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Kaldoria's home was set at the highest cave of the college. It was basically an entrance hall with two inner chambers, wich was covered with wool at walls and floor alike. Kaldoria learned some properties of wool and fur by passing some time with the folks. She used the wool to reduce the cave's echo and also to keep the ambient a little bit warmer. Of course, humidity was something to consider, so every few weeks she needed to change the covers, otherwise, the wool would start to get rotten and stink, also losing the capability to keep the things warm.
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She also had a fireplace at each chamber, and the entrance had some furniture in it, to make kindfolk visitors feel more comfortable. Kaldoria even had ordered to make a teabox fitting her size, around the four meters, as she resulted to be a great lover of tea.
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The chambers of the headmistress's place was completely different one to the other. One was below the main entrance's level, the other one was above it. The lower one was almost completely empty, except for the fireplace, the wool covers, and some small holes at one of the walls, almost at the level of the floor. Those holes were there to let the air and light enter to the chamber. The highest one, wich was smaller than the other two, was the place where Kaldoria stored her stuff, books, precious stones and metals, various artifacts, gifts from students, and so on. Of course, that room was a disaster, but the other one wasn't meant to have visits in it, so when the headmistress had visits, she used to either let them stay at the entrance hall, or ask them to go upstairs, like in this case.
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The first interviewed was Willow. As the fisher wasn't called personally and only came there to accompain his daughters, he went surprised when he was the one who was called first.
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— Tell me if I'm wrong but, are you accompanying someone else?
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— Yes, i am.
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— Who, exactly?
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— Mercedes... And Olivia, both of them. — the hawk was scared.
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— So, Olivia, a wyrm with a kindfolk name... Mister Marlyn, i understand you are afraid, but you have no motive to hide me the truth, or be ashamed of it. So tell me, what kind of relationship you hold with Olivia?
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The wyrm was firm and severe, so the fisher had no choice but to tell the truth.
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— I'm her adoptive father. I raised her since she was just an egg. Only my family and the ones of my village know about this.
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— ¡That is astonishing! — the wyvern couldn't hold herself from screaming put loud due to the emotion. The scream was heard trough the halls despite the isolation.
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— Well, i knew it in the moment i saw her react to the first presentation. — Kaldoria said. — But i wanted to hear it from you. Well, tell me how it happened.
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After that question, the fisher told her every detail he managed to remember about the day he found Olivia, and how she was raised and educated. Then, the headmistress asked for Willow to retire and called Olivia.
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— Olivia, you little one. — The wyvern said, despite the fact that Olivia was way bigger than she. In fact, she was so big she even had problems to fit the room's entrance. — It is not bad to be different.
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Olivia realized the headmistress already knew about her condition. And then she realized how much she was needing to hear those specific words from another dragon.
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Those words, said with that kindness and compassion, touched the young wyrm's heart.
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But Kaldoria often had a double intention on her actions, tough not with malice. Hugging her head the best she could, the headmistress managed to see the giftmark at Olivia's forehead.
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— So, you grew in a small village where you was highly appreciated by everyone, and you helped them all in everything you could. — Kaldoria repeated some words she heard from Willow. — And, in all that time, you weren't told about the draconical gifts, right?
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— Draconical gifts? — She asked.
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— A group of scales wich colours contrasts with the rest, set in the back neck or the forehead of every dragon. These scales always form a word from the antiques's alphabet. And this given word defines a gift granted to the dragon who holds it. Every dragon is born with a gift of these. You ignore many things about your culture or species, do you? Well, here i can help you, don't worry about that.
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— Thanks. And, what is my gift?
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— Oh, it's a rare word to be found as a gift. "Empathy". I don't know exactly what it does, but thanks to what i know about you, i have a theory. I think that it strengthens you based on either your good deeds, feelings or both. That will explain how you are so big. As you basically double the size of any other wyrm of your age. In fact... Yes, that could be interesting. — Kaldoria went distracted by her own ideas for a while, then she went back to normal. — Oh, you still here? Please go down and tell your sister that you both are in.
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— But you didn't interview her.
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— Oh, i don't need it. You are in, and she doesn't seem troublesome, also, I'll need someone close to you.
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— For what, exactly?
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— I have an Instinct for this things. Trust me, we will need her sooner or later.
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Olivia wasn't fine with that. Her sister made great efforts to join and will not get comfortable with entering only because of her. But by denying her the chance to enter would make Kaldoria reject her admission. So she simply accepted.
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Then, all the rest of the students passed. Naja and Neoh waited till the end, accompanied by Kellen. When there was their turn, all the three of them were called at once.
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— Well, what can i say? Neoh, you don't seem like the kind of dragon that will want to join the college, but you don't want to separate from your sister. Am i wrong? — She started the interview being straightforward.
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— How did you...? — Neoh tried to ask something, but he went interrupted.
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— Like you, i have a gift too. Yours is "Motuum". An old draconical word for movement. Mine is "Perspicacity", basically, i'm perceptive. I notice and comprehend things that many others will most likely miss. For example, with Olivia... — The wyvern acted like if she said something that she souldn't say. Trying to awake the siblings's curiosity for the said wyrm. — Hmm... Better we focus in our own things. Introduce me to your companion, please.
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Kellen tried to talk, but all he got was a fast reprimand look from the headmistress. Only Naja realized what happened fast enough to react.
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— He is Kellen, our tutor since a few months ago. He is an archivist and also a storyteller. He comes from Moundus, like we do. And he insisted in coming along with us to see this college again. Seems like he studied here but he couldn't finish.
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— He couldn't finish, of course. — The headmistress interrupted she suddenly. — Kellen, you used to be a star student, but you never told me why you left.
— That is not of your business anymore. It's also something i don't want to remember right now. But i can guarantee that it's a thing of the past. Like seventy seven long years passed since then.
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— I see. You are being sincere, but i still uncomfortable with that. Well, for now, i will let it pass, but it is something i want to know. Meanwhile, my conditions for your pupils to stay here is simple. You will work in our archive starting now.
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Whenever Kaldoria used her authority voice, it becomes hard to say no. And in this case, Kellen had no motives to deny the proposal, well, only one maybe. If he was to stay there, Kaldoria may observe and deduce one or two things that he wanted to keep for himself. But he was not going to be selfish, that was not his style. So he just accepted.
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