"Get up! You have to leave for school in half an hour!"
"What?" I sat up brushing my bed head out of my face and wiping away the drool. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"
"Because I had loads to do last night, and because you didn't help me again after dinner, honestly whenever you come back from your Dads you never do the dishwasher, you do need to help around the house more."
I didn't answer that.
Then, I got dressed ate a piece of peanut butter toast (Mum didn't approve, "Hunny, you can't eat peanut butter all the time, why don't you have some granola or avocado?")
"Get your shoes on, we're leaving," she said while doing up her make-up.
"Ok," I whispered.
'Mum, c'mon we have to leave or we'll miss the bus" I urged her on, I hated to be late.
"It's fine we are on perfect time," she said while doing her hair, and then finally, pulled on a pair of shoes.
*Time Skip*
"Goodbye Wren" she waved goodbye to me.
I pretended not to hear.
I quickly ran up to the bus, climbed up the steps and then took my usual seat at the front.
I pulled my mp3 player out of my pocket and then my earphones too and put on Wild horses remix by Birdy.
I loved this song.
I couldn't help but sway my head slightly to the beat of the song.
The rest of the journey continued without anything out of the ordinary, and all too soon the bus was pulling up into the school driveway.
I was lucky to be right on time because the bell rang as soon as I flopped down gracefully (not) into my seat. I always sat at the back whenever I could, or as near to the back as I could because, this may sound weird or like I have some weird trust issues ( which I probably do), but I just get really uncomfortable with the idea the there around 20 teenagers behind me and if they were holding a knife I would have no idea.
'Right class take out your books, and take out a pen or pencil, today we will be studying a poem by Markus Watson" the teacher made her way around the classroom handing out a sheet of paper.
When she came around to me I saw that it had the poem printed on it.
"Right class, this poem is called The playground" And so the class continued.
The next class was Music, which I had a sort of love-hate relationship with.
But this class it was all hate.
"So class today we will be splitting you up into groups, wait how many there are you?"
She counted and then, continued "Right so please organise yourselves into groups of 5, there will be one group with only four, but that won't give you a disadvantage."
Hate to disappoint you Miss, but that will give you a disadvantage.
Just sat there waiting, I had no one to go with and none wanted to go with me so... Here I was.
Soon everyone but me was arranged into a group.
"um, Wren? Do you have a group?" Mis O Neill pointed at me.
I could feel my face slightly flush as everyone looked at me, "No Miss"
'Well chose a group to go in" I swallowed and looked at all the faces staring me, Faith was very slowly shaking her head and the one group of boys were talking to each other.
"Miss Thorne obviously saw the problem because then she counted the groups and said, " Look, Leo's group has only three people in it, join them."
I felt like an intruder as I picked up my books and sat at their table, Daniel one of the boys in the group gave me a weird look as I sat down beside him so chose to stare at the desk.
"Why is she sitting here Miss?" Daniel stood up confused.
"Wren didn't have a group to go in and yours has only three people in it so I thought she could join yours."
Daniel sat down.
"Now, in these groups I want you to pick any song and play and sing it in front the class, it has to be ready on today in two weeks time. Right, I wanted you to pick a song now if you want to use them there are the piano and two guitars in the cupboard if you want to practise you can use the other Music rooms ok? Now get to work?"
I listened carefully curious as to what kind of torture the world had planned for me.
As soon as the teacher turned around a loud chorus of chatter erupted.
The guys turned around so they were, we were in a sort of wonky circle around the one table.
Leo and Jack sort of stared at me for a moment but then Daniel interrupted.
It was obvious they didn't want me in their group, but it was obvious why.
I had told the teacher I didn't play any instrument, there I was useless, I also couldn't sing, even if my life depended on it.
I also kinda sucked and was boring, and really fricking awkward
"Hey wake up!" I felt something move infant of my face and immediately flinched and moved backwards, but I was sitting down so instead, I fell off my chair.
"fUCK" I sort of yelled.
I quickly scrambled up, "Shit" I whispered to myself, I looked at Leo, Daniel and Jack their eyes hinted with amusement.
"Wren!" I looked up and saw Miss O Neill looking at me.
"What?'" I said.
"Language," she said sharply then restarted doing whatever paperwork she needed to do.
My cheeks flushed as I bent down to pick up my chair, and still were when I sat down on it.
"Nice performance." as Daniel spoke.
"Have you picked a song yet?" I changed the subject.
"Nope," Leo said popping the p.
'We were going to ask what instrument you play but then you decided to fall off your chair."
"Hey didn't decide to fall off my chair, blame it on whoever waved their hand in front of my face!" I argued back.
"That would be me, but hey, didn't know that you get frightened so easily" I looked a Jack who was smirking.
"I do not get frightened easily!" I growled.
"Well, no need to get so defensive."
"I am not getting defensive!"
'Yes you are"
"Am not"
"Guys calm down and stop arguing," Daniel said breaking us apart.
"Ok," we both said.
But I just needed to finish this.
"not, now what are we doing"
"Hey that's not fair, we agreed to stop" Jack complained looking at Daniel.
"So, wait, whats your name?" Leo asked me, at least I think it was me...
Jack's POV
Wait, like the Wren? Like as in Wren Rees? Because I did not want her in our group, trust me she would ruin it.
She just sat there, looking for someone to say something.
"Right, so do you play any instruments?" Daniel said.
"Nope," she said popping the p.
"Alright, so you sing?"
"What? No!"
'Wait, so you don't sing or play an instrument, then what do you do? Beatbox?" I butted in this was ridiculous? Why did she even take music then?
"Nope" she repeated again
"Then why, did you come to Music class?" Leo and I said at the same time.
"I just thought it would be fun," she said. Well done! Our group is officially doomed!
'Oh, god" Leo said groaning into his hands.
"She'll have to sing," Daniel said matter of factly.
"WhaT? I'm sorry but no! Trust you don't want me to sing" she exclaimed, but I bet you she was just one of those girls who get stage fright and are actually really good at singing.
"Sorry," Daniel said, but he didn't look sorry at all.
"It's ok, you'll be great," I said, I was trying to sound comforting but that just came out sounding really sarcastic.
"Seriously, I will 100 per cent ruin your group if you get me to sing!" she said, not like she hasn't ruined it already...
'Hey it's ok, we can just blame you if everyone laughs at us." I pointed out.
she glared at me, "Thanks!"
"Your welcome," I said.
"Shut up!" she was getting pissed.
"Well we've got that sorted, what song should we pick?" Daniel said and putting his hand on her shoulder.
She immediately flinched and shrugged his hand off.
"Umm, how about a Taylor Swift song?" Leo said trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"No! Leo, we are not doing any Taylor Swift songs!" Daniel said groaning.
"You like Taylor Swift?" Wren said frowning.
"Yeah, she's great isn't she!" Leo said smiling.
"Umm, lemme see, how about, no?" Wren said, smiling.
"Aww, come aren't there any Taylor Swift fans here?" Leo groaned.
"Nope," I said, "Now any suggestions anyone?"
"How about Imagine Dragons?" Daniel suggested.
"Any objections?" I said, I just wanted to get this done.
"I don't care" Wren shrugged her shoulders.
"Urgh, Noo" came from Leo.
"Yesss!" Daniel said.
"Ok, so what song by them?" I brought out my phone from my pocket and searched on youtube, Imagine Dragons.
'Umm, how about Thunder?" Daniel said giving me an evil smile.
I'm not an expert at music so I searched up the song and it started playing.
"What? how the hell are we going to be able to perform this?" Wren said confused.
"I am NOT singing this!" Leo said.
Daniel was too busy bopping his head to the music to hear anything.
So, "What other songs can we pick?" I said.
"Wren, any suggestions?"
'Nope, what about you?" She said looking at me, her head was slightly tilted to her left.
"Nope, no suggestions," I said, god this was going to take a while.
And, like I said 10 minutes later still no song was picked.
"Right Class pack up your stuff now on the next class we'll be continuing with music study so you'll have to continue working on your song after school, or at lunch, you can leave now."
When the teacher had done talking I looked back at the boys and Wren.
Wren had already packed up her books and was heading towards the door.
"Guys, I'll talk to you later, I need to catch Wren, we'll meet up after school, ok?"
I picked up my books and rushed after her.
'Wren! Wait" I called out after her, I couldn't see her anymore only the crowds of students heading to their locker for lunch.
Instead, I started heading back to my locker.
Later on, I met Leo and Daniel at the cafeteria, lunch finished, I went to the rest of my classes, school finished, and still, I hadn't seen Wren anywhere.
I packed up the books I needed for homework and closed my locker.
How else could I tell Wren we needed to meet up after school to discuss what song to pick? I didn't have her number.
I started walking towards the bus and was going to sit in my usual place, somewhere in the middle when just as I was walking past the front row I saw Wren sitting in the corner with a pair of earphones listening to music.
Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed the story, I'm not a 100 per cent sure when I'll bring out the next chapter but as soon as possible I will.
If you have any helpful criticism you can put it in the comments below, but no hate comments please and if you like this chapter it would be great if you could hit the vote button below.
Thanks for reading!