I had no idea what happened to me. Honestly everything happened so fast. I was in kitchen. I smelled good food. I followed it and found Cutler. I touched his head and suddenly fell on ground, then found myself in darkness, but somehow I was able to see. The smell was stronger than ever, and I felt excited as I ran towards the source. I opened my mouth and swallowed it whole.
It was awesome.
Then I found Culter, and then my body was different and then we collided and then I’m back.
Does it make sense? Of course not!!
At any rate, Cutler left the living room after he woke up. We kinda woke up at the same time which makes me doubt if we were dreaming. I got up, feeling full for the first time since I could remember.
I wonder what it was. I had to ask Cutler himself, but I wasn’t in a rush. I went towards the big window in the living room and opened the curtains. It was still night time.
”Wonder if Spencer is looking for me? He’s probably worried” I muttered
“Who's Spencer?”
I turned to see none other than Cutler, smiling brightly at me. I felt creeped out by his change.
”...why do I have to tell you?”
”Chill out. You don’t have to if you don’t want to” He said as he stood right next to me, watching the city lights at night.
He stared at me for a while, as if he wanted to say something.
”...what?” I frowned at his serious tone.
“Wanna get out of here?”
”obviously, but I’ll die if I try?”
”...what if I tell that I can get us both out of here?”
”that’s funny...thanks but I don’t want to die yet” As if I could trust him!
”You’ll die certainly if you stay here” he sighed
My body froze as I barely said “wut?”
”This whole incident started soon after you arrived, and even though the there is no evidence found in the investigation, the leaders of gangs are so angry that they might make you their scapegoat”
“But I didn’t do it!!” I shouted as I grabbed Cutler from his collar.
He smiled as he took hold of my hands.
”That doesn’t matter to me. You’re my benefactor, and I’ll do my best to get us both out of here”
His expression was extremely sharp under the moonlight. I could see he’s determined to do what he wants to do.
”Why do you want to escape? Won’t your boss punish you if he caught you?”
”hmph! I never considered him my boss! That criminal!!”
Somehow, Cutler became more arrogant than before? It didn’t matter that much since he might be my only chance to live.
”Okay, what’s your plan?”
”first take these”
”My bag!”
Cutler gave me my school bag, with all my stuff in it. I can finally call for help!
As I reached for my phone, Cutler stopped me “calling the police is useless, because they won’t move against several gangs bosses to save one commoner”
“Then, What should we do?”
”I think-“
Cutler stopped talking as he pointed at the window, his mouth open wide.
”What’s wrong with you?”
When I turned around, I became the same.
A helicopter was floating in front of us. It had strong flash lights pointed at the transparent window which probably made us visible to whomever was in that thing. A figure wearing a familiar bike helmet spoke through a microphone.
That voice!! There is no way I couldn’t recognize annoying voice!! OMG!! He came to save in a freakin Helicopter!!
I felt thrilled as I replied quickly “SPENCER!! IM HERE!”
Cutler and I did that. Spencer threw something at the window. It seemed like a small device. It grew spider legs and got attached to the window. Soon after,
“Beep beep beep...”
Me and Cutler shouted as we covered our faces with our hands. The glass shattered and the helicopters front forced itself into the hotel. It was so chaotic.
”Don’t move!!” Spencer moved towards us, pointing a gun at Cutler. Seriously, where did he get that stuff??
”It’s okay!! Spence, He’s with me” I waved at him.
”he’s a gangester no matter how I see it!! Come on! We do t have much time!”
Cutler and Spencer were looking at each other. I couldn’t see Spencer’s expression but he’s probably not happy. On the other hand, Cutler looked very calm as if he’s trying to read him.
”Spencer! I can trust him”
Cutler looked at me in surprise. I was even surprised that I said that, but I relied on my guts on that one. Reckless, but I hated the feeling of regret the most. I don’t want to regret not bringing him with us.
”Rae, is this guy your ally? Are you sure it’s the Spencer you mentioned before?”
“Yeah, I can recognize his voice”
”alright, that’s good. Then...”
he suddenly pushed me strongly towards the helicopter.
”Go quickly!”
”What? Why are you not coming too?”
“Heh, there is no need to worry. Thanks to you, I’m not weak any more” Cutler made a wide smile as he waved at me.
”Wait-“ before I could try to persuade him, Spencer grabbed my hands and pushed me inside the helicopter.
”Go Go Go!”
”Got it”
The helicopter pilot quickly started the engine and closed the door. I focused on Cutler outside, as I saw many gangesters getting into the destroyed room, including Kyle. They were shooting at us as we flew away further.
Was it okay for me to leave him there? It’s not like I trusted him completely, but he DID let me go. Maybe he really wanted to leave the gang.
I hope he gets away safely. He was not a bad person, after all.