFjAkln9QLS
And rage of love, that plung'd her in despair, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAMncW3XtySD
The Sisters had not cut the topmost hair, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAJliTnsMUaN
Which Proserpine and they can only know; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAG8vnv3gdF5
Nor made her sacred to the shades below. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANABB6bG4ETb2
Downward the various goddess took her flight, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA44usZrkchj
And drew a thousand colors from the light; 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAQOGOXRsScb
Then stood above the dying lover's head, 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA5a5JYdMbAG
And said: "I thus devote thee to the dead. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANAcCIMhTa5WS
This off'ring to th' infernal gods I bear." 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA6mCmYJimFp
Thus while she spoke, she cut the fatal hair: 1109Please respect copyright.PENANArRpWa0DGWz
The struggling soul was loos'd, and life dissolv'd in air. 1109Please respect copyright.PENANA8t0ST31rrF