POV Wren
By the time it was the evening I was completely, pissed.
I had already packed my bag and was heading over to the bus when Jack ran up beside me out of breath. Seriously what does this dude want with me?
"Hi," I said looking straight in front of me and I picked up my pace.
"Wait, Wren, just-slow-down-sec," he said and stopped walking.
I stopped walking and stood beside him waiting for him to catch his breath.
"Gee, are you that unfit?" I said raising my eyebrows, I'm sorry I couldn't help myself.
"Nope-just- come out- of P.E, and I-actually-do-P.E, unlike some," he said and he stood up straight and wiped his brow. He was wearing his P.E kit, hadn't even bothered to change and did look kinda exhausted.
Ok, fine, maybe a small bit more than 'kinda exhausted'.
"Poor you," I said, "Can we go now?"
He smiled, "Charming aren't you?" he said, was it just me or was he always smiling? God, these human beings I just can't seem to figure them out...
"Yup, now what did you want me for?"
"Ever heard of a casual conversation Wren?"
I rolled my eyes. "Can we go? Time is money you know,"
"You in a rush to go somewhere?"
"My legs are getting tired from standing and if we don't move I might collapse from exhaustion, so can we move? Now," I said.
"That sounds pretty severe Wren, should I maybe carry you to save you from collapsing?" he said and smirked.
"I'll pass," I said and started walking again.
"You sure?" he said walking beside me.
"So how was school today?" Jack asked.
"The usual, shitty and boring," I answered.
"Right! Sounds like you had a fun day!" he said sarcastically.
"Yeah, it was great fun!" Queen of sarcasm coming through.
"So what happened?" Jack asked, why the fuck (excuse language) did he want to know?
"Why d'you want to know?" I said.
"Wren, I think you need to take a class on how to have a conversation," Jack said "You're really bad it,"
"No, I'm not, you just said I was charming, hypocrite, anyways what if I don't want to learn how to have a conversation? Maybe I want to learn life skills instead,"
"I was being sarcastic when I said you were charming Wren you're really not, and learning how to have a conversation is a life skill," said Jack.
"No it isn't, a life skill would be learning how to...brush your teeth," I said.
He burst out laughing. "Brush-your-teeth," he said in between breaths.
We reached the bus and I climbed and sat down on the front seat putting my bag on the seat next to me.
"Seriously Wren, how many times do I have to ask you? Move your bag," Jack said, still smiling doesn't his face hurt? "Do you really not like socialising that much, huh?" he said.
"Not my fault," I said.
"Not your fault what?" said Jack.
"That people suck...Well, most people,"
"Aww, thanks,"
"I was talking about Alex Rider, not you," I said smiling.
"She smiles!" Jack said, "And who is Alex Rider?"
"Hey! YOU DON'T KNOW WHO ALEX RIDER IS?" I said loudly.
"Who is he?" Jack said his raising his eyebrows.
"Literally the best spy in the WORLD," I said.
"Is this a fictional character?" said Jack.
"You hesitated,"
"Really Wren, you're acting so stubborn," Jack said.
"Is that a bad thing?" I said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Just, because, you need to be more open-minded," Jack said.
"I am being open-minded," I said.
"No, you aren't,"
And on it went until the bus arrived at the second stop and I and Jack, yes Jack (he was somehow convinced I would get lost walking over to his house after I told Mum I was going to his) climbed out of the bus.
I look around for the battered blue VW golf. It wasn't there.
"Your Mum isn't here yet huh?" Jack said.
"No, she was abducted by aliens," I said.
"Oh shit," I said remembering Mum this morning.
"See you after school honey, Oh and by the way can you walk home today I have to be at a meeting?"
"Sure," I said.
"What?" said Jack.
"I kinda just remembered, Mum asked me to walk home today, so......."
"Are you telling me we could've stayed on the bus, and just went straight to my house?" Jack said looking at me.
"Kinda, a small bit, yeah," I said.
"Great! Now let see if you know the way to my house, without getting lost," Jack said smirking.
I froze, why wasn't he mad at me?
"Wren?" he said.
"Yeah, I'm totally going to get 110 per cent," I said smirking too.
"Bet you won't,"
"Will" why does this keep happening to us?
"Will," I said sighing and started walking to his house.
*Time Skip*
"Haha, I win," Jack said, yeah I know he said that but I won.
"You only won because it was daytime," I said.
"Wren, that doesn't make any sense," said Jack.
"Yeah, it does,"
"How, then?" he said "because it's daytime it makes it easier, not harder,"
"No, it's more difficult at daytime"
"Because when I walked back by myself last night it was dark,"
"Still doesn't make any sense,"
"Dense head," I mumbled.
"I heard that,"
"I know,"
We were up in his bedroom, definitely not, arguing.
"So you play the drums," I said.
"Yeah, I already told you that..." Jack said.
"Then play the drums," I said.
"Wha- why?"
"Gee Jack, don't you know how to socialise, you need to learn how to have a conversation," I saw making my voice all deep.
"That is not how I talk," Jack said looking pissed.
"Why're you all grumpy all the time Jack, you need to smile sometimes," I said in the deep voice again.
I couldn't help burst out laughing, "Oh-my-god-your-face," I said.
I looked over at him, he was smiling now.
"Hah! You smiled," I said smiling.
"So? You're smiling too, you should more often it suits you,"
"Great," I scowled "When are Leo and Daniel coming over?"
"I don't know, sometime soon, but we can start working on the song now," Jack said.
"Yay," I said. "And that was sarcasm Jack,"
Authors Note
Hi guys, I haven't been on wattpad that much recently and the last chapter I published was pretty short so I made this one a bit longer...
And, schools starting soon..................................................................................
My nightmares are becoming real.
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