Happiness is a fickle element, sometimes proving itself as an arduous challenge to obtain, yet it can vanish all in an instant as if it were never there.
In short, one of the things that gives me joy in life is writing. It's a beautiful hobby, and fellow authors you meet along the way are so unique and talented in their own craft. It helps me to appreciate sides to the dice I never really thought of before. The ability to escape from a stressful or strenuous day to a world where literally anything is possible gives me hope causes me to look forward to writing that next chapter or story. Crafting complex characters. Morphing worlds and environments into whatever I see fit. Being the one in charge of the story. It gives me a sense of power when I may be powerless in the real world.
Not much makes me necessarily sad, but some things can definitely put a damper on my spirits. And the main one happens to be time. There just never seems to be enough. Or there may seem to be too much during an unpleasant situation or circumstance. It stops for no one and doesn't care whether or not you're ready for it to move on. In life it's one of the ultimate antagonists. A silent killer of not only people but hope as well.
You can write and express yourself on paper or keyboard as much as you want, but in reality time limits you from completing all the thoughts and stories your brilliant mind comes up with. In the end it's a matter of freedom against restraint.