POV Wren
I sat in the car watching the rain trickle down the window.
I watched the people dashing around trying to get to work, the traffic lights turned green and the car moved forward. I looked at one kid a boy, probably about 10 or 11 walks past the car. Isn't strange and kind of cool that each and every person has their own story. Imagine if all of those stories were written down, there would be an awful lot of books, more than there is already which is a shit load, not that I'm complaining.
The car drove around the corner, just a bit too fast and I clutched onto the door handle and looked up at Mum. She frowned slightly.
I looked away. I suddenly remembered my Maths copy sitting on my lap. God, who the fuck invented homework?
I picked up my pen lying in the middle of the copy and looked at the sum I was meant to have finished by now.
What the fuck was 27 divided by 7 again? Jeez, my brain was not functioning. 3 r5, right? And then (2 squared + 3 cubed), how the fuck was anyone supposed to do this sum? I sighed and closed my copy, I 'll try to do it when I arrive at the bus. I looked up as the car pulled over, we were there.
Just then the bus pulled over at the bus stop. Great!
I stuffed my copybook in my bag and opened the car door.
"See you after school honey, Oh and by the way can you walk home today I have to be at a meeting?"
"Sure," I said, I'll deal with the consequences later.
I hopped out, "Bye Mum, " I said and closed the door.
I ran quickly over to the bus, ran up the steps and sat down in my seat.
I put my bag on the seat next to me brought out my Maths copy again. Come on brain, function, please? Nope, not going to happen so pulled out my headphones and put on Quarter Past Midnight and looked out the window. I traced patterns on the cold window and watched the people.
After a few minutes, the bus stopped and people climbed in. Demons by Imagine Dragons was playing now.
"Hey," I looked and saw Jack looking at me.
"What?" I said.
"Move your bag," he said.
I reluctantly moved my bag down to my feet and pulled off my headphones stuffing them into my bag. Jack sat down beside me and the bus pulled out.
"What were you listening to?" Jack said.
"Nothing," I said.
"Nothing, so you just put them on so you would look antisocial?" he said and turned around in his seat to look at me.
"Nope, I put them on so I could be antisocial, though you totally defeated the purpose of them," I said looking at him, he smiled. Was it just me, or did I just notice he had green eyes? Nice ones with speckly goldeny bits in them. "Right," he said.
"Oh, and also this yours," I said and pulled out the book he had given me last night out of my school bag.
"Did you finish it already?" he said and took the book.
"'No, I already told you, I don't have any interest in music,"
"Right," he smiled.
I rolled my eyes. "So whats happening with the music thingymajig?"
"Leo and I thought we should meet up after school today...And start working on the song, what d'you think?" he said.
"I don't care,"
"Cool, we will do that then," said Jack.
I picked up my school bag and put in on my lap just as the bus parked outside the school. "See you then," I said.
"Yup, see you,"
I waited until he got out of the bus and I followed close behind him. And then I headed to my locker.
Who the fuck invented education?
I got to the classroom and then sat down on a seat as far away from our extremely horribly boring English teacher. Which was not that far away, unfortunately. As soon as I sat down the English teacher came over to me, "Wren, do you mind, I'd like a word with you after class?" she said.
"Sure?" I said, was I trouble? I don't remember any reason why she would want to talk to me...She walked away then leaving me to figure out the reason why anyone would want to talk to me.
I tried my best to listen for the rest of the class but I seriously struggle to understand how anyone can make English so boring. I think I understood some of it, while I was busy reading Alex Rider underneath the table.
Yeah sure, you did.
Shut up.
"Yesterday afternoon I was meant to meet your mother at 4 o clock, why wasn't she there?" Miss Bennet said after class.
"She was?" I said, I literally had no idea what she was talking about.
"On Monday evening last week, I gave you a note which I asked you to give to your mother," she said.
Oh, right that one, yeah I remember now. The one I sat in the girl's bathroom and opened and read it and then later chucked it into the paper shredder in Mums office.
"Right," I said.
"Why wasn't your mother there?" she said.
"I have absolutely no idea,"
"Very well, I'll call your mother this afternoon," Miss Bennet said, "You may leave now"
"Cool, see you around then," I said and walked out of the classroom.
Yeah, about that note, I had no clue what I would tell Mum about that, I could tell her I forgot it in my bag. But then they would search my bag. Personally, I think the best tactic would be to act clueless.
After that, I went to Spanish and Science, all other forms of torture. And then, it was lunchtime, Yay! Freedom! I went to my locker chucked my school books inside and then pulled out Inheritance of the Eragon series, personally one of the best books ever written, ( I totally ship Murtagh and Nasuada, they'd be perfect together).
Then I closed my locker and walked outside, I went to the back of the school and sat down under a tree ( the grass wasn't wet) and read till page 267. And, then the bell rang, Yay!
You don't have to read this if you don't want to, but I've been really busy with holidays and stuff so I haven't had a lot of time to write. Forgive for this short chapter.
Hope you guys are having great summer holidays!
By the way, do you guys prefer Cats or dogs, or both?
I prefer Cats, comment below and if you can click on the star button with vote written next to it.
Luv u all Xx