Chapter 3: Chasers
The wind rushed past Tutors hair as he jumped from a precarious edge on the courtyards wall, towards an impossible ledge atop a building beside it. From beside the Sepulchers wall he watched chaos envelope the city below him with intense fighting happening all around this side of the Sepulcher. From atop the building he could see over the barrier wall that had been raised up around the city. An immense army filed around the city testing the limits of the cities siege defenses. Immense modernized siege weapons stood behind scores of soldiers swarming in a classical siege assault. Strange for the day given that the majority of fighting was of long range missile assaults and snipers. The defenses of the city of Sphinx must be much different than other strongholds throughout the world. The Risers must have spent a long time researching the defenses of the UC and their bases of operations. He found himself thinking back on missions he had been sent on in the past with his father. Most had seemed pretty basic but there was the occasional one that his father seemed much more stressed about. Instead of stealing plans for new designs of clothing or technology from the Risers, these missions were through odd structures hidden underneath buildings strategically near UC operations. Thinking on it a moment he found that the data in these missions must have been something on the UC directly. Even though they retrieved the data and sent the virus through their systems they must still have made use of it to better their goals. Returning to the present moment he found the Riser fleet from the distance had made its way floating over the landscape outside the city. Smaller craft poured out from them in many directions. From his perch high over the city battlements he could see several fly off towards a small village in the distance where immediately a dogfight ensued over its rooftops. Looking around the area he found that none of these smaller craft even attempted to reach inside the cities limits.
He leapt from the ledge he was on over towards a long pole sticking out from the building nearby with a long silken banner hanging from loops holding the two together. He tested the limits of this so called blessing from Keter which has enabled him to do incredible new acrobatics. His legs felt far stronger and his arms lasted longer holding him up. This was amazing, invigorating and limitless it seemed. His foot hit the edge firmly and pushed him upwards again towards a maintenance shelf. He made the bound quickly and wrapped his hands around the edge of the shelf, pulling himself up before he turned his head to look down. Underneath him huge mechanized troops, like the one that saved him by the bridge to the Sepulcher, fought through masses of Risers and giant odd creatures that decimated the area around them. Explosions ripped through the distance and shock-waves could be felt from below. The fighting was something Tutor never saw before. It frightened him but also made him feel secure that such a force as the UC was there to fight the Risers too. Maybe he wasn't alone in his quest to avenge his mother after all. The whole of the UC, and Drexx, were behind him. Who knew what else was out there fighting the Risers. He turned back and crawled through the shaft to the other side of the building where some scaffolding hung from cranes atop the building. A bucket of dirty soap water sat on one end next to a mop with an open window next to the shaft. He peaked down over the railing to see this side of the building was much different than the chaos on the other side.
The streets began to darken and lights started flashing by at an awesome pace. The setting of the sun warranted a much higher traffic as the populace, free of basic employment since after the war, began to head out into town or the countryside to enjoy any number of hobbies or pastimes. The fighting seemed to be, for now, limited to around major buildings in the city. Even though he was still near the Sepulcher the Risers seemed to be only after certain targets and entrances. Looking down he thought to himself, any normal kid would stare down from this height and nearly faint but it gives me a surprisingly calm and soothing feeling. The now small amount of whirring wheels on pavement and humming of hover vehicles was pushed up by the high winds rushing into vortex’s around buildings. The hot desert air wafting inward for a final push into the heart of the city and the salty taste of the not far off Mediterranean and Nile licking his lips made him stop where he stood. The setting sun crested in between two buildings ahead of him. The glass of the buildings' windows shining brightly as he saw a flock of birds pass in between them before more jets passed overhead patrolling the airspace. Although no Riser planes or ships penetrated into the city they seemed to think it was needed to patrol its rooftops. Tutor saw it to be for good reason as a rocket propelled upward from the roof of one of the two skyscrapers and exploded into the bottom of one of the jets causing it to careen off into the city proper. Tutor followed it with his eyes seeing a small body eject from its cockpit. It crashed onto a small highway with minimal traffic. The pilot must have been able to guide it just right, fighting till the end to save others' lives before thinking about his own. He then looked off to the side toward the centre of the city, with massive frameworks rising higher then the building he stood on now.
The two coiled cobras rising over the highest buildings of the city, with the great green beam pulsing from the very centre, held the sun in their teeth. For a brief moment it seemed the sunlight split into a slew of colours that Tutor had no name for as it hit the beam. He took the moment to marvel at the city he had only heard so much about back in Rhakotis. Tall modern buildings, made of glass and golden gilded stone, meshed seamlessly in with the surrounding countryside in a way that seemed like it was natural. The lights flickering on below the canopy of the metal forest bringing life to the dark husks that held the lives of humans simply existing, not wanting or caring about the conflict just outside their walls. It was a vastly different experience compared to standing on ancient Greek architecture reaching up only a few stories from the ground below. Even now he was much higher than he ever was before. It amazed him to be here, standing on the latest creation of man kinds genius. Towering skyscrapers shooting up into the sky reaching for the stars and innumerable vehicles darting about in every direction below him. With technological marvels battling each other in a heated battle that was beautiful in its own right.
The sensations seemed more vivid, more alive than before. Its as if he could understand the world better than he could before the blessing was his. His senses picked up on more and his own awareness had risen since last he ran. Sounds carried with them small vestiges of colour. He couldn’t understand that part, why could he see strange colours swirling about as the sounds reached his ears? The blood curdling screams of dying soldiers from below wafted up deep crimsons and foreboding saddening colours. The sound of wind rushing by washed around him, colours of lightly orange-clear hues. what was the point of such a sense? Would this help him determine the world around him or allow him better reaction times? He didn't dwell on it much longer and instead looked out over the city again. As the sun slid past the high cliffs that made up the border of the Qattara depression, he looked over to see a full scaffold ran along the side of the building he stood on. He pushed off jumping from a standstill across a small gap to the scaffold. The wind rushed under his feet as the hundreds of metres below him rushed by effortlessly. It creaked Under his weight as he used the momentum to roll down a ramp onto a second layer of the scaffold. He passed many bars of steel and panes of glass. on the other side of the glass were construction workers hurrying to finish a few small tasks before the automated droids, which could be seen on the adjacent balcony inside, came to finish the floor overnight. Tutor stopped and stood staring at the bots working faster and harder than any man could, laying panels of heavy steel and laminate down quickly with others following behind and ahead securing the panels with ease and efficiency. He noticed one of the human crew staring at them too with a small pang of longing in their eyes.
Both were of the same company signified by a small SIE embroidered on their backs and emblazoned on the bots' chests. The man must have been one of the people replaced by that automation, yet he didn’t stare at the bot with resentment. Only longing as if he missed doing its job. Millions of people were displaced out of their jobs all over the world. Every year more and more, yet this automation allowed for the elimination of economy. It wasn't like the companies embracing automation tossed their employs to the wolves no longer needing them, that made no sense. If the whole world changed in such a rapid pace like that why would most of these companies exist without real people to make use of their products? Robots had no need for food or luxury items, they were all numbers and binary. It was strange really, that him and his dad worked so hard for these companies when there wasn't a need for money anymore. His parents would often talk about the way it was when they grew up in the remnants of the US. Long nights of hard work to keep their crumbling shack intact. Hard work to be able to find food let alone have the means to attain it. All to keep him fed and safe. This was before the UC won the war and started moving the populace away from that filth and into their territories. Before too long a younger worker tapped the man on his shoulder and the two walked away laughing. They were probably only needed for a small task like cleaning up a broken panel or repairing some hard to reach electrical circuits.
As the bots continued their job Tutor turned toward the scaffold again and ran down the rest of it reaching a dead end not too far off. He jumped toward a pole hanging off the edge of a corner and wrapped his hands around the slick pipe and, using the momentum, he swung around with his feet dangling over nothing but passing traffic. He landed next to a large bright billboard with an advertisement for a sleek black car. With a dragon like symbol as its hood ornament it sped through a cityscape on a long stretched paved road. It was of a classic design still sporting rubber tires opposed to the newer hovering and flying vehicles that were the norm. The city in the background was much older mimicking cities from the 19th to 21st centuries. with simple and almost ugly angular skyscrapers and art-deco facades. Wyvern was plastered along the bottom of the board in bold lettering just below the large pavement with a motto in quotes, “Our power. In your hands.” Tutor didn’t spend much longer on that before making his way further down to the ground below. from the advertisement he bounded over a gap between two buildings and landed softly on a ledge atop a shorter building. The graveled rooftop reached out before him with a fire escape on the far side that likely stretched down to the alleyways below.
The building was fairly basic with ventilation and electrical receivers and generators scattered about. On one side was an enclosed rest area with a comfortable assortment of lounge chairs and luxury sofas for the populace to enjoy some time away from whatever troubled them. Several people stood or sat talking amongst themselves making no notice to the young boy standing on the rooftop staring at them. Tutor found himself longing for a life so simple. Friends and family to converse with about normal 'he said,' or 'she said' conversations. A deep humming started to rise up from the city below him as he stood pondering such a life and he turned to find the source of the odd sound. He saw a Riser drop-ship pulling up to the building he was standing on top of and rising up out of the darkness and city lights below. It rose just in front of the very last vestige of light blocking the sun with its imposing figure. With just a moment in between, the ship popped on a floodlight onto Tutor. Blocking his eyes from the sudden bright light he turned and immediately ran for the fire escape on the far side of the building. The gravel behind him started being shot up into the air as they fired at the boy rapidly. The people in the lounge area quickly shot for the doors into the building below them as Risers began pouring onto the rooftop and shot the glass out to chase after them. They seemed to be going after civilians indiscriminately now. Not specifically after Tutor. From the corner of his eye he could see several individuals fall to the floor in a pool of blood.
This meant all he had to do was lose them before reaching the park and to do so, reaching the streets would be quickest. Another ship fell in line ahead of him cutting off his route when it dropped down troops in full combat armor. Tutor skidded to a stop staring his adversaries down as they raised their rifles up towards him. Looking around he didn't see any other route off the roof and Keter had only that direction highlighted for him. It led in between the several Risers ahead of him and down the chute that was a fire escape. A loud explosion ripped the doors off the interior of the building allowing the Risers in to get those inside. With the momentary opening it offered, Tutor quickly dodged through the bullets that rained from either side darting straight through the several Risers at the door. They tried to catch him as the door acted as a funnel for him allowing only a couple in at a time. He found himself racing through the hallways of a small apartment complex with myriads of doors shuttering closed with emergency blast shields and lights flickering onto emergency strobes. The halls had emptied quickly and the Risers chased him inward ignoring the closed off doors, instead chasing after the young boy that had given them the slip. The building was very lavishly furnished with elaborately embroidered carpeting and beautiful paintings adorning the walls. The Risers paid no head to the artwork or the fine furniture in the halls as they destroyed everything in their pursuit of the boy.
The top few floors of the building were fairly similar with a few differences in colour palettes or furniture designs.Reaching the third floor down through a series of stairs he entered a large hall with columns and a raised level. Books lined the walls with the windows tinted a faint blue. Chairs and tables sat crisscrossing the room with hanging plants and ultraviolet light bouncing off their leafy surfaces. Books and small plates of snacks and food lay about on the tables and several chairs were lifted tipped over as the people had left in a hurry. Tutor heard the Risers fast approaching through the stairwell behind him and quickly bounded toward the other end of the library. He slid under a table as gunshots rang out into the room splintering the red tinted wood of the chairs and tables. Glass exploded in from the windows above, the shock-waves rocking the plants back and forth. Risers slid down cables landing all around him with several cutting off the escape route. The boy stood staring them down as a standstill stopped motion in the room.
Silence wafted into the room with the breeze whistling in from outside. the leaves of the plants rustled and the feet of the Risers shuffled in place waiting for orders and for the boy to make a move. Their armour plating shifting against the Risers body was the only sound in the room as tension grew between them and the boy. Tutor watched them as he stepped back once. Towards the end of the hall a window shined light from the signs outside before turning down a staircase. The boy took a quick moment to pick up a small trash can and toss it at a wall mounted electrical panel near a bookcase to his right causing a quick lockdown sequence in the halls of the building. Emergency blast doors shuttered down cutting the Risers off from escape or reinforcements and almost sealing Tutor in the hall with them. They immediately attempted to take the boy down but he was too swift. Before the windows themselves shuttered closed, he shot through one that was broken aiming for a sign with the complex's name in bright colours outside. He clung onto the upper 'E' of the sign that read "Memphis Suites". Looking through the window he just came from he saw only the shuttered metal of the blast shield. Looking down there was an empty street with not a single soul in sight. Empty cold metal shells of cars laying on the stone roadways. He quietly climbed his way down from the top to the bottom of the sign. Dropping off the bottom 'S' to the ground, he looked at the car near him.
It was of the same make as the one that was on the billboard but instead of rubber tires or empty wheel wells, it rested on the ground on small stands sticking out from the underside with no openings for wheels to be inserted. Its sleek black metal shone in the night-lights, but also reflected the ominous figure of a drop-ship listing over the top of the building. It shone its light down bright on the boy again with a blaring sound from its hull calling attention to the boys area. Immediately screeches and deathly howls filled the dark air of the city streets. The sound of scraping and heavy footfalls lingered in the air as Tutor attempted to determine their origin. A faint laughter reached his ears from all around him as the drop-ship used its lights to cast thick dark shadows all around him. His mind played tricks on him as the darkness stretched around him and closed in on his feet. The shadows seemed to reach at him with thick dark hands and pointed claws. He stepped back and turned away to be greeted by a tall creature of fearsome build. A woman's head hung from torso like a trophy with bones cracking as it opened its mouth beyond what any man could to release a deathly howl. The echo of its noise circled around Tutor as he stood wondering what to do.
“Run boy,” the familiar voice echoed in his mind before highlighting directly in between the creatures grotesque blood dripping legs. The boy skittered in between them with a light drop hitting his forehead as he slid underneath. He wiped it away as the creature slammed a huge fist into the ground where he was standing a moment ago. The path led through a dark alley with lights barely flickering on in patterns. “stay in the light Tutor. The creatures in the shadows are far worse than those that brave the grace of light.”
With how the last thing looked it was hard to imagine what could be worse. The thing now chasing him occasionally moaned in human tones as it powered through the obstacles in its way. It was a woman's voice echoing behind him stretching into his mind making him think of his mother. It slammed through obstacles no normal human could hope to budge. Whole cars thrashed away and Marble cracking under the beasts weight. Tutor dodged into another intersecting alley and leapt upwards onto a thin electrical box with pipes running up the buildings side. He scrambled up the long cold pipes as the creature slammed into the wall and clawed its way up the surface with brute strength. The fists of the creature dug into the hard stone pulling full blocks of limestone and marble from the wall it chased the young boy up. He clung onto the rooftop ledge pulling himself up onto the roof as the creature ripped the electrical conduit from the wall slinging sparks and metal down into the alley below. A loud clamour rose up below them as Tutor stepped back to get a grip on the situation. He needed to get rid of both the Riser ship that still hovered overhead as well as the monstrous beast whose distorted face rose up over the ledge.
He stood momentarily transfixed as he watched the face briefly form a normal human face again. It was a young woman with a long bridged nose and an angular chin with deep blue eyes filled with pain and longing. The drop-ship screeched overhead yet again calling more beasts to the rooftop. With the beasts chasing after the young boy perhaps he could trick them into attacking their summoner somehow. Looking around he espied a short outcrop not far from the ship that would be a great vantage point to push off of to land on the ships hull, given his new found skills would allow the gap. With that thought turning away from the face of horror he bolted off towards a railing by a doorway and leaped off it grabbing hold of the ledge of the entrance hall. Beneath him scrambled up various other creatures after him all clawing for him and trying to dig into his flesh, to turn him into one presumably. Pulling up he saw the great one charge for his position quickly with the face again one of pure pain and absolute anger. It screamed at him with a high pitched squeal as he ran towards the outcrop with the drop-ship turned towards him and a bright floodlight casting shadows all around him. The shadows around him stretched at him unnaturally as he dodged odd tendrils of darkness and fingers of creatures he was sure were the product of the other side. Leaping off the ledge he saw the drop-ship attempt to pull away but too slowly as he landed atop the glass cockpit windshield. The men inside immediately pulled out pistols and aimed up at him firing through the glass where he was. The bullets barely missed as he pushed up with the grip of his shoes allowing him enough traction to move on the glass.
Their faces lit up with fear as they saw the hulking mass of blood and bones break through the wall of the entrance hall and leap towards them. With no time to react the two were forced to accept their fate and huddle in fear from their own creation as rubble and muscle cascaded over the ship listing over the edge of the building. Tutor had barely enough time to slide off its side and grab onto a hand hold at the edge of the building. Screeching metal and an angry howl roared up before it crashed into the street below. A cloud of dust obscured his sight from the wreckage but he could swear he saw the face of the woman calm and asleep in the dust clouds. Looking back upwards expecting to see more monsters to face he saw only the empty rooftop and the crumpled rubble of the stair entrance to the roof. Dust and shadows rolled along the now still roof as he pulled himself up and looked back down. He found himself wondering what the hell that thing was and what its connection to the Risers was but waved it away with his hand before looking back forward to see the trail continue back across rooftops towards a large structure in the distance that was sure to be Ptah's Park. The night stretched around him and the sounds of warfare were distant as the buildings around him blocked it out. The cool blue sounds of rushing wind blew past his ears and he followed its lead along the path laid out before him.
He could see it winded its way towards the park through several open rooftop rest areas and livery decorated rooms. With a tired step he walked across a small connecting sky bridge and saw several civilians inside it through the glass. They looked up at him with anticipation and wonder. They must have seen him deal with the threat and thought of him some sort of prodigy. He nodded back at them and continued on with a renewed strength, knowing that he just saved not only his life but that of others as well. It was a good feeling to do good in this chaos and he pushed on hoping to receive the sort of euphoric feeling by doing so again. He rushed through an empty room with comfortable couches and flowing fountains whose ripples echoed in the near silence. Stopping for a moment by one he looked himself in the eye through his reflection. With all his new found vigour and strength he couldn’t notice any difference in his appearance. But it still felt as if he was staring at a different person through the water. The twelve year old that stared at him was distant and out of reach. But how could that be when he was the same person from before? Had the Blessing done something more drastic to his being than just give him new physical prowess? Maybe it doesn’t matter. He thought before splashing his face with the cool fresh water and rubbing the sweat and drop of blood fully off his forehead. The water, for a moment before running back through its filter, ran a slight tinge of reddish brown and his reflections face distorted in a grotesque image of himself.
He stared at it a moment as it grinned at him menacingly and made a bitter laugh that crept into his mind. He brushed his hand through the water and rubbed his eyes, opening them to see his childish face looking back up at him. But now a pervading hiss entered the room from somewhere behind him. Like a snake it slithered its way up to his back and a cool air breathed down his neck. He swung his hand behind him brushing it through a thick shadow that misted as he hit it. Looking at it he saw the silhouette of a man in a suit standing over him. He frantically ran without looking back and slammed the glass door behind him before running for what the path told him. The feeling of whatever was in the room weighed heavy on him as he approached the edge and a striking fear swam over him. He briefly remembered the symbol on all the Risers he has dealt with, was that of a snake. Could that be somehow linked to whatever was in the room just now? The buildings around him rose up like spikes trying to lock him in a cage of torment. Instead of the nightlife he had been experiencing a short time ago, now he saw only dark towers and fading light sources. Hurrying along the path he sped through the next room that was draped with various wall hangings and older rugs laid over couches and chairs with a roaring fireplace set into one wall. Before leaving the room the thought of the fireplace struck in his mind. Warmth and light called to him from within its cradle and beckoned him near. He felt the natural desire to be away from the shadows outside the doorway he stood in and to be near the fire that pushed the shadows away.
But instead of acting on the desire he pressed onward outside to find himself back in the world he remembered, The crackling fire erupted inside the room behind him in a rush of flames and embers. The room became engulfed in flame unnaturally quickly before the door got sealed off by the firewalls that rose from the floor. A swishing sound rushed around the room as a small amount of water seeped from the crack in the blast shield. Tutor turned to look back at the scenery of the city again seeing that it was bright with the artificial lights of man and speeding headlights and red flashing lights of cars still proceeding their nightly lives. With such a war happening outside the walls it was amazing that it had such little effect here in the different parts of the city. He walked over to an edge and looked down to the streets below to see that laying between him and Ptah's park was a huge bustling section of city with much shorter and longer buildings with various lights and TV screens flashing advertisements on their slightly curved sleek surfaces. He made his way to follow the path he has been so far. He made a quick look back at the section he just made his way through and it looked almost entirely different than what he saw moments ago. Instead of menacing looming spikes he saw the normal buildings that surrounded him blending back into the scenery he found himself in.
The surreal world he stood in was much different then the one he was expecting to find in the big city. He couldn’t find himself getting a grasp on any of the events he just lived through. Was that even a part of the real world or something else? Despite either being the truth he found himself standing over the very real markets below him. Looking for its proper entrance he found two. One exited out into the streets right outside Ptahs park and the other was closer to him with a big fanciful arch flanked on both sides by tall golden tipped obelisks that occasionally shone in the night without so much as a light at its tip. With the finding of its entrance he raced his way towards the park entrance instead of following the path on the rooftop. The path changed instantly with Keter stating “Redirecting through Nefertum’s Beauty Tutor.” He made his way toward a series of buildings that made almost a staircase to the ground.
As he slid down a pipe into a dark rooftop alley the thought crossed his mind that the last time he ran was with Dad. Back In Rhakotis across much smaller cobble paved roads, the running there was simpler. It felt much more free and open ended. This was immensely different and more complex. The rooftops themselves were more slick and hard to keep a grip on, yet he never slid. The traffic and people were so different. It was as if the city itself hummed with some kind of energy that was different then anywhere else he had been. It was as if the city itself breathed and occasionally changed around him even though every time he noticed such feelings nothing at all was moving. When his feet felt as if they would slide right off the gravel and glass rooftops, instead another force pushed against them to keep him atop the precarious ledges. Likely just this blessing working in his favour, he still felt odd and scared about the situation. It didn’t seem like he should be allowed this power but clearly Keter had plans or perhaps it was simply out of seeing the boy in need. Whatever the reason it propelled his feet along with uncanny quickness. He stopped for a moment to catch not his breath but his mind. He was letting it wander again and needed to reign it in before he let himself slip for good. No matter the strength of the blessing there was no way he was going to survive a misstep leading to a fall from this height.
Feeling the cool wind brushing against his cheeks he watched figures darting to and fro around him. They ran with a familiar guidance to their steps and a similar gait to his own. Chasers from the local bureau it would seem. Probably keeping an eye on the outsider. They darted back and forth overhead and to both sides circling him and surrounding him as if they felt him a threat. Yet they didn’t approach him as if they thought so, he knew they would quickly eliminate an enemy in their midst. He learned that from working with the Rhakotis bureau closely in the past. He immediately diverted again wishing to be alone and Keter chimed in with a quick, “Routing a more secluded route for you Tutor.” He quickly began to take a less visible route back down to the streets to enter the park properly. He ducked into a small opening into a rooftop structure and darted through an electrical room and slammed a door open back out into the open air. He slid down a sloped glass ceiling for a good thirty feet and landed in a dark alley with a nimble roll. He dusted himself off and made his way out onto the street. The buildings on either side were lined with innumerable signs for any number of entertainment and luxury locations. Most were arcades or stores for luxury goods not provided by the city. One advertisement had a number of women dressed loosely and situated around a dais with a slightly older woman dressed in near to nothing sitting upon it. She had a medium bob cut hair style that fell to just past her shoulders ending above her almost exposed nipples, the back cropped down to a short length hugging her neck. Below the women read a short phrase “Loose your lust to the Coven, solidify your trust.”
Tutor turned away blushing as he thought of the women in the picture all situated with different promiscuous parts of their bodies exposed to the public. He had never seen another woman that close to naked other than his mother when he was a babe. Several of them seemed very enticing and he felt a small swirling of emotions in his stomach as he thought of them. He stepped out trying to hide his face from the people around him here. No one around him paid any extra attention to the poster in the alley or anything else as they strolled carelessly through the bustling walkways and past the various stands and kiosks lining the centre. They went on their own ways paying Tutor no second glances. The only people paying anyone any more attention were the individuals running the shops and kiosks. One woman, clothed in nothing but a waist-cloth like skirt and a thick jeweled necklace that sat over her otherwise bare chest, stepped up to Tutor holding out a cask of some liquid. Formed like an odd gourd but made of a fine glazed ceramic she held it out towards him expectantly. He stopped staring more at the woman in front of him peddling wares when there was no need than the cask of liquid. But nonetheless he took it from her and smelled it from the bottleneck. Immediately he moved away, slightly sour smelling and red in tint he asked her, “What is this?”
She cocked her head and smiled at him again kneeling down next to him. “Straight from Sekhmet’s Winery outside the city. It’s a special concoction that helps you calm down and be less angry or bloodthirsty. An elixir crafted out of the need to calm the patron of our fine city,” Her voice rolled off her tongue almost perfectly but had a slight unnatural feel to it. Almost like she had some sort of robotics in her, Tutor couldn’t quite place it. “She was plagued by a vile demons bloodlust that nearly ended her, Poor Sekhmet had to be stopped and luckily for us her loyal companions had a plan,” She started to recite the tale of Sekhmet like straight out of the myths. Yet this tale was new she said. “They say she is here in the city tonight, helping to fight off the menace that surrounds us. Her prowess in battle as goddess of war will prove to outlive the Riser fools.” Lights flashed around them as the people stopped and conversed with one another around the kiosk. “take a cask on the house young one, Wine is good for the Ka and will help soothe your troubled soul.”
With that he reached up and took it. Smelling it again he opted to take a sip fighting to keep it down. “This tastes like blood!” He held it away from him as he noticed several other people rush up and gawk at the woman's wares. They were fascinated by the idea of drinking such a famous brew. And without hesitation took some casks and walked away without even paying any mind to the woman at the stand. She noticed them but just waved a fond “thank you,” towards them.
“Yes of course. What better way to sate the threat of bloodlust then with blood itself. It’s like how the Coven helps alleviate sexual tension in relationships that are falling apart because of it.” So that is what the poster advertised? And she was so open about telling him that fact like sex was so common around here. “Fight fire with fire see?” She stood back up and walked back to the kiosk grabbing a flyer and handing it to him. “Here in case you wish to try our other brews.” He looked at it to see a panoramic holographic image of the Winery. Huge lines of grapes and other fruits and berries growing in abundance along its land and a large welcoming but almost intimidating building with glass encased walkways around its exterior. It looked like an inviting building with two large Sekhmet themed Sphinx statues resting on either side of its doorway. He stuffed the flyer into his pocket and felt his Amulet brush against his thumb. It was still there and still giving off that faint pulsing feeling. He nodded to the woman and walked away from her looking around the area again. He began to reach the archway that sat over the official entrance to the mall. In bright luminous colours sprawling across a carefully carved thick slab of black glassed obsidian was the name Nefertum’s Beauty. It floated over the walkway free standing with light pulses of energy reaching up from the two tall obelisks.
Along its surface, behind the English letters that hung in front of it, were scrawled golden bright Egyptian hieroglyphics. They depicted tales of Nefertum and beauty or Nefertiti being worshiped. Passing underneath it he entered the outdoor marketplace proper. All around him there was even more people calling out their wares and advertising their products. To his left there was a store full of clothes of newer designs, the displays showing men in practical useful attire that was tight around their bodies but sleek and had touches of Egyptian influences like golden designs running along their surfaces, the women were either revealing and flashy portraying their feminine personalities or practical and fully covering to ward off heat and everyday annoyances. A woman was calling out her clothes while wearing a Soto Industries logo on her chest. Here a man dressed in a Caution Corporation uniform-a professional black dress shirt with a sleek yellow design running from the hip of the right side up to the left shoulder that made a sort of cloth pauldron with two yellow lined pockets on the left. His black slacks were capped with a triangular yellow pattern, his shoes were simple black and yellow pull on dress shoes-walked up to Tutor seeing the rags that he wore. “Good Evening my good lad. Might I interest you in some fine new vestments?” He pointed toward his shop that sat beside the more elegant clothier of the area. His was all practical and lacking in luxurious designs but fitted Tutors style much more closely. He looked down to see his own clothes in shambles and barely hanging together, he decided to turn towards the man with a nod who promptly led him into the smaller store. The clothes were designed for multiple types of occupations, Engineering, running, swimming and myriads of others. He even had on display multiple armour sets like Drexx’s own armour. Yet more refined in their style matching those of what he saw on the Shield Corp soldiers.
The man led him straight over to his kiosk with a smile and pointed over at a seat near him. “Now judging by your current attire, despite its scorched and um…torn appearance, you are a chaser employed by our mutual bosses.” Tutor nodded looking around the room. “But also judging by the age of your uniform you have not been in the game for a while. Lets take a look at the newer versions of the Chaser uniform eh?” He pulled up a screen and moved several tabs and windows aside leaving only the choices for the Chaser Uniforms. They were far more sleek then his own used to be and much more aerodynamic looking. They came in various colours and with many different design patterns that mimicked the different companies he has worked for as well as several others he has never heard of before.
As the colours whizzed by on the screen he stopped them at a friendly looking one. Its main two colours were the same as the man by the counter, Black and yellow but this one had light blue streaks running along the black in a crisscrossing computerized pattern. “This one looks nice.”
“Ah yes the newest design by Miss Kelly herself, Quite a fine choice young lad. Crafted of the finest and strongest materials to allow swifter running and more freedom of movement without sacrificing a single thing. Kevlar for defense, Silken lining from China and full support for the newest implants and plenty of space for modification and holsters.” The man immediately started pulling up a repertoire of variants in colours but Tutor quickly waved them off saying that the original was his favourite. With that the man nodded and hit a few more buttons on the holographic keyboard in front of him and a wall behind him opened up with a fresh set of the suit hanging on a rack. The rack extended out and the man walked up to it pulling Tutors new clothes off. The rack tucked itself away and the man held them out to Tutor. “Here you are young lad fresh off the manufacturing line this one. We just got a shipment in this morning as Miss Kelly finished the designs only late last night. With the shipment came a note about someone very special to her needing a suit of this design.” Handing it to Tutor he smiled, “Perhaps that could be you eh?” With a laugh he pointed toward the dressing rooms.
The name Miss Kelly rung in his mind as he walked towards the swinging doors. He knew that name from somewhere but couldn’t quite place where exactly. He felt as if she definitely held an important place in his heart though. He entered and looked himself in the eye from the mirrored surface in front of him. He was expecting to see weariness but, again, was surprised to see no red in his eyes, no bags under them or any other telltale signs of exhaustion he knew to look for. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the only item he had left, the amulet, wrapped up by the flyer, that still pulsed with that odd light with its eye still wide open and staring into the distance beyond him. He set it down and started changing into his new clothes, a little upset he couldn’t wash himself off first but it was what it was. The clothes fit snuggly and firm with the joints the perfect fit as to not cause the issue of not being able to bend. His legs felt naked in the leggings yet they fit very slim to him, and his hands met the gloves precisely. Looking himself in the mirror again he smiled at the look, It accented his person very well and he liked it. A perfect comfortability for a runner, something practical but likeable. Placing the Amulet in his side pocket he stepped out with only his old jacket in his arms. The man was already busy with another customer but Tutor knew the next step, Find a seamstress to patch the symbols of his employers back onto the new jacket. There was likely one outside as he stepped out with only a wave to the kind man that nodded and gave him a thumbs up as he exited.
The Seamstress he searched for wasn’t far off, the mall was designed more sensibly then the outdoor markets in Rhakotis that were very haphazard and poorly organized. Instead of having to go across the entire mall to find one they were very close together, as were all the clothiers and armourers. She took his old jacket and the new and in just a short while the patches were added to the breast like they were before. He liked having them on his person opposed to some runners he worked with that wouldn’t be caught dead in an emblem of those they worked for. The seamstress’ shop was much less cluttered then the one in Rhakotis but still had myriads of cloths, fabrics and linens hanging from racks near the walls. He used to enjoy looking through them but opted out this time and instead gave her a thank you, a tip from his digital Luxury funds wallet and bid her farewell. With himself properly outfitted and ready for whatever lay ahead he strode through the rest of the mall itself. Exiting the clothing section he entered a much more bustling area with people of all makes wandering around enjoying each others company. He watched their smiling faces go by with longing for that kind of friendship and their ability to not care about the world around them. He lowered his head in thought for a moment and bumped into a kid running off towards another shop with an excited air about him.
Tutor stopped to follow the kid with his eyes into one of the stores windows to see what a group of teens were gawking at. Seemed to be some sort of newer device like an implant. This one advertised to make someone faster at processing their environment then its predecessor. The one beside it being surrounded by some older individuals was being showcased to show an enhancement in strength by a man no bulkier than anyone in the audience lifting heavy objects with ease. Tutor had a couple implants himself but they were outdated and faulty so he had them shut off and removed when support for their systems were ended. Realizing the wares weren’t for him after this blessing he turned away to follow his way along the strip of stores. The colours around him swam around the markets with the sounds of merriment, they led his eyes around all over watching flickering neon lights and advertisements of upcoming entertainment and products. This life was so immensely different to him he felt he could get lost in all of the wonders displayed here. After a short while he found himself stopped next to a woman with an easel and canvas sitting across from a store front. She was simply dressed and held her palette delicately in her palm as she measured from a distance some part of the store with her brush.
He watched as she brushed paint across the plain white canvas mimicking, in a surreal style, the store she was transfixed upon. He noticed it was a book store. Odd to see actual books in such an advanced place. Even in Rhakotis the only place to find real pages to turn was the former “great library” which held few books now. The store probably carried more. Tutor spent a small amount of time peering over a stack she had next to her. Several philosophical texts and art books. One stood out among the rest. A thesis right on top with a strong looking black man in a lab coat sitting on a multi-coloured throne. Within his large afro was a picture of the cosmos in the form of an eye. He pulled his attention away back to the store to find several men in robes browsing outside where the books were stacked in neat piles in the open air. The owner of the shop clearly wasn’t afraid of any sort of thievery as he conversed with the priests and discussed a book he found they were interested in. The store next to it displayed a huge holographic advert of an armoured king standing before his castle with hundreds of creatures and soldiers making up the ground he stood upon. Above him was the phrase “Defend your kingdom today!” A pair of teens stood outside happily looking through a deck of cards each had bought and getting excited about the rare cards they were hoping to find in it.
He pushed past the scene with a twinge of depression in his heart for the lack of friendship he had endured over the years. Perhaps he would find some soon on this journey of his, or perhaps he was just meant to be alone for his entire life. Though that seemed such a cruel fate for one raised in a world of billions. As he thought about it he pushed through the throngs of people and made his way to the rear gate of Nefertum’s Beauty. He stopped beside one of the Obelisks that flanked the entrance and leaned against it with a breath of air escaping him. He looked out to watch an advertisement on a cylindrical screen play on a loop. It was of a woman wearing an ancient Egyptian influenced outfit, she wore on her hip a thick sash that was embroidered in gold and silvers depicting the symbols of Soto Industries and the sigil of the city of Sphinx. He couldn’t hear the advertisement from where he stood but he could tell it was talking about the Strip he just traversed through. Images of women undergoing makeup transformations and cosmetic improvements and of men wearing outfits similar to what Tutor had seen in the shops. It ended with a beautiful nightlife panoramic of the strip. As it ended one time he found himself looking off towards the park he had been heading towards. The entrance was bordered by two huge fountains pouring water out of the mouths of Sphinxes that had lioness heads. A staircase ran up in between the two fountains into a large opening made of marble tile and limestone walls. A group of what clearly seemed to be runners stood around the entrance looking down at him.
An older man stood out from the rest, aged about 20 or so. He was dressed in only a simple hoodie with a long tip on each side of the hood where a zipper ran up its length and thin breathable pants. His shoes were slim bur Tutor could tell they had great grip. The man motioned towards the others who promptly ran off inside and then he walked towards Tutor. The boy began to stride to meet him pretending not to notice and instead to marvel at the city lights. He noticed many things about the outer city. It was designed much shorter and simpler compared to the taller offices and embassies within the inner circle. The buildings were much less sophisticated and made of pure stones with metal accents instead of the shining metals rising in the distance. The two grew closer before suddenly the older man leapt forward yanking at Tutors belt ripping off the data pouch he had hanging on his belt before sprinting away and over a tall wall near them. Tutor immediately gave chase with great speed. Keter immediately highlighted the mans last seen movements before Tutor bounded over the wall with ease and darted towards the man now standing momentarily stunned by the boy’s skill. He quickly regained his composer and darted up a corner wall onto an AC unit and onto the low roofs of the city. Tutor was quick to follow instead leaping directly up to the AC and pulling himself up quickly before pushing off after the man. They bounded, leapt and rolled across several varying buildings and outcroppings that ran over speeding highways that ran around the park itself. The speed at which Tutor chased the man enthralled him in the moment with feelings of ecstasy. The thrill of the chase rushed into him as he kept a steady pace behind the man with the deep gray colours of the mans footsteps washing over him in the wind.
The man slid down into a hallway from an open window locking it closed as he did. Tutor was close behind but didn't miss a step. The faint highlight immediately changed course to send Tutor over the building by springing off of a small metal crate and onto a higher ledge running just outside the halls windows. He could see the man sprinting inside, a crowd of people hindering his progress. He pushed and shoved past several men and women trying to make good time through the hall. The people didn’t seem to care to let him by easily as he jostled around the crowd of people going about their night in the hall. A gutter pipe hung on the corner that Tutor saw he was coming up on. He used it to swing around and land onto the ground at the other end of the hall just outside the exit. As he landed Tutor spun and swept his foot in front of the mans path out the door. The man spun around the corner and front-flipped over Tutors attempted trip. The spin-flip landed him facing Tutor as he swung his foot around and tried to trip Tutor himself. Tutor quickly blocked the move by sweeping his foot upwards catching the mans calf against his shin, causing the man to lose balance and nearly fall. Instead he rolled backward onto his feet again before looking up at Tutor. “How are you able to?” He questioned down to himself before sprinting off down an alley and into an empty room.
“Keter I need to end this. Any suggestions?” Tutor darted his eyes around for a better vantage point himself awaiting Keters response for a moment.
“Yes take this path,” A green highlight showed up “He seems to be heading back to the park.” At that Tutor took off at first following the man through the dark building. It was a small storage shed with a few miscellaneous items inside and a window on the opposite wall. Instead of continuing, the path turned into a back room and ran through an open sky light onto its rooftop. He sprang off a table and pulled himself up into the dim lighting. The path ran forward over a leap onto another building and across a flowing arch standing over a street market below. Looking down he could see the man fumbling with shoppers and merchants below him. The man seemed to have an air of experience about him but he kept fumbling through crowds and running into obstacles. He clearly hadn’t been doing this long enough in dire situations. Either that or something else was going on. Tutor steeled himself against the possibilities and took the time to speed across the arch and slide down a handrail onto the opposite side of the street. The buildings here began to slim down and grow sleek as they crept towards the park. The path shot straight up the side of one building that glistened like oil was rubbed along its surface. Unsure on the pathing he looked for another way up the side of the building to no avail. All there was, was a simple line running up its length barely thick enough for his fingers to fit in. Seeing no other alternative Tutor sprinted for the side and leapt up towards the crevice. To his surprise the line grew slightly in thickness and a panel opened below where he gripped and swung up to make a small lift pulling him up onto the roof. After a quick second of marveling at the useful contraption he looked forward to see Ptah’s park rising tall in front of him with an open window across a gap over the highway. A thin cord ran from this building to the park with the green highlighting it. “These have been placed all across the city by the chasers. It may seem weak but it will hold your weight Tutor.” Keter chimed in assuring Tutor against his fears.
With that assurance, and no reason to distrust the mysterious voice so far, he raced toward the line and leapt into the air suddenly remembering he had no gloves. A pang of fear gripped him as he thought of the flesh burning off his hands and falling to the stampede of vehicles below. As if reacting to the thought, a small drone that was hovering nearby wrapped around the cord and created a handle just at the peak of Tutors climb into the air. His hands grasped the drone for dear life as his momentum pushed himself along the length of the cord speeding toward the open window. The wind rushed past him as he flew down the line and through the opening in the wall. With a roll he sprang back to his feet and rushed towards the door of the room. The room was a sort of meeting hall with a wide long table and many chairs. He pushed the door open and found himself on a raised walkway that surrounded the lower public portion of the park. He quickly realized why it was so popular for the civilians in Sphinx.
Opposed to a park it was more like hanging gardens. A tall structure rose in the centre of the complex pyramidal in shape. It had long staircases running up and down its sides. The entirety of the structure was coated in green foliage and large aqueduct shaped flooms. The water flowed from these down into a large pool surrounding the garden where one would cross via long arching bridges. Surrounding the central structure were smaller versions of it lining the inner wall of the complex. The foliage was world-wide, everything from palm trees to pine trees stood stretching for the sky. Hanging fruit and vegetables dangled above the heads of pedestrians. Ripe for the picking and made available for the public. A true paradise and oasis in the midst of human development and parched desert. Lights ran along the walkways making the park bright and vibrant as the lights bounced off of the coloured flowers and fruits. From his vantage point he could see Coy and many other fish swimming and leaping from the waters all over. Automated drones flew about almost the size of bugs mingling with the natural bees and butterflies. They seemed to be doing the same job as their natural counterparts but also hauling away dead foliage and feeding the fish as they hovered silently over the water.
He took a long moment to take in the scenery and smell the amazingly clean air. The purified air of Sphinx was a large difference from Rhakotis’ that sat upon the Mediterranean and smelled of fish, sea and other oddities. But even here the air seemed almost pure and tranquil. The faint blues of rushing waters weaved their ways along the sound waves up to his ears. The plants themselves seemed to hum a pleasant tune to him, as if he could understand that they were content here. Was it this blessing of Keter's or reality? either way the area was entrancing and somewhat hypnotic. He even noticed animals like squirrels and other small creatures were abundant here when he heard the chirping of birds and the distinctive honks of the Ibis from overhead. An eagle sat perched on a tree not too far from him watching the ground below for prey, a crocodile was even seen poking its head up from the calm waters below. He broke free of the spell when he glimpsed the man he was chasing dart into one of the structures adjacent to the one he stood on.
Looking down Tutor noticed several long vines stretching down to where a crowd of people frolicked in their happiness. He could also see several security officers patrolling around. They didn’t seem to mind the Chaser's that littered the crowds in equal numbers to them. In fact as Tutor stood watching them he saw several openly converse before the runners took off. Odd that what was illegal in Rhakotis for the most part was openly explored here in Sphinx. Inside the city felt like an entirely different world. The people were happier and more pleasant, the way of life was healthier and more inspiring. The plants themselves seemed happier. Everywhere he looked there grew a small bright yellow flower that radiated light bouncing off it. He leapt over the banister and down using the vines to guide his feet freely down. Surprisingly they grew untangled as if they were regularly cared for. The surface they grew connected to secreted a sort of slimy mixture from anywhere near the plants. The plants clung near the slime like a life line of sorts. The smell of it was something like dirt and minerals and filled his nose as he slid towards the end of the slope. He hit the ground and rolled sprinting forward towards the other building. Several guards took note and informed their superiors. A group of runners split up and disappeared into the foliage presumably keeping an eye on him. He decided to duck underneath some tree branches and go off the paved path to lose the security before they started attempting to apprehend him.
The foliage was strange. It almost let him through and moved to his passing. He found it to lead right into a hidden runway of sorts. It worked it way around underneath the walkways the civilians would use like a maze and spun around many structures hidden right under their feet. Mock buildings of apartments and high running platforms, yet close to the ground instead of high into the air. It actually seemed to mimic the area around the park he had just chased the man through. He stopped and looked around to try and find a path into the building the other man sped into before Keter pinged on to show him one. It shot around a corner and up a narrow slope most other runners probably couldn't fit up. He would only be able to because of his childish stature and young body. He immediately pushed off towards it and clambered up the tight space. The same sort of slime made it very slick here but his new shoes from the uniform pushed right through it and stuck to the metal underneath, his outfit seemed to repel it, the slime almost ran away from it. It was dark and dank with water drizzling down either side of the small path he followed to reach the top. Peering over the ledge of the end of the slope he saw his goal. The door the man entered lay just before him now. It was left open into a black expanse on the other side. Like an invitation into chaos, a foreboding feeling crept into him. He took a look around for any guards before pushing himself up and springing forward for the doorway. Tutor carefully entered and found bright light explode around him as lights came on from his movement. The room was another meeting room like the one he entered the park through. This one had instead another doorway on the opposite side. In place of the window was a large screen with nothing on. He leapt over the table and sprang for the door.
Before he reached it the door slammed open and in rushed several other runners in hoods including the one he had been chasing. Tutor stopped and looked at the men and women surrounding him with no escape route. There were many from different backgrounds and ages. All of them had the symbol for Phantom Corp on their breast and sleek professional outfits. From behind the group still at the door came a sleek pronounced voice. “You run pretty good for one as young as yourself. Especially to keep up with Jacob.” In stepped a man with a deep black thin combat suit on and a hood with a long point cresting over his veiled face. As he did so the one Tutor had been chasing tossed the drive toward the new entry. The man looked at it before tossing it back to Tutor. “especially for an empty drive.” Tutor decided to play it safe and converse with the odd man.
“I enjoy the run. It's refreshing.” Was the only reply that came to Tutor's mind. There wasn’t much to say that wouldn’t give off his cover as an unknown. These runners were far more advanced than any group he ran with back in Rhakotis. They had to have some huge backing. He noticed several of them murmur about the various patches on his jacket. Jacob leaned over to the leaders shoulder and whispered something pointing to the patches himself.
“You must have been doing it for a good while to be able to keep track of my best runner,” The man came to sit at a table in front of Tutor. “lets have a chat shall we?” An air of unease washed over Tutor as the door was closed and a guard stood at the other enjoying the fresh air. The atmosphere wasn’t warm but Tutor felt a drop of sweat roll down his neck. He felt as though he may be getting into something more than he wanted. He took a seat opposite the mysterious man and perked his ears to listen to what he had to say. The seat was very comfortable and plush for a meeting area.
“My name is Ptah. The park is named after me and I represent a new direction in your life young runner.” The man started simply probably expecting a similar gesture. Tutor felt compelled to comply.
“I’m Tutor. From Rhakotis' groups” he let only that small bit of his past get out for now. A wave of exasperation quickly came and went within the room. “I ran against the Riser's a lot. I always thought it exhilarating.” Tutor noticed his vocabulary has grown since the blessing as well. As if it made him smarter or connected him to some sort of knowledge he never knew was available.
“We have not heard from our brothers in Rhakotis for a long time,” the group became noticeably fidgety save for Ptah and Jacob. “We thought them lost. Tell me what you know.” They seemed immediately curious towards the information.
“The last I knew the Riser's had taken control of communications in and around Rhakotis. That was to be my next job retrieving the info from Thoth's towers. They had been assaulted and taken control of.” At the news one of the women exclaimed out loud and ran out the door to the park. Tutor followed her with his eyes wondering if he had said something wrong as she ran out crying and distraught.
“Jacob go to her please,” he turned back to Tutor as Jacob escaped the room her sobbing entered from the closing door. “Thoth is her husband you see. If his towers were toppled then that explains our missing contact but we should have heard through other channels. He must be gone then. That is a sad and displeasing thought.” Ptah leaned back in his chair looking to the boy with one hand on his chin under the concealing hood. Without much longer he stood and strode over to one of his runners and whispered in his ear. The man quickly ran off out the door they all came in. “Well thank you now I know what to do. But lets get onto that opportunity,” The way he looked over at Tutor suggested this wasn't going to be an invitation. Even though his face was hidden behind that visor Tutor knew the mans eyes were strictly resting on him. “I could use a good runner like yourself Tutor. Especially now that I know what has happened. And with the attack on the Sepulchre today things are going to heat up. The Risers are getting desperate or feel ready to face us. And the United Corporations will not let them interfere in what we have accomplished. I would like to introduce you into Phantom corp. Tutor.” The name startled him even though he had known that is who they were. First he receives a blessing from Keter and now a new family of Chasers? The world was spinning around him faster than it has ever before.
When mom died all Tutor thought about was revenge. Then went dad and the whole world seems to be rushing around him. Revenge seemed like the least of his issues now. If he was to accomplish anything he couldn’t do it alone. And now a whole company is offering to help him. The feeling was that of excitement and wonder. How could all this be happening, his entire life flipped upside down. With reluctance Tutor agreed to the thought. Ptah turned and walked out of the room after a short “welcome to the family.” Tutor noticed a small trinket hung from his belt. As the light in the hall swallowed the mans silhouette. The trinket looked familiar and friendly like his own amulet that lay in his chest as a huge mystery itself.