What makes me happy and sad, hmm...925Please respect copyright.PENANAlUFeAWH2vV
I'll try to define happy and sad here for contextual purposes to start. So first I'll say that happy and sad aren't so easily defined. Sometimes I'm happy with some fear, or sad with a feeling of hope. So really happy and sad are temporary as far as I'm concerned. There can be an overall feeling of long-term happiness (which I typically say contentment) over a course of a year or more, but within it can be a moment of sadness, fear, etc. Each moment is different and our lives are made up of a series of moments. Life is a rollercoaster, and the peaks and valleys are what is most memorable.
So I'm not sure why, but while writing I've noticed that general things defined what makes me sad, so here goes.
I am sad when I see other people being treated badly. This is because I've experienced it myself. I've been belittled, ignored, mistreated, marginalized, hurt, and everything in between. Some to high degree and some trivial, but I've experienced it all. There's nothing worse than being put down by someone, especially when it's by someone you care about. It also follows that it makes me sad when I don't know how to tell someone they've hurt me. I over analyze and overthink how and when to do it, and mostly end up not ever saying it.
It makes me sad to see people in pain, emotional or physical. Most people I interact with every day don't divulge much more than their "fine" or "doing alright." Yet, sometimes I can see in their face or hear in their voice that they're going through something. They probably don't feel comfortable to talk to me and I can't do anything for them and I feel helpless. This is why I can't stand movies with someone being tortured, because and it's just continual pain for them and I can't do anything about it.
This is more specific than some others here but it makes me sad when I hear about someone being abandoned, specifically with fathers or mothers leaving their children. I think this is because I'm very fortunate with having both parents and I can't imagine any of my parents not being in my life for that reason. More often than not it's fathers leaving, and children need their fathers. I hear it more and more it seems. This leaves much emotional damage for everyone, let alone the support that is lost. Perhaps in some cases it's for the best, but if people would be their best self, this could end a better scenario.
It also makes me sad when people are unable to see their weakness. This sounds strange, but if someone can't see their weakness or refuse to see it, then they will never grow. One of the greatest things in this life is to mature and learn and grow as a person. By refusing to better themselves, they're depriving themselves of joy because many times our own faults keep us from loving life the most.925Please respect copyright.PENANAqJNkVmJw7t
It also makes me sad when people have great potential, talent, or just great character in general and can't see it. Their self image and confidence is shattered for one reason or another and they never reach their potential. This may be because of incidents in the past, which leads me to the next point. It makes me sad when people aren't able to let go of their past and move on. This many times is because they can't forgive someone or they can't accept something. It's like walking around with a ball and chain around their neck, and many times keeps them from seeing the good in their future when they're stuck in the past.
It makes me sad when I react too quickly and make a regretful decision. This especially applies in being angry and saying something hurtful that I don't really mean. I've learned to get better but I can lash out or make rash decisions that often are not wise. This makes me sad because it's hard to know sometimes when to go with your emotions and when to hold them back, so you feel like you can't win.
What makes me happy is a bit different, as it is more specific, small things. It makes me happy when my daughter laughs. But the best is not just a chuckle, I mean when she is laughing so hard she's almost snorting and out of control. It makes me happy when my wife or daughter looks at me with that twinkle in their eye and that look says "I love you." It makes me really happy when my daughter gets excited over doing something right and you can see the confidence in her face.
It makes me happy when I'm sitting at the computer with my hoodie over my head, typing away and totally engrossed in my writing, and time seems to stand still as I'm transported to another place. It makes me forget about the world, finding my little piece of heaven on Earth. It makes me happy when the only sound is the patter of rain on my roof and I have a cup of hot coffee in my hand. There's something so serene about it...and I honestly can't explain. It feels like I'm in tune with nature, or maybe something else.
It makes me happy when I connect with someone. When I find common ground and something inexplicable is exchanged, like a fire being ignited. It makes me happy because I know that I impacted someone's life for the better, whether it be doing something nice for them, having a laugh together, or sharing similar nostalgia and memories.
It makes me happy when I read something profound. This can be a connection of knowledge that articulates an interesting thought/idea or just a known truth that's expressed beautifully. A poem or story that expresses something so strongly you can't help but react to it. It's what motivates me to write and makes me feel like someone has shared something wonderful with me.
It makes me happy when I find a song that fits my mood just perfectly. It shares the same idea from before that someone has created a song with a mood that matches my own. It somehow validates me. Or sometimes, I love it when a song changes my mood. If I'm feeling drained, sometimes the right song will keep me moving and keep me feeling upbeat. Or sometimes I'm hyped up and listen to something reflective, thoughtful and relaxing to calm down.
It makes me happy when I'm able to see truth, and I don't mean facts. I mean wisdom truth, such as being able to see how fortunate I am. A large part of this is my spirituality and knowing I am loved by God no matter what I do, and that no matter how many times I mess up, He is there for me. It makes me thankful, and even when times get rough I can always find something to be thankful for.
I hope I've articulated this all well enough as I tend to overthink everything so there it is!