"When Heav'n had overturn'd the Trojan state 993Please respect copyright.PENANAj7WBiH9Vsz
And Priam's throne, by too severe a fate; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAF8qc5VoYmJ
When ruin'd Troy became the Grecians' prey, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWyAL69PNDd
And Ilium's lofty tow'rs in ashes lay; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcylO4DZJYo
Warn'd by celestial omens, we retreat, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAotdRrl2Bw0
To seek in foreign lands a happier seat. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAPgwxROAbiP
Near old Antandros, and at Ida's foot, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcWGf3ebQKL
The timber of the sacred groves we cut, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxP4DkfeiBY
And build our fleet; uncertain yet to find 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiP1O8a2x5o
What place the gods for our repose assign'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9XYGLNUEgm
Friends daily flock; and scarce the kindly spring 993Please respect copyright.PENANACFRTSs93P8
Began to clothe the ground, and birds to sing, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMAnrIfB3ox
When old Anchises summon'd all to sea: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaIUrh9KoE0
The crew my father and the Fates obey. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA72XZIiMgGY
With sighs and tears I leave my native shore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHHTVZ2dHnJ
And empty fields, where Ilium stood before. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAFlLh0Yr9Ya
My sire, my son, our less and greater gods, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZviYG0vzb1
All sail at once, and cleave the briny floods. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJFladzmWgm
"Against our coast appears a spacious land, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA5TMEf5sVi8
Which once the fierce Lycurgus did command, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAlecRFuMY1A
(Thracia the name- the people bold in war; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtBd9ooTC9y
Vast are their fields, and tillage is their care,) 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhDcKPbGeEi
A hospitable realm while Fate was kind, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVzVf5eIKLa
With Troy in friendship and religion join'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbUe5bRcmjT
I land; with luckless omens then adore 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHjPE0zvOxb
Their gods, and draw a line along the shore; 993Please respect copyright.PENANACImEoj1qGw
I lay the deep foundations of a wall, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAzZ4dY7pIMI
And Aenos, nam'd from me, the city call. 993Please respect copyright.PENANACAUE4J6Sir
To Dionaean Venus vows are paid, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVz6oMEOdpB
And all the pow'rs that rising labors aid; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAItie2Tidf3
A bull on Jove's imperial altar laid. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAro4VA8Dcb0
Not far, a rising hillock stood in view; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAEEuFUbb0mN
Sharp myrtles on the sides, and cornels grew. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAovd8fisy2d
There, while I went to crop the sylvan scenes, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHWhoTp5ZIN
And shade our altar with their leafy greens, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkBbB9ZCZZE
I pull'd a plant- with horror I relate 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGYnfTNAusN
A prodigy so strange and full of fate. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAlH1ky6kKUN
The rooted fibers rose, and from the wound 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMeDqARd9CR
Black bloody drops distill'd upon the ground. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUujrc3ihnU
Mute and amaz'd, my hair with terror stood; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAeoGFYca3lx
Fear shrunk my sinews, and congeal'd my blood. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAmo1FpwYkOy
Mann'd once again, another plant I try: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkwkfDNXZX5
That other gush'd with the same sanguine dye. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAN83YwhnplU
Then, fearing guilt for some offense unknown, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWHz0oQzAda
With pray'rs and vows the Dryads I atone, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0FoKkUW3zC
With all the sisters of the woods, and most 993Please respect copyright.PENANAG5dfQzVBNO
The God of Arms, who rules the Thracian coast, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtuCW4D6jTg
That they, or he, these omens would avert, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAofAXieB2Xa
Release our fears, and better signs impart. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAz9LV5WxlCH
Clear'd, as I thought, and fully fix'd at length 993Please respect copyright.PENANARNftHoZ1Yp
To learn the cause, I tugged with all my strength: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1KUyhc9Cnl
I bent my knees against the ground; once more 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZlGBnUu1H9
The violated myrtle ran with gore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAl5gxQbjs9l
Scarce dare I tell the sequel: from the womb 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWQgYxsknN5
Of wounded earth, and caverns of the tomb, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcKNKMX9KTz
A groan, as of a troubled ghost, renew'd 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1gPkpf1yy3
My fright, and then these dreadful words ensued: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA65hFAs87JH
'Why dost thou thus my buried body rend? 993Please respect copyright.PENANAoGj4YdGx0J
O spare the corpse of thy unhappy friend! 993Please respect copyright.PENANALccG9iXO1l
Spare to pollute thy pious hands with blood: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVBzO4yjJ5k
The tears distil not from the wounded wood; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA5sbphT8rJd
But ev'ry drop this living tree contains 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvMJlmARwGv
Is kindred blood, and ran in Trojan veins. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAuXPOtsqR6H
O fly from this unhospitable shore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAY2osYHXRmS
Warn'd by my fate; for I am Polydore! 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9cShWXeI7B
Here loads of lances, in my blood embrued, 993Please respect copyright.PENANALKYiZB6IYD
Again shoot upward, by my blood renew'd.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYFCYXxdtdu
"My falt'ring tongue and shiv'ring limbs declare 993Please respect copyright.PENANAY5hmW3Xfbv
My horror, and in bristles rose my hair. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYk3v3fyw2n
When Troy with Grecian arms was closely pent, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA4Rkr1uqEU1
Old Priam, fearful of the war's event, 993Please respect copyright.PENANABEqfVBTHlB
This hapless Polydore to Thracia sent: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA88ZB0fdelm
Loaded with gold, he sent his darling, far 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcZWcUqPm6b
From noise and tumults, and destructive war, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9hSz6QfLgf
Committed to the faithless tyrant's care; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAt6kluFUWWr
Who, when he saw the pow'r of Troy decline, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyDiHwrMgbg
Forsook the weaker, with the strong to join; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWQMkryphOC
Broke ev'ry bond of nature and of truth, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcMZIzT8ZLs
And murder'd, for his wealth, the royal youth. 993Please respect copyright.PENANALLy7pGaz5P
O sacred hunger of pernicious gold! 993Please respect copyright.PENANAf62wUOFGLs
What bands of faith can impious lucre hold? 993Please respect copyright.PENANAd3iMIYL29Z
Now, when my soul had shaken off her fears, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMoLLuPUvKg
I call my father and the Trojan peers; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA4wC6Kyp4Pl
Relate the prodigies of Heav'n, require 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2qorvbLGfq
What he commands, and their advice desire. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAu60AyUJyMb
All vote to leave that execrable shore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8tqJ5keMl7
Polluted with the blood of Polydore; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAsBO4r9tECL
But, ere we sail, his fun'ral rites prepare, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAPwJ0alUciH
Then, to his ghost, a tomb and altars rear. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjuQnZiPyAA
In mournful pomp the matrons walk the round, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA4NKJdDu9bg
With baleful cypress and blue fillets crown'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWCKIh9mTuE
With eyes dejected, and with hair unbound. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVFXpheAq01
Then bowls of tepid milk and blood we pour, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGJZtxScJ4v
And thrice invoke the soul of Polydore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAlseL0TFpbB
"Now, when the raging storms no longer reign, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAzDh62Yoj7w
But southern gales invite us to the main, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOMbaOIaWFB
We launch our vessels, with a prosp'rous wind, 993Please respect copyright.PENANADNxPF3x0kl
And leave the cities and the shores behind. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAx1mq7Vb5b5
"An island in th' Aegaean main appears; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAnxDTgW1m09
Neptune and wat'ry Doris claim it theirs. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA67YJPxgLS0
It floated once, till Phoebus fix'd the sides 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVYG0P4o81p
To rooted earth, and now it braves the tides. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAM3DT6VXVd8
Here, borne by friendly winds, we come ashore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfpvF085IZ5
With needful ease our weary limbs restore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKKBzKDlnZq
And the Sun's temple and his town adore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyu88S7ofwC
"Anius, the priest and king, with laurel crown'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAnKomYBM08s
His hoary locks with purple fillets bound, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkTPaNKgF2v
Who saw my sire the Delian shore ascend, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9exLU7U6mv
Came forth with eager haste to meet his friend; 993Please respect copyright.PENANARdcPGtjUll
Invites him to his palace; and, in sign 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGfhOio5H3A
Of ancient love, their plighted hands they join. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbWZSp9C3uk
Then to the temple of the god I went, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAt3ockhwxfo
And thus, before the shrine, my vows present: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA87kSAhdyAb
'Give, O Thymbraeus, give a resting place 993Please respect copyright.PENANA24a86dyVzN
To the sad relics of the Trojan race; 993Please respect copyright.PENANABZ24rnNery
A seat secure, a region of their own, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAy9DrhJye62
A lasting empire, and a happier town. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGWcXsiVl19
Where shall we fix? where shall our labors end? 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXsWlHBXXeC
Whom shall we follow, and what fate attend? 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3346CIaC7C
Let not my pray'rs a doubtful answer find; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8aamVXE71J
But in clear auguries unveil thy mind.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANABQCgNhIpeX
Scarce had I said: he shook the holy ground, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyb9P4ohm9U
The laurels, and the lofty hills around; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2hhDUqletD
And from the tripos rush'd a bellowing sound. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZU5wFf4bKI
Prostrate we fell; confess'd the present god, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2bfRFGXFyH
Who gave this answer from his dark abode: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAeq8Gi8t5KM
'Undaunted youths, go, seek that mother earth 993Please respect copyright.PENANACgDvjsG6ki
From which your ancestors derive their birth. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYDFgnpunsH
The soil that sent you forth, her ancient race 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOzKheq1sK5
In her old bosom shall again embrace. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA5iXXWoixvR
Thro' the wide world th' Aeneian house shall reign, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAS7iLJlcAaS
And children's children shall the crown sustain.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjBLaGa5Std
Thus Phoebus did our future fates disclose: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAlNLUKsv4Ff
A mighty tumult, mix'd with joy, arose. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkO5UI0Zk2Q
"All are concern'd to know what place the god 993Please respect copyright.PENANAikEllRLT2d
Assign'd, and where determin'd our abode. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAauCmpYACOG
My father, long revolving in his mind 993Please respect copyright.PENANAh3bBqdSzFi
The race and lineage of the Trojan kind, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWtKjEuRVap
Thus answer'd their demands: 'Ye princes, hear 993Please respect copyright.PENANA58wCjAsfuP
Your pleasing fortune, and dispel your fear. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXiEzVR7UtB
The fruitful isle of Crete, well known to fame, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHvrLPP7yDS
Sacred of old to Jove's imperial name, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqeTXE8Ch7W
In the mid ocean lies, with large command, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAK85RfZ3NAL
And on its plains a hundred cities stand. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjAvKOd5kgw
Another Ida rises there, and we 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxdoH3vA6KS
From thence derive our Trojan ancestry. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAi7YMxjvIrp
From thence, as 't is divulg'd by certain fame, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGdDZVCEsEj
To the Rhoetean shores old Teucrus came; 993Please respect copyright.PENANANmG2ePBCvi
There fix'd, and there the seat of empire chose, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAFWISpUVJ4q
Ere Ilium and the Trojan tow'rs arose. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWqv0FcMQ6M
In humble vales they built their soft abodes, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA4kiv9q1qwA
Till Cybele, the mother of the gods, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAPAqLkdLi8q
With tinkling cymbals charm'd th' Idaean woods, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfEq8hccKWr
She secret rites and ceremonies taught, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdyRWN3AruM
And to the yoke the savage lions brought. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZwTJu1Xdac
Let us the land which Heav'n appoints, explore; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyIfFlt99oN
Appease the winds, and seek the Gnossian shore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAv3lH3YmYne
If Jove assists the passage of our fleet, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAFPpxqE3KZ4
The third propitious dawn discovers Crete.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxIltTlAtDb
Thus having said, the sacrifices, laid 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyefVdF0Kzh
On smoking altars, to the gods he paid: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2tykl5LJmc
A bull, to Neptune an oblation due, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAk5OWrDOsa8
Another bull to bright Apollo slew; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbgiHgIBFp9
A milk-white ewe, the western winds to please, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAoVE39osE1C
And one coal-black, to calm the stormy seas. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAntHLIThITK
Ere this, a flying rumor had been spread 993Please respect copyright.PENANA7GdE6zIcLZ
That fierce Idomeneus from Crete was fled, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAn2sRShuaf0
Expell'd and exil'd; that the coast was free 993Please respect copyright.PENANA7QORSS9vyw
From foreign or domestic enemy. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAIv5JW8Zf9w
"We leave the Delian ports, and put to sea; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKXPXzjqlVe
By Naxos, fam'd for vintage, make our way; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjxjF6jFHed
Then green Donysa pass; and sail in sight 993Please respect copyright.PENANAsevlJDm8kK
Of Paros' isle, with marble quarries white. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAusE5o0Gjpg
We pass the scatter'd isles of Cyclades, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA4OLh5owP5U
That, scarce distinguish'd, seem to stud the seas. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0n6ifx0EKy
The shouts of sailors double near the shores; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAPBH5dBhxIG
They stretch their canvas, and they ply their oars. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZBd36Z0GEF
'All hands aloft! for Crete! for Crete!' they cry, 993Please respect copyright.PENANALDsxor4cdi
And swiftly thro' the foamy billows fly. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1eO8dTsqYz
Full on the promis'd land at length we bore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyRAXSsO2JA
With joy descending on the Cretan shore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA7EqOaz7gSO
With eager haste a rising town I frame, 993Please respect copyright.PENANACIgh5b8GBK
Which from the Trojan Pergamus I name: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMX0GslSbUP
The name itself was grateful; I exhort 993Please respect copyright.PENANAk8qzVgwtFd
To found their houses, and erect a fort. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyFGONKNvuT
Our ships are haul'd upon the yellow strand; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAEHkqst9RBp
The youth begin to till the labor'd land; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiXY4hAmeij
And I myself new marriages promote, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvinNtMiWLv
Give laws, and dwellings I divide by lot; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAek9gPwXegv
When rising vapors choke the wholesome air, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvo4lOXotBW
And blasts of noisome winds corrupt the year; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJAUD4hNEOh
The trees devouring caterpillars burn; 993Please respect copyright.PENANARLlyNSvAIs
Parch'd was the grass, and blighted was the corn: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjH8YkeDGHu
Nor 'scape the beasts; for Sirius, from on high, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXaAsR70VwN
With pestilential heat infects the sky: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2rvGVlBduk
My men- some fall, the rest in fevers fry. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAsC6WnyIl82
Again my father bids me seek the shore 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3rMnx9uH8A
Of sacred Delos, and the god implore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1YEqdlqqhB
To learn what end of woes we might expect, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVbDpfDyT2R
And to what clime our weary course direct. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAw8DvfdmHyY
"'T was night, when ev'ry creature, void of cares, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAr5bEZLlfEC
The common gift of balmy slumber shares: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA5aSBeJEvKL
The statues of my gods (for such they seem'd), 993Please respect copyright.PENANAr1N3UZSmBS
Those gods whom I from flaming Troy redeem'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3XXRhKa75g
Before me stood, majestically bright, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHNC5ERMPlP
Full in the beams of Phoebe's ent'ring light. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOuvD0nHtvQ
Then thus they spoke, and eas'd my troubled mind: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6bIShUQeGx
'What from the Delian god thou go'st to find, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjmQkYGoCJO
He tells thee here, and sends us to relate. 993Please respect copyright.PENANALgG21KjrpX
Those pow'rs are we, companions of thy fate, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOfxVTebQTP
Who from the burning town by thee were brought, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAFWnoJbWYAx
Thy fortune follow'd, and thy safety wrought. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA4MO9gIo4iS
Thro' seas and lands as we thy steps attend, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAIyVjl4BdWq
So shall our care thy glorious race befriend. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAEllA9b4qGJ
An ample realm for thee thy fates ordain, 993Please respect copyright.PENANADp6LWa5jnb
A town that o'er the conquer'd world shall reign. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOzVYoq1wOZ
Thou, mighty walls for mighty nations build; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAowqJt5kXQK
Nor let thy weary mind to labors yield: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAoRRDeq8sk7
But change thy seat; for not the Delian god, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWp7gMmhcyb
Nor we, have giv'n thee Crete for our abode. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAo4ONBwpIrp
A land there is, Hesperia call'd of old, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAeMyp9x87tu
(The soil is fruitful, and the natives bold- 993Please respect copyright.PENANA87ofasYUCx
Th' Oenotrians held it once,) by later fame 993Please respect copyright.PENANAw3Fq4KOSNA
Now call'd Italia, from the leader's name. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkwY8IkZ2Jo
lasius there and Dardanus were born; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAK8VdafQDSE
From thence we came, and thither must return. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXUr34YGeaf
Rise, and thy sire with these glad tidings greet. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6cSXFbRGPu
Search Italy; for Jove denies thee Crete.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkZN6M5gDde
"Astonish'd at their voices and their sight, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1BA9gaEuPo
(Nor were they dreams, but visions of the night; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAQoM0BnEOSQ
I saw, I knew their faces, and descried, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxYJOOlY6Nz
In perfect view, their hair with fillets tied;) 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3CxYfaFWrZ
I started from my couch; a clammy sweat 993Please respect copyright.PENANA884wV59pzO
On all my limbs and shiv'ring body sate. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAK4avRXstrQ
To heav'n I lift my hands with pious haste, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAQIlyahDZJ6
And sacred incense in the flames I cast. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZsKK7CWhik
Thus to the gods their perfect honors done, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtIE0kDF5Z9
More cheerful, to my good old sire I run, 993Please respect copyright.PENANATZAgvdfCbP
And tell the pleasing news. In little space 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaBhp9ICIhf
He found his error of the double race; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfeinQHl3lG
Not, as before he deem'd, deriv'd from Crete; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAsjDVgTGxmP
No more deluded by the doubtful seat: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAlzd1DZCBnC
Then said: 'O son, turmoil'd in Trojan fate! 993Please respect copyright.PENANA4L1XufclYN
Such things as these Cassandra did relate. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAp8D8ZCJCGY
This day revives within my mind what she 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUHUCsgsyfX
Foretold of Troy renew'd in Italy, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAPF8yaynxbC
And Latian lands; but who could then have thought 993Please respect copyright.PENANA4GsutMPze5
That Phrygian gods to Latium should be brought, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1oGCexFJuN
Or who believ'd what mad Cassandra taught? 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3lTHhQUOfb
Now let us go where Phoebus leads the way.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdW5PH5BRrY
"He said; and we with glad consent obey, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaCoYADRecs
Forsake the seat, and, leaving few behind, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA5FeeV9wK6z
We spread our sails before the willing wind. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUYUuHuyq4A
Now from the sight of land our galleys move, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWOwi3HlpiC
With only seas around and skies above; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJfExwacHqG
When o'er our heads descends a burst of rain, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAN34kPCceiZ
And night with sable clouds involves the main; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYBKvk1KU2i
The ruffling winds the foamy billows raise; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAgGYxyfi58J
The scatter'd fleet is forc'd to sev'ral ways; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcxkt9JnNjG
The face of heav'n is ravish'd from our eyes, 993Please respect copyright.PENANABEHTMBSdBH
And in redoubled peals the roaring thunder flies. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdMPy9jHo48
Cast from our course, we wander in the dark. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGiE45lumkQ
No stars to guide, no point of land to mark. 993Please respect copyright.PENANASN4GaJrACn
Ev'n Palinurus no distinction found 993Please respect copyright.PENANAm44lrSmTx7
Betwixt the night and day; such darkness reign'd around. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAFf8zdFf5ME
Three starless nights the doubtful navy strays, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3aWQk3Smoy
Without distinction, and three sunless days; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvZk2qwe4zL
The fourth renews the light, and, from our shrouds, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAnqOyJve3Vx
We view a rising land, like distant clouds; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAN4NQFeRkup
The mountain-tops confirm the pleasing sight, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0fbPQRXLWb
And curling smoke ascending from their height. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfpWrAdD70Q
The canvas falls; their oars the sailors ply; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbSwUJQjsl1
From the rude strokes the whirling waters fly. 993Please respect copyright.PENANABhu6iUqUvY
At length I land upon the Strophades, 993Please respect copyright.PENANABDLyROtIA2
Safe from the danger of the stormy seas. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbm7uikOtMe
Those isles are compass'd by th' Ionian main, 993Please respect copyright.PENANABaVck6bPld
The dire abode where the foul Harpies reign, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAQ64iu7CCGe
Forc'd by the winged warriors to repair 993Please respect copyright.PENANApmZTdDvhsG
To their old homes, and leave their costly fare. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAmIdnZ0OHp1
Monsters more fierce offended Heav'n ne'er sent 993Please respect copyright.PENANAIz2FF9uewX
From hell's abyss, for human punishment: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAReZgF1yRy5
With virgin faces, but with wombs obscene, 993Please respect copyright.PENANABjTRdoKCa2
Foul paunches, and with ordure still unclean; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiIrRI2abHC
With claws for hands, and looks for ever lean. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOG1EIhkVi8
"We landed at the port, and soon beheld 993Please respect copyright.PENANAEEzC9zxDrG
Fat herds of oxen graze the flow'ry field, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2hCiV4gZVr
And wanton goats without a keeper stray'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3wmSFm2xxq
With weapons we the welcome prey invade, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAL5KV6uALyt
Then call the gods for partners of our feast, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiaKBaZbkox
And Jove himself, the chief invited guest. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAc2ixCrTy4a
We spread the tables on the greensward ground; 993Please respect copyright.PENANADdVucd0kyW
We feed with hunger, and the bowls go round; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdfXHxn28K5
When from the mountain-tops, with hideous cry, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAEz9Kjb22vi
And clatt'ring wings, the hungry Harpies fly; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdwKkQYFkhA
They snatch the meat, defiling all they find, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAEKFW5Nd2x8
And, parting, leave a loathsome stench behind. 993Please respect copyright.PENANArl4C0kK9hl
Close by a hollow rock, again we sit, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAz5xMP8FOI7
New dress the dinner, and the beds refit, 993Please respect copyright.PENANATJkG6Wt6mi
Secure from sight, beneath a pleasing shade, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAmNk4hgd1nU
Where tufted trees a native arbor made. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYQfbqvhudg
Again the holy fires on altars burn; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4TBRQqIM2
And once again the rav'nous birds return, 993Please respect copyright.PENANApXIVdx9ZqT
Or from the dark recesses where they lie, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvxvYX598ay
Or from another quarter of the sky; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6NnaXkOCB3
With filthy claws their odious meal repeat, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaXKdtZpDD2
And mix their loathsome ordures with their meat. 993Please respect copyright.PENANArbdhupE51j
I bid my friends for vengeance then prepare, 993Please respect copyright.PENANABDRpowhkfe
And with the hellish nation wage the war. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAj9DG6q2CCV
They, as commanded, for the fight provide, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAju7ebz5pVv
And in the grass their glitt'ring weapons hide; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqxvo2s8F2c
Then, when along the crooked shore we hear 993Please respect copyright.PENANAN5BrBruhUM
Their clatt'ring wings, and saw the foes appear, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAetp9k5FgjU
Misenus sounds a charge: we take th' alarm, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1TTIevheK9
And our strong hands with swords and bucklers arm. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdr6kBkWRwB
In this new kind of combat all employ 993Please respect copyright.PENANANlMfmaOsu9
Their utmost force, the monsters to destroy. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA5awuREeS3w
In vain- the fated skin is proof to wounds; 993Please respect copyright.PENANApUgfyMhzJs
And from their plumes the shining sword rebounds. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAw6cWj1qMT1
At length rebuff'd, they leave their mangled prey, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvsooRQP0BI
And their stretch'd pinions to the skies display. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcwbX2RCAge
Yet one remain'd- the messenger of Fate: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAI4LaVOdQ5f
High on a craggy cliff Celaeno sate, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAIx4LDk9Uu6
And thus her dismal errand did relate: 993Please respect copyright.PENANALztAHVnJ6K
'What! not contented with our oxen slain, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAIIPz1f2EuD
Dare you with Heav'n an impious war maintain, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8DATYTn8tp
And drive the Harpies from their native reign? 993Please respect copyright.PENANAwuPSW6S3TT
Heed therefore what I say; and keep in mind 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvDh9QzvKUA
What Jove decrees, what Phoebus has design'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHUtGz8wd6O
And I, the Furies' queen, from both relate- 993Please respect copyright.PENANAQvzz6r5Sxg
You seek th' Italian shores, foredoom'd by fate: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2dGBPEm4BP
Th' Italian shores are granted you to find, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKAor1hgmwH
And a safe passage to the port assign'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfsm5H5Bygl
But know, that ere your promis'd walls you build, 993Please respect copyright.PENANATAsVteyGlf
My curses shall severely be fulfill'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2gQZXBQphz
Fierce famine is your lot for this misdeed, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6nDDD4Hz6F
Reduc'd to grind the plates on which you feed.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAl9zapLnopb
She said, and to the neighb'ring forest flew. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUI6Dmw5dyz
Our courage fails us, and our fears renew. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1Ny1LHDuAZ
Hopeless to win by war, to pray'rs we fall, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjfH9uWzcOJ
And on th' offended Harpies humbly call, 993Please respect copyright.PENANACs03YRFQTA
And whether gods or birds obscene they were, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAymk71JCRGk
Our vows for pardon and for peace prefer. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAQhUmgCDKIV
But old Anchises, off'ring sacrifice, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAb4tbQ8XSPU
And lifting up to heav'n his hands and eyes, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAFu46VYDvfn
Ador'd the greater gods: 'Avert,' said he, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAugXDjqtRGd
'These omens; render vain this prophecy, 993Please respect copyright.PENANALG5ouZmnNU
And from th' impending curse a pious people free!' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKFw2CtfiWh
"Thus having said, he bids us put to sea; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAzJBztT286s
We loose from shore our haulsers, and obey, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZA5WAcXXeO
And soon with swelling sails pursue the wat'ry way. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZtGyUnuwHU
Amidst our course, Zacynthian woods appear; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUVvQOOzRow
And next by rocky Neritos we steer: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAshVEKQ9KbR
We fly from Ithaca's detested shore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANApsJuXMGWe5
And curse the land which dire Ulysses bore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAD1q6xOx7bN
At length Leucate's cloudy top appears, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAlCyv9crMZP
And the Sun's temple, which the sailor fears. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAinnbSd4eVA
Resolv'd to breathe a while from labor past, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA61n95ONwrY
Our crooked anchors from the prow we cast, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA30oDJ5dSR6
And joyful to the little city haste. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAc1XkNS2fFC
Here, safe beyond our hopes, our vows we pay 993Please respect copyright.PENANAAHpmc9FbAU
To Jove, the guide and patron of our way. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKiypAgVYZ1
The customs of our country we pursue, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiMYJk1CiU1
And Trojan games on Actian shores renew. 993Please respect copyright.PENANADeghVXfXXB
Our youth their naked limbs besmear with oil, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOdIOM6S3W8
And exercise the wrastlers' noble toil; 993Please respect copyright.PENANApKEEuAJ2cH
Pleas'd to have sail'd so long before the wind, 993Please respect copyright.PENANABaitjt1YYE
And left so many Grecian towns behind. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAIKeQaWoac0
The sun had now fulfill'd his annual course, 993Please respect copyright.PENANALqy99uddJg
And Boreas on the seas display'd his force: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAzJ2STIqDcw
I fix'd upon the temple's lofty door 993Please respect copyright.PENANAU2xlM5yzS3
The brazen shield which vanquish'd Abas bore; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9A43WkaIep
The verse beneath my name and action speaks: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAlD6OmeV9fU
'These arms Aeneas took from conqu'ring Greeks.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAwEfl7wownH
Then I command to weigh; the seamen ply 993Please respect copyright.PENANASUEzsOwHZZ
Their sweeping oars; the smoking billows fly. 993Please respect copyright.PENANACafhsj0ryq
The sight of high Phaeacia soon we lost, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3VokxfpXl6
And skimm'd along Epirus' rocky coast. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKMGxQBMJYN
"Then to Chaonia's port our course we bend, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkZ9hIFhJA6
And, landed, to Buthrotus' heights ascend. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdFIrSLWndA
Here wondrous things were loudly blaz'd fame: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHxOrcAixlt
How Helenus reviv'd the Trojan name, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAM17PUABU4F
And reign'd in Greece; that Priam's captive son 993Please respect copyright.PENANADRI0UQJ2dQ
Succeeded Pyrrhus in his bed and throne; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAnJFtJv43bn
And fair Andromache, restor'd by fate, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3GbGf4v8W0
Once more was happy in a Trojan mate. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiVftBoG0ql
I leave my galleys riding in the port, 993Please respect copyright.PENANANZdooy7508
And long to see the new Dardanian court. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqD5bfvAGRL
By chance, the mournful queen, before the gate, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA5Kua5hd72L
Then solemniz'd her former husband's fate. 993Please respect copyright.PENANArynp4YvzpC
Green altars, rais'd of turf, with gifts she crown'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAQeRpEpMhR4
And sacred priests in order stand around, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJjQxkeEjZB
And thrice the name of hapless Hector sound. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8GKjnHe5No
The grove itself resembles Ida's wood; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAsRK6vyHiOC
And Simois seem'd the well-dissembled flood. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAa6C0CMvOh2
But when at nearer distance she beheld 993Please respect copyright.PENANATdMHKaSi1q
My shining armor and my Trojan shield, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXhxJIW9JUA
Astonish'd at the sight, the vital heat 993Please respect copyright.PENANAY6geT8fbKi
Forsakes her limbs; her veins no longer beat: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAks0vxYQezA
She faints, she falls, and scarce recov'ring strength, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAIpjcMqSgw5
Thus, with a falt'ring tongue, she speaks at length: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUKlUGEjPnD
"'Are you alive, O goddess-born ?' she said, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAE5ttS4nMkA
'Or if a ghost, then where is Hector's shade?' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMrsSB8fFaE
At this, she cast a loud and frightful cry. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAy06uwyV3Sh
With broken words I made this brief reply: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAwGwTXMlS1Y
'All of me that remains appears in sight; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0EQuW0gfwG
I live, if living be to loathe the light. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkSpCCtXGUx
No phantom; but I drag a wretched life, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGzdVpYSwiT
My fate resembling that of Hector's wife. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAAU7yztIsKC
What have you suffer'd since you lost your lord? 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9AeSOhpwiD
By what strange blessing are you now restor'd? 993Please respect copyright.PENANARZAV6wSEob
Still are you Hector's? or is Hector fled, 993Please respect copyright.PENANADVjFrAd6qm
And his remembrance lost in Pyrrhus' bed?' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMDnWKuXwY9
With eyes dejected, in a lowly tone, 993Please respect copyright.PENANALXN7teh0cT
After a modest pause she thus begun: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAmRiWDEwakg
"'O only happy maid of Priam's race, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAF6gpfUWurH
Whom death deliver'd from the foes' embrace! 993Please respect copyright.PENANAW7qdQEOSKX
Commanded on Achilles' tomb to die, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjKTQXFkkLI
Not forc'd, like us, to hard captivity, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjrCFtOHY6r
Or in a haughty master's arms to lie. 993Please respect copyright.PENANALrvMfD8ubv
In Grecian ships unhappy we were borne, 993Please respect copyright.PENANArArYt7CdCs
Endur'd the victor's lust, sustain'd the scorn: 993Please respect copyright.PENANASYbnabri7E
Thus I submitted to the lawless pride 993Please respect copyright.PENANAAGcLA14OUS
Of Pyrrhus, more a handmaid than a bride. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6eyZ76p10t
Cloy'd with possession, he forsook my bed, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA47BFLgF21r
And Helen's lovely daughter sought to wed; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAK3CvBXzpSu
Then me to Trojan Helenus resign'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAwqhHz3XQ9J
And his two slaves in equal marriage join'd; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyaw0gf9XUM
Till young Orestes, pierc'd with deep despair, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAAZ5Q26xx6c
And longing to redeem the promis'd fair, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYYFqVtZcHR
Before Apollo's altar slew the ravisher. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2Ox6uE9bq9
By Pyrrhus' death the kingdom we regain'd: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXXl7YmNlh9
At least one half with Helenus remain'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6vZrB5XfVX
Our part, from Chaon, he Chaonia calls, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWDNwXPwUL8
And names from Pergamus his rising walls. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYY3qtQ6q1g
But you, what fates have landed on our coast? 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3hz6jb44jA
What gods have sent you, or what storms have toss'd? 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJD1mRG4S86
Does young Ascanius life and health enjoy, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3XzVwTgbMD
Sav'd from the ruins of unhappy Troy? 993Please respect copyright.PENANAzjYSNCThvO
O tell me how his mother's loss he bears, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAams0U77iJH
What hopes are promis'd from his blooming years, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxvxQyNPuv7
How much of Hector in his face appears?' 993Please respect copyright.PENANASzAkia5Z9x
She spoke; and mix'd her speech with mournful cries, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8jOLRZRyAN
And fruitless tears came trickling from her eyes. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA7QCfc2FLPL
"At length her lord descends upon the plain, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGaEYBZRZdh
In pomp, attended with a num'rous train; 993Please respect copyright.PENANATYg9H8wv5Q
Receives his friends, and to the city leads, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhf5gyIox6P
And tears of joy amidst his welcome sheds. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3K0FoRWsFc
Proceeding on, another Troy I see, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAePNgwkiC1r
Or, in less compass, Troy's epitome. 993Please respect copyright.PENANATK0P1Q1r77
A riv'let by the name of Xanthus ran, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAc5u5iWDrjd
And I embrace the Scaean gate again. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWdXRlS269k
My friends in porticoes were entertain'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUecbuPsasg
And feasts and pleasures thro' the city reign'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXvIoO1t0pF
The tables fill'd the spacious hall around, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAh6c76LFJUk
And golden bowls with sparkling wine were crown'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVqsU6FjUJN
Two days we pass'd in mirth, till friendly gales, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAAH5VtJPVEF
Blown from the supplied our swelling sails. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAg8drXPUZH7
Then to the royal seer I thus began: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYrXwPQk8iy
'O thou, who know'st, beyond the reach of man, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAL1YDDYpip9
The laws of heav'n, and what the stars decree; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGuEXufMvvh
Whom Phoebus taught unerring prophecy, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAm0rSonJsVU
From his own tripod, and his holy tree; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAImNW3w3ecI
Skill'd in the wing'd inhabitants of air, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZluIzu5Iti
What auspices their notes and flights declare: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAAzDsDpggEh
O say- for all religious rites portend 993Please respect copyright.PENANAmCj45eq92O
A happy voyage, and a prosp'rous end; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUc7kFQjCC4
And ev'ry power and omen of the sky 993Please respect copyright.PENANAu83kuysEu5
Direct my course for destin'd Italy; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqIPgbg72lc
But only dire Celaeno, from the gods, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHyUEszmVix
A dismal famine fatally forebodes- 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyCcPHAUF7N
O say what dangers I am first to shun, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaz5CVGvszU
What toils vanquish, and what course to run.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWIhZHRYNcU
"The prophet first with sacrifice adores 993Please respect copyright.PENANA98X66xfKgP
The greater gods; their pardon then implores; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYL9vm7fzGu
Unbinds the fillet from his holy head; 993Please respect copyright.PENANArGRfpNfx0D
To Phoebus, next, my trembling steps he led, 993Please respect copyright.PENANATZwRnrZGdE
Full of religious doubts and awful dread. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAewnUFGoFWe
Then, with his god possess'd, before the shrine, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYII6qplE75
These words proceeded from his mouth divine: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAr5LjcudjIr
'O goddess-born, (for Heav'n's appointed will, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3K7cBLoKSG
With greater auspices of good than ill, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAG1qyfZSERg
Foreshows thy voyage, and thy course directs; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOcShrAeCBN
Thy fates conspire, and Jove himself protects,) 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtBbQZBqcaF
Of many things some few I shall explain, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7cEz7auKK
Teach thee to shun the dangers of the main, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA245LI0UQEG
And how at length the promis'd shore to gain. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXaUyO0Q9Da
The rest the fates from Helenus conceal, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAmKzhYdXG6f
And Juno's angry pow'r forbids to tell. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJnUgRQB3gh
First, then, that happy shore, that seems so nigh, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXzjx1II9e6
Will far from your deluded wishes fly; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJOVDVUVBmD
Long tracts of seas divide your hopes from Italy: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUKdY4h9HY6
For you must cruise along Sicilian shores, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhKaynKjMWJ
And stem the currents with your struggling oars; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAnmVJd0Wawz
Then round th' Italian coast your navy steer; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2JQzWjLA1d
And, after this, to Circe's island veer; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAE69Pgoi0qn
And, last, before your new foundations rise, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAptFRshLGLS
Must pass the Stygian lake, and view the nether skies. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA7ljPmsSBws
Now mark the signs of future ease and rest, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA59j8YZTUld
And bear them safely treasur'd in thy breast. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAm4olx7mF1e
When, in the shady shelter of a wood, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9igjT6XmnK
And near the margin of a gentle flood, 993Please respect copyright.PENANACDt4S5mEYD
Thou shalt behold a sow upon the ground, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVbx5vcgAgB
With thirty sucking young encompass'd round; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqpbrHPr2fw
The dam and offspring white as falling snow- 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtLz7i6PoqW
These on thy city shall their name bestow, 993Please respect copyright.PENANALvBn75vdrU
And there shall end thy labors and thy woe. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYFVhd6744M
Nor let the threaten'd famine fright thy mind, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtOdYtllCHV
For Phoebus will assist, and Fate the way will find. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAf9kzdgnSxj
Let not thy course to that ill coast be bent, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAClVmAj0UVW
Which fronts from far th' Epirian continent: 993Please respect copyright.PENANApWXPXNRDFa
Those parts are all by Grecian foes possess'd; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAuODnt7oK7h
The salvage Locrians here the shores infest; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaHpMsl0M3K
There fierce Idomeneus his city builds, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAeVKV28wczc
And guards with arms the Salentinian fields; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiXMOAPK3Ib
And on the mountain's brow Petilia stands, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAEy5wYY8TSt
Which Philoctetes with his troops commands. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAmhwsTlGviE
Ev'n when thy fleet is landed on the shore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyp2yo2g79E
And priests with holy vows the gods adore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAW1pJez2E0Q
Then with a purple veil involve your eyes, 993Please respect copyright.PENANArTCEjTBu2s
Lest hostile faces blast the sacrifice. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAq8i61u6axv
These rites and customs to the rest commend, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAzDn1Uxzrdv
That to your pious race they may descend. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAONnJ9tJFor
993Please respect copyright.PENANAqLyYbFjgkD
"'When, parted hence, the wind, that ready waits 993Please respect copyright.PENANAzrF1gQR9K3
For Sicily, shall bear you to the straits 993Please respect copyright.PENANACUp3mfawTL
Where proud Pelorus opes a wider way, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAeYHgCRc119
Tack to the larboard, and stand off to sea: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAlDmJFyWm8m
Veer starboard sea and land. Th' Italian shore 993Please respect copyright.PENANAST9ymsexgq
And fair Sicilia's coast were one, before 993Please respect copyright.PENANAmRjkrj7DJQ
An earthquake caus'd the flaw: the roaring tides 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjlMf7S3ARk
The passage broke that land from land divides; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaB94PmreRn
And where the lands retir'd, the rushing ocean rides. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZhagSFvjfN
Distinguish'd by the straits, on either hand, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZs4AXpT6Vf
Now rising cities in long order stand, 993Please respect copyright.PENANACa7roiD7R0
And fruitful fields: so much can time invade 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaWl3Q1ca1e
The mold'ring work that beauteous Nature made. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8b3wfIPr3Y
Far on the right, her dogs foul Scylla hides: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3ZoJNJnRan
Charybdis roaring on the left presides, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJWI2D2hDFY
And in her greedy whirlpool sucks the tides; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAwKThsd6VfU
Then spouts them from below: with fury driv'n, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAoBpoUlliKJ
The waves mount up and wash the face of heav'n. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAElrm9fOs2J
But Scylla from her den, with open jaws, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbLZtTpKk8v
The sinking vessel in her eddy draws, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfBBO0nRWZZ
Then dashes on the rocks. A human face, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0DFrseJCwZ
And virgin bosom, hides her tail's disgrace: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxqlZI1Yg2U
Her parts obscene below the waves descend, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOv8aYlRltm
With dogs inclos'd, and in a dolphin end. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1p0ARQCmCA
'T is safer, then, to bear aloof to sea, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiUPvVEZkjF
And coast Pachynus, tho' with more delay, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtBpfLAkLIa
Than once to view misshapen Scylla near, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkpXWbRoOWg
And the loud yell of wat'ry wolves to hear. 993Please respect copyright.PENANACGNIWBn9rn
"'Besides, if faith to Helenus be due, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYF6k3vOgL9
And if prophetic Phoebus tell me true, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtnfU5WTWpE
Do not this precept of your friend forget, 993Please respect copyright.PENANANRbeuZ4HFK
Which therefore more than once I must repeat: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdyi8UlP664
Above the rest, great Juno's name adore; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3sN58q8sdG
Pay vows to Juno; Juno's aid implore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANALYDz32ea8Y
Let gifts be to the mighty queen design'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUJW260fYJH
And mollify with pray'rs her haughty mind. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAoIAJFal8Eu
Thus, at the length, your passage shall be free, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXrYojWtFvv
And you shall safe descend on Italy. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA5UyuqKdYEA
Arriv'd at Cumae, when you view the flood 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJxqmeL6RNO
Of black Avernus, and the sounding wood, 993Please respect copyright.PENANASJhXdztmv3
The mad prophetic Sibyl you shall find, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxJqyyqj5bR
Dark in a cave, and on a rock reclin'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqSGp50B4LI
She sings the fates, and, in her frantic fits, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAszAxbK8V64
The notes and names, inscrib'd, to leafs commits. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAx7lPAcLb7n
What she commits to leafs, in order laid, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAlyXr8hswS3
Before the cavern's entrance are display'd: 993Please respect copyright.PENANASn6Ww73HZM
Unmov'd they lie; but, if a blast of wind 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJ2wvnseG4j
Without, or vapors issue from behind, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAFMHDTs2OYa
The leafs are borne aloft in liquid air, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA4kOgDR80HL
And she resumes no more her museful care, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAPcaXOkP7kD
Nor gathers from the rocks her scatter'd verse, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8TCQ7fIFzz
Nor sets in order what the winds disperse. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaxguQxSN7F
Thus, many not succeeding, most upbraid 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0mVrm6adpx
The madness of the visionary maid, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA4yTSobgttR
And with loud curses leave the mystic shade. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfhQrvLNRuo
"'Think it not loss of time a while to stay, 993Please respect copyright.PENANANLzqXV13DS
Tho' thy companions chide thy long delay; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxXH8yeEZa6
Tho' summon'd to the seas, tho' pleasing gales 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOTZYzyBBbY
Invite thy course, and stretch thy swelling sails: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXvfkEeUUXJ
But beg the sacred priestess to relate 993Please respect copyright.PENANA62yUJxSUE3
With willing words, and not to write thy fate. 993Please respect copyright.PENANApAONJzqDF2
The fierce Italian people she will show, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAwWPVfjs8si
And all thy wars, and all thy future woe, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAguhsVQsl26
And what thou may'st avoid, and what must undergo. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAze66C6JxX7
She shall direct thy course, instruct thy mind, 993Please respect copyright.PENANALsllNpI4V6
And teach thee how the happy shores to find. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA81DUhADCye
This is what Heav'n allows me to relate: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAayEAmy6W3y
Now part in peace; pursue thy better fate, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXmFikHTfAs
And raise, by strength of arms, the Trojan state.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANABGAE9K2AOW
"This when the priest with friendly voice declar'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJYu5lJL0Pd
He gave me license, and rich gifts prepar'd: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAr01n6bvv8r
Bounteous of treasure, he supplied my want 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGKUwV3ZxyN
With heavy gold, and polish'd elephant; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfYCAvXJmkG
Then Dodonaean caldrons put on board, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3haixOmrxs
And ev'ry ship with sums of silver stor'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMp82JaWA7T
A trusty coat of mail to me he sent, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfESQ7K9si7
Thrice chain'd with gold, for use and ornament; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAstCtd702aq
The helm of Pyrrhus added to the rest, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbnt27f08my
That flourish'd with a plume and waving crest. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvA1TENZ7M3
Nor was my sire forgotten, nor my friends; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMApMoBKVRL
And large recruits he to my navy sends: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAk2lWGF0ZdW
Men, horses, captains, arms, and warlike stores; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAR1iYJ0lyuR
Supplies new pilots, and new sweeping oars. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdGjBOewE4y
Meantime, my sire commands to hoist our sails, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZBdxTFpgKx
Lest we should lose the first auspicious gales. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2PlKwsuxBa
"The prophet bless'd the parting crew, and last, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAi34HiwKYZw
With words like these, his ancient friend embrac'd: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8b5jeN4AUy
'Old happy man, the care of gods above, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9fV4ow7e36
Whom heav'nly Venus honor'd with her love, 993Please respect copyright.PENANANeGkNT7qH3
And twice preserv'd thy life, when Troy was lost, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZIMxuZUkEe
Behold from far the wish'd Ausonian coast: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhzu9VPaGlL
There land; but take a larger compass round, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAnfsn9bDXZu
For that before is all forbidden ground. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8kT5ZCj1Ul
The shore that Phoebus has design'd for you, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjh4fvdwPR1
At farther distance lies, conceal'd from view. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWHVG61NCih
Go happy hence, and seek your new abodes, 993Please respect copyright.PENANACT3hVLl7gU
Blest in a son, and favor'd by the gods: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAoDrWC3rzEC
For I with useless words prolong your stay, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAi3rTQpl7O5
When southern gales have summon'd you away.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkzlJkS6wz3
"Nor less the queen our parting thence deplor'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAW3kbnv2Ei9
Nor was less bounteous than her Trojan lord. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhZm9Repnkl
A noble present to my son she brought, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6w6xQ5odtb
A robe with flow'rs on golden tissue wrought, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1Lsn7cYt1w
A phrygian vest; and loads with gifts beside 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXezgJDzAgM
Of precious texture, and of Asian pride. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA99dYi9vIOy
'Accept,' she said, 'these monuments of love, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbxHTYeUD3x
Which in my youth with happier hands I wove: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXxdPBVJJdm
Regard these trifles for the giver's sake; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaZuhUJ0Qq9
'T is the last present Hector's wife can make. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjs8COh8OX7
Thou call'st my lost Astyanax to mind; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAH3lebAsvrp
In thee his features and his form I find: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAzDpGS1nJAI
His eyes so sparkled with a lively flame; 993Please respect copyright.PENANALFq2oa4l52
Such were his motions; such was all his frame; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA58StE3M493
And ah! had Heav'n so pleas'd, his years had been the same.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkIQSMHeDFn
"With tears I took my last adieu, and said: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAn32kLYAbMK
'Your fortune, happy pair, already made, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAd3xatHQKm1
Leaves you no farther wish. My diff'rent state, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1DopvQ3PiQ
Avoiding one, incurs another fate. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0lX2pH5jDt
To you a quiet seat the gods allow: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxh637LSsF3
You have no shores to search, no seas to plow, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAreIJzrdCJZ
Nor fields of flying Italy to chase: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMIUJnTU6SN
(Deluding visions, and a vain embrace!) 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9KIsxxure7
You see another Simois, and enjoy 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvWo0zIrTL6
The labor of your hands, another Troy, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA7cmr99Rzab
With better auspice than her ancient tow'rs, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1n1mL88356
And less obnoxious to the Grecian pow'rs. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKsu7nQRNWL
If e'er the gods, whom I with vows adore, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8DmH0ZRO2b
Conduct my steps to Tiber's happy shore; 993Please respect copyright.PENANACqZuFJrldY
If ever I ascend the Latian throne, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyvTJIvkPer
And build a city I may call my own; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxrcoS5igeK
As both of us our birth from Troy derive, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAq2fHyFCJ4o
So let our kindred lines in concord live, 993Please respect copyright.PENANArWTk1cpH6f
And both in acts of equal friendship strive. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAN4g7hno8wS
Our fortunes, good or bad, shall be the same: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3hyU5F2vPD
The double Troy shall differ but in name; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJesFT2XD9M
That what we now begin may never end, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiFPh2uLW9k
But long to late posterity descend.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAoom4E61PWz
"Near the Ceraunian rocks our course we bore; 993Please respect copyright.PENANASSLecI7arY
The shortest passage to th' Italian shore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUBkYH8Ya2I
Now had the sun withdrawn his radiant light, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAr4AcA8Cmuy
And hills were hid in dusky shades of night: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9AKc8403U5
We land, and, on the bosom Of the ground, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAB3LGBKE3wQ
A safe retreat and a bare lodging found. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAPvOJI9pKjJ
Close by the shore we lay; the sailors keep 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJhYctzz4ZR
Their watches, and the rest securely sleep. 993Please respect copyright.PENANABesABtZUNB
The night, proceeding on with silent pace, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhySsmTFuMq
Stood in her noon, and view'd with equal face 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvvRvvBbgNJ
Her steepy rise and her declining race. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxmys5On2BX
Then wakeful Palinurus rose, to spy 993Please respect copyright.PENANASDKHDCKrvp
The face of heav'n, and the nocturnal sky; 993Please respect copyright.PENANADjyM17vOnI
And listen'd ev'ry breath of air to try; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA7XPgGlDXkQ
Observes the stars, and notes their sliding course, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZhiBuqJIZf
The Pleiads, Hyads, and their wat'ry force; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2HHre0B8hU
And both the Bears is careful to behold, 993Please respect copyright.PENANANcXI7HcC1h
And bright Orion, arm'd with burnish'd gold. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOXGCUKOjey
Then, when he saw no threat'ning tempest nigh, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1xmJFtFmu
But a sure promise of a settled sky, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbE9Zwb1a1i
He gave the sign to weigh; we break our sleep, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKh1InPIlWm
Forsake the pleasing shore, and plow the deep. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXYIYNt0GUf
"And now the rising morn with rosy light 993Please respect copyright.PENANAQrA3nBC2NL
Adorns the skies, and puts the stars to flight; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAp0FnpoKDBS
When we from far, like bluish mists, descry 993Please respect copyright.PENANAwFW8WQ6azX
The hills, and then the plains, of Italy. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtD4ARJLB9W
Achates first pronounc'd the joyful sound; 993Please respect copyright.PENANANE7Cph5LoT
Then, 'Italy!' the cheerful crew rebound. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbXpBKdlOCt
My sire Anchises crown'd a cup with wine, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAm3ANRZfzat
And, off'ring, thus implor'd the pow'rs divine: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAu43MfbV2iF
'Ye gods, presiding over lands and seas, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6UCNIKoCWU
And you who raging winds and waves appease, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2IfKgVVNi4
Breathe on our swelling sails a prosp'rous wind, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAIOIOQ1WIH4
And smooth our passage to the port assign'd!' 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6AsFRHjJxG
The gentle gales their flagging force renew, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhoZi4siDmU
And now the happy harbor is in view. 993Please respect copyright.PENANANyrtUnxQ1B
Minerva's temple then salutes our sight, 993Please respect copyright.PENANATuPqLXkpYg
Plac'd, as a landmark, on the mountain's height. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUGfltyzYbj
We furl our sails, and turn the prows to shore; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAwnFnMRRDte
The curling waters round the galleys roar. 993Please respect copyright.PENANANi5pkulVcy
The land lies open to the raging east, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUdZNLxPaN3
Then, bending like a bow, with rocks compress'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0lq0kwTyVC
Shuts out the storms; the winds and waves complain, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcXk0tgckgk
And vent their malice on the cliffs in vain. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAoRxAepHwLM
The port lies hid within; on either side 993Please respect copyright.PENANAsF8tmXMpJC
Two tow'ring rocks the narrow mouth divide. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAazesFjAqT1
The temple, which aloft we view'd before, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcwRdjTFWg9
To distance flies, and seems to shun the shore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAb8hJFCwZvn
Scarce landed, the first omens I beheld 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaA23dFhmzn
Were four white steeds that cropp'd the flow'ry field. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3uPkx5yIeI
'War, war is threaten'd from this foreign ground,' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyDhkA7FUfP
My father cried, 'where warlike steeds are found. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8WCvBYP8ay
Yet, since reclaim'd to chariots they submit, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkcRGWBIJAf
And bend to stubborn yokes, and champ the bit, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6UK8Dyig1P
Peace may succeed to war.' Our way we bend 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiARZz1xqbY
To Pallas, and the sacred hill ascend; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtEu1nmmV5m
There prostrate to the fierce virago pray, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0EHw9sXvvn
Whose temple was the landmark of our way. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcXEaALFFUF
Each with a Phrygian mantle veil'd his head, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaeHtFRwlOi
And all commands of Helenus obey'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYUOAwJW1Cf
And pious rites to Grecian Juno paid. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0eBCFjXdgq
These dues perform'd, we stretch our sails, and stand 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhm1SsG9zMW
To sea, forsaking that suspected land. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAs24tnWBBvk
"From hence Tarentum's bay appears in view, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAb0z9E4oaHt
For Hercules renown'd, if fame be true. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMd0fiIGQCh
Just opposite, Lacinian Juno stands; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXVb1ge7WdI
Caulonian tow'rs, and Scylacaean strands, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3JteiKJQ0N
For shipwrecks fear'd. Mount Aetna thence we spy, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtPyD6gKrVL
Known by the smoky flames which cloud the sky. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJu9ZP233pB
Far off we hear the waves with surly sound 993Please respect copyright.PENANAXbmJ6qfZUF
Invade the rocks, the rocks their groans rebound. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAq0WJRDKHGe
The billows break upon the sounding strand, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAaKQ1sl02Sk
And roll the rising tide, impure with sand. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyfjIYdbxbC
Then thus Anchises, in experience old: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqKxxzHHuuY
''T is that Charybdis which the seer foretold, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAx96wl1sMo9
And those the promis'd rocks! Bear off to sea!' 993Please respect copyright.PENANACYjBlH3ABt
With haste the frighted mariners obey. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAx3LUe3F78A
First Palinurus to the larboard veer'd; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYeY89mqECd
Then all the fleet by his example steer'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhlpMB1gugy
To heav'n aloft on ridgy waves we ride, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0MJipMEPRF
Then down to hell descend, when they divide; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAI321zTgxx6
And thrice our galleys knock'd the stony ground, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAwcpVdjxK6S
And thrice the hollow rocks return'd the sound, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAX7aA6mgyYv
And thrice we saw the stars, that stood with dews around. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0TFrKvbx9J
The flagging winds forsook us, with the sun; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3Nc8BIJaI7
And, wearied, on Cyclopian shores we run. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAq3UduOkzBB
The port capacious, and secure from wind, 993Please respect copyright.PENANATvDqassteg
Is to the foot of thund'ring Aetna join'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8ajJYcCZDE
By turns a pitchy cloud she rolls on high; 993Please respect copyright.PENANATi0uknWNLR
By turns hot embers from her entrails fly, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkw15HIdyH7
And flakes of mounting flames, that lick the sky. 993Please respect copyright.PENANABwsWUUg3yj
Oft from her bowels massy rocks are thrown, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZGa884i3R2
And, shiver'd by the force, come piecemeal down. 993Please respect copyright.PENANABuNVDDW8g3
Oft liquid lakes of burning sulphur flow, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAPRUAxXrQCx
Fed from the fiery springs that boil below. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcpBZvaCiMV
Enceladus, they say, transfix'd by Jove, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAFA4i3gqfsK
With blasted limbs came tumbling from above; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAB2UfAP2k5T
And, where he fell, th' avenging father drew 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMLU6EYULXw
This flaming hill, and on his body threw. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyAhG5ZQaC4
As often as he turns his weary sides, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVxRu0y68S1
He shakes the solid isle, and smoke the heavens hides. 993Please respect copyright.PENANATCfUyhpl4w
In shady woods we pass the tedious night, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAd9mSJlhxMR
Where bellowing sounds and groans our souls affright, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2TF2JTJVPM
Of which no cause is offer'd to the sight; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOAiwzA7BKE
For not one star was kindled in the sky, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAu65FEKh3sB
Nor could the moon her borrow'd light supply; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAiaCYj2Sv0s
For misty clouds involv'd the firmament, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAzitIjIx336
The stars were muffled, and the moon was pent. 993Please respect copyright.PENANALSmAnCmVG2
"Scarce had the rising sun the day reveal'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAootXazNHGs
Scarce had his heat the pearly dews dispell'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAyfy7OflaFf
When from the woods there bolts, before our sight, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbqOAIWSemG
Somewhat betwixt a mortal and a sprite, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHzSHyC3b0g
So thin, so ghastly meager, and so wan, 993Please respect copyright.PENANACNpJzC3wY9
So bare of flesh, he scarce resembled man. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjkzr0kZExk
This thing, all tatter'd, seem'd from far t' implore 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKT6PV3VqA1
Our pious aid, and pointed to the shore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZZMW6iIQmP
We look behind, then view his shaggy beard; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjPb6fagzil
His clothes were tagg'd with thorns, and filth his limbs besmear'd; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAFMJ29Tc4Om
The rest, in mien, in habit, and in face, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1wVidX38LB
Appear'd a Greek, and such indeed he was. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAm3W8BB5Qdm
He cast on us, from far, a frightful view, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAgoEQ8cgTro
Whom soon for Trojans and for foes he knew; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAIf6a9yfLXC
Stood still, and paus'd; then all at once began 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkM7VQeRp7Y
To stretch his limbs, and trembled as he ran. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMgaYKUlcow
Soon as approach'd, upon his knees he falls, 993Please respect copyright.PENANACtqMARSoxW
And thus with tears and sighs for pity calls: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtTNqgFvZDN
'Now, by the pow'rs above, and what we share 993Please respect copyright.PENANADV6MB8U6aC
From Nature's common gift, this vital air, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAE0lcWRKEqV
O Trojans, take me hence! I beg no more; 993Please respect copyright.PENANALvC8jDyaNR
But bear me far from this unhappy shore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAvhk2nrwjyC
'T is true, I am a Greek, and farther own, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAL8hDWVWsRb
Among your foes besieg'd th' imperial town. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAnc0e7vTsLR
For such demerits if my death be due, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAm9G9yPVZOT
No more for this abandon'd life I sue; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2BaCIuosUi
This only favor let my tears obtain, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA6WAzfg9upr
To throw me headlong in the rapid main: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAoTD7luCgXH
Since nothing more than death my crime demands, 993Please respect copyright.PENANALeUGGaWl4a
I die content, to die by human hands.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAsLyhv13U8q
He said, and on his knees my knees embrac'd: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAM7pQdxCq9K
I bade him boldly tell his fortune past, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9tB9AGS3yh
His present state, his lineage, and his name, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAapQhtHmXan
Th' occasion of his fears, and whence he came. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAFtK2RPiIi6
The good Anchises rais'd him with his hand; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJJXteQpeWR
Who, thus encourag'd, answer'd our demand: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAsRZHW4LHWS
'From Ithaca, my native soil, I came 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKEFvznGTyS
To Troy; and Achaemenides my name. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9qhQBpavuH
Me my poor father with Ulysses sent; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYy1kIsn1vY
(O had I stay'd, with poverty content!) 993Please respect copyright.PENANAEYFzaCaow9
But, fearful for themselves, my countrymen 993Please respect copyright.PENANAgBhJMMxkhF
Left me forsaken in the Cyclops' den. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAeTAtJorU1M
The cave, tho' large, was dark; the dismal floor 993Please respect copyright.PENANA20lkr2nAyC
Was pav'd with mangled limbs and putrid gore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANABoEfrqzKAf
Our monstrous host, of more than human size, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAv4TZelTorQ
Erects his head, and stares within the skies; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1Jf0cEEW7W
Bellowing his voice, and horrid is his hue. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2yHUIwa1fT
Ye gods, remove this plague from mortal view! 993Please respect copyright.PENANAycbmP7Tb25
The joints of slaughter'd wretches are his food; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVvb4CVdZ9D
And for his wine he quaffs the streaming blood. 993Please respect copyright.PENANACPB2VnQ6Xj
These eyes beheld, when with his spacious hand 993Please respect copyright.PENANAS3THWrGheW
He seiz'd two captives of our Grecian band; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAL2DN5KVWcz
Stretch'd on his back, he dash'd against the stones 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2ATPyKDAm7
Their broken bodies, and their crackling bones: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAIp6Y6U7ChZ
With spouting blood the purple pavement swims, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAovp7KYw4RM
While the dire glutton grinds the trembling limbs. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAw0nNNTIHCv
"'Not unreveng'd Ulysses bore their fate, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWO6vwy4tys
Nor thoughtless of his own unhappy state; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbLW68SwSuq
For, gorg'd with flesh, and drunk with human wine 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjtqXWUjMOh
While fast asleep the giant lay supine, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbXRvbeyDY9
Snoring aloud, and belching from his maw 993Please respect copyright.PENANAekHgQiDnlV
His indigested foam, and morsels raw; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcyaDWYTadI
We pray; we cast the lots, and then surround 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkd8OaIRhkS
The monstrous body, stretch'd along the ground: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9fQf7FxcUF
Each, as he could approach him, lends a hand 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJBatCZBj7m
To bore his eyeball with a flaming brand. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWIaPgbvdUX
Beneath his frowning forehead lay his eye; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdCPUIwHIyw
For only one did the vast frame supply- 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhDZX05gidL
But that a globe so large, his front it fill'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAculkzrb7b0
Like the sun's disk or like a Grecian shield. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1rEB0Ui0AN
The stroke succeeds; and down the pupil bends: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkxFv4Ad5Fn
This vengeance follow'd for our slaughter'd friends. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9NQ6pJTF8W
But haste, unhappy wretches, haste to fly! 993Please respect copyright.PENANASBJbEk6ikU
Your cables cut, and on your oars rely! 993Please respect copyright.PENANAhbmjCyD38x
Such, and so vast as Polypheme appears, 993Please respect copyright.PENANArttthWml6O
A hundred more this hated island bears: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAdUr2BkwMBH
Like him, in caves they shut their woolly sheep; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAeici32aIle
Like him, their herds on tops of mountains keep; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAChpZhNja35
Like him, with mighty strides, they stalk from steep to steep 993Please respect copyright.PENANANJnsI4fP55
And now three moons their sharpen'd horns renew, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxuQuiOlMfb
Since thus, in woods and wilds, obscure from view, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAj0NJajahsd
I drag my loathsome days with mortal fright, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOCGufdkmEr
And in deserted caverns lodge by night; 993Please respect copyright.PENANApyJIJCQZv1
Oft from the rocks a dreadful prospect see 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUf6EG8Bcoa
Of the huge Cyclops, like a walking tree: 993Please respect copyright.PENANArYc5m9dFyj
From far I hear his thund'ring voice resound, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfNULWlIp4L
And trampling feet that shake the solid ground. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAOWaLNib56C
Cornels and salvage berries of the wood, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAuX3Pmaw6sh
And roots and herbs, have been my meager food. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAq7L8wu07c7
While all around my longing eyes I cast, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAlFqArwq3se
I saw your happy ships appear at last. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAoksH2bBpk0
On those I fix'd my hopes, to these I run; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjPC4IluzKK
'T is all I ask, this cruel race to shun; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA64ClDMGYNf
What other death you please, yourselves bestow.' 993Please respect copyright.PENANAj0xlJcqR0k
"Scarce had he said, when on the mountain's brow 993Please respect copyright.PENANAMGlGIp8wS2
We saw the giant shepherd stalk before 993Please respect copyright.PENANAAr91AoOnxw
His following flock, and leading to the shore: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWAfVJ5uB48
A monstrous bulk, deform'd, depriv'd of sight; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA0jzp76a4eK
His staff a trunk of pine, to guide his steps aright. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3qHJl3Gjti
His pond'rous whistle from his neck descends; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAsUbvgY1nXN
His woolly care their pensive lord attends: 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8RvdeqAcfP
This only solace his hard fortune sends. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJfyTye1e8d
Soon as he reach'd the shore and touch'd the waves, 993Please respect copyright.PENANARmx4sD9gVy
From his bor'd eye the gutt'ring blood he laves: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAId3wc2mQCq
He gnash'd his teeth, and groan'd; thro' seas he strides, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbc7Ftu2AFg
And scarce the topmost billows touch'd his sides. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA05T2dzq1aX
"Seiz'd with a sudden fear, we run to sea, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAx2TaI4LTdD
The cables cut, and silent haste away; 993Please respect copyright.PENANATpAV99Wm12
The well-deserving stranger entertain; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAleEij13uvg
Then, buckling to the work, our oars divide the main. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqWx1InZTn7
The giant harken'd to the dashing sound: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkKCBOq5vfB
But, when our vessels out of reach he found, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAQsjEFpm8Vy
He strided onward, and in vain essay'd 993Please respect copyright.PENANArfBu9un6Po
Th' Ionian deep, and durst no farther wade. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAKbvjkitlLn
With that he roar'd aloud: the dreadful cry 993Please respect copyright.PENANAfTdWIj0tOI
Shakes earth, and air, and seas; the billows fly 993Please respect copyright.PENANAGwZCbGV52D
Before the bellowing noise to distant Italy. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8MYKB6RxQN
The neigh'ring Aetna trembling all around, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAVuOCmpw8Ec
The winding caverns echo to the sound. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAcJIeH4yhl4
His brother Cyclops hear the yelling roar, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAPPOp9qArjn
And, rushing down the mountains, crowd the shore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAloMTbWxSlC
We saw their stern distorted looks, from far, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAd2fvw5sq0M
And one-eyed glance, that vainly threaten'd war: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqg2DaEqsqa
A dreadful council, with their heads on high; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAYaQE67hlkv
(The misty clouds about their foreheads fly;) 993Please respect copyright.PENANAim0F7xaWWQ
Not yielding to the tow'ring tree of Jove, 993Please respect copyright.PENANADxkmX3dKcz
Or tallest cypress of Diana's grove. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAwJBozk29aX
New pangs of mortal fear our minds assail; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAa1QSV7dGvC
We tug at ev'ry oar, and hoist up ev'ry sail, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAkKpSvufdvK
And take th' advantage of the friendly gale. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAG3LmiEiXFd
Forewarn'd by Helenus, we strive to shun 993Please respect copyright.PENANAuxA2nCV4kT
Charybdis' gulf, nor dare to Scylla run. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAa2CtML7FYM
An equal fate on either side appears: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAADawxuFOAl
We, tacking to the left, are free from fears; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA9V2XZ5dBpV
For, from Pelorus' point, the North arose, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqBX7spCkBT
And drove us back where swift Pantagias flows. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAQPEEtKbs1x
His rocky mouth we pass, and make our way 993Please respect copyright.PENANA1qjugiWPD3
By Thapsus and Megara's winding bay. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAv0ITHmP7dd
This passage Achaemenides had shown, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxCzOq9vcwQ
Tracing the course which he before had run. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAbgcqMTxZnh
"Right o'er against Plemmyrium's wat'ry strand, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA2LyFEOrg7O
There lies an isle once call'd th' Ortygian land. 993Please respect copyright.PENANArzKMRW8CXH
Alpheus, as old fame reports, has found 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZqDUNZ8CUb
From Greece a secret passage under ground, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAh0tqMBYmKl
By love to beauteous Arethusa led; 993Please respect copyright.PENANARBlM3zpnia
And, mingling here, they roll in the same sacred bed. 993Please respect copyright.PENANACgMgau559U
As Helenus enjoin'd, we next adore 993Please respect copyright.PENANA030ze0hvxU
Diana's name, protectress of the shore. 993Please respect copyright.PENANALNptHdQfty
With prosp'rous gales we pass the quiet sounds 993Please respect copyright.PENANAjP5DjRnLWh
Of still Elorus, and his fruitful bounds. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtrkZtZG45T
Then, doubling Cape Pachynus, we survey 993Please respect copyright.PENANA7I75v2OFsY
The rocky shore extended to the sea. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHU0AIV6mQL
The town of Camarine from far we see, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5kfTZpcKp
And fenny lake, undrain'd by fate's decree. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA7pLxdvp0ZQ
In sight of the Geloan fields we pass, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAUGjSAsW6ly
And the large walls, where mighty Gela was; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3u9o174zCx
Then Agragas, with lofty summits crown'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA3JPtUfKAhH
Long for the race of warlike steeds renown'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANA7RLKQ6R8QN
We pass'd Selinus, and the palmy land, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAq3uvBAnp3M
And widely shun the Lilybaean strand, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAK11PUDPa72
Unsafe, for secret rocks and moving sand. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAsybhIeMATy
At length on shore the weary fleet arriv'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANARXpiiCwFWP
Which Drepanum's unhappy port receiv'd. 993Please respect copyright.PENANACGiwATWTgi
Here, after endless labors, often toss'd 993Please respect copyright.PENANAHLwamY2elC
By raging storms, and driv'n on ev'ry coast, 993Please respect copyright.PENANA8ZjGR4se9E
My dear, dear father, spent with age, I lost: 993Please respect copyright.PENANAxHRByn46C8
Ease of my cares, and solace of my pain, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAJvGxJ8oPM6
Sav'd thro' a thousand toils, but sav'd in vain 993Please respect copyright.PENANAabrOnvbiHB
The prophet, who my future woes reveal'd, 993Please respect copyright.PENANAZhtD78GqWb
Yet this, the greatest and the worst, conceal'd; 993Please respect copyright.PENANA91WeH79txS
And dire Celaeno, whose foreboding skill 993Please respect copyright.PENANAWrTc1yoZVn
Denounc'd all else, was silent of the ill. 993Please respect copyright.PENANANvrSsVmV3k
This my last labor was. Some friendly god 993Please respect copyright.PENANAnJLtEBtYWK
From thence convey'd us to your blest abode." 993Please respect copyright.PENANAqSeCWqVb5Y
Thus, to the list'ning queen, the royal guest 993Please respect copyright.PENANAajkODBZt34
His wand'ring course and all his toils express'd; 993Please respect copyright.PENANAtHlEZ4fkCt
And here concluding, he retir'd to rest. 993Please respect copyright.PENANAAj9SSiIfEB