Meantime the Trojan cuts his wat'ry way, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAg4Ysa7hDaR
Fix'd on his voyage, thro' the curling sea; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALE74xcDu9w
Then, casting back his eyes, with dire amaze, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAo6CGroUZZu
Sees on the Punic shore the mounting blaze. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0YqKRxEkdv
The cause unknown; yet his presaging mind 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAW7gc8Ry38d
The fate of Dido from the fire divin'd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAuDKjPwQUSy
He knew the stormy souls of womankind, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxswydR49ym
What secret springs their eager passions move, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAcYPmWi9Fr2
How capable of death for injur'd love. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXmwebDuXGz
Dire auguries from hence the Trojans draw; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmY4GKV6KHo
Till neither fires nor shining shores they saw. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8iWM7ToXuu
Now seas and skies their prospect only bound; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApNywieAo5B
An empty space above, a floating field around. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAE6pxONsZFA
But soon the heav'ns with shadows were o'erspread; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7e7rjqITez
A swelling cloud hung hov'ring o'er their head: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKnMwsNpMzJ
Livid it look'd, the threat'ning of a storm: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1PmWj0uRpO
Then night and horror ocean's face deform. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAj4akOpUoCP
The pilot, Palinurus, cried aloud: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiTKuLC5rnv
"What gusts of weather from that gath'ring cloud 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkcCTOpW4hV
My thoughts presage! Ere yet the tempest roars, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVogj2uJmTX
Stand to your tackle, mates, and stretch your oars; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATCBOZIqT2l
Contract your swelling sails, and luff to wind." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACRaE1Sa7Ra
The frighted crew perform the task assign'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbtoLq9ohn2
Then, to his fearless chief: "Not Heav'n," said he, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAACogt1DUd6
"Tho' Jove himself should promise Italy, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABNwUhVNvYR
Can stem the torrent of this raging sea. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPiOowjLevA
Mark how the shifting winds from west arise, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5QJ5vkmovS
And what collected night involves the skies! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAb306E8jFLm
Nor can our shaken vessels live at sea, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFjeKjTFqoB
Much less against the tempest force their way. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAr7gyiPzOvr
'T is fate diverts our course, and fate we must obey. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANqb1xmgsSK
Not far from hence, if I observ'd aright 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOCmh59eMOe
The southing of the stars, and polar light, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdWNcnoAMpO
Sicilia lies, whose hospitable shores 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYYalAkcmWJ
In safety we may reach with struggling oars." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAz2W1vVXBIG
Aeneas then replied: "Too sure I find 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5CNhY8xqQf
We strive in vain against the seas and wind: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKeznphNtdp
Now shift your sails; what place can please me more 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAj9JoEWjc3r
Than what you promise, the Sicilian shore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAY0SQSnVZt6
Whose hallow'd earth Anchises' bones contains, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArxxxVQdI7D
And where a prince of Trojan lineage reigns?" 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAyyBwMZ56pz
The course resolv'd, before the western wind 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAE10C1VxB5K
They scud amain, and make the port assign'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAsLc5rE6EG5
Meantime Acestes, from a lofty stand, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAb6hoMrzz0I
Beheld the fleet descending on the land; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA31KDf5jzpd
And, not unmindful of his ancient race, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiXOUommZVe
Down from the cliff he ran with eager pace, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABwRUyvbJ1k
And held the hero in a strict embrace. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmrpfULYJjR
Of a rough Libyan bear the spoils he wore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeuz9u6xi4Q
And either hand a pointed jav'lin bore. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALB06CaVZUK
His mother was a dame of Dardan blood; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZWGyROmj9
His sire Crinisus, a Sicilian flood. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAprqg76AiuB
He welcomes his returning friends ashore 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0RoaHbuS6b
With plenteous country cates and homely store. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjNhXGFjnVB
Now, when the following morn had chas'd away 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3sX9qTtbQv
The flying stars, and light restor'd the day, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAe279ivo6gs
Aeneas call'd the Trojan troops around, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOGQlGC3clZ
And thus bespoke them from a rising ground: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADZXMymjzTP
"Offspring of heav'n, divine Dardanian race! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGsCyF3Svjf
The sun, revolving thro' th' ethereal space, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANARC9sBgMSz9
The shining circle of the year has fill'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAi835zpO06m
Since first this isle my father's ashes held: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxyUdVww09h
And now the rising day renews the year; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA26zJOx3Zjs
A day for ever sad, for ever dear. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8bvWtAR0Ji
This would I celebrate with annual games, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1DRQoAEupa
With gifts on altars pil'd, and holy flames, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjFYrx8TLwJ
Tho' banish'd to Gaetulia's barren sands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAw6tNxrhsLe
Caught on the Grecian seas, or hostile lands: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8ATY5ucmLj
But since this happy storm our fleet has driv'n 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADQJSQW5IDX
(Not, as I deem, without the will of Heav'n) 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAk5kV0c9HbF
Upon these friendly shores and flow'ry plains, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEScIhL6VdH
Which hide Anchises and his blest remains, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPpdZ6R0Umn
Let us with joy perform his honors due, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAs3pOYiv0tY
And pray for prosp'rous winds, our voyage to renew; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAugb8R0iWKh
Pray, that in towns and temples of our own, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXJWoEnZLzG
The name of great Anchises may be known, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAx0evJej4pl
And yearly games may spread the gods' renown. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1bLTABhXAF
Our sports Acestes, of the Trojan race, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvu28BphlJq
With royal gifts ordain'd, is pleas'd to grace: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAM5xQ7so9OL
Two steers on ev'ry ship the king bestows; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYNvJoRE5BW
His gods and ours shall share your equal vows. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbpCpnOWcHJ
Besides, if, nine days hence, the rosy morn 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnIk6odz841
Shall with unclouded light the skies adorn, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAsJ0mZDrRV7
That day with solemn sports I mean to grace: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1BSgg4acCR
Light galleys on the seas shall run a wat'ry race; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGr0xADnh2E
Some shall in swiftness for the goal contend, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASexeobkLRI
And others try the twanging bow to bend; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAezAwmMzxxb
The strong, with iron gauntlets arm'd, shall stand 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzsCM66COWI
Oppos'd in combat on the yellow sand. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAj2T7fk0613
Let all be present at the games prepar'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAWav3dGm5jW
And joyful victors wait the just reward. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMoY56wXumQ
But now assist the rites, with garlands crown'd." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAtx78XTqMDG
He said, and first his brows with myrtle bound. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABwECApjPR6
Then Helymus, by his example led, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAb2anJHKamW
And old Acestes, each adorn'd his head; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALEHy40WSQp
Thus young Ascanius, with a sprightly grace, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8kxdWP0FyL
His temples tied, and all the Trojan race. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOQ6m5CMKkY
Aeneas then advanc'd amidst the train, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANjQYNzHkjw
By thousands follow'd thro' the flow'ry plain, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANcjsc3I81b
To great Anchises' tomb; which when he found, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAznnlyTjKD3
He pour'd to Bacchus, on the hallow'd ground, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAv7xaa8uSe9
Two bowls of sparkling wine, of milk two more, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGaW3drWsaE
And two (from offer'd bulls) of purple gore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzm1mcrDVs3
With roses then the sepulcher he strow'd 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAWJa7LBoE1r
And thus his father's ghost bespoke aloud: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAulwOHUL61P
"Hail, O ye holy manes! hail again, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxUCnAa7IAe
Paternal ashes, now review'd in vain! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA37wPz6ep2b
The gods permitted not, that you, with me, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvKVpLHrA22
Should reach the promis'd shores of Italy, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAc8w8OAs8hU
Or Tiber's flood, what flood soe'er it be." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAWBCrpOhIHJ
Scarce had he finish'd, when, with speckled pride, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6W7u5UYoIq
A serpent from the tomb began to glide; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlnGuWV0XRP
His hugy bulk on sev'n high volumes roll'd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8LPunGscyE
Blue was his breadth of back, but streak'd with scaly gold: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApsAzrsg4BG
Thus riding on his curls, he seem'd to pass 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAA54yMFu9yl
A rolling fire along, and singe the grass. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2aQEu4n8gZ
More various colors thro' his body run, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAStEtAaI1Xg
Than Iris when her bow imbibes the sun. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMU2iJJxvTD
Betwixt the rising altars, and around, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoBs2W0WhQq
The sacred monster shot along the ground; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnakSLsQTtg
With harmless play amidst the bowls he pass'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2CLkri1U6H
And with his lolling tongue assay'd the taste: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAL7KuMdGIXv
Thus fed with holy food, the wondrous guest 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAop4EaFFbB7
Within the hollow tomb retir'd to rest. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAyjh2BQEOjq
The pious prince, surpris'd at what he view'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIMb8kK6avZ
The fun'ral honors with more zeal renew'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQlzzWE3hO3
Doubtful if this place's genius were, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAY2dJxlRCQg
Or guardian of his father's sepulcher. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1bED4hCvje
Five sheep, according to the rites, he slew; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA29xKMgZVGl
As many swine, and steers of sable hue; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkdQzd3fBs7
New gen'rous wine he from the goblets pour'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1FBZQsF21S
And call'd his father's ghost, from hell restor'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAS8Cp31eisk
The glad attendants in long order come, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAsauzVKTvrt
Off'ring their gifts at great Anchises' tomb: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkYzUa41D4o
Some add more oxen: some divide the spoil; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqMN2Dv2QgG
Some place the chargers on the grassy soil; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApkAnGkTjk6
Some blow the fires, and off entrails broil. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIq2kS45OpS
Now came the day desir'd. The skies were bright 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIt8nHVgPS8
With rosy luster of the rising light: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0IxkDFKYP4
The bord'ring people, rous'd by sounding fame 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAliQb7YzAKC
Of Trojan feasts and great Acestes' name, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbPo3Ofqr8S
The crowded shore with acclamations fill, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPpA9zKLgI2
Part to behold, and part to prove their skill. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqgzU2pCyU2
And first the gifts in public view they place, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAgBkgGc5jAX
Green laurel wreaths, and palm, the victors' grace: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkAzfvwhcxr
Within the circle, arms and tripods lie, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAA2PqnBXuZr
Ingots of gold and silver, heap'd on high, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkjtODImcWg
And vests embroider'd, of the Tyrian dye. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALFpg4K55fL
The trumpet's clangor then the feast proclaims, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4zyAuqOzIl
And all prepare for their appointed games. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAU2wQaZG9hU
Four galleys first, which equal rowers bear, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArI2y7HFAwQ
Advancing, in the wat'ry lists appear. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADpBTVOv7pP
The speedy Dolphin, that outstrips the wind, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1qj9UmJtvZ
Bore Mnestheus, author of the Memmian kind: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhLi8iUW02M
Gyas the vast Chimaera's bulk commands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATDRixe0vwl
Which rising, like a tow'ring city stands; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMELPLeRQjO
Three Trojans tug at ev'ry lab'ring oar; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAquF5pAfknU
Three banks in three degrees the sailors bore; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3qOsYUtWZ3
Beneath their sturdy strokes the billows roar. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeZe2GhT2y0
Sergesthus, who began the Sergian race, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAy3qlmJ8tCk
In the great Centaur took the leading place; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAcuV99KIsEb
Cloanthus on the sea-green Scylla stood, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2CXtXxDezk
From whom Cluentius draws his Trojan blood. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkY9t0GGR9M
Far in the sea, against the foaming shore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMAh1Iyjltw
There stands a rock: the raging billows roar 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXp9II16fPP
Above his head in storms; but, when 't is clear, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAfoUMYAugiQ
Uncurl their ridgy backs, and at his foot appear. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4q4F3bNvJs
In peace below the gentle waters run; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6aACuJcLzb
The cormorants above lie basking in the sun. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPfVc7dWKr7
On this the hero fix'd an oak in sight, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdy0v6rGNBV
The mark to guide the mariners aright. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA46dK7hoEfO
To bear with this, the seamen stretch their oars; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA08npjyYJpo
Then round the rock they steer, and seek the former shores. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASYvcDraDTA
The lots decide their place. Above the rest, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAtTIu1BMPtr
Each leader shining in his Tyrian vest; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8oGcrY6Sbv
The common crew with wreaths of poplar boughs 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1aIRJqMBcx
Their temples crown, and shade their sweaty brows: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASJwlqJP78B
Besmear'd with oil, their naked shoulders shine. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvrK9Zhg7Z4
All take their seats, and wait the sounding sign: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAE2F65EMKBw
They gripe their oars; and ev'ry panting breast 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAksHmEECvAE
Is rais'd by turns with hope, by turns with fear depress'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAL3QmCfrEmf
The clangor of the trumpet gives the sign; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFN0JmGIphu
At once they start, advancing in a line: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnnJiub8ZyU
With shouts the sailors rend the starry skies; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmWPPTDeJra
Lash'd with their oars, the smoky billows rise; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvDHieizJZu
Sparkles the briny main, and the vex'd ocean fries. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9uzQVtZU8K
Exact in time, with equal strokes they row: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoVBgJszao7
At once the brushing oars and brazen prow 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmexqmjqLDI
Dash up the sandy waves, and ope the depths below. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAf4sQhzAPUP
Not fiery coursers, in a chariot race, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANB2nUdPWVN
Invade the field with half so swift a pace; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzkgAxGMLuP
Not the fierce driver with more fury lends 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdvGGCdhYyB
The sounding lash, and, ere the stroke descends, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaZNsx47Sa1
Low to the wheels his pliant body bends. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlyAIpzv3aX
The partial crowd their hopes and fears divide, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAql0QfwVxmu
And aid with eager shouts the favor'd side. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAtRkfcCVEuo
Cries, murmurs, clamors, with a mixing sound, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6i4Lq1N2Jz
From woods to woods, from hills to hills rebound. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAP11YreOvAY
Amidst the loud applauses of the shore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANARH5XaQjVwu
Gyas outstripp'd the rest, and sprung before: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7urQK2r1mu
Cloanthus, better mann'd, pursued him fast, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0zEOpdQy4B
But his o'er-masted galley check'd his haste. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMbqzLVjfFj
The Centaur and the Dolphin brush the brine 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZf2hPswcTC
With equal oars, advancing in a line; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7m561FcUDp
And now the mighty Centaur seems to lead, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAwBve5fJ6H3
And now the speedy Dolphin gets ahead; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkoZnEqJnEO
Now board to board the rival vessels row, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMTQcGlZFBe
The billows lave the skies, and ocean groans below. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAyVuajImRG2
They reach'd the mark. Proud Gyas and his train 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAg7yCry8PG5
In triumph rode, the victors of the main; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlBQzJcUEV0
But, steering round, he charg'd his pilot stand 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHRAC02CMOa
More close to shore, and skim along the sand- 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoQ0ML9myTS
"Let others bear to sea!" Menoetes heard; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAI25UtavtjY
But secret shelves too cautiously he fear'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAsatSNMA7Hx
And, fearing, sought the deep; and still aloof he steer'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVYNqc4qcKg
With louder cries the captain call'd again: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAk1SEU5LSZr
"Bear to the rocky shore, and shun the main." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArY2o55VUzO
He spoke, and, speaking, at his stern he saw 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJfqt0RD6it
The bold Cloanthus near the shelvings draw. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1sA6RCKbXk
Betwixt the mark and him the Scylla stood, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASVfvQwoa4E
And in a closer compass plow'd the flood. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAgkEles4ZIW
He pass'd the mark; and, wheeling, got before: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzW8tK9jOyG
Gyas blasphem'd the gods, devoutly swore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANzCPDhVczA
Cried out for anger, and his hair he tore. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAK8DfLarxDM
Mindless of others' lives (so high was grown 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAm30deRIizN
His rising rage) and careless of his own, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAREE2EA1ca0
The trembling dotard to the deck he drew; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYh9Zq12YNG
Then hoisted up, and overboard he threw: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvi9PKUWIBp
This done, he seiz'd the helm; his fellows cheer'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4UnI8nFE5F
Turn'd short upon the shelfs, and madly steer'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvAZIKxZdwN
Hardly his head the plunging pilot rears, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXrd4g0DwPv
Clogg'd with his clothes, and cumber'd with his years: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnsF3cM0Qf6
Now dropping wet, he climbs the cliff with pain. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzoQmPeCmpB
The crowd, that saw him fall and float again, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2VUT2yZUaT
Shout from the distant shore; and loudly laugh'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAfQod15ulXY
To see his heaving breast disgorge the briny draught. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeJODttfola
The following Centaur, and the Dolphin's crew, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKJYbip1x51
Their vanish'd hopes of victory renew; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7fi6F8T3jG
While Gyas lags, they kindle in the race, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8rlcoYd2y0
To reach the mark. Sergesthus takes the place; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEoP1L5K0oP
Mnestheus pursues; and while around they wind, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJz6NtXyKrU
Comes up, not half his galley's length behind; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6zXNpCmfD6
Then, on the deck, amidst his mates appear'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiJ7TjlXx9x
And thus their drooping courage he cheer'd: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAP2TDNAplk9
"My friends, and Hector's followers heretofore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANARgO34lkWqH
Exert your vigor; tug the lab'ring oar; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKSW8Jiyt8X
Stretch to your strokes, my still unconquer'd crew, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoNKxVsx7yy
Whom from the flaming walls of Troy I drew. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAad0RoW17Nn
In this, our common int'rest, let me find 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUPNSHG78KX
That strength of hand, that courage of the mind, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAyJdS0WpgBy
As when you stemm'd the strong Malean flood, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAe9la4i6XKc
And o'er the Syrtes' broken billows row'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATZodnKGpCq
I seek not now the foremost palm to gain; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAW794p0HeEG
Tho' yet- but, ah! that haughty wish is vain! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkVqUY5fi98
Let those enjoy it whom the gods ordain. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYJOPsbn3O8
But to be last, the lags of all the race!- 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEnARAKTtz0
Redeem yourselves and me from that disgrace." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjV5btwb9tJ
Now, one and all, they tug amain; they row 1085Please respect copyright.PENANARd2bxcdb9T
At the full stretch, and shake the brazen prow. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAV5hUqGfpo4
The sea beneath 'em sinks; their lab'ring sides 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHaZ3WA548O
Are swell'd, and sweat runs gutt'ring down in tides. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAg7OYXSRO0g
Chance aids their daring with unhop'd success; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAW1qf1BSXT2
Sergesthus, eager with his beak to press 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbpu7BhEscJ
Betwixt the rival galley and the rock, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6d10HOxdpC
Shuts up th' unwieldly Centaur in the lock. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABIYVdSxAUQ
The vessel struck; and, with the dreadful shock, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbiUokBxsFU
Her oars she shiver'd, and her head she broke. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGkcXdyMkom
The trembling rowers from their banks arise, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3HSjmxYjc7
And, anxious for themselves, renounce the prize. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXp9FZleG6J
With iron poles they heave her off the shores, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeB6MNJQ6NC
And gather from the sea their floating oars. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAA6pvzK5jro
The crew of Mnestheus, with elated minds, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAgjQNnOlbuW
Urge their success, and call the willing winds; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAq7xnWsWbQs
Then ply their oars, and cut their liquid way 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2JAPDhJaZC
In larger compass on the roomy sea. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1UOu4IfsCY
As, when the dove her rocky hold forsakes, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9Fdf9ykqsX
Rous'd in a fright, her sounding wings she shakes; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhpBtH42rMX
The cavern rings with clatt'ring; out she flies, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbopO9J9ZZQ
And leaves her callow care, and cleaves the skies: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjjVsFNtJNw
At first she flutters; but at length she springs 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAd1JmKthl2C
To smoother flight, and shoots upon her wings: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlCXCjAtRol
So Mnestheus in the Dolphin cuts the sea; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxRjQnOYErM
And, flying with a force, that force assists his way. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUsizUBBrJo
Sergesthus in the Centaur soon he pass'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAupT0ZpnvN8
Wedg'd in the rocky shoals, and sticking fast. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASsqOMb7lWV
In vain the victor he with cries implores, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAfHHPvxikio
And practices to row with shatter'd oars. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAnRMov3X6G
Then Mnestheus bears with Gyas, and outflies: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAu3fHtMMNJE
The ship, without a pilot, yields the prize. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFVIO4XnEzq
Unvanquish'd Scylla now alone remains; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKGzUwt84q1
Her he pursues, and all his vigor strains. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5H0lurzmKu
Shouts from the fav'ring multitude arise; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASMrqvFGqdu
Applauding Echo to the shouts replies; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAV6Gky9OjXP
Shouts, wishes, and applause run rattling thro' the skies. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnu06k7j7KI
These clamors with disdain the Scylla heard, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0z1seJ9cTD
Much grudg'd the praise, but more the robb'd reward: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9mgn987fVX
Resolv'd to hold their own, they mend their pace, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACJj5BWY7Js
All obstinate to die, or gain the race. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAAhmyd65t6
Rais'd with success, the Dolphin swiftly ran; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOtlAwEKrU3
For they can conquer, who believe they can. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvw1YUOf1FW
Both urge their oars, and fortune both supplies, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMTNgb0K5Me
And both perhaps had shar'd an equal prize; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPnlbmPZfL3
When to the seas Cloanthus holds his hands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7Op7u9N50Y
And succor from the wat'ry pow'rs demands: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6HaMYo6GNY
"Gods of the liquid realms, on which I row! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOCxDvJ7Bg3
If, giv'n by you, the laurel bind my brow, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqJkOjkWbVr
Assist to make me guilty of my vow! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOWx5Zklvu1
A snow-white bull shall on your shore be slain; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArqfx8p8hXT
His offer'd entrails cast into the main, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZDABUc1aSk
And ruddy wine, from golden goblets thrown, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8ijizRVo3F
Your grateful gift and my return shall own." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAS4E1VZyJ4w
The choir of nymphs, and Phorcus, from below, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAWKN3lOA9lK
With virgin Panopea, heard his vow; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzxnT04O59Z
And old Portunus, with his breadth of hand, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2eXuuDozat
Push'd on, and sped the galley to the land. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5pebMtDsEJ
Swift as a shaft, or winged wind, she flies, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxTR8tKYSM5
And, darting to the port, obtains the prize. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASfIeMrbOiz
The herald summons all, and then proclaims 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQoIWdR40c5
Cloanthus conqu'ror of the naval games. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaLLPDJxe4E
The prince with laurel crowns the victor's head, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAReBwhEZOja
And three fat steers are to his vessel led, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAX84HFs52ts
The ship's reward; with gen'rous wine beside, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATGFR23xt1x
And sums of silver, which the crew divide. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArvTvPxVo4m
The leaders are distinguish'd from the rest; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAxEFe2ppXZ
The victor honor'd with a nobler vest, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhF9gv6YzPa
Where gold and purple strive in equal rows, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAu0QHEQ82nu
And needlework its happy cost bestows. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFLR2V9TWFb
There Ganymede is wrought with living art, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA09Ti052hZA
Chasing thro' Ida's groves the trembling hart: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArMaJ8lioSR
Breathless he seems, yet eager to pursue; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVV6SndnXsk
When from aloft descends, in open view, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjJZ9IuKcF1
The bird of Jove, and, sousing on his prey, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArhH4BYM1Tl
With crooked talons bears the boy away. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqx0KRUtyqJ
In vain, with lifted hands and gazing eyes, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHbWMNPHDYg
His guards behold him soaring thro' the skies, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7mCcvpEd6C
And dogs pursue his flight with imitated cries. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMl9QMxIKG3
Mnestheus the second victor was declar'd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAfgzXq6YpmZ
And, summon'd there, the second prize he shard. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAuN1B21yODZ
A coat of mail, brave Demoleus bore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzyKjOiaX2m
More brave Aeneas from his shoulders tore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5iLImUqmvu
In single combat on the Trojan shore: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiWtcnDgHt6
This was ordain'd for Mnestheus to possess; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA95KvS8PoCJ
In war for his defense, for ornament in peace. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAfBQQu4R4ap
Rich was the gift, and glorious to behold, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7wVZQfklSa
But yet so pond'rous with its plates of gold, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADuqw2u4fLN
That scarce two servants could the weight sustain; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFyMTtefGBk
Yet, loaded thus, Demoleus o'er the plain 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAL5Ap2aF05F
Pursued and lightly seiz'd the Trojan train. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3Q4yUAi6sO
The third, succeeding to the last reward, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlvJV2hUQI1
Two goodly bowls of massy silver shar'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANARyS31E2WvS
With figures prominent, and richly wrought, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmEUtqRSAfy
And two brass caldrons from Dodona brought. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkEWGdMmAbI
Thus all, rewarded by the hero's hands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAS5RlnMsfi0
Their conqu'ring temples bound with purple bands; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlaHC7RAgHw
And now Sergesthus, clearing from the rock, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvcxxbBFD9O
Brought back his galley shatter'd with the shock. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMRXmqtZ6Ys
Forlorn she look'd, without an aiding oar, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAh8zrCKGgXj
And, houted by the vulgar, made to shore. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVcn9dzoFbt
As when a snake, surpris'd upon the road, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQOuYRo20lZ
Is crush'd athwart her body by the load 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGROxWWHrq0
Of heavy wheels; or with a mortal wound 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1bAEDXUEzN
Her belly bruis'd, and trodden to the ground: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAta24GkvQ4E
In vain, with loosen'd curls, she crawls along; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAH3Wq6fKD0c
Yet, fierce above, she brandishes her tongue; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeq6WPrHn37
Glares with her eyes, and bristles with her scales; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA11uIf7IB7M
But, groveling in the dust, her parts unsound she trails: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzbIc7c9XI2
So slowly to the port the Centaur tends, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAB4z71tSKfp
But, what she wants in oars, with sails amends. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAr6r6bDdB5p
Yet, for his galley sav'd, the grateful prince 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKV8n59EH86
Is pleas'd th' unhappy chief to recompense. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA82KkqQB13Z
Pholoe, the Cretan slave, rewards his care, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA32b3ppGYUd
Beauteous herself, with lovely twins as fair. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPYftBDepYm
From thence his way the Trojan hero bent 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAuhAEmMTFSE
Into the neighb'ring plain, with mountains pent, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAn2XrUnwZTl
Whose sides were shaded with surrounding wood. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1aTEtrolhM
Full in the midst of this fair valley stood 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAh81aJfGk2W
A native theater, which, rising slow 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIMLMTH4PRt
By just degrees, o'erlook'd the ground below. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQadR8uUvLg
High on a sylvan throne the leader sate; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA58SSBFX5am
A num'rous train attend in solemn state. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABw5neG7C0n
Here those that in the rapid course delight, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAL5oakdZbe6
Desire of honor and the prize invite. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAJE3ToSOSm
The rival runners without order stand; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhV5RgSn0yv
The Trojans mix'd with the Sicilian band. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABSAx0OGafm
First Nisus, with Euryalus, appears; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6onBpPYsJv
Euryalus a boy of blooming years, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAwEPkMpOZYT
With sprightly grace and equal beauty crown'd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoXsIj1weoe
Nisus, for friendship to the youth renown'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7r90S5A3i2
Diores next, of Priam's royal race, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAipCpgcohaC
Then Salius joined with Patron, took their place; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjlH7Uij4eb
(But Patron in Arcadia had his birth, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5WoMsP7JuM
And Salius his from Arcananian earth;) 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJlqB7R5JoC
Then two Sicilian youths- the names of these, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAo45P9Y5xzp
Swift Helymus, and lovely Panopes: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVawp2bLJCH
Both jolly huntsmen, both in forest bred, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArZVQn6Q4XW
And owning old Acestes for their head; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUxqN3PYiEg
With sev'ral others of ignobler name, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALIshmC2O8y
Whom time has not deliver'd o'er to fame. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArPBserK92j
To these the hero thus his thoughts explain'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAo9U5fOrAB6
In words which gen'ral approbation gain'd: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5eiYITWhKz
"One common largess is for all design'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6MjRBUJUuc
(The vanquish'd and the victor shall be join'd,) 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApLC3VaZlev
Two darts of polish'd steel and Gnosian wood, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAt6l3vj4EQV
A silver-studded ax, alike bestow'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASOzOEVt5qq
The foremost three have olive wreaths decreed: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALnbGOc0OVF
The first of these obtains a stately steed, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGjGbdWzFGn
Adorn'd with trappings; and the next in fame, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAsoE8KvEcRq
The quiver of an Amazonian dame, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0h61AuX6Io
With feather'd Thracian arrows well supplied: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAL6Hwzq3Bia
A golden belt shall gird his manly side, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkIPIM6DQ8x
Which with a sparkling diamond shall be tied. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkvifB29bGC
The third this Grecian helmet shall content." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7GTPNF0s8z
He said. To their appointed base they went; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOTRWYg3Goi
With beating hearts th' expected sign receive, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbG37WU1PJR
And, starting all at once, the barrier leave. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiPP7N0zKrw
Spread out, as on the winged winds, they flew, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALE7WclPpoA
And seiz'd the distant goal with greedy view. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArSqGzagpYS
Shot from the crowd, swift Nisus all o'erpass'd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeDBfEiQjXY
Nor storms, nor thunder, equal half his haste. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAebWpW6b8LF
The next, but tho' the next, yet far disjoin'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAB2tKfoPJS7
Came Salius, and Euryalus behind; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAtxTP6Ag0I3
Then Helymus, whom young Diores plied, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAf41kLGiDn
Step after step, and almost side by side, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA38OKzZBJKX
His shoulders pressing; and, in longer space, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAUR2Qjyqhr
Had won, or left at least a dubious race. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQknpHK94E0
Now, spent, the goal they almost reach at last, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4jONZKNrfn
When eager Nisus, hapless in his haste, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2n94jLalOB
Slipp'd first, and, slipping, fell upon the plain, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA024nn0d3qa
Soak'd with the blood of oxen newly slain. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHHJ50wgDnY
The careless victor had not mark'd his way; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAs5qIq9b1Zb
But, treading where the treach'rous puddle lay, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMUE4T9jE6m
His heels flew up; and on the grassy floor 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKh08pLmq5M
He fell, besmear'd with filth and holy gore. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAc0AQheRlLS
Not mindless then, Euryalus, of thee, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPJQ56Idvl1
Nor of the sacred bonds of amity, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAND0Yf0Pl5s
He strove th' immediate rival's hope to cross, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA680XJ1hxNh
And caught the foot of Salius as he rose. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOZ0Ir9D67v
So Salius lay extended on the plain; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhivdtdaT2v
Euryalus springs out, the prize to gain, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2HoqY6hD3M
And leaves the crowd: applauding peals attend 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACHa1WsOVqn
The victor to the goal, who vanquish'd by his friend. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7dauVfQYN5
Next Helymus; and then Diores came, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2NvFfZPUN8
By two misfortunes made the third in fame. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiZ0HMd0fLr
But Salius enters, and, exclaiming loud 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhiRirVfrdw
For justice, deafens and disturbs the crowd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA52isxEZdM1
Urges his cause may in the court be heard; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAT5BVPTeEoh
And pleads the prize is wrongfully conferr'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxdMhdJWTPo
But favor for Euryalus appears; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3wATPZ5SCo
His blooming beauty, with his tender tears, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlgWfqoxeuh
Had brib'd the judges for the promis'd prize. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAtl5IWmdmv2
Besides, Diores fills the court with cries, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAORJISnmAHe
Who vainly reaches at the last reward, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnwDAGa2Vop
If the first palm on Salius be conferr'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvmaPhegMvh
Then thus the prince: "Let no disputes arise: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1K1Z753zCT
Where fortune plac'd it, I award the prize. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXtk5duaeT5
But fortune's errors give me leave to mend, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEGuw29bG38
At least to pity my deserving friend." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5KTEaApXEo
He said, and, from among the spoils, he draws 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJQ6RiS8SIG
(Pond'rous with shaggy mane and golden paws) 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA37zcO0wJXQ
A lion's hide: to Salius this he gives. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATuEwf8j7Ze
Nisus with envy sees the gift, and grieves. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYnNw8QD9jM
"If such rewards to vanquish'd men are due." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOZO74yfpjE
He said, "and falling is to rise by you, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaPnxt9db8k
What prize may Nisus from your bounty claim, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHkntWPrpfg
Who merited the first rewards and fame? 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJcfTT8v58a
In falling, both an equal fortune tried; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUNpU3tDv2z
Would fortune for my fall so well provide!" 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApGVw8NgASp
With this he pointed to his face, and show'd 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANjMpGaRl19
His hand and all his habit smear'd with blood. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZyDEko0xH1
Th' indulgent father of the people smil'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2m68zbl8o
And caus'd to be produc'd an ample shield, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAB5KVkjIRZW
Of wondrous art, by Didymaon wrought, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACX9VoYQOii
Long since from Neptune's bars in triumph brought. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoqjdSxiURt
This giv'n to Nisus, he divides the rest, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFhHvj7jyrI
And equal justice in his gifts express'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhxX88f0Qmz
The race thus ended, and rewards bestow'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAS1cypziZBk
Once more the princes bespeaks th' attentive crowd: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvbAfAqvlxg
"If there he here whose dauntless courage dare 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoAQTJKFIN2
In gauntlet-fight, with limbs and body bare, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6rpi1jbkG8
His opposite sustain in open view, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0xGV0gt1Cd
Stand forth the champion, and the games renew. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdK4FmzOKkt
Two prizes I propose, and thus divide: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdTWHAQACKM
A bull with gilded horns, and fillets tied, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAuMOv3mIjQm
Shall be the portion of the conqu'ring chief; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQES8layTcH
A sword and helm shall cheer the loser's grief." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALuWbjBRKth
Then haughty Dares in the lists appears; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2WwL5mXENp
Stalking he strides, his head erected bears: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAI5klNGNzzK
His nervous arms the weighty gauntlet wield, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVtP6XPs2j4
And loud applauses echo thro' the field. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJGaMuMgPPA
Dares alone in combat us'd to stand 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACIMVsnLreQ
The match of mighty Paris, hand to hand; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAV7xM7VJK5n
The same, at Hector's fun'rals, undertook 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1kxUOOMsQt
Gigantic Butes, of th' Amycian stock, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkaEoI2VxiV
And, by the stroke of his resistless hand, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASFaDeuGCoy
Stretch'd the vast bulk upon the yellow sand. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOvWoyL8efy
Such Dares was; and such he strode along, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALrRlY2DLeE
And drew the wonder of the gazing throng. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4jMyLRG5lG
His brawny back and ample breast he shows, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvSRaVVtNbQ
His lifted arms around his head he throws, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAy9SPIBcPNJ
And deals in whistling air his empty blows. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAADTnp0jFaQ
His match is sought; but, thro' the trembling band, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7kcjnU8vEQ
Not one dares answer to the proud demand. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAuBwLysVI0f
Presuming of his force, with sparkling eyes 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJum43zT7wv
Already he devours the promis'd prize. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnnvzB9Z9Gh
He claims the bull with awless insolence, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApnACdzhC5G
And having seiz'd his horns, accosts the prince: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0K8goSwwVb
"If none my matchless valor dares oppose, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAWHsazsUW3k
How long shall Dares wait his dastard foes? 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACscgLToNY8
Permit me, chief, permit without delay, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA84gNBN9Ame
To lead this uncontended gift away." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4KN9P0by1U
The crowd assents, and with redoubled cries 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAuWZBB5fKjG
For the proud challenger demands the prize. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAz63QhtTObq
Acestes, fir'd with just disdain, to see 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAA7uyYzVFFI
The palm usurp'd without a victory, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjLqzFVyEBW
Reproach'd Entellus thus, who sate beside, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQoAJjt2jUR
And heard and saw, unmov'd, the Trojan's pride: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlmxMYM2NGP
"Once, but in vain, a champion of renown, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlgj9zLLIu2
So tamely can you bear the ravish'd crown, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOCWqnOQ6E4
A prize in triumph borne before your sight, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7IWa2RbKhh
And shun, for fear, the danger of the fight? 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHDqpIaNV2r
Where is our Eryx now, the boasted name, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXai7Eu2WLt
The god who taught your thund'ring arm the game? 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUCGBHgzRDN
Where now your baffled honor? Where the spoil 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACzITCrA2dO
That fill'd your house, and fame that fill'd our isle?" 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAwLqNdyaAmE
Entellus, thus: "My soul is still the same, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbZrU69IOUs
Unmov'd with fear, and mov'd with martial fame; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAH9RnO82FSG
But my chill blood is curdled in my veins, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbFUTvZvYsa
And scarce the shadow of a man remains. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxPY5o4UEir
O could I turn to that fair prime again, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEbddmaBjtC
That prime of which this boaster is so vain, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbUtNdbvgVM
The brave, who this decrepid age defies, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFxtykpuZfU
Should feel my force, without the promis'd prize." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGaJ1dca1GN
He said; and, rising at the word, he threw 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkTgKsZI6BK
Two pond'rous gauntlets down in open view; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANfeeFcc715
Gauntlets which Eryx wont in fight to wield, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqB865FT5gj
And sheathe his hands with in the listed field. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAfdahsemtpP
With fear and wonder seiz'd, the crowd beholds 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApdTEuMR6Mp
The gloves of death, with sev'n distinguish'd folds 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhAZTvHZilE
Of tough bull hides; the space within is spread 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAuqzq4WApQ
With iron, or with loads of heavy lead: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqY17qmWVMa
Dares himself was daunted at the sight, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAm1Ys9d9sae
Renounc'd his challenge, and refus'd to fight. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALzOQKkOwB7
Astonish'd at their weight, the hero stands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqvoco0e25k
And pois'd the pond'rous engines in his hands. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6dhzPmyxuk
"What had your wonder," said Entellus, "been, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAo43UpX6jeZ
Had you the gauntlets of Alcides seen, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7VRMfqJenD
Or view'd the stern debate on this unhappy green! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkzcYx16KnO
These which I bear your brother Eryx bore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3XvfkKr3dR
Still mark'd with batter'd brains and mingled gore. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKVKFpAMmRh
With these he long sustain'd th' Herculean arm; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACUYAKaGsjg
And these I wielded while my blood was warm, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqlJ0QPhpWX
This languish'd frame while better spirits fed, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAymFwI43cY2
Ere age unstrung my nerves, or time o'ersnow'd my head. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAj9Bj816kCE
But if the challenger these arms refuse, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaBi8wsDBuS
And cannot wield their weight, or dare not use; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxjesc14BXp
If great Aeneas and Acestes join 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaYapjlsjF5
In his request, these gauntlets I resign; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPALvtsXBqq
Let us with equal arms perform the fight, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAawgIyoejP3
And let him leave to fear, since I resign my right." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYVDWp013IG
This said, Entellus for the strife prepares; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHcS7716sTx
Stripp'd of his quilted coat, his body bares; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANhCNNl5AFI
Compos'd of mighty bones and brawn he stands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAB0smLZbcMq
A goodly tow'ring object on the sands. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAun0xihy8EK
Then just Aeneas equal arms supplied, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAx8RrGPOdr0
Which round their shoulders to their wrists they tied. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkMMfCvzHID
Both on the tiptoe stand, at full extent, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhrxO8HCGek
Their arms aloft, their bodies inly bent; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXg8iY8Dwuk
Their heads from aiming blows they bear afar; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJqwIsnlg9S
With clashing gauntlets then provoke the war. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9nhnwh0vTU
One on his youth and pliant limbs relies; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAWP0TAV5ket
One on his sinews and his giant size. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASYNvo5twYi
The last is stiff with age, his motion slow; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1Mlfh1aN3R
He heaves for breath, he staggers to and fro, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASgcjPy4iri
And clouds of issuing smoke his nostrils loudly blow. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5rp4A7YNpU
Yet equal in success, they ward, they strike; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAfrx52IV8ej
Their ways are diff'rent, but their art alike. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA78ACXA26tR
Before, behind, the blows are dealt; around 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8BfYs9y8rT
Their hollow sides the rattling thumps resound. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmK7PlqcWm4
A storm of strokes, well meant, with fury flies, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADa4BEw5xdg
And errs about their temples, ears, and eyes. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJWCyl0ltcI
Nor always errs; for oft the gauntlet draws 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8GWcjenFwL
A sweeping stroke along the crackling jaws. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAwSmyWiWC0v
Heavy with age, Entellus stands his ground, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAscn48f4bQD
But with his warping body wards the wound. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAfaTeKezheJ
His hand and watchful eye keep even pace; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdkFZwOOE5S
While Dares traverses and shifts his place, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAb1vuIkOqTX
And, like a captain who beleaguers round 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjQTxtdBryl
Some strong-built castle on a rising ground, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5MLmbZJGQ3
Views all th' approaches with observing eyes: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2c6lfi1aHY
This and that other part in vain he tries, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7MfZ61A25d
And more on industry than force relies. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKWRX5NymJC
With hands on high, Entellus threats the foe; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADunXmzHVzK
But Dares watch'd the motion from below, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAe1mtcqWkae
And slipp'd aside, and shunn'd the long descending blow. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAw0PEb05eKp
Entellus wastes his forces on the wind, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAog47ttZXjN
And, thus deluded of the stroke design'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAl53phkJ6gl
Headlong and heavy fell; his ample breast 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALRJv0AC78Y
And weighty limbs his ancient mother press'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA39WZkztahx
So falls a hollow pine, that long had stood 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJ0SlcyE5ty
On Ida's height, or Erymanthus' wood, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1lqf2SnIro
Torn from the roots. The diff'ring nations rise, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAM9SH7HHawu
And shouts and mingled murmurs rend the skies, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADZr3ToCvHU
Acestus runs with eager haste, to raise 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAd1gRKAktWy
The fall'n companion of his youthful days. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUUw4BV5L5V
Dauntless he rose, and to the fight return'd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA27keUJWv6C
With shame his glowing cheeks, his eyes with fury burn'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2pBBcUuxGM
Disdain and conscious virtue fir'd his breast, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3TL3fpVxm9
And with redoubled force his foe he press'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3DJa6DPCFZ
He lays on load with either hand, amain, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATqolNWbwOM
And headlong drives the Trojan o'er the plain; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApxRFlfd6aW
Nor stops, nor stays; nor rest nor breath allows; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAuuOpSxwweH
But storms of strokes descend about his brows, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2bJd9YNQVb
A rattling tempest, and a hail of blows. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAz27bkk8zdE
But now the prince, who saw the wild increase 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAt3Wh3GQ3ni
Of wounds, commands the combatants to cease, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPRikvF4I1y
And bounds Entellus' wrath, and bids the peace. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGeKNSgPwAg
First to the Trojan, spent with toil, he came, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7caZ60uOD8
And sooth'd his sorrow for the suffer'd shame. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnX6sPuUQ1o
"What fury seiz'd my friend? The gods," said he, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANARNmTPSChCR
"To him propitious, and averse to thee, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAY9eh0duUy4
Have giv'n his arm superior force to thine. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATKaiSpvDBa
'T is madness to contend with strength divine." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvvsUApcB4n
The gauntlet fight thus ended, from the shore 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFVefgOuh4S
His faithful friends unhappy Dares bore: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPkWHBz8niO
His mouth and nostrils pour'd a purple flood, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANARHiUebmMUw
And pounded teeth came rushing with his blood. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2A59GchF4A
Faintly he stagger'd thro' the hissing throng, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAei0ggUhQ0C
And hung his head, and trail'd his legs along. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGVJfkQU2jp
The sword and casque are carried by his train; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAm4CduOPB6b
But with his foe the palm and ox remain. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMeovMkKJ99
The champion, then, before Aeneas came, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAsB20WgqJwd
Proud of his prize, but prouder of his fame: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvjoZZkMUWa
"O goddess-born, and you, Dardanian host, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAP34Aqlh0ma
Mark with attention, and forgive my boast; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANnJxWI8QmN
Learn what I was, by what remains; and know 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYQB19Ga8ek
From what impending fate you sav'd my foe." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApSanhBiqbf
Sternly he spoke, and then confronts the bull; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0A6ZgfYFJx
And, on his ample forehead aiming full, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAErRDVeevMS
The deadly stroke, descending, pierc'd the skull. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdegxMtnfYC
Down drops the beast, nor needs a second wound, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAgCNrxIjDBq
But sprawls in pangs of death, and spurns the ground. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhop0ps3Pf0
Then, thus: "In Dares' stead I offer this. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6fQEG4USvM
Eryx, accept a nobler sacrifice; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABNJ5X5eEhs
Take the last gift my wither'd arms can yield: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVwriFFvSQh
Thy gauntlets I resign, and here renounce the field." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACk2M4QJARy
This done, Aeneas orders, for the close, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAXLrd7jFm9
The strife of archers with contending bows. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjBpcpTwMAs
The mast Sergesthus' shatter'd galley bore 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkEDhytgjLt
With his own hands he raises on the shore. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALGsYQwq1Lp
A flutt'ring dove upon the top they tie, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYQqK9sO5gG
The living mark at which their arrows fly. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZALIVX9C4D
The rival archers in a line advance, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzMzcrpDIyP
Their turn of shooting to receive from chance. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABNLmrcAH6X
A helmet holds their names; the lots are drawn: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAX56dIQ0iF4
On the first scroll was read Hippocoon. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEPGHrFb9a8
The people shout. Upon the next was found 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAyXqLnEkQ7f
Young Mnestheus, late with naval honors crown'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaWEmIA2AJD
The third contain'd Eurytion's noble name, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnKmYGRYcwX
Thy brother, Pandarus, and next in fame, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1xyL8pgkID
Whom Pallas urg'd the treaty to confound, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJVBb7N0YvR
And send among the Greeks a feather'd wound. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeUkY1D09Iw
Acestes in the bottom last remain'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATK2tiSuwdH
Whom not his age from youthful sports restrain'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1D1fJNGdmH
Soon all with vigor bend their trusty bows, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZV56wo00V9
And from the quiver each his arrow chose. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIZF3VHgJpm
Hippocoon's was the first: with forceful sway 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIf5EuTfwAV
It flew, and, whizzing, cut the liquid way. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHbKJJssT0D
Fix'd in the mast the feather'd weapon stands: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZN2VXWlsvG
The fearful pigeon flutters in her bands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0ZFLkw5WWo
And the tree trembled, and the shouting cries 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmH25YDsgBk
Of the pleas'd people rend the vaulted skies. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbWyXJP792N
Then Mnestheus to the head his arrow drove, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmnWcsXz2lp
With lifted eyes, and took his aim above, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALlC62PIAEx
But made a glancing shot, and missed the dove; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhyzxTLkseV
Yet miss'd so narrow, that he cut the cord 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvCZL74Ezst
Which fasten'd by the foot the flitting bird. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAi0P0EMTbm7
The captive thus releas'd, away she flies, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXu3yEi4WCc
And beats with clapping wings the yielding skies. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANOy8to9NAP
His bow already bent, Eurytion stood; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAfeC1LQsFDh
And, having first invok'd his brother god, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdDnmcpFE3N
His winged shaft with eager haste he sped. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACN0WMDNpVq
The fatal message reach'd her as she fled: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANDzNKF5Geq
She leaves her life aloft; she strikes the ground, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoSNdoX6HvN
And renders back the weapon in the wound. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAcaHdiPueIq
Acestes, grudging at his lot, remains, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiQaSOJzy1Q
Without a prize to gratify his pains. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA12FXJHm4nP
Yet, shooting upward, sends his shaft, to show 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKud8McQRu9
An archer's art, and boast his twanging bow. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhj6HRLiXqc
The feather'd arrow gave a dire portent, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhxXPdXDQjV
And latter augurs judge from this event. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABjA7lMydK4
Chaf'd by the speed, it fir'd; and, as it flew, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVOcRwTHC6B
A trail of following flames ascending drew: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAc9MxqYtsIJ
Kindling they mount, and mark the shiny way; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxuORMfw9xe
Across the skies as falling meteors play, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzNfaHxuxL5
And vanish into wind, or in a blaze decay. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6UrfvcVt5k
The Trojans and Sicilians wildly stare, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAtp1e4DOMiQ
And, trembling, turn their wonder into pray'r. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1v7RjQ3woT
The Dardan prince put on a smiling face, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeUrEOufJbN
And strain'd Acestes with a close embrace; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAptZGpPZGVb
Then, hon'ring him with gifts above the rest, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2eXBfgS9rg
Turn'd the bad omen, nor his fears confess'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbcaFLSNYvu
"The gods," said he, "this miracle have wrought, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAroJ8difCgG
And order'd you the prize without the lot. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAS4ZS4mVSNH
Accept this goblet, rough with figur'd gold, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaCD1yZJ8pA
Which Thracian Cisseus gave my sire of old: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4yrWbaqR6Q
This pledge of ancient amity receive, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2uWNXIg1wo
Which to my second sire I justly give." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1GS7VPcK6l
He said, and, with the trumpets' cheerful sound, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACsvcfQwadG
Proclaim'd him victor, and with laurel-crown'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjX2xmCz5uW
Nor good Eurytion envied him the prize, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkMBVH0GeNm
Tho' he transfix'd the pigeon in the skies. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8jmAH3TIbE
Who cut the line, with second gifts was grac'd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQB9e532rka
The third was his whose arrow pierc'd the mast. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAswCAU3RgjQ
The chief, before the games were wholly done, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAh0xJRAjMKC
Call'd Periphantes, tutor to his son, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUOYrwAEBsZ
And whisper'd thus: "With speed Ascanius find; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9sOGDwdz0
And, if his childish troop be ready join'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA84UBfqPbrZ
On horseback let him grace his grandsire's day, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANPQnsTmv5M
And lead his equals arm'd in just array." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeme0LqTNch
He said; and, calling out, the cirque he clears. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAESgcLC4ZFB
The crowd withdrawn, an open plain appears. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAp1vBxrcNqe
And now the noble youths, of form divine, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAipXI5lIJRP
Advance before their fathers, in a line; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIWVR3Chcbo
The riders grace the steeds; the steeds with glory shine. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMVFCdM3N6X
Thus marching on in military pride, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATJAZCP9o1X
Shouts of applause resound from side to side. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9khibrTOIU
Their casques adorn'd with laurel wreaths they wear, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFIkDKbY8Ue
Each brandishing aloft a cornel spear. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2UaKftlIHr
Some at their backs their gilded quivers bore; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8kztFsBisS
Their chains of burnish'd gold hung down before. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAF7M7FVGnNK
Three graceful troops they form'd upon the green; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGvrvgC5JQ5
Three graceful leaders at their head were seen; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQyKAR4r4N7
Twelve follow'd ev'ry chief, and left a space between. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7UvCaPiWpS
The first young Priam led; a lovely boy, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQfHISceYuX
Whose grandsire was th' unhappy king of Troy; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4mTjdJM6bI
His race in after times was known to fame, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5bGLcjCLtz
New honors adding to the Latian name; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABBeuQZMdER
And well the royal boy his Thracian steed became. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAy1tIi8oUJS
White were the fetlocks of his feet before, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANVaRVrZ1t8
And on his front a snowy star he bore. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEe1j4JKP76
Then beauteous Atys, with Iulus bred, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUqxbwQ6spx
Of equal age, the second squadron led. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKHtVdvPs6x
The last in order, but the first in place, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHyNn7M7zGS
First in the lovely features of his face, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANdYLDLX5Ne
Rode fair Ascanius on a fiery steed, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAU7TagZ2QYO
Queen Dido's gift, and of the Tyrian breed. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxg0RmZE8sW
Sure coursers for the rest the king ordains, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbpWow3GsTG
With golden bits adorn'd, and purple reins. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbYJ7I0tXN2
The pleas'd spectators peals of shouts renew, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0S4gevdsGd
And all the parents in the children view; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8JklqMSRom
Their make, their motions, and their sprightly grace, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUBHeRxBF46
And hopes and fears alternate in their face. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAcPAqVgRb7K
Th' unfledg'd commanders and their martial train 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvH5TLFj0yx
First make the circuit of the sandy plain 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASHjM4jucCF
Around their sires, and, at th' appointed sign, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAW030bnsNuh
Drawn up in beauteous order, form a line. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2PSNZVEPUg
The second signal sounds, the troop divides 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYIgLUd9skO
In three distinguish'd parts, with three distinguish'd guides 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASUVeFO1c0w
Again they close, and once again disjoin; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnT0eX7cX2S
In troop to troop oppos'd, and line to line. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFMjeFiBlRI
They meet; they wheel; they throw their darts afar 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAcjBDP0peGC
With harmless rage and well-dissembled war. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmLL6SpXMNm
Then in a round the mingled bodies run: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9BVrLfrh7e
Flying they follow, and pursuing shun; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQcmZLa9YGp
Broken, they break; and, rallying, they renew 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAuJ7i8VpBaC
In other forms the military shew. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmJSyW7VeCL
At last, in order, undiscern'd they join, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXSHC6adCjI
And march together in a friendly line. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzxi1zamm2A
And, as the Cretan labyrinth of old, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKqBIT84p6b
With wand'ring ways and many a winding fold, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAoP2yQfoNA
Involv'd the weary feet, without redress, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApYjXDZVLAs
In a round error, which denied recess; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApWUNPvIUBV
So fought the Trojan boys in warlike play, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnhC57KiMKX
Turn'd and return'd, and still a diff'rent way. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdz3yEGA6Xy
Thus dolphins in the deep each other chase 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMHBeCVcIZc
In circles, when they swim around the wat'ry race. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdP6DsXC3cZ
This game, these carousels, Ascanius taught; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACOr63iIo7A
And, building Alba, to the Latins brought; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAt2Ch5atCGE
Shew'd what he learn'd: the Latin sires impart 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlNTCt3IOJ9
To their succeeding sons the graceful art; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbZNM6tHUoR
From these imperial Rome receiv'd the game, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQzbGKPJfcG
Which Troy, the youths the Trojan troop, they name. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAC2u7AxUH54
Thus far the sacred sports they celebrate: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQOP9sIipY2
But Fortune soon resum'd her ancient hate; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALRKT4ouuyF
For, while they pay the dead his annual dues, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAtHzbsbQpaI
Those envied rites Saturnian Juno views; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzBJzJpfAD5
And sends the goddess of the various bow, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXVU0FK23vD
To try new methods of revenge below; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASRlhVLTH7B
Supplies the winds to wing her airy way, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnWsvzqnM5o
Where in the port secure the navy lay. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzBk2W5Nrs1
Swiftly fair Iris down her arch descends, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASWJsCMCGqo
And, undiscern'd, her fatal voyage ends. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0JtPgW0FJR
She saw the gath'ring crowd; and, gliding thence, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPUDwHEjbWq
The desart shore, and fleet without defense. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGD1nFUOmst
The Trojan matrons, on the sands alone, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABGGcoZywLJ
With sighs and tears Anchises' death bemoan; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVK7PaioZu4
Then, turning to the sea their weeping eyes, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAcrWHaeMQF9
Their pity to themselves renews their cries. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAs9TYVltYkp
"Alas!" said one, "what oceans yet remain 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAG8XPS1gZ2f
For us to sail! what labors to sustain!" 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHPxRp5FVby
All take the word, and, with a gen'ral groan, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9C8pLyLvlU
Implore the gods for peace, and places of their own. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHQ4kphuUZN
The goddess, great in mischief, views their pains, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6VAsWprF4U
And in a woman's form her heav'nly limbs restrains. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0CmmVdHcEZ
In face and shape old Beroe she became, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAS2c9mVzx6f
Doryclus' wife, a venerable dame, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZeqUpNoDBw
Once blest with riches, and a mother's name. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5rYqLOxClh
Thus chang'd, amidst the crying crowd she ran, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEWddNJNLvz
Mix'd with the matrons, and these words began: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAS4PnntD7xB
"O wretched we, whom not the Grecian pow'r, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAv3yyvaAjif
Nor flames, destroy'd, in Troy's unhappy hour! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMAV5n9Tqq6
O wretched we, reserv'd by cruel fate, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxDYXAqEvCZ
Beyond the ruins of the sinking state! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOK443eadih
Now sev'n revolving years are wholly run, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAwZ88bZAxL3
Since this improsp'rous voyage we begun; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADGam6zpVcF
Since, toss'd from shores to shores, from lands to lands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAC7JOI88PzJ
Inhospitable rocks and barren sands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6x0O3pgBe7
Wand'ring in exile thro' the stormy sea, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOKqwcfsHMV
We search in vain for flying Italy. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5QPAd82uvv
Now cast by fortune on this kindred land, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHhKUW51BtN
What should our rest and rising walls withstand, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdTP6IZMSpu
Or hinder here to fix our banish'd band? 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAByhX2dMjNL
O country lost, and gods redeem'd in vain, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAdwISnyika
If still in endless exile we remain! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjshPJtqS0c
Shall we no more the Trojan walls renew, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAWL3BSK9mG8
Or streams of some dissembled Simois view! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADgjfK98AJG
Haste, join with me, th' unhappy fleet consume! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADLOtDRz7Ty
Cassandra bids; and I declare her doom. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAsbb1vx2l9D
In sleep I saw her; she supplied my hands 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADI4lkimD9W
(For this I more than dreamt) with flaming brands: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArw8cxBbYDK
'With these,' said she, 'these wand'ring ships destroy: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAuz5QLI59p1
These are your fatal seats, and this your Troy.' 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAl1JuO9J5qe
Time calls you now; the precious hour employ: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9m8kJ6nJwk
Slack not the good presage, while Heav'n inspires 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAgtlCCZuCgN
Our minds to dare, and gives the ready fires. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3HQhPzkYTe
See! Neptune's altars minister their brands: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2hRxFalzph
The god is pleas'd; the god supplies our hands." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADieRsh2grG
Then from the pile a flaming fire she drew, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAc2unuAvXCq
And, toss'd in air, amidst the galleys threw. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABcCdjY2OQa
Wrapp'd in amaze, the matrons wildly stare: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1O6KZKxBzY
Then Pyrgo, reverenc'd for her hoary hair, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA66HqX5gxET
Pyrgo, the nurse of Priam's num'rous race: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYo19T4lsYp
"No Beroe this, tho' she belies her face! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATs52X9v2p6
What terrors from her frowning front arise! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnHRQAZzhrJ
Behold a goddess in her ardent eyes! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAyGiQp2lYaU
What rays around her heav'nly face are seen! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGPe3lRjdUH
Mark her majestic voice, and more than mortal mien! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7iIzw7OLZ
Beroe but now I left, whom, pin'd with pain, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7lS0WZmW7O
Her age and anguish from these rites detain," 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9pT9b4PpTb
She said. The matrons, seiz'd with new amaze, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALsgxlnnNRf
Roll their malignant eyes, and on the navy gaze. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKRMObf8SuC
They fear, and hope, and neither part obey: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6etpsEeUM2
They hope the fated land, but fear the fatal way. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAm6cBTBznx4
The goddess, having done her task below, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9POBEyRoA5
Mounts up on equal wings, and bends her painted bow. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANrONcJ5BuJ
Struck with the sight, and seiz'd with rage divine, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGScc1pfcBM
The matrons prosecute their mad design: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlxSG0qfGBd
They shriek aloud; they snatch, with impious hands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAwHHhU6t7hF
The food of altars; fires and flaming brands. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAsJ4V3mov4i
Green boughs and saplings, mingled in their haste, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkO5CfL0dO8
And smoking torches, on the ships they cast. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAInk1hTAJTi
The flame, unstopp'd at first, more fury gains, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvEvYjG6z0l
And Vulcan rides at large with loosen'd reins: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYLlKU7SlLj
Triumphant to the painted sterns he soars, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdHKGMJb1xW
And seizes, in this way, the banks and crackling oars. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvVKYbFaOr4
Eumelus was the first the news to bear, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9qXLpi77Q6
While yet they crowd the rural theater. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGvcpjqeSxf
Then, what they hear, is witness'd by their eyes: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAB3GQDft6qh
A storm of sparkles and of flames arise. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4hSdsmIBZ5
Ascanius took th' alarm, while yet he led 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAM3IpToFV7g
His early warriors on his prancing steed, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0kbxEVWOBI
And, spurring on, his equals soon o'erpass'd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3Jm6aRiN18
Nor could his frighted friends reclaim his haste. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAm0jXSlki1K
Soon as the royal youth appear'd in view, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9KVSI8eMFk
He sent his voice before him as he flew: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAP9U61kWRkX
"What madness moves you, matrons, to destroy 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8IBZsFWzuC
The last remainders of unhappy Troy! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9ETLBFpL26
Not hostile fleets, but your own hopes, you burn, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQHN40Z8yTm
And on your friends your fatal fury turn. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAA18paQ3qxq
Behold your own Ascanius!" While he said, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMg4UixeUsx
He drew his glitt'ring helmet from his head, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAw1dsoF4dwc
In which the youths to sportful arms he led. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhaaX0Zy53l
By this, Aeneas and his train appear; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAgyktzVmFTx
And now the women, seiz'd with shame and fear, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1AxFRX3sw0
Dispers'd, to woods and caverns take their flight, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAB2nYCtxaoU
Abhor their actions, and avoid the light; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALFcVBYbZtS
Their friends acknowledge, and their error find, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArihAHMKgvK
And shake the goddess from their alter'd mind. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMkCxrWnuyG
Not so the raging fires their fury cease, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAl09bLT7CPs
But, lurking in the seams, with seeming peace, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAh81sz78pLk
Work on their way amid the smold'ring tow, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjLqfZkBiR7
Sure in destruction, but in motion slow. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAF10QTWuMBy
The silent plague thro' the green timber eats, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlbXbLxuHYO
And vomits out a tardy flame by fits. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAC0r8BbN4fL
Down to the keels, and upward to the sails, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANABB8Z81rCrg
The fire descends, or mounts, but still prevails; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEUE7bw5j1Q
Nor buckets pour'd, nor strength of human hand, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAr9zuoUwoKt
Can the victorious element withstand. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxNygeGADUq
The pious hero rends his robe, and throws 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAh1ncJNxy52
To heav'n his hands, and with his hands his vows. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArEiKthjUut
"O Jove," he cried, "if pray'rs can yet have place; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAyFCqWJRn3X
If thou abhorr'st not all the Dardan race; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjz8oJLhGIL
If any spark of pity still remain; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA14Ix8XtdUb
If gods are gods, and not invok'd in vain; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhc8OtiKxgt
Yet spare the relics of the Trojan train! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAm6OLqQzUjB
Yet from the flames our burning vessels free, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOHrN5YD0Nf
Or let thy fury fall alone on me! 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoUJJ1CboIe
At this devoted head thy thunder throw, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEi4rpkA8SV
And send the willing sacrifice below!" 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAFTdR3F3p9l
Scarce had he said, when southern storms arise: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1mvr6HcYK5
From pole to pole the forky lightning flies; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3UtHgFCRCl
Loud rattling shakes the mountains and the plain; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmVKqKkaH9n
Heav'n bellies downward, and descends in rain. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADy8jDMsqSy
Whole sheets of water from the clouds are sent, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAo55t66xQki
Which, hissing thro' the planks, the flames prevent, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxyef5nh2rf
And stop the fiery pest. Four ships alone 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7EsEviu8Bx
Burn to the waist, and for the fleet atone. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMNQgvb4i5b
But doubtful thoughts the hero's heart divide; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZbeKWS7KzT
If he should still in Sicily reside, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdXvqwAzzPu
Forgetful of his fates, or tempt the main, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUBepElq1wK
In hope the promis'd Italy to gain. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaky8fyALx5
Then Nautes, old and wise, to whom alone 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQHozfWkAAL
The will of Heav'n by Pallas was foreshown; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACfmdrvNCWu
Vers'd in portents, experienc'd, and inspir'd 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzl3tc1qyT9
To tell events, and what the fates requir'd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVdniXotLf3
Thus while he stood, to neither part inclin'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAWTW3SGi6HH
With cheerful words reliev'd his lab'ring mind: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXRkauBwZpC
"O goddess-born, resign'd in ev'ry state, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAtosqSPfJkA
With patience bear, with prudence push your fate. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiMWL9VQgSP
By suff'ring well, our Fortune we subdue; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnVCofgPisz
Fly when she frowns, and, when she calls, pursue. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqho8y6rUEK
Your friend Acestes is of Trojan kind; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4Hc5TVythz
To him disclose the secrets of your mind: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzBHQyoAE9l
Trust in his hands your old and useless train; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAWEXAA8b8kA
Too num'rous for the ships which yet remain: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA16PCIxycSl
The feeble, old, indulgent of their ease, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIaEa9EUxN7
The dames who dread the dangers of the seas, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxLQCooXX1S
With all the dastard crew, who dare not stand 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKQYcdVZBZq
The shock of battle with your foes by land. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA2hW2J2VACg
Here you may build a common town for all, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGRoM6n9dEJ
And, from Acestes' name, Acesta call." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAfCjJsZnGSs
The reasons, with his friend's experience join'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIJRFOkfNsz
Encourag'd much, but more disturb'd his mind. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAyujNAD5jy
'T was dead of night; when to his slumb'ring eyes 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGFMlJdHuMp
His father's shade descended from the skies, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEcpQRwIWRR
And thus he spoke: "O more than vital breath, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApPBuIk0oed
Lov'd while I liv'd, and dear ev'n after death; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlKjM5PVQxH
O son, in various toils and troubles toss'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUB16V979mm
The King of Heav'n employs my careful ghost 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEjS5ZbGqfb
On his commands: the god, who sav'd from fire 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5eLtTPM8Cz
Your flaming fleet, and heard your just desire. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvcL6QIHM1m
The wholesome counsel of your friend receive, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAsH9PquorbF
And here the coward train and woman leave: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYUoDIwieNx
The chosen youth, and those who nobly dare, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANARE26OXdWzl
Transport, to tempt the dangers of the war. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAMwdzQ2jKPf
The stern Italians will their courage try; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxeAheQLkZs
Rough are their manners, and their minds are high. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5AMI7cMgew
But first to Pluto's palace you shall go, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbO32MtFBWy
And seek my shade among the blest below: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvZHXCSMBhJ
For not with impious ghosts my soul remains, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8ixJbAWvuk
Nor suffers with the damn'd perpetual pains, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaiX3cE8cD8
But breathes the living air of soft Elysian plains. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAR1gquD5pEx
The chaste Sibylla shall your steps convey, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaVPm6fKQQz
And blood of offer'd victims free the way. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoDJnD88yrD
There shall you know what realms the gods assign, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApfKtncuYVB
And learn the fates and fortunes of your line. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZIhG694oKL
But now, farewell! I vanish with the night, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA30IAUnlnMq
And feel the blast of heav'n's approaching light." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3rB9X4b1w3
He said, and mix'd with shades, and took his airy flight. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAb8eJZjJHzG
"Whither so fast?" the filial duty cried; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAytFfLZGfYd
"And why, ah why, the wish'd embrace denied?" 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAe6QBGupJGF
He said, and rose; as holy zeal inspires, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAEmbUU5Mr3V
He rakes hot embers, and renews the fires; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApO9S4rJg1k
His country gods and Vesta then adores 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeS3bt1bqno
With cakes and incense, and their aid implores. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYTeAWP3Dwf
Next, for his friends and royal host he sent, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAynZHJu9mqK
Reveal'd his vision, and the gods' intent, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXkQWt4AI88
With his own purpose. All, without delay, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOGxBgXqgXa
The will of Jove, and his desires obey. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlG1BtDwert
They list with women each degenerate name, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAC6n0BDz3qe
Who dares not hazard life for future fame. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJmBgLtSQZ7
These they cashier: the brave remaining few, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAinkmgeVVgv
Oars, banks, and cables, half consum'd, renew. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4UXd1kq6p4
The prince designs a city with the plow; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVkPzYKOXQS
The lots their sev'ral tenements allow. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqwex372lfN
This part is nam'd from Ilium, that from Troy, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHtQCa8HaSj
And the new king ascends the throne with joy; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA86Wl5pr1li
A chosen senate from the people draws; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApJdS95Jxmh
Appoints the judges, and ordains the laws. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACiRZpYr4rc
Then, on the top of Eryx, they begin 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaXyeSW64X4
A rising temple to the Paphian queen. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmaMAfEpJMq
Anchises, last, is honor'd as a god; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACxz9mZyhzI
A priest is added, annual gifts bestow'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAt41LvVCHJx
And groves are planted round his blest abode. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAvJCKQSATJm
Nine days they pass in feasts, their temples crown'd; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjBdlyr22KT
And fumes of incense in the fanes abound. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAJ7cATEDqhB
Then from the south arose a gentle breeze 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAH9BNfsxjOp
That curl'd the smoothness of the glassy seas; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnjuo7jEEqk
The rising winds a ruffling gale afford, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAup6zDamZbr
And call the merry mariners aboard. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApfCB308Ppo
Now loud laments along the shores resound, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAS8aUNsEZAr
Of parting friends in close embraces bound. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANArcIafHoz4K
The trembling women, the degenerate train, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIeYQVLEUfI
Who shunn'd the frightful dangers of the main, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANATJP9p7XJSQ
Ev'n those desire to sail, and take their share 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOsABYwg2iH
Of the rough passage and the promis'd war: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXQZ99J7STP
Whom good Aeneas cheers, and recommends 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5Y6E3PiAEv
To their new master's care his fearful friends. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAtgRhqaT5tE
On Eryx's altars three fat calves he lays; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZGNHG7goCX
A lamb new-fallen to the stormy seas; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAdFs6T6oGmg
Then slips his haulsers, and his anchors weighs. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANARme6Xbinz2
High on the deck the godlike hero stands, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzPqFPWOM2k
With olive crown'd, a charger in his hands; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGdxuQy0pCY
Then cast the reeking entrails in the brine, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKTmJnyog0l
And pour'd the sacrifice of purple wine. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVkH2RBHwa4
Fresh gales arise; with equal strokes they vie, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAPlSnMugZRN
And brush the buxom seas, and o'er the billows fly. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmN8AvtIbbX
Meantime the mother goddess, full of fears, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiWm8eCGLru
To Neptune thus address'd, with tender tears: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAN8SY0BLYFt
"The pride of Jove's imperious queen, the rage, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOr1qG34wm5
The malice which no suff'rings can assuage, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANANI010ZOvst
Compel me to these pray'rs; since neither fate, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjOCWANCqDC
Nor time, nor pity, can remove her hate: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAImDo6mJ2yM
Ev'n Jove is thwarted by his haughty wife; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAlQ8jqw60ud
Still vanquish'd, yet she still renews the strife. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAn4ysqXtDJK
As if 't were little to consume the town 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZO9oBRrJyZ
Which aw'd the world, and wore th' imperial crown, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA30tmuGDeNJ
She prosecutes the ghost of Troy with pains, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAyPgOsnNJrn
And gnaws, ev'n to the bones, the last remains. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAe8NMc26BXn
Let her the causes of her hatred tell; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAN6y5EjjNzj
But you can witness its effects too well. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAQVJCsxMsHv
You saw the storm she rais'd on Libyan floods, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAV6ZSOXO5z2
That mix'd the mounting billows with the clouds; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiqGT3eCZ3u
When, bribing Aeolus, she shook the main, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9NcNbvlbUN
And mov'd rebellion in your wat'ry reign. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAcSHUTv52EG
With fury she possess'd the Dardan dames, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAK27j55Fa4p
To burn their fleet with execrable flames, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAyfTJChbTUQ
And forc'd Aeneas, when his ships were lost, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8rrWLAUX0p
To leave his foll'wers on a foreign coast. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjH5W7gvSz8
For what remains, your godhead I implore, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUyl0fkPca4
And trust my son to your protecting pow'r. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7JgwyzbdbC
If neither Jove's nor Fate's decree withstand, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANADUgZa4w5Vx
Secure his passage to the Latian land." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZtzktG93bw
Then thus the mighty Ruler of the Main: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5QiNsuUUf7
"What may not Venus hope from Neptune's reign? 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAWc6kSK0VfS
My kingdom claims your birth; my late defense 1085Please respect copyright.PENANARlswg8BIhx
Of your indanger'd fleet may claim your confidence. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1FCTCycrRi
Nor less by land than sea my deeds declare 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALz4i2MVDeZ
How much your lov'd Aeneas is my care. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeN48RzRoZz
Thee, Xanthus, and thee, Simois, I attest. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA08cxPGCBDx
Your Trojan troops when proud Achilles press'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAHGEeLelQz6
And drove before him headlong on the plain, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAh7AhbyG0Jd
And dash'd against the walls the trembling train; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzjufN7CW19
When floods were fill'd with bodies of the slain; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASzw0Ix7eDT
When crimson Xanthus, doubtful of his way, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGuc7cQfp7r
Stood up on ridges to behold the sea; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAUdSZJNyAU9
(New heaps came tumbling in, and chok'd his way;) 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAKUN1X3UNjr
When your Aeneas fought, but fought with odds 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhKlWal1S6j
Of force unequal, and unequal gods; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxn25lcpHWw
I spread a cloud before the victor's sight, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIFhtLiAIFi
Sustain'd the vanquish'd, and secur'd his flight; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7aReX5Z6j7
Ev'n then secur'd him, when I sought with joy 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAtRJ7MjqLRh
The vow'd destruction of ungrateful Troy. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAj0GxjpCDcl
My will's the same: fair goddess, fear no more, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALK9LpGrq8x
Your fleet shall safely gain the Latian shore; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAl9cigphG1A
Their lives are giv'n; one destin'd head alone 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAr9yKumUwXm
Shall perish, and for multitudes atone." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAC0s7Xxdofk
Thus having arm'd with hopes her anxious mind, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA4bhiO1tTtM
His finny team Saturnian Neptune join'd, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAS2EBeeFZZb
Then adds the foamy bridle to their jaws, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAP8Zty1EKo4
And to the loosen'd reins permits the laws. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAIO8stMeQtl
High on the waves his azure car he guides; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVJo6OfD6Bo
Its axles thunder, and the sea subsides, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVVaiaNio4T
And the smooth ocean rolls her silent tides. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAVQRpq3kStW
The tempests fly before their father's face, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbcEPaWGEI3
Trains of inferior gods his triumph grace, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAgwpwbuSCJz
And monster whales before their master play, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9LvFB1Sh1t
And choirs of Tritons crowd the wat'ry way. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA3crLuuU7H9
The marshal'd pow'rs in equal troops divide 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnLGLBZbMn0
To right and left; the gods his better side 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAXATZ9bIgev
Inclose, and on the worse the Nymphs and Nereids ride. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhIelCecytu
Now smiling hope, with sweet vicissitude, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANACL6hYCtBgI
Within the hero's mind his joys renew'd. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmvDE7KfDjr
He calls to raise the masts, the sheets display; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6i7W8pGmOa
The cheerful crew with diligence obey; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAOUyvGxSAok
They scud before the wind, and sail in open sea. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZWToEN9OR
Ahead of all the master pilot steers; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA5No9yHf59K
And, as he leads, the following navy veers. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAoEM8RZX7BQ
The steeds of Night had travel'd half the sky, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA9zrkaNh95W
The drowsy rowers on their benches lie, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANApxQSCDnszZ
When the soft God of Sleep, with easy flight, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhNdrqjXwzX
Descends, and draws behind a trail of light. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAgvfVL5tH4l
Thou, Palinurus, art his destin'd prey; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqBmEHtTHGF
To thee alone he takes his fatal way. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqFdNBQGUK6
Dire dreams to thee, and iron sleep, he bears; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA93mhl03Yv7
And, lighting on thy prow, the form of Phorbas wears. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAyJb3LfLm9s
Then thus the traitor god began his tale: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYdHo6gl1wv
"The winds, my friend, inspire a pleasing gale; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANALlxmzi4hO9
The ships, without thy care, securely sail. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAnrTHgXKAGj
Now steal an hour of sweet repose; and I 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbBbNd2Qi92
Will take the rudder and thy room supply." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAemavYzlDUb
To whom the yawning pilot, half asleep: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAwV48SKry9P
"Me dost thou bid to trust the treach'rous deep, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAxgjW9lxw3z
The harlot smiles of her dissembling face, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAGdDZAyPg8C
And to her faith commit the Trojan race? 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzZ3i8qe3fi
Shall I believe the Siren South again, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhToqDZ0vsG
And, oft betray'd, not know the monster main?" 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAbSf6fuKoVK
He said: his fasten'd hands the rudder keep, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAhTJ91U1xd0
And, fix'd on heav'n, his eyes repel invading sleep. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAjW3mbqEaYk
The god was wroth, and at his temples threw 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAZDk3FjkGFF
A branch in Lethe dipp'd, and drunk with Stygian dew: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzPGZ9Li4SC
The pilot, vanquish'd by the pow'r divine, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA7qfgYGxM07
Soon clos'd his swimming eyes, and lay supine. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASNVcqkONIm
Scarce were his limbs extended at their length, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAiFLFWLt9YS
The god, insulting with superior strength, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAaTaAPEuFI4
Fell heavy on him, plung'd him in the sea, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA0P7OaKBgTm
And, with the stern, the rudder tore away. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAleKNlDuJvR
Headlong he fell, and, struggling in the main, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAeSjScIHE1G
Cried out for helping hands, but cried in vain. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAmlPKCcu2GR
The victor daemon mounts obscure in air, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAY1dsbKbqQS
While the ship sails without the pilot's care. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAthzKa47P0L
On Neptune's faith the floating fleet relies; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAw3pl5vNTUa
But what the man forsook, the god supplies, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA6T7Qejoksd
And o'er the dang'rous deep secure the navy flies; 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAzIVPyoioYq
Glides by the Sirens' cliffs, a shelfy coast, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAqeN1HPHJl8
Long infamous for ships and sailors lost, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAg0GB5oRTfa
And white with bones. Th' impetuous ocean roars, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAShool3xbdy
And rocks rebellow from the sounding shores. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAYbXZ6oV9Rp
The watchful hero felt the knocks, and found 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkxuq8hpnH5
The tossing vessel sail'd on shoaly ground. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANASkQLw9TwxR
Sure of his pilot's loss, he takes himself 1085Please respect copyright.PENANA8jnjDN9ryt
The helm, and steers aloof, and shuns the shelf. 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAujcklJHf6V
Inly he griev'd, and, groaning from the breast, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAcpLwUfeYtQ
Deplor'd his death; and thus his pain express'd: 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAkk9LTHxoVu
"For faith repos'd on seas, and on the flatt'ring sky, 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAAZRpCUNtmv
Thy naked corpse is doom'd on shores unknown to lie." 1085Please respect copyright.PENANAwikyZUGyZS