Now... The chapter.
*/It was clear from the moment they entered. As always since they were little, Candy had no intention of separating from her older brother. Rather, she had no intention of letting her brother be separated from her, especially when he was in what, within his family circle, was known as the "Girls Mode". And it was for his own good, since most of the time it ended up failing miserably, and even if it did not succeed, it always brought more problems than it solved. In that sense, Zady was equal to his father, only with a different luck, no better, no worse, but different.
So the rabbit had no intention of getting away from her half brother. And that's why she was forcing him to go where she wanted.
- Lambs! Lambs! Lambs! She said as she bounced around him. They were in the middle of the market square and people saw them weird, but she cared less than nothing.
- When are you going to stop? - The wolf complained.
- When you accompany me to try the sugar lambs. -Candy said, separating the syllables to the rhythm of her jumps.
-This is so embarrassing. Stop now! Zady replied.
- Nopity nopity nope. Either you come with me or I keep my hopity hopity hop.
- Why do not you go to annoy Jude for once?
- Because ... - She looked for an excuse not to tell him on his face what she thought of his attitude. -It's been a while since we spent quality time as siblings.
- And it has to be like that? Why do not we go to lunch somewhere interesting? - he complained.
- But that's just what I'm asking you to do! - She answered.
- Not that you wanted to go to eat sweets?
-Yes, but if you want we can go for something to have lunch besides the sugar lambs.
- All right. And when we finish eating where are you going? - Zady said with intentions to check if his sister was going to leave him alone at some point.
- After lunch we could go to the park, or simply know the city. Naja by now will be in the library, we could reach something to eat or give her a super uncomfortable surprise visit.
- Hey, that sounds good. How about the two things? An uncomfortable surprise visit to bring her something to eat. -The wolf looked a little more excited, and that if he had something in common with his half sister was that they both liked to play tricks on their friends.
- Are you thinking the same as me? - Candy asked as she looked at her sister with some complicity.
-It had occurred to me to put an extra spicy dressing to the sauce but ...
- Too risky knowing the breath of Naja, better look for something that does not make her explode.
- False worms in the food? -Zady asked.
- she's too smart. How about a "pull my finger"? - Candy replied.
- She knows it, and we are grown for that. Also I do not have that ability anymore. How about the old trick of the bucket at the door? -Zady said.
- We're going to be in the library, the bucket could fall on anyone else. Don't you have anything else?
- No. You neither?
- Not even the swiggliest idea. -Said Candy using one of her invented words.
- And that was our whole repertoire?
- Brother, this is terrible. - She said, suddenly putting his voice in a dramatic tone. - I think we lost the touch.
-Then we should fix that. Is it okay if we think a good joke while we eat?
- Yay!
And so they spent almost all the noon as planned. They went to a restaurant where they found Jude, who had already gone ahead and finished with his own food, and proceeded to go to the park to hang out. A few minutes later they were enjoying their own food orders. Zady had ordered a supreme chicken with gratin cheese and tomato sauce with walnuts. On the other hand, Candy had ordered a plate of pasta stuffed with ricotta and covered with béchamel sauce, accompanied by a salad of green herbs and several mushrooms. Being both faithful to their customs at the table, Zady ate quickly, leaving scattered leftovers, while Candy ate carefully and exerted herself to the maximum for having a bit of each different flavor of her food in each bite.
When the time for dessert finally arrived, they had decided the joke that they would later make Naja. But what mattered most was trying, at last, the sugar lambs.
A ball of chocolate a little smaller than a fist, filled with raspberry syrup and surrounded by a sweet foam similar to wool that melted in contact with saliva. The pamphlets of the restaurant said that the recipe was invented by a farmer who lived in the city when it was just a couple of farms, which he used to experience in the kitchen when he was sad. The legend told that the shepherd had lost a small lamb, which he had raised with special affection, being devoured by a wild animal while grazing. And it was during his duel period, that said shepherd discovered the secret of the sweet wool, that almost four decades later it would become the best kept secret in the city.
Having read the story, the brothers felt somewhat uncomfortable, sad and even unwilling to do anything else for the time being. So they agreed to return to Kellen to rest in Blueswan, and consummate the joke later.
As for the total cost of the meal, it was three hundred silver scales or what was the same, three golden scales, the minimum wage of three half-days. But it had been worth it. Now the brothers had a new valuable memory to share, it hurts that in the end it would have ruined a bit, but that was not the most important thing. What really mattered was that they were now a little more united.