1375Please respect copyright.PENANAi1xmACcffC
1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVv0reNUKbd
1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5bdJPEEWt4
Book I 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABZYuSeUrUH
Arms, and the man I sing, who, forc'd by fate, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyzUbvXnVfM
And haughty Juno's unrelenting hate, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAumieJbeaOU
Expell'd and exil'd, left the Trojan shore. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApxf2gIPxWH
Long labors, both by sea and land, he bore, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAr00CsAYwkV
And in the doubtful war, before he won 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQkUiaDijzW
The Latian realm, and built the destin'd town; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADG1j63wSQp
His banish'd gods restor'd to rites divine, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcgQRQpbYcq
And settled sure succession in his line, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAaPHBGGZSJW
From whence the race of Alban fathers come, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwnJRLdMt3U
And the long glories of majestic Rome. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAz9bVNpIYGg
O Muse! the causes and the crimes relate; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxkuBjkGiRX
What goddess was provok'd, and whence her hate; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9C6R1ag7zw
For what offense the Queen of Heav'n began 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHFymUqUemB
To persecute so brave, so just a man; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhAsD30it6c
Involv'd his anxious life in endless cares, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsDQK94vdOo
Expos'd to wants, and hurried into wars! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANyBlawiu69
Can heav'nly minds such high resentment show, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAI1INIEVRpU
Or exercise their spite in human woe? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmk1UhwlQVI
Against the Tiber's mouth, but far away, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlBZ3qOfjhc
An ancient town was seated on the sea; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAaINv2m4v8N
A Tyrian colony; the people made 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtlg6LpjyB0
Stout for the war, and studious of their trade: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAv4t6Qrl2Rq
Carthage the name; belov'd by Juno more 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYzRWv6ztQ2
Than her own Argos, or the Samian shore. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACgaSzcU3Y7
Here stood her chariot; here, if Heav'n were kind, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVkeWLiml2P
The seat of awful empire she design'd. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAIYdwgKn6y2
Yet she had heard an ancient rumor fly, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyyscOlgHBw
(Long cited by the people of the sky,) 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAr2MWcwjiMa
That times to come should see the Trojan race 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcavErsMw7O
Her Carthage ruin, and her tow'rs deface; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA4etsby40WU
Nor thus confin'd, the yoke of sov'reign sway 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXcIy2em9lG
Should on the necks of all the nations lay. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHk5DfoSVrL
She ponder'd this, and fear'd it was in fate; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQ8CWt7fNng
Nor could forget the war she wag'd of late 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOM0vAETDM2
For conqu'ring Greece against the Trojan state. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASsFt9TDB3g
Besides, long causes working in her mind, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATWmnag9Nfc
And secret seeds of envy, lay behind; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYECBxlxMX2
Deep graven in her heart the doom remain'd 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0tdOj5PmcG
Of partial Paris, and her form disdain'd; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0RHMI7NE6t
The grace bestow'd on ravish'd Ganymed, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5UskXsjfwS
Electra's glories, and her injur'd bed. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9bw0KxQmzt
Each was a cause alone; and all combin'd 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATSwVSyTCF2
To kindle vengeance in her haughty mind. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKs8A7Zdpb7
For this, far distant from the Latian coast 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATQFCpExWn8
She drove the remnants of the Trojan host; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYeH6Lhz2Gg
And sev'n long years th' unhappy wand'ring train 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAIuXJPf2C7W
Were toss'd by storms, and scatter'd thro' the main. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPEEGgcxAJ8
Such time, such toil, requir'd the Roman name, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgOV2AsfmnQ
Such length of labor for so vast a frame. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxrGK4PJTb8
Now scarce the Trojan fleet, with sails and oars, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzM0YTnucU9
Had left behind the fair Sicilian shores, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAo9HBoZGhYZ
Ent'ring with cheerful shouts the wat'ry reign, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3CLOszEJNU
And plowing frothy furrows in the main; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8kRQonmYwT
When, lab'ring still with endless discontent, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGTb4PEpxRS
The Queen of Heav'n did thus her fury vent: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkVy8ewbM7z
"Then am I vanquish'd? must I yield?" said she, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAiqbmQfnrUr
"And must the Trojans reign in Italy? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAaZIbhhBIz4
So Fate will have it, and Jove adds his force; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQBUNVUFPFo
Nor can my pow'r divert their happy course. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAiNPuY6xTab
Could angry Pallas, with revengeful spleen, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYVi1m3Qaws
The Grecian navy burn, and drown the men? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9nVIaBfchu
She, for the fault of one offending foe, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmKcQOYfIfb
The bolts of Jove himself presum'd to throw: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZ8T9PoMn2Z
With whirlwinds from beneath she toss'd the ship, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdmQlCeoFSh
And bare expos'd the bosom of the deep; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3XUPZqYufN
Then, as an eagle gripes the trembling game, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAImEYuowsWn
The wretch, yet hissing with her father's flame, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA2hBKppQPY9
She strongly seiz'd, and with a burning wound 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALLZHfLbxSk
Transfix'd, and naked, on a rock she bound. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZPlS579UoI
But I, who walk in awful state above, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKLjR981dxp
The majesty of heav'n, the sister wife of Jove, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAy3qWhJKs6d
For length of years my fruitless force employ 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArP9vhEZJG6
Against the thin remains of ruin'd Troy! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATcfN6CglxJ
What nations now to Juno's pow'r will pray, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXfPoSpiLpP
Or off'rings on my slighted altars lay?" 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAnhrHIVp6by
Thus rag'd the goddess; and, with fury fraught. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA10XgP02s4n
The restless regions of the storms she sought, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAeiMAvxcT70
Where, in a spacious cave of living stone, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAowyVAFXpee
The tyrant Aeolus, from his airy throne, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA54O2532z21
With pow'r imperial curbs the struggling winds, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7NorTmcUbP
And sounding tempests in dark prisons binds. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArqISqVeZB5
This way and that th' impatient captives tend, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAovqg1dHhYW
And, pressing for release, the mountains rend. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABfyt6QdNyj
High in his hall th' undaunted monarch stands, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtoX30dTEJm
And shakes his scepter, and their rage commands; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAopcBhPsxr5
Which did he not, their unresisted sway 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmq3LjkIITv
Would sweep the world before them in their way; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHphXDzyJmW
Earth, air, and seas thro' empty space would roll, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdOtFee0e60
And heav'n would fly before the driving soul. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAArLFchcVtH
In fear of this, the Father of the Gods 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFCapUcekSf
Confin'd their fury to those dark abodes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuTSN1pxJlI
And lock'd 'em safe within, oppress'd with mountain loads; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgSScgEh068
Impos'd a king, with arbitrary sway, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAahEKNQumiv
To loose their fetters, or their force allay. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVRx6zvGmRh
To whom the suppliant queen her pray'rs address'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALc3LvzJKvw
And thus the tenor of her suit express'd: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdNqbawwhpB
"O Aeolus! for to thee the King of Heav'n 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtiQaG0tMyb
The pow'r of tempests and of winds has giv'n; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjwnuMXHWi8
Thy force alone their fury can restrain, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEox6hSoMnt
And smooth the waves, or swell the troubled main- 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOrIfSeqvOn
A race of wand'ring slaves, abhorr'd by me, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQxpr5GrbrN
With prosp'rous passage cut the Tuscan sea; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAt31lKUDfnT
To fruitful Italy their course they steer, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAb1StU3PfVE
And for their vanquish'd gods design new temples there. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlq9cGVCV0v
Raise all thy winds; with night involve the skies; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWjMBlPKeIZ
Sink or disperse my fatal enemies. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuPLTalNYyr
Twice sev'n, the charming daughters of the main, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmHM3CfI09J
Around my person wait, and bear my train: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAUHhiM4SiU8
Succeed my wish, and second my design; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVgYTKQvoMm
The fairest, Deiopeia, shall be thine, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdZIRFwH8wL
And make thee father of a happy line." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEQt4TbBqgb
To this the god: "'T is yours, O queen, to will 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHH14n7752y
The work which duty binds me to fulfil. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtISHLvfJbR
These airy kingdoms, and this wide command, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAukAR7k0Pth
Are all the presents of your bounteous hand: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEgPP1i3yrk
Yours is my sov'reign's grace; and, as your guest, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7iebBZqGm7
I sit with gods at their celestial feast; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA2oWYnkWpoC
Raise tempests at your pleasure, or subdue; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgrpRv2xnr7
Dispose of empire, which I hold from you." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApUngNLIISn
He said, and hurl'd against the mountain side 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAn6t7w3dVGA
His quiv'ring spear, and all the god applied. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtFD3CzE7kT
The raging winds rush thro' the hollow wound, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAvP0cCB91gJ
And dance aloft in air, and skim along the ground; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAp7QickA2W9
Then, settling on the sea, the surges sweep, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAc6fl4yAkSN
Raise liquid mountains, and disclose the deep. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApwxKURMxUZ
South, East, and West with mix'd confusion roar, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJF6pTFrmxs
And roll the foaming billows to the shore. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAstTJTYJrjj
The cables crack; the sailors' fearful cries 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPMCATBpH5W
Ascend; and sable night involves the skies; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPHd6Oi24J5
And heav'n itself is ravish'd from their eyes. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhnTUZbJdm8
Loud peals of thunder from the poles ensue; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAnoBAVzuHJv
Then flashing fires the transient light renew; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAswQ4DrVnNn
The face of things a frightful image bears, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxuL44Iyx2M
And present death in various forms appears. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATqRJqukrPq
Struck with unusual fright, the Trojan chief, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEX3SnzzdaJ
With lifted hands and eyes, invokes relief; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtJRi23G2B3
And, "Thrice and four times happy those," he cried, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgDD44hVZcg
"That under Ilian walls before their parents died! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcfVSMqAVDr
Tydides, bravest of the Grecian train! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALI7JiycWRP
Why could not I by that strong arm be slain, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAP6p1Cs1mvM
And lie by noble Hector on the plain, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtaMPBW9XUP
Or great Sarpedon, in those bloody fields 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMKdFl181rd
Where Simois rolls the bodies and the shields 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxwyazO7v63
Of heroes, whose dismember'd hands yet bear 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7m8xg07A1T
The dart aloft, and clench the pointed spear!" 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsf2MDOnEfZ
Thus while the pious prince his fate bewails, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAicFRfeJUlG
Fierce Boreas drove against his flying sails, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACVS62bWXeP
And rent the sheets; the raging billows rise, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgE8kGu97FK
And mount the tossing vessels to the skies: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgzrWEmvdll
Nor can the shiv'ring oars sustain the blow; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATLKF0tFgNS
The galley gives her side, and turns her prow; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9nApkfBBlV
While those astern, descending down the steep, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkvJ6Ocd0yo
Thro' gaping waves behold the boiling deep. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEkmg2mQUft
Three ships were hurried by the southern blast, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWvx3bI35XH
And on the secret shelves with fury cast. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9DsL1NrvUg
Those hidden rocks th' Ausonian sailors knew: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9Uhcrp3dv3
They call'd them Altars, when they rose in view, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAu2QCgOsxAy
And show'd their spacious backs above the flood. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAILgZ6uoSM4
Three more fierce Eurus, in his angry mood, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyR2L8zh9M9
Dash'd on the shallows of the moving sand, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA6oOgToTx5B
And in mid ocean left them moor'd aland. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXJrjz2kuxq
Orontes' bark, that bore the Lycian crew, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVVP8M8kNhA
(A horrid sight!) ev'n in the hero's view, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcV6Io1kNSB
From stem to stern by waves was overborne: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACPz2fDYeTd
The trembling pilot, from his rudder torn, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANsrSnHDTKJ
Was headlong hurl'd; thrice round the ship was toss'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0tcE8hULJ9
Then bulg'd at once, and in the deep was lost; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAeO4r9mh60a
And here and there above the waves were seen 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8AQ7zYNBTC
Arms, pictures, precious goods, and floating men. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8SdDcuwidi
The stoutest vessel to the storm gave way, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAL2LZHNhlvZ
And suck'd thro' loosen'd planks the rushing sea. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALTfjZ2YBAO
Ilioneus was her chief: Alethes old, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYEK9k3pVah
Achates faithful, Abas young and bold, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1LK9hnIWfU
Endur'd not less; their ships, with gaping seams, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASi5FmlrCJJ
Admit the deluge of the briny streams. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXjKvf9d59E
Meantime imperial Neptune heard the sound 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJdqqXqPAvx
Of raging billows breaking on the ground. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANPtSSlRJFt
Displeas'd, and fearing for his wat'ry reign, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMIq4YUaxag
He rear'd his awful head above the main, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqq6Zaxsc3q
Serene in majesty; then roll'd his eyes 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAnHiyLNu0ZR
Around the space of earth, and seas, and skies. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAt1tFL8edCb
He saw the Trojan fleet dispers'd, distress'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAx0qVRHHsLG
By stormy winds and wintry heav'n oppress'd. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAA89UWjXDD1
Full well the god his sister's envy knew, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7eCIC19tXI
And what her aims and what her arts pursue. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAvblaazXHut
He summon'd Eurus and the western blast, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyRhuBTC0OD
And first an angry glance on both he cast; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAiUWRF9fi12
Then thus rebuk'd: "Audacious winds! from whence 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASCsuhRlW4E
This bold attempt, this rebel insolence? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtPpo1asARF
Is it for you to ravage seas and land, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqOMqyDiuzF
Unauthoriz'd by my supreme command? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAnKjTGZpZQd
To raise such mountains on the troubled main? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA02U1OAECc5
Whom I- but first 't is fit the billows to restrain; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABSUs3pe61P
And then you shall be taught obedience to my reign. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABDaDhnrilp
Hence! to your lord my royal mandate bear- 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjT8LuJzCOF
The realms of ocean and the fields of air 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtlJzJVQsqr
Are mine, not his. By fatal lot to me 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADQsySCZLgv
The liquid empire fell, and trident of the sea. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQ9OULTsYnx
His pow'r to hollow caverns is confin'd: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGjvwELsSJE
There let him reign, the jailer of the wind, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqeGaUSiEH2
With hoarse commands his breathing subjects call, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAutkXhKhvX
And boast and bluster in his empty hall." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1GoBdAHi5Y
He spoke; and, while he spoke, he smooth'd the sea, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8alWa1DkrQ
Dispell'd the darkness, and restor'd the day. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlyIWTG8Ffo
Cymothoe, Triton, and the sea-green train 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcy5D39Qbe1
Of beauteous nymphs, the daughters of the main, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHqsbLZJfDj
Clear from the rocks the vessels with their hands: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA22UrRKFqZq
The god himself with ready trident stands, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAd1RnFbwZAJ
And opes the deep, and spreads the moving sands; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHt4TiFSZQh
Then heaves them off the shoals. Where'er he guides 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfmue7V38Yk
His finny coursers and in triumph rides, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVAfx2RCw94
The waves unruffle and the sea subsides. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXPWxua46E0
As, when in tumults rise th' ignoble crowd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwMJ89L2HgO
Mad are their motions, and their tongues are loud; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOne6HvEbci
And stones and brands in rattling volleys fly, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsCadGFm9IY
And all the rustic arms that fury can supply: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANl5y7cAnqm
If then some grave and pious man appear, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATjDNnPwma6
They hush their noise, and lend a list'ning ear; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAUWORtzpbkP
He soothes with sober words their angry mood, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYyPhSyDDVC
And quenches their innate desire of blood: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxRXfKD2cwU
So, when the Father of the Flood appears, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArZwrGJ3Unl
And o'er the seas his sov'reign trident rears, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWC1uRWesSl
Their fury falls: he skims the liquid plains, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAW1upb5lnb8
High on his chariot, and, with loosen'd reins, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkm4jaVu16q
Majestic moves along, and awful peace maintains. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAnJqHvruWOm
The weary Trojans ply their shatter'd oars 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASRmm5yULcB
To nearest land, and make the Libyan shores. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYSmpIBYOLs
Within a long recess there lies a bay: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAU5GZcEzcfC
An island shades it from the rolling sea, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOvvgBBSlUD
And forms a port secure for ships to ride; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdQJcuGf7D2
Broke by the jutting land, on either side, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3CZmxlT8Zt
In double streams the briny waters glide. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsRdXNKyGsg
Betwixt two rows of rocks a sylvan scene 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJDidSEPdJ3
Appears above, and groves for ever green: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArGUnUD7laq
A grot is form'd beneath, with mossy seats, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqtGo1rz76W
To rest the Nereids, and exclude the heats. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWQXFczj2GT
Down thro' the crannies of the living walls 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAx1QmHe0Vpz
The crystal streams descend in murm'ring falls: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAl8wtp4dQXr
No haulsers need to bind the vessels here, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAM26aYvEIeP
Nor bearded anchors; for no storms they fear. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAv7Prkx60Wu
Sev'n ships within this happy harbor meet, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACLovRg0MCn
The thin remainders of the scatter'd fleet. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAb0fMa6pROk
The Trojans, worn with toils, and spent with woes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoLP5lu9HN7
Leap on the welcome land, and seek their wish'd repose. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgHrqBrtACK
First, good Achates, with repeated strokes 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuUur7Ax8Pd
Of clashing flints, their hidden fire provokes: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWRkrRya6q7
Short flame succeeds; a bed of wither'd leaves 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARkCXT06bb4
The dying sparkles in their fall receives: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAytLscPAIJY
Caught into life, in fiery fumes they rise, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjO1i93tXlM
And, fed with stronger food, invade the skies. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFoFlGXH6MX
The Trojans, dropping wet, or stand around 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjDgY1rqJIL
The cheerful blaze, or lie along the ground: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAs9KlouqzOO
Some dry their corn, infected with the brine, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAo6PnB6M4Nl
Then grind with marbles, and prepare to dine. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgvGgMFJo5T
Aeneas climbs the mountain's airy brow, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASijIRE01bF
And takes a prospect of the seas below, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA52ykmr67ff
If Capys thence, or Antheus he could spy, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAErR4OEYut3
Or see the streamers of Caicus fly. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbVYZNi9maE
No vessels were in view; but, on the plain, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3mu8wO3tDE
Three beamy stags command a lordly train 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEeEGGvVpbs
Of branching heads: the more ignoble throng 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAF0L2Bd7fda
Attend their stately steps, and slowly graze along. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhVUBU0T8TO
He stood; and, while secure they fed below, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPtSiEer1iQ
He took the quiver and the trusty bow 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5EcOgiEIlc
Achates us'd to bear: the leaders first 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9Pjn60TDZc
He laid along, and then the vulgar pierc'd; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3a9CRDD1vw
Nor ceas'd his arrows, till the shady plain 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbhLjYxFnAM
Sev'n mighty bodies with their blood distain. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAODbpV0VK7p
For the sev'n ships he made an equal share, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYQeVmXNCwB
And to the port return'd, triumphant from the war. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuCQWh7Aee7
The jars of gen'rous wine (Acestes' gift, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAa1wz094QdO
When his Trinacrian shores the navy left) 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADT3qlLLWj3
He set abroach, and for the feast prepar'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoJC5larAxj
In equal portions with the ven'son shar'd. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhPjQWNsxKy
Thus while he dealt it round, the pious chief 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAaMXxxzXi3B
With cheerful words allay'd the common grief: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfQGDBleJbz
"Endure, and conquer! Jove will soon dispose 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAP4WP92Wj7J
To future good our past and present woes. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsJO1WOLVwC
With me, the rocks of Scylla you have tried; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoXP3tywiE3
Th' inhuman Cyclops and his den defied. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8YVVCC35yQ
What greater ills hereafter can you bear? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAtO7a0Zbyl
Resume your courage and dismiss your care, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFTpM4PZ0QV
An hour will come, with pleasure to relate 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYPcr7dQq51
Your sorrows past, as benefits of Fate. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAaOD2C0gWCX
Thro' various hazards and events, we move 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9GyXGlQcUc
To Latium and the realms foredoom'd by Jove. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAaY93zARR8o
Call'd to the seat (the promise of the skies) 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9NKdnxgxup
Where Trojan kingdoms once again may rise, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPtxEfrd7Q0
Endure the hardships of your present state; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAObVzprM9xv
Live, and reserve yourselves for better fate." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA4noVAaj2sm
These words he spoke, but spoke not from his heart; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8k72RhWQ4P
His outward smiles conceal'd his inward smart. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWMLKjvL8sY
The jolly crew, unmindful of the past, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApyWysFu9zc
The quarry share, their plenteous dinner haste. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAebJI5p3K66
Some strip the skin; some portion out the spoil; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0jSw0pntGb
The limbs, yet trembling, in the caldrons boil; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAipWtcCW6VM
Some on the fire the reeking entrails broil. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA29of0pzcpN
Stretch'd on the grassy turf, at ease they dine, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASPRQmHXZf8
Restore their strength with meat, and cheer their souls with wine. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYAzftX29PY
Their hunger thus appeas'd, their care attends 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzCremBMcVA
The doubtful fortune of their absent friends: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdrfSrHYwp7
Alternate hopes and fears their minds possess, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAUZhvOKuBb9
Whether to deem 'em dead, or in distress. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAelHJZky0JN
Above the rest, Aeneas mourns the fate 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9X8ASilvM7
Of brave Orontes, and th' uncertain state 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARBPYJMb9Pj
Of Gyas, Lycus, and of Amycus. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAiqzx1zRB28
The day, but not their sorrows, ended thus. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtCEE85iYuv
When, from aloft, almighty Jove surveys 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMe6PkYXFCg
Earth, air, and shores, and navigable seas, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzsdNDWC2qb
At length on Libyan realms he fix'd his eyes- 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAI7yXIJbYP0
Whom, pond'ring thus on human miseries, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8eHwe6qxiU
When Venus saw, she with a lowly look, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAnoF8ocf3TJ
Not free from tears, her heav'nly sire bespoke: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAP2e9SNJ5Dr
"O King of Gods and Men! whose awful hand 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATIYF7KAMP0
Disperses thunder on the seas and land, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATxJPLuulh4
Disposing all with absolute command; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAswK2SOSQ4S
How could my pious son thy pow'r incense? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7K6hcYL3nO
Or what, alas! is vanish'd Troy's offense? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8RePDb02wy
Our hope of Italy not only lost, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfIxkhW6WiV
On various seas by various tempests toss'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoIava47GPf
But shut from ev'ry shore, and barr'd from ev'ry coast. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJUUsVUPOo0
You promis'd once, a progeny divine 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARC7T9bGhCs
Of Romans, rising from the Trojan line, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAP3ZMAmMMGc
In after times should hold the world in awe, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAvxCTx5Zpud
And to the land and ocean give the law. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtMzTjYtITB
How is your doom revers'd, which eas'd my care 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAvbuQOmDqoR
When Troy was ruin'd in that cruel war? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYwCmRVVmWU
Then fates to fates I could oppose; but now, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVPsYCm6797
When Fortune still pursues her former blow, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlfamZGKw8E
What can I hope? What worse can still succeed? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgBtEnjj8VZ
What end of labors has your will decreed? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkxMX9m0pY1
Antenor, from the midst of Grecian hosts, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwEQJBHzBIP
Could pass secure, and pierce th' Illyrian coasts, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAubYL70tmaM
Where, rolling down the steep, Timavus raves 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARzJLvdyxGO
And thro' nine channels disembogues his waves. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAeZvMRT50wc
At length he founded Padua's happy seat, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkeOQJWQIiq
And gave his Trojans a secure retreat; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQLqoyUwNB5
There fix'd their arms, and there renew'd their name, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQgyFrJBFKC
And there in quiet rules, and crown'd with fame. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAr9WlX8t4D2
But we, descended from your sacred line, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzvh30Yu7pK
Entitled to your heav'n and rites divine, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwgHXZqQxk3
Are banish'd earth; and, for the wrath of one, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyTmrPG6QTf
Remov'd from Latium and the promis'd throne. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmnMUUipVMR
Are these our scepters? these our due rewards? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZO3WlYvMu8
And is it thus that Jove his plighted faith regards?" 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxCaJXXhObu
To whom the Father of th' immortal race, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARNDdtXvh6x
Smiling with that serene indulgent face, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAL4eanjHpZL
With which he drives the clouds and clears the skies, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbP21KZKlFA
First gave a holy kiss; then thus replies: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA2kvWHnOCEj
"Daughter, dismiss thy fears; to thy desire 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfKPWXaAMNA
The fates of thine are fix'd, and stand entire. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtDX5OKKUeh
Thou shalt behold thy wish'd Lavinian walls; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPdwBdRq7p4
And, ripe for heav'n, when fate Aeneas calls, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdbDpg4wZvJ
Then shalt thou bear him up, sublime, to me: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAc2QSz6HFWt
No councils have revers'd my firm decree. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVJcfWtP8dk
And, lest new fears disturb thy happy state, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzGdiQi0Dtz
Know, I have search'd the mystic rolls of Fate: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEaEveuA3Fa
Thy son (nor is th' appointed season far) 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAUsi4gDwFvN
In Italy shall wage successful war, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALqNUHd3ufJ
Shall tame fierce nations in the bloody field, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAahyVAniCzP
And sov'reign laws impose, and cities build, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAIk31T8ZhH2
Till, after ev'ry foe subdued, the sun 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGNEzKlEOXy
Thrice thro' the signs his annual race shall run: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzhbxASJiya
This is his time prefix'd. Ascanius then, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZdvP1T9lCL
Now call'd Iulus, shall begin his reign. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzaoX78rY6X
He thirty rolling years the crown shall wear, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoOZeiNGukW
Then from Lavinium shall the seat transfer, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEijqtUSem2
And, with hard labor, Alba Longa build. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAe67OvQagRL
The throne with his succession shall be fill'd 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAY6UW3NXnQc
Three hundred circuits more: then shall be seen 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9SjDN8P9WZ
Ilia the fair, a priestess and a queen, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADrcOFGTo6t
Who, full of Mars, in time, with kindly throes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAaIXrgAnlXi
Shall at a birth two goodly boys disclose. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVwUwrOVCZ0
The royal babes a tawny wolf shall drain: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABdj2QwA2u0
Then Romulus his grandsire's throne shall gain, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAC5DzaikUx0
Of martial tow'rs the founder shall become, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0xtOrlLvut
The people Romans call, the city Rome. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACj6lZXL9ZM
To them no bounds of empire I assign, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXWoOUq4tFr
Nor term of years to their immortal line. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAe8UXqyJvnP
Ev'n haughty Juno, who, with endless broils, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAUUzFjirXqY
Earth, seas, and heav'n, and Jove himself turmoils; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOZGvwdHlBl
At length aton'd, her friendly pow'r shall join, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAu1LxC7BJfS
To cherish and advance the Trojan line. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1g5ohAffNb
The subject world shall Rome's dominion own, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACZ4ZIhkwWJ
And, prostrate, shall adore the nation of the gown. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAy4XMjmaVpy
An age is ripening in revolving fate 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKfOMDdcSDD
When Troy shall overturn the Grecian state, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFh2XtG4ilQ
And sweet revenge her conqu'ring sons shall call, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAd6HaT0x4Mt
To crush the people that conspir'd her fall. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwdSx2Er3tv
Then Caesar from the Julian stock shall rise, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApK4PVe7ozJ
Whose empire ocean, and whose fame the skies 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABOBctWvYQE
Alone shall bound; whom, fraught with eastern spoils, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAS2tKon1kAE
Our heav'n, the just reward of human toils, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAczBFLpNeYH
Securely shall repay with rites divine; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5M5l8BoYjb
And incense shall ascend before his sacred shrine. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAiSPEUCQlEN
Then dire debate and impious war shall cease, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApBJMTfvSzS
And the stern age be soften'd into peace: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFoe4t8Nqk4
Then banish'd Faith shall once again return, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfK3Gmqhwwc
And Vestal fires in hallow'd temples burn; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAueGP628vKK
And Remus with Quirinus shall sustain 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA69sd6ymN0p
The righteous laws, and fraud and force restrain. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlhKxy7XC2Q
Janus himself before his fane shall wait, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABktEc1XDfH
And keep the dreadful issues of his gate, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1fTIYxsnsE
With bolts and iron bars: within remains 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjOk3mqiKHO
Imprison'd Fury, bound in brazen chains; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFai4fnYLg5
High on a trophy rais'd, of useless arms, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALcQQkL57HD
He sits, and threats the world with vain alarms." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAplSWg7aTrE
He said, and sent Cyllenius with command 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFZdTxF9g6i
To free the ports, and ope the Punic land 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhEBvLrFQjt
To Trojan guests; lest, ignorant of fate, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAS07hlHHIK5
The queen might force them from her town and state. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAu30vfjCPKY
Down from the steep of heav'n Cyllenius flies, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQMZ5ERnc9c
And cleaves with all his wings the yielding skies. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAN3y9tmmbmS
Soon on the Libyan shore descends the god, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkS6JFnmine
Performs his message, and displays his rod: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA2n6SAI3LUj
The surly murmurs of the people cease; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAu9l7kNFoyH
And, as the fates requir'd, they give the peace: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0Yn1rFp2u7
The queen herself suspends the rigid laws, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhwzGL2xOYo
The Trojans pities, and protects their cause. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhoVA5Ti42O
Meantime, in shades of night Aeneas lies: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAa5k8kPE534
Care seiz'd his soul, and sleep forsook his eyes. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAy19YufPsPB
But, when the sun restor'd the cheerful day, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGS2QeSTnEr
He rose, the coast and country to survey, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVUKiUauaYF
Anxious and eager to discover more. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGxxZ1c5WGv
It look'd a wild uncultivated shore; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANzHTUuYAGY
But, whether humankind, or beasts alone 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArmaSbEV0Za
Possess'd the new-found region, was unknown. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmS5u69WnXO
Beneath a ledge of rocks his fleet he hides: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAd04JwMsesG
Tall trees surround the mountain's shady sides; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJMWVv7xJdJ
The bending brow above a safe retreat provides. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOpSs9ILtGz
Arm'd with two pointed darts, he leaves his friends, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1OkSyGptrC
And true Achates on his steps attends. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuBrbV75Lsl
Lo! in the deep recesses of the wood, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAch9C82KZrc
Before his eyes his goddess mother stood: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdOwfYiQqqu
A huntress in her habit and her mien; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALW3OBdj80a
Her dress a maid, her air confess'd a queen. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyIi9P324HH
Bare were her knees, and knots her garments bind; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoyYp9rRyun
Loose was her hair, and wanton'd in the wind; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAn3g03p4pk3
Her hand sustain'd a bow; her quiver hung behind. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAga7i8OmNFb
She seem'd a virgin of the Spartan blood: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9WTPoOlpV6
With such array Harpalyce bestrode 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7Bgte9ZPKL
Her Thracian courser and outstripp'd the rapid flood. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9WkIdlc66b
"Ho, strangers! have you lately seen," she said, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEydvVC5jf4
"One of my sisters, like myself array'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA53L0wW6VQP
Who cross'd the lawn, or in the forest stray'd? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3cvBq37aeO
A painted quiver at her back she bore; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA836Zfissis
Varied with spots, a lynx's hide she wore; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuAMxARNBTC
And at full cry pursued the tusky boar." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAd9uCFTWNIZ
Thus Venus: thus her son replied again: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAR3KGeVh18W
"None of your sisters have we heard or seen, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAX27Ft5N8Kd
O virgin! or what other name you bear 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9s2ewkZdlG
Above that style- O more than mortal fair! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHyqKuHRQkC
Your voice and mien celestial birth betray! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOWhhfPGVYA
If, as you seem, the sister of the day, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApICqUrIlrS
Or one at least of chaste Diana's train, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxWmaLclzw9
Let not an humble suppliant sue in vain; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYDLd6fTcGm
But tell a stranger, long in tempests toss'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVBx2SWcbP6
What earth we tread, and who commands the coast? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAviyc4Vgay0
Then on your name shall wretched mortals call, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3SEBiWEmQJ
And offer'd victims at your altars fall." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAT0Y7LgWXQT
"I dare not," she replied, "assume the name 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjrmsKBJNwN
Of goddess, or celestial honors claim: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAy8haDb2Mtb
For Tyrian virgins bows and quivers bear, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALajYlrW3jW
And purple buskins o'er their ankles wear. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjqexckQhva
Know, gentle youth, in Libyan lands you are- 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAV2LgW5RZYv
A people rude in peace, and rough in war. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYKo9bjykdD
The rising city, which from far you see, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAnuInukW1mZ
Is Carthage, and a Tyrian colony. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAB4pfw6g6Bt
Phoenician Dido rules the growing state, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxpyqfIuOHA
Who fled from Tyre, to shun her brother's hate. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA6GWt0UtDIJ
Great were her wrongs, her story full of fate; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfUtHwgWTWk
Which I will sum in short. Sichaeus, known 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASwmavvelSt
For wealth, and brother to the Punic throne, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAa0omQthBPd
Possess'd fair Dido's bed; and either heart 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOtMbYfBZC3
At once was wounded with an equal dart. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArtg7NI3o9a
Her father gave her, yet a spotless maid; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVHZNJbrlRB
Pygmalion then the Tyrian scepter sway'd: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA4zuuMQpUeE
One who condemn'd divine and human laws. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASj29vzhW4O
Then strife ensued, and cursed gold the cause. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfbiiqyCKBN
The monarch, blinded with desire of wealth, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOfesMWz9QJ
With steel invades his brother's life by stealth; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAksSaPAocvE
Before the sacred altar made him bleed, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGDPYfAM5lo
And long from her conceal'd the cruel deed. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfooYrwMaib
Some tale, some new pretense, he daily coin'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAD2af7q3Xhm
To soothe his sister, and delude her mind. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA50e9KLn6vU
At length, in dead of night, the ghost appears 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPnbiJAYZrU
Of her unhappy lord: the specter stares, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA13vy77Q3vi
And, with erected eyes, his bloody bosom bares. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAeAXaBv87z
The cruel altars and his fate he tells, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdL2EpskRtd
And the dire secret of his house reveals, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAz7dmPbZtEl
Then warns the widow, with her household gods, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASIoT3Stund
To seek a refuge in remote abodes. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYSlTqHx9Nh
Last, to support her in so long a way, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABaZslUkXaY
He shows her where his hidden treasure lay. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuxvGIrRjWZ
Admonish'd thus, and seiz'd with mortal fright, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkG4o34SEPj
The queen provides companions of her flight: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANI1NthNU0v
They meet, and all combine to leave the state, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjBuIKQy2kG
Who hate the tyrant, or who fear his hate. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdva1JCKa3U
They seize a fleet, which ready rigg'd they find; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAg3SUkeet9c
Nor is Pygmalion's treasure left behind. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA69qNyUjvsP
The vessels, heavy laden, put to sea 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHkL34ucId7
With prosp'rous winds; a woman leads the way. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAA4HvAVBqcr
I know not, if by stress of weather driv'n, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPZyZDP6wNd
Or was their fatal course dispos'd by Heav'n; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjEuBq9wKit
At last they landed, where from far your eyes 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgGBziyGzhX
May view the turrets of new Carthage rise; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQu4clfWwdV
There bought a space of ground, which (Byrsa call'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAftYJTOD5Rz
From the bull's hide) they first inclos'd, and wall'd. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAG1wfcoRY9E
But whence are you? what country claims your birth? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALh9QYZpXC6
What seek you, strangers, on our Libyan earth?" 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAvN5Srs1lAg
To whom, with sorrow streaming from his eyes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWPhSFwEo9w
And deeply sighing, thus her son replies: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACj1U5iCGWa
"Could you with patience hear, or I relate, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyUEjX9Bef9
O nymph, the tedious annals of our fate! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAiMUJ7AOa8g
Thro' such a train of woes if I should run, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAL1XmzZlgKL
The day would sooner than the tale be done! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5USa7SMVrS
From ancient Troy, by force expell'd, we came- 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGiO5C1bTob
If you by chance have heard the Trojan name. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAG0xajOomjA
On various seas by various tempests toss'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA064yEipEmr
At length we landed on your Libyan coast. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxRbpbwfthk
The good Aeneas am I call'd- a name, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOBolKCL5TH
While Fortune favor'd, not unknown to fame. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKb9JDwMKIm
My household gods, companions of my woes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAc2RT5R7zOd
With pious care I rescued from our foes. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtlzzopwzCh
To fruitful Italy my course was bent; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADozyou5qA0
And from the King of Heav'n is my descent. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAeKLxUIoZiM
With twice ten sail I cross'd the Phrygian sea; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8SnHwSfXwb
Fate and my mother goddess led my way. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKKirNUFHFP
Scarce sev'n, the thin remainders of my fleet, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWJVwUsConR
From storms preserv'd, within your harbor meet. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzG5bJMKmuM
Myself distress'd, an exile, and unknown, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQ7RqbIhocS
Debarr'd from Europe, and from Asia thrown, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAejDEdVPIJI
In Libyan desarts wander thus alone." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANIBNTHeB1b
His tender parent could no longer bear; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzpVkY3ko40
But, interposing, sought to soothe his care. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAq2zK78qNef
"Whoe'er you are- not unbelov'd by Heav'n, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5EfKpJPUkt
Since on our friendly shore your ships are driv'n- 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsjRSEcg0rd
Have courage: to the gods permit the rest, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1SlVWuCmVB
And to the queen expose your just request. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtzcSX3pyUP
Now take this earnest of success, for more: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAP8VVbG8sS9
Your scatter'd fleet is join'd upon the shore; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsuKfspG10q
The winds are chang'd, your friends from danger free; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA82UAsefPMr
Or I renounce my skill in augury. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAL5Q3edGJQf
Twelve swans behold in beauteous order move, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAo35VWHJG8z
And stoop with closing pinions from above; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVZNbJMBUU0
Whom late the bird of Jove had driv'n along, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAI49u0nb47U
And thro' the clouds pursued the scatt'ring throng: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcnOEy1nw7Z
Now, all united in a goodly team, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxCv8nJYXWm
They skim the ground, and seek the quiet stream. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAd26vAX7KvS
As they, with joy returning, clap their wings, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQmsDRQiyRp
And ride the circuit of the skies in rings; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAIYzJIjND9N
Not otherwise your ships, and ev'ry friend, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANOo4nVP1Wt
Already hold the port, or with swift sails descend. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8wmELkvtmV
No more advice is needful; but pursue 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA4GOqLScFKp
The path before you, and the town in view." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfMt9fQPSu3
Thus having said, she turn'd, and made appear 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmHdRlLfbvi
Her neck refulgent, and dishevel'd hair, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbpooBGLYlk
Which, flowing from her shoulders, reach'd the ground. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyd5LbdDkwU
And widely spread ambrosial scents around: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAv7Hf0szPmH
In length of train descends her sweeping gown; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8pMjLS2JAF
And, by her graceful walk, the Queen of Love is known. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8NlmLDjHne
The prince pursued the parting deity 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANfiWhpOGQO
With words like these: "Ah! whither do you fly? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAO2zsnEpmQW
Unkind and cruel! to deceive your son 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJjRDVliL9N
In borrow'd shapes, and his embrace to shun; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAa4JzcqUEe6
Never to bless my sight, but thus unknown; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKqTF5hPwpm
And still to speak in accents not your own." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHRkaWzCpPN
Against the goddess these complaints he made, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAxwlU0KwcP
But took the path, and her commands obey'd. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmZcwfHhxnB
They march, obscure; for Venus kindly shrouds 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANe5PItFnO4
With mists their persons, and involves in clouds, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABI9iuGC0hN
That, thus unseen, their passage none might stay, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQSPo639irQ
Or force to tell the causes of their way. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJNT2C1jc4h
This part perform'd, the goddess flies sublime 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANvgaLxtKYM
To visit Paphos and her native clime; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAbREgaRXJg
Where garlands, ever green and ever fair, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAshr6XEwM5m
With vows are offer'd, and with solemn pray'r: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArYpNzKZvoY
A hundred altars in her temple smoke; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAaUP6NtQVX
A thousand bleeding hearts her pow'r invoke. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAm75CQ0E96v
They climb the next ascent, and, looking down, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADmyvevFfIX
Now at a nearer distance view the town. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdw4ibfSKsq
The prince with wonder sees the stately tow'rs, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWStwNZBjtI
Which late were huts and shepherds' homely bow'rs, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA01vxuFgoCY
The gates and streets; and hears, from ev'ry part, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARXlawdiWKa
The noise and busy concourse of the mart. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKKmLZ9RdDK
The toiling Tyrians on each other call 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAnbBAERzoUi
To ply their labor: some extend the wall; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgpmcg4SxYX
Some build the citadel; the brawny throng 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACRCPpJYD8O
Or dig, or push unwieldly stones along. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwKZb4Qn6dc
Some for their dwellings choose a spot of ground, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACzoSeGMftp
Which, first design'd, with ditches they surround. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATVdtbIyyWZ
Some laws ordain; and some attend the choice 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYNmFuBQRnH
Of holy senates, and elect by voice. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAA0lWvMzwsp
Here some design a mole, while others there 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARHyqYtsVwL
Lay deep foundations for a theater; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFNDLC32otD
From marble quarries mighty columns hew, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuN6zBBPjlq
For ornaments of scenes, and future view. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAD9Eq0YyRi8
Such is their toil, and such their busy pains, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAUQuVrtQlRG
As exercise the bees in flow'ry plains, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA6xQBPL5gRn
When winter past, and summer scarce begun, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwZMCow6saD
Invites them forth to labor in the sun; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYSBrxvJ0mN
Some lead their youth abroad, while some condense 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5bVlrdiVFl
Their liquid store, and some in cells dispense; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAmzxzHN81k
Some at the gate stand ready to receive 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqckXSx0pxZ
The golden burthen, and their friends relieve; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA08ZAbsilm6
All with united force, combine to drive 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtkOPPK5NxC
The lazy drones from the laborious hive: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWui4Kqiubi
With envy stung, they view each other's deeds; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkvBkpJzfhs
The fragrant work with diligence proceeds. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdBp7bBGzNh
"Thrice happy you, whose walls already rise!" 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJO8zJYljhs
Aeneas said, and view'd, with lifted eyes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABlDSIrJnCz
Their lofty tow'rs; then, entiring at the gate, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoHt79Sd9G5
Conceal'd in clouds (prodigious to relate) 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKGjU7PM9Mk
He mix'd, unmark'd, among the busy throng, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApJnQ0TgQac
Borne by the tide, and pass'd unseen along. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABeCjiHBosf
Full in the center of the town there stood, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHuoA31rO4O
Thick set with trees, a venerable wood. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEWRmuuo96W
The Tyrians, landing near this holy ground, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEcHhZa0RF1
And digging here, a prosp'rous omen found: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXX8M1S3SVK
From under earth a courser's head they drew, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA37FAhAoZlR
Their growth and future fortune to foreshew. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAewFTzkhXUq
This fated sign their foundress Juno gave, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcn3X3eHMhr
Of a soil fruitful, and a people brave. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFx6cO0DZkG
Sidonian Dido here with solemn state 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAvenN8AQyfP
Did Juno's temple build, and consecrate, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACXgnWa1XuO
Enrich'd with gifts, and with a golden shrine; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtXBoLrfEy2
But more the goddess made the place divine. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoRbB9Lu473
On brazen steps the marble threshold rose, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKUaPinb4uE
And brazen plates the cedar beams inclose: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANROfymsfII
The rafters are with brazen cov'rings crown'd; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGIdRMx4nll
The lofty doors on brazen hinges sound. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAstGKhVxYVe
What first Aeneas this place beheld, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOyd7EeLpfd
Reviv'd his courage, and his fear expell'd. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAIctLfMlrSf
For while, expecting there the queen, he rais'd 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8LKszlUqQu
His wond'ring eyes, and round the temple gaz'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgf1eMwHi0f
Admir'd the fortune of the rising town, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAs4UtWC5fPg
The striving artists, and their arts' renown; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAChL6GUQEYa
He saw, in order painted on the wall, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALuJ8Sk0gXM
Whatever did unhappy Troy befall: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhAmOQZWd8M
The wars that fame around the world had blown, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmFzHOxMWyj
All to the life, and ev'ry leader known. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAD22kW0Muok
There Agamemnon, Priam here, he spies, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA93UltSzNRA
And fierce Achilles, who both kings defies. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAaqB8cMCCjj
He stopp'd, and weeping said: "O friend! ev'n here 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmoZNbbfDqg
The monuments of Trojan woes appear! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArEcsX0Gso0
Our known disasters fill ev'n foreign lands: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAl3kmDxDogP
See there, where old unhappy Priam stands! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5RkQrMxfaF
Ev'n the mute walls relate the warrior's fame, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8hxp4a57dw
And Trojan griefs the Tyrians' pity claim." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAIZubmb7dqI
He said (his tears a ready passage find), 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwU8gssYj8c
Devouring what he saw so well design'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7BsyGC19ZM
And with an empty picture fed his mind: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAifXjxon4z8
For there he saw the fainting Grecians yield, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYAd961tUFB
And here the trembling Trojans quit the field, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAM8j7Rz93lG
Pursued by fierce Achilles thro' the plain, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA44IigEDmCj
On his high chariot driving o'er the slain. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApHNMrvDHyd
The tents of Rhesus next his grief renew, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAicfXoLGryo
By their white sails betray'd to nightly view; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAponBo67ofn
And wakeful Diomede, whose cruel sword 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADd2q2g53Qs
The sentries slew, nor spar'd their slumb'ring lord, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA077hFg1w33
Then took the fiery steeds, ere yet the food 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAICuDXRjzx5
Of Troy they taste, or drink the Xanthian flood. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANbNtfLPlkL
Elsewhere he saw where Troilus defied 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWkt39zmTPX
Achilles, and unequal combat tried; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8iMnohYFNw
Then, where the boy disarm'd, with loosen'd reins, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5bjHWbiKZz
Was by his horses hurried o'er the plains, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWkvczCnzLZ
Hung by the neck and hair, and dragg'd around: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAw144Ov05oZ
The hostile spear, yet sticking in his wound, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAytyLkshjdV
With tracks of blood inscrib'd the dusty ground. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASh0c5NMt7f
Meantime the Trojan dames, oppress'd with woe, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASPdbfqNkbd
To Pallas' fane in long procession go, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApISJKP12is
In hopes to reconcile their heav'nly foe. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVlwoTHI8dK
They weep, they beat their breasts, they rend their hair, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQDOh0IWMpG
And rich embroider'd vests for presents bear; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlnsy6j8pUQ
But the stern goddess stands unmov'd with pray'r. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGtQsWi8Zkv
Thrice round the Trojan walls Achilles drew 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9ZRMgV0tx6
The corpse of Hector, whom in fight he slew. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuUVOyE6T4u
Here Priam sues; and there, for sums of gold, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjKywjxtJew
The lifeless body of his son is sold. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqZRFQJMnub
So sad an object, and so well express'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANQIwiozo5D
Drew sighs and groans from the griev'd hero's breast, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXPeG55uZvi
To see the figure of his lifeless friend, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5CAfxAJ5GX
And his old sire his helpless hand extend. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlC8yf76BHn
Himself he saw amidst the Grecian train, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMMxpcVJGNm
Mix'd in the bloody battle on the plain; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsANcue8UMm
And swarthy Memnon in his arms he knew, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtQKN8npUOL
His pompous ensigns, and his Indian crew. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAb9o10BgtQg
Penthisilea there, with haughty grace, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfZkVxXzddx
Leads to the wars an Amazonian race: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAx1ESqIt8VQ
In their right hands a pointed dart they wield; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAr9Qx8XL4HI
The left, for ward, sustains the lunar shield. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFObTGKo6kI
Athwart her breast a golden belt she throws, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlJ2y9zzsXq
Amidst the press alone provokes a thousand foes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAsfckeo3EF
And dares her maiden arms to manly force oppose. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACUnLMviFXB
Thus while the Trojan prince employs his eyes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARwtndoVqXJ
Fix'd on the walls with wonder and surprise, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1hJ5Wvat5q
The beauteous Dido, with a num'rous train 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAP8gp6vTPkg
And pomp of guards, ascends the sacred fane. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsOinU43k72
Such on Eurotas' banks, or Cynthus' height, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkxU0G3oNF8
Diana seems; and so she charms the sight, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5Z99ZyH2T0
When in the dance the graceful goddess leads 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoGMyntwxph
The choir of nymphs, and overtops their heads: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA08RKYfsQOV
Known by her quiver, and her lofty mien, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfBFqNOZkNM
She walks majestic, and she looks their queen; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMKYqMRazq8
Latona sees her shine above the rest, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOR8q5wsHt4
And feeds with secret joy her silent breast. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAnXaY2QWyv5
Such Dido was; with such becoming state, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXtWNiDGssu
Amidst the crowd, she walks serenely great. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAO1snjNsSOp
Their labor to her future sway she speeds, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9jDlpvH9xK
And passing with a gracious glance proceeds; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAir896AblB4
Then mounts the throne, high plac'd before the shrine: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAW2IqIe4xN2
In crowds around, the swarming people join. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA2wenv9lzAu
She takes petitions, and dispenses laws, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlYssLfmzpg
Hears and determines ev'ry private cause; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAo7M5kRPgzv
Their tasks in equal portions she divides, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoqzmggcb5D
And, where unequal, there by lots decides. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxomC9KCQiE
Another way by chance Aeneas bends 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHnylnjw3ZB
His eyes, and unexpected sees his friends, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZktnuRwKCf
Antheus, Sergestus grave, Cloanthus strong, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkcXoPBr8EJ
And at their backs a mighty Trojan throng, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOeyWHaz1Qa
Whom late the tempest on the billows toss'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbWFpB3hBqE
And widely scatter'd on another coast. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHDVZKvdYtY
The prince, unseen, surpris'd with wonder stands, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsrX4TAeVNS
And longs, with joyful haste, to join their hands; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA196NwF7QbU
But, doubtful of the wish'd event, he stays, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdoaMwDOwBC
And from the hollow cloud his friends surveys, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtLh6zRzBXe
Impatient till they told their present state, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHiQo68gRIx
And where they left their ships, and what their fate, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAm5boExmhjd
And why they came, and what was their request; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAut4r5ow0Rn
For these were sent, commission'd by the rest, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtd30dsLCKZ
To sue for leave to land their sickly men, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAiKwv7nJvc4
And gain admission to the gracious queen. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARpfxdL2EO6
Ent'ring, with cries they fill'd the holy fane; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYmoXfHuskR
Then thus, with lowly voice, Ilioneus began: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbmfnTrMVdc
"O queen! indulg'd by favor of the gods 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAq6WVCrurOM
To found an empire in these new abodes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArGZFgx6bOZ
To build a town, with statutes to restrain 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPWy8iXzi2A
The wild inhabitants beneath thy reign, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXJFxN8v6M8
We wretched Trojans, toss'd on ev'ry shore, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA6zZtSwYgi7
From sea to sea, thy clemency implore. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0DpTAt0lAq
Forbid the fires our shipping to deface! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7Olo4sIgPY
Receive th' unhappy fugitives to grace, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuXubmoHDEw
And spare the remnant of a pious race! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgnmkOKJThW
We come not with design of wasteful prey, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQNec1Fy0HD
To drive the country, force the swains away: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA2uJPw5Bj4S
Nor such our strength, nor such is our desire; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9tFWmH5Hnz
The vanquish'd dare not to such thoughts aspire. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFeq0C6Llw0
A land there is, Hesperia nam'd of old; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3A9CvpWN8A
The soil is fruitful, and the men are bold- 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAINzW6kAmOx
Th' Oenotrians held it once- by common fame 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjk3irAVouh
Now call'd Italia, from the leader's name. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAb4tX4il753
To that sweet region was our voyage bent, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzQOG6xkcyR
When winds and ev'ry warring element 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAof9xeObMhv
Disturb'd our course, and, far from sight of land, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAX3WmPRCvw6
Cast our torn vessels on the moving sand: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlmi8g2RVNK
The sea came on; the South, with mighty roar, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0qRyAu9IpJ
Dispers'd and dash'd the rest upon the rocky shore. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQW5lRJ3IKE
Those few you see escap'd the Storm, and fear, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJnAdDjCDe2
Unless you interpose, a shipwreck here. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmO7MVABRsZ
What men, what monsters, what inhuman race, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7AqGCCBtcV
What laws, what barb'rous customs of the place, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWbZgM14ONH
Shut up a desart shore to drowning men, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGjerrPbOS1
And drive us to the cruel seas again? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAeheHKjgUp2
If our hard fortune no compassion draws, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPcWbbKiiHJ
Nor hospitable rights, nor human laws, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzVK6w4ddQm
The gods are just, and will revenge our cause. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5CnTRJez2N
Aeneas was our prince: a juster lord, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAubQINVqqN9
Or nobler warrior, never drew a sword; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATmrQHoeM7H
Observant of the right, religious of his word. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAIUEeUpV1gE
If yet he lives, and draws this vital air, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoDR0TMgexv
Nor we, his friends, of safety shall despair; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMbG65yufmH
Nor you, great queen, these offices repent, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARJm9e4jPkt
Which he will equal, and perhaps augment. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7HQz5U9Tij
We want not cities, nor Sicilian coasts, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJyJDh4c20l
Where King Acestes Trojan lineage boasts. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbsmGJ7nTrh
Permit our ships a shelter on your shores, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZujhpb5vOs
Refitted from your woods with planks and oars, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAiRQqS5d0br
That, if our prince be safe, we may renew 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0qi6hQdFSZ
Our destin'd course, and Italy pursue. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABTJkpcTU1k
But if, O best of men, the Fates ordain 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAeAJfeStrX3
That thou art swallow'd in the Libyan main, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApG9nkaVVFX
And if our young Iulus be no more, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA85ymX89epa
Dismiss our navy from your friendly shore, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAcYwGK2VWd
That we to good Acestes may return, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhf2OlIqzPe
And with our friends our common losses mourn." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzZRCvFebEf
Thus spoke Ilioneus: the Trojan crew 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhzyYL2Y0Ec
With cries and clamors his request renew. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJXlmpjTtix
The modest queen a while, with downcast eyes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJjrxm4X9iQ
Ponder'd the speech; then briefly thus replies: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAL4rgkIjlig
"Trojans, dismiss your fears; my cruel fate, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHKNDqwjnMq
And doubts attending an unsettled state, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADXZCZ6aas7
Force me to guard my coast from foreign foes. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVOIjih0FOQ
Who has not heard the story of your woes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1kyCDEbGCL
The name and fortune of your native place, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAUtqVNxtimP
The fame and valor of the Phrygian race? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABQAQhiBUa4
We Tyrians are not so devoid of sense, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9s1NSgZRA9
Nor so remote from Phoebus' influence. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARxISjZsPbn
Whether to Latian shores your course is bent, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKxI3olXSiE
Or, driv'n by tempests from your first intent, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHkNLWlAFas
You seek the good Acestes' government, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAk7qComluUT
Your men shall be receiv'd, your fleet repair'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFxNk7iO09j
And sail, with ships of convoy for your guard: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdKfEKsNt4v
Or, would you stay, and join your friendly pow'rs 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyhAzNbcKxD
To raise and to defend the Tyrian tow'rs, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASmBj7klo8h
My wealth, my city, and myself are yours. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgVs8YWAI72
And would to Heav'n, the Storm, you felt, would bring 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA4OCbJdaLK1
On Carthaginian coasts your wand'ring king. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA15JOqdMRCL
My people shall, by my command, explore 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASPtBxeb8ej
The ports and creeks of ev'ry winding shore, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0gplEi0pEW
And towns, and wilds, and shady woods, in quest 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHWZq9SzlSS
Of so renown'd and so desir'd a guest." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAix1oCh8MbY
Rais'd in his mind the Trojan hero stood, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhLzmQtZ9ma
And long'd to break from out his ambient cloud: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQlgJkHr9mP
Achates found it, and thus urg'd his way: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgabQLw3p3g
"From whence, O goddess-born, this long delay? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYkPMAshT6H
What more can you desire, your welcome sure, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASdneYCjZPS
Your fleet in safety, and your friends secure? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmaJKdvTZB9
One only wants; and him we saw in vain 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQLLPuIvt6R
Oppose the Storm, and swallow'd in the main. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAihGHFt9Scp
Orontes in his fate our forfeit paid; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANxO2iGmjZz
The rest agrees with what your mother said." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA92vJUoNhWK
Scarce had he spoken, when the cloud gave way, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAK9IEmXXn6G
The mists flew upward and dissolv'd in day. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARYWEdptrom
The Trojan chief appear'd in open sight, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANApKYcPByg6I
August in visage, and serenely bright. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMBr1qETRDf
His mother goddess, with her hands divine, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3Nv4d1hb7p
Had form'd his curling locks, and made his temples shine, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVRceuyvmgf
And giv'n his rolling eyes a sparkling grace, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbh6vKeoLbB
And breath'd a youthful vigor on his face; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZ6CoKvqsXs
Like polish'd ivory, beauteous to behold, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEFVhdJMZRt
Or Parian marble, when enchas'd in gold: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxciGzOIWiA
Thus radiant from the circling cloud he broke, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmzlaP51BOk
And thus with manly modesty he spoke: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAT3GwH0JeaR
"He whom you seek am I; by tempests toss'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0NLpV3EpNN
And sav'd from shipwreck on your Libyan coast; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqQKwWGIkRl
Presenting, gracious queen, before your throne, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArMQrgDGVNb
A prince that owes his life to you alone. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqzAEhqxThC
Fair majesty, the refuge and redress 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAUPt7qahIY9
Of those whom fate pursues, and wants oppress, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqcuv56jo8M
You, who your pious offices employ 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqTKTS4VkXk
To save the relics of abandon'd Troy; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyJvHQRsxA2
Receive the shipwreck'd on your friendly shore, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAE1jdgEjTJI
With hospitable rites relieve the poor; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmcWkQytPLw
Associate in your town a wand'ring train, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEjXJAXaR9I
And strangers in your palace entertain: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfgklqqtpWC
What thanks can wretched fugitives return, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlt9DZEwrSP
Who, scatter'd thro' the world, in exile mourn? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkDZGJwavCV
The gods, if gods to goodness are inclin'd; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA2DxrF9b3ED
If acts of mercy touch their heav'nly mind, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAELegv09C0g
And, more than all the gods, your gen'rous heart. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyQNJ8OZ56G
Conscious of worth, requite its own desert! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFCd2I6z2Ce
In you this age is happy, and this earth, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACGputlx14m
And parents more than mortal gave you birth. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA29e8rbc8Qq
While rolling rivers into seas shall run, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQhsuxSaKOd
And round the space of heav'n the radiant sun; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAk00JAs0cHW
While trees the mountain tops with shades supply, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKf7HbXsBT7
Your honor, name, and praise shall never die. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbhYNHs6QJq
Whate'er abode my fortune has assign'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPsRiLTiiO2
Your image shall be present in my mind." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATINldO8Uzb
Thus having said, he turn'd with pious haste, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADzuuALF6kQ
And joyful his expecting friends embrac'd: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZnLXFTfywG
With his right hand Ilioneus was grac'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZk5j7tQK9w
Serestus with his left; then to his breast 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQuFlY6MXpu
Cloanthus and the noble Gyas press'd; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMYwvJPeYoY
And so by turns descended to the rest. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANcWTYzyzWo
The Tyrian queen stood fix'd upon his face, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjmJMgQbbzx
Pleas'd with his motions, ravish'd with his grace; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALy3wL1VMgN
Admir'd his fortunes, more admir'd the man; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANYbpFTMj5n
Then recollected stood, and thus began: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA4bv3ZtGPIZ
"What fate, O goddess-born; what angry pow'rs 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMcrrlJcs9r
Have cast you shipwrack'd on our barren shores? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmjc3pbfRAS
Are you the great Aeneas, known to fame, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA2CkFRWX5Rb
Who from celestial seed your lineage claim? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAiJWSlVAwH9
The same Aeneas whom fair Venus bore 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAewy6jLAPJy
To fam'd Anchises on th' Idaean shore? 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5odp6J7hAe
It calls into my mind, tho' then a child, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA2Nzzt7wUFX
When Teucer came, from Salamis exil'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5ARUm1gEBm
And sought my father's aid, to be restor'd: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsJ86SHF30D
My father Belus then with fire and sword 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbZzgnYgJQG
Invaded Cyprus, made the region bare, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAM3oE0Q5LHu
And, conqu'ring, finish'd the successful war. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAn9j6tsLKkV
From him the Trojan siege I understood, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0fZOze2V38
The Grecian chiefs, and your illustrious blood. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAgLIUZtkect
Your foe himself the Dardan valor prais'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAILzmbuZa1Q
And his own ancestry from Trojans rais'd. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAowEGbyPd3w
Enter, my noble guest, and you shall find, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARcto0DX8jC
If not a costly welcome, yet a kind: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVGDXT8bCzf
For I myself, like you, have been distress'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAIajILilSa9
Till Heav'n afforded me this place of rest; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWdAuIdt8IU
Like you, an alien in a land unknown, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAefD7xzMyhS
I learn to pity woes so like my own." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmrhPZacRE7
She said, and to the palace led her guest; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA25Xie2n5oz
Then offer'd incense, and proclaim'd a feast. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALTCyrGJeil
Nor yet less careful for her absent friends, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhdNNgn5eHm
Twice ten fat oxen to the ships she sends; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArI4yxQ3VHg
Besides a hundred boars, a hundred lambs, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMF42XLzWy8
With bleating cries, attend their milky dams; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARGmSfyxx0V
And jars of gen'rous wine and spacious bowls 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAUdn0y5gddt
She gives, to cheer the sailors' drooping souls. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA6Z8vMZB2b2
Now purple hangings clothe the palace walls, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuMk8H5IEgG
And sumptuous feasts are made in splendid halls: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJcS9zgARU3
On Tyrian carpets, richly wrought, they dine; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzMEOSN59M3
With loads of massy plate the sideboards shine, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEfmuqEZF8r
And antique vases, all of gold emboss'd 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJCxThopffD
(The gold itself inferior to the cost), 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAnvxfPJWrEE
Of curious work, where on the sides were seen 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7poDXREl5Q
The fights and figures of illustrious men, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA8AM6g5eEON
From their first founder to the present queen. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAo9g3q6Rz4
The good Aeneas, paternal care 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACuo91NQYpf
Iulus' absence could no longer bear, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAma7lVkXFYJ
Dispatch'd Achates to the ships in haste, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYuI1UwxLXi
To give a glad relation of the past, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAaz8ZBtzP21
And, fraught with precious gifts, to bring the boy, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA82OHqPEduv
Snatch'd from the ruins of unhappy Troy: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwHn3xwrfbO
A robe of tissue, stiff with golden wire; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArWTcl0g6DE
An upper vest, once Helen's rich attire, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwCd1KPewzF
From Argos by the fam'd adultress brought, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAjZUu44DPKJ
With golden flow'rs and winding foliage wrought, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYm0moi6ZXO
Her mother Leda's present, when she came 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAY817opgiXP
To ruin Troy and set the world on flame; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAVpBiDZKOnR
The scepter Priam's eldest daughter bore, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcVqRDcRH9K
Her orient necklace, and the crown she wore 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqktRqZzbD8
Of double texture, glorious to behold, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHHMTY68zXS
One order set with gems, and one with gold. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARm7N4kDvlN
Instructed thus, the wise Achates goes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhOHl0QxChV
And in his diligence his duty shows. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9KWTz8szQm
But Venus, anxious for her son's affairs, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASJWJWyKv9n
New counsels tries, and new designs prepares: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZTxOm3V6g4
That Cupid should assume the shape and face 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABNTcJah0Ym
Of sweet Ascanius, and the sprightly grace; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATCfxg9lgBP
Should bring the presents, in her nephew's stead, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA91MXFBwyuf
And in Eliza's veins the gentle poison shed: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYlCxyCuzf1
For much she fear'd the Tyrians, double-tongued, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACDgUnXTZ8Z
And knew the town to Juno's care belong'd. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAulVmqTgWb1
These thoughts by night her golden slumbers broke, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEOihTBGv3a
And thus alarm'd, to winged Love she spoke: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASScsWbND6f
"My son, my strength, whose mighty pow'r alone 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAd6OcDk9GLM
Controls the Thund'rer on his awful throne, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALgidy4x3cu
To thee thy much-afflicted mother flies, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAxKdeEpRpJa
And on thy succor and thy faith relies. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAUBQ2of5E1M
Thou know'st, my son, how Jove's revengeful wife, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEDIPnbUqVr
By force and fraud, attempts thy brother's life; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANY4gfFrCkl
And often hast thou mourn'd with me his pains. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1tBj17O8uy
Him Dido now with blandishment detains; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAj94Bg9miIY
But I suspect the town where Juno reigns. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAm7a7lhiLpf
For this 't is needful to prevent her art, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAN9KLUeHYgH
And fire with love the proud Phoenician's heart: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANALYqAv3LZfJ
A love so violent, so strong, so sure, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFLZtoFT7oM
As neither age can change, nor art can cure. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwUQXK2pxam
How this may be perform'd, now take my mind: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAofo9BIOtTv
Ascanius by his father is design'd 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADRSEv1lLmP
To come, with presents laden, from the port, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAzCQ0WaS89S
To gratify the queen, and gain the court. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANADOMZcW9Vv0
I mean to plunge the boy in pleasing sleep, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAIyaJy3cjCE
And, ravish'd, in Idalian bow'rs to keep, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASThqCZEn9v
Or high Cythera, that the sweet deceit 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAaJ8fG5Ysvy
May pass unseen, and none prevent the cheat. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAeTb3i7vGDi
Take thou his form and shape. I beg the grace 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMqzWUjh7Jq
But only for a night's revolving space: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEBi72596Kj
Thyself a boy, assume a boy's dissembled face; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0V0VhULJI2
That when, amidst the fervor of the feast, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKyIdo8v0xU
The Tyrian hugs and fonds thee on her breast, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA33jsuvwQ8O
And with sweet kisses in her arms constrains, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQ6r58rLJvv
Thou may'st infuse thy venom in her veins." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA7jNGb9Wag0
The God of Love obeys, and sets aside 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAL2UglsLxXt
His bow and quiver, and his plumy pride; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEjdCzqGkR6
He walks Iulus in his mother's sight, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAvSTOTqqbnf
And in the sweet resemblance takes delight. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAmIIMQTPU7T
The goddess then to young Ascanius flies, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANE4nemiPnC
And in a pleasing slumber seals his eyes: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAoDLimOV4gJ
Lull'd in her lap, amidst a train of Loves, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASZbDPA2MPy
She gently bears him to her blissful groves, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOR8dQqNlhi
Then with a wreath of myrtle crowns his head, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGTqRxuHpu6
And softly lays him on a flow'ry bed. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXszZ1HV397
Cupid meantime assum'd his form and face, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyrK7o9KIRk
Foll'wing Achates with a shorter pace, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkuhMRFqD9v
And brought the gifts. The queen already sate 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAZYraBKPMNK
Amidst the Trojan lords, in shining state, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3NCW8lgQPI
High on a golden bed: her princely guest 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAKwRw0Lta8V
Was next her side; in order sate the rest. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAhZdfoXMBWr
Then canisters with bread are heap'd on high; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAYu6UjVHtdl
Th' attendants water for their hands supply, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAikfb2HE1f2
And, having wash'd, with silken towels dry. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAlNiyKNQ89h
Next fifty handmaids in long order bore 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANpUbQ8Nvpk
The censers, and with fumes the gods adore: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0ztomH18Vs
Then youths, and virgins twice as many, join 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAOfLoa4vqry
To place the dishes, and to serve the wine. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANw4prjCJSE
The Tyrian train, admitted to the feast, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAobVJg3BFkJ
Approach, and on the painted couches rest. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAT0RVGNpM1i
All on the Trojan gifts with wonder gaze, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJmCVpf1ANf
But view the beauteous boy with more amaze, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9QWFmDyoSB
His rosy-color'd cheeks, his radiant eyes, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABDzF3DG3ME
His motions, voice, and shape, and all the god's disguise; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArrT1FeXp8i
Nor pass unprais'd the vest and veil divine, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3KKEAPggoI
Which wand'ring foliage and rich flow'rs entwine. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAFK4qIc3i0e
But, far above the rest, the royal dame, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAR6wx5Uvi1y
(Already doom'd to love's disastrous flame,) 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAbzCZjzwCmB
With eyes insatiate, and tumultuous joy, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAldsjrIXZMz
Beholds the presents, and admires the boy. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAiZZ8S24sxt
The guileful god about the hero long, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA5tMNMf5s9K
With children's play, and false embraces, hung; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA4ZvtbgXzR7
Then sought the queen: she took him to her arms 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAkkoSGnwog9
With greedy pleasure, and devour'd his charms. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsHSNvRBkg0
Unhappy Dido little thought what guest, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAioC4hXJzX0
How dire a god, she drew so near her breast; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAyOR9tvHsTL
But he, not mindless of his mother's pray'r, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAksNtY5Eveo
Works in the pliant bosom of the fair, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0zh3PCX4dx
And molds her heart anew, and blots her former care. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAius6PUFDB5
The dead is to the living love resign'd; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA4b8dfMX2NB
And all Aeneas enters in her mind. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAwa6EZ7CNlg
Now, when the rage of hunger was appeas'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANARiqwxciWOw
The meat remov'd, and ev'ry guest was pleas'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAS6UCKL6Tc1
The golden bowls with sparkling wine are crown'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqKJCBIRT7P
And thro' the palace cheerful cries resound. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWfKsXa0geg
From gilded roofs depending lamps display 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAg9DOAd4y5i
Nocturnal beams, that emulate the day. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANATBpkFnjxwy
A golden bowl, that shone with gems divine, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1T0FAn7WLl
The queen commanded to be crown'd with wine: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAAh6GJii8qj
The bowl that Belus us'd, and all the Tyrian line. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAW2dQzJFk5v
Then, silence thro' the hall proclaim'd, she spoke: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAEdwk1MLxZM
"O hospitable Jove! we thus invoke, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAb9MsDPOmXS
With solemn rites, thy sacred name and pow'r; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAIWRkuTELQd
Bless to both nations this auspicious hour! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcFeT3XJgOd
So may the Trojan and the Tyrian line 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAb8qch2GdWm
In lasting concord from this day combine. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqGns0cNqAs
Thou, Bacchus, god of joys and friendly cheer, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAGNqAEjdBKy
And gracious Juno, both be present here! 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA4O8CRlejTn
And you, my lords of Tyre, your vows address 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAHTDhEPZQo4
To Heav'n with mine, to ratify the peace." 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAPqYGZYoVgj
The goblet then she took, with nectar crown'd 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAJCCc9tlDEb
(Sprinkling the first libations on the ground,) 1375Please respect copyright.PENANACRP3eOEyC9
And rais'd it to her mouth with sober grace; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA42mxCFgGN7
Then, sipping, offer'd to the next in place. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcRtZTvBIxG
'T was Bitias whom she call'd, a thirsty soul; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANASwSER9Hnqm
He took challenge, and embrac'd the bowl, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAcNxAdU8zHK
With pleasure swill'd the gold, nor ceas'd to draw, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAuRDoiAB0m3
Till he the bottom of the brimmer saw. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANyLdtPYvV7
The goblet goes around: Iopas brought 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABiGi6BssQZ
His golden lyre, and sung what ancient Atlas taught: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAokxPvUB9yH
The various labors of the wand'ring moon, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAubw4sV9gRx
And whence proceed th' eclipses of the sun; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA4JckHL2iTt
Th' original of men and beasts; and whence 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfpM2ZLmG3V
The rains arise, and fires their warmth dispense, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAP6WgNm8jqO
And fix'd and erring stars dispose their influence; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA0bonu463Tn
What shakes the solid earth; what cause delays 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA1C95DVpoZP
The summer nights and shortens winter days. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA9JIRt0pRcN
With peals of shouts the Tyrians praise the song: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAWnj4tYA4en
Those peals are echo'd by the Trojan throng. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANABPQQ0JyMOH
Th' unhappy queen with talk prolong'd the night, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA83feSsTw0b
And drank large draughts of love with vast delight; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA3OfzY1jN4c
Of Priam much enquir'd, of Hector more; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0bO0OUpvh
Then ask'd what arms the swarthy Memnon wore, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAXz13kWuNut
What troops he landed on the Trojan shore; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANANYSjvDOJKI
The steeds of Diomede varied the discourse, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAdzvw7J0wgg
And fierce Achilles, with his matchless force; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAMNHTONepzw
At length, as fate and her ill stars requir'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAfTvRdBOisI
To hear the series of the war desir'd. 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAtk7RPKKfI7
"Relate at large, my godlike guest," she said, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAeHQKbrZS1c
"The Grecian stratagems, the town betray'd: 1375Please respect copyright.PENANA6Xy91iwsIX
The fatal issue of so long a war, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAADfpCYovq4
Your flight, your wand'rings, and your woes, declare; 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAk4Vkv8FdVp
For, since on ev'ry sea, on ev'ry coast, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANArw9WsP14to
Your men have been distress'd, your navy toss'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAD16uJyvTxr
Sev'n times the sun has either tropic view'd, 1375Please respect copyright.PENANAqCnqlQxR1H
The winter banish'd, and the spring renew'd."
1375Please respect copyright.PENANAsHBEwNWTib
1375Please respect copyright.PENANAP6UCImmgSd