Chapter 2: Crashers
The sun was high overhead as Neith-Meryt stood staring over the city. She watched as low flying drones passed by much like flocks of birds. They passed by several large buildings not too far off from where she stood. They were of odd modern designs that curved in and out of themselves almost magically. A new form of architecture seen only in a few new cities around the world. Staring at them almost made you feel surreal and forget about the world around you. She felt enlightened and renewed for the staring at the lines that ended seemingly in empty air as her hand ran along the banister which she stood behind. The large structure she stood upon was the central point of worship of the new world religion. It was tinted with a light almost evanescent blue and of the same design as the buildings she had stared at a moment ago. This was the only portion of sphinx where this architecture was found. Overhearing some of the priests there were apparently urban myths about the buildings having been "grown" or "conjured from thin air". She didn't know how believable that was to her but she knew they felt real enough to her as she stood inside one. This building was known as The Sepulcher and is the pride and joy of the priests that called it home in Sphinx. It was their seat of power in Egypt, all of Africa. She herself found she was a follower of their teachings, like many others, far before they reached into her home country. No one knew from where it sprouted but many people have flocked to its all encompassing banner. Resistance did of course spring forth against it especially amongst Abrahamic religions. No holy war started. Though it seemed it would, it all ended peacefully in this very complex. A treaty signed by the leaders of each religion stating a remarkable end to the bickering that forsook many of their teachings. A new age of peace sprouted among spiritual believers, you could often see Muslims conversing with Christians without too much thought about their differences. Neith knew that was largely a façade though.711Please respect copyright.PENANA2ZxjKK7Zb1
Old connections keep pulling information about hate crimes. Racist bickering and false pretenses. Just the other day in Sphinx alone there was a rally by non-believers outside the lake Aten. It was quickly stamped down as the Medjay stepped in and put an end to the protest. One remarkable difference Neith had noticed about the new world order was the regulation on free speech. It was absolutely supported but instead of running amuck as it had in previous nations it now ran regulated. Opinions were generated and spoken about but in fierce debates with representatives of the opposing wavelengths arguing their points. No paid supporters only people that believed the same as these individuals. Instead of the internet being swarmed with falsehoods and opposing facts every published paper went through a strict process of definition and was released in these debates and the representatives debated over the facts presented. Often times new theories or facts arose from the debates opening both sides eyes to their folly. These thoughts vaguely crossed her mind as she stood-garbed in a deep crimson veil and shawl draped over a new age exo-suit designed to accent her womanly figure-watching the highway below. Today was her wedding day and Drexx hasn’t turned up. It’s not like him to abandon anyone. Something didn’t feel right in her heart as the captain of security Drexx hired on stepped up to the railing beside her. Darlex Alamundi stopped beside her looking out over the city as well. Drexx wouldn’t have this celebration without hiring a security force for some reason. Kept going on about something happening. Like he felt an odd itch he had said ‘wouldn't leave his mind’ even after he hired them.711Please respect copyright.PENANAbPhI9TMqPc
“So where’s the groom to be ma’am?” He looked over towards the large craft hovering towards the city centre. Several smaller craft started pouring from it as some raucous was heard in the distant city. He was equipped with a heavy suit of blue and gray. His helmet hid his face from her but she could tell he must be well seasoned. He stood with an air of authority and was well statured.
“I don’t know Darlex. He wouldn’t be late without good reason.” She turned back towards the bustling crowd that has gathered in the chapel. Family from both sides. Mainly her own most of his "family" has gone missing or was killed during the war. Security lined the perimeter each one with a shiny silver shield locked onto their chest.
“well hopefully he isn’t hurt. I can’t do anything without knowledge of...,” on that note a ding chimed in from his helmet. “Excuse me ma'am I have to take this.” He brought his hand up to answer as he stepped away. Neith looked back towards the highway to see many different coloured cars and drones pass by. Emergency flashers sprang up in the airways beyond as the news that was being broadcasted on the distant screen was cut off. A small commotion could be heard from the hallway and a bridge that extended across the highways had exploded in a cloud of dust below her as several of Darlex's forces ran off into the hallways. Several jets whizzed by too fast to make out who they belonged to. The Large craft making its way to the centre of the city began releasing slightly larger craft. It was ominous yet peaceful. Almost like an angry hive of wasps expelling its soldiers. He immediately returned to her. He had a different feel about him. something had been going wrong “Ma'am please follow me we need to pull everyone into the atrium. Risers are on their way up and I’ll be damned if they ruin this wedding. I’ve contacted the priesthood and they’ve pledged their support to us.” He grabbed her hand and led her through a small doorway leading into a large atrium lined with pillars of many different gods ranging from ancient Atum all the way to representations of God. The rest of the celebration started making their way in. It didn’t seem they knew of the threat they were about to face.711Please respect copyright.PENANAuyqjZzJjuG
The officers that had lined the entrances outside closed the twenty foot tall double doors and stood casually near them. Seemed that they were doing their best to avoid a panic. Why the Risers would attack here is beyond her. There was no reason and they risk international attention because of the religious centre being their target. Darlex rushed Neith towards the opposite end of the atrium. Directly underneath an odd sculpture of a man dressed in a lab coat with short cropped hair and digital patterns etched all across the body. Around him hovered holographic words and phrases, in every language known, meaning knowledge or wisdom or truth. Several languages were very foreign and odd. Almost alien in nature. “Keter watch over you ma'am,” an odd Indian fellow stepped from the shadows startling them both “may his truth lead you home.” He was garbed in a red robe with swirling fire designs licking the bottom. His black hair hung around his shoulders where a cape was draped from his left shoulder. The cape had the priesthoods symbol embroidered in bright silver with several designs embellished around it. It was the same symbol that she saw on the hive craft floating over the city. Blue and spade shaped.
“Thank you priest,” a touch of distaste in Darlex's voice. “We’re all going to need it tonight. Are you ready to help defend these people?” Darlex was almost sarcastic about the question. probably thinking his people strong enough to hold the line.
“Defend? This is holy ground, no man would dare step foot in here with intent to harm!” the priest seemed serious and wholehearted though he didn’t seem to have received word of the threat. “We have shown before not to attempt such an act. But if the need arises we will defend any following the truth. With our lives if the need arise.” At that moment, almost as if they were waiting for a signal, the risers blasted through the doorway causing widespread panic among the people in the room. Thick black smoke filled the room before automatic ventilation activated. As the smoke cleared Neith saw all the security safe behind a line of shields. Large kite shields that they crouched behind with a bladed stand right at the tip of the bottom. They fired at who knew how many Risers outside the doorway. Dozens of front line risers stormed forward trying to push the line to a breaking point. But the Security held fast pushing back against the mass of Risers. Darlex immediately ran up into the fray pulling a large shotgun off his back and Leaping off of an officers raised shield into the dark smoke on the other side. Two other security personnel started ushering the civilians into a safer spot away from most of the stray fire whizzing around the room. Neith followed the order as well. She was in no condition to fight wearing only a thin wedding exo-suit that would offer little protection.
Her mother quickly grabbed hold of her and hugged her. “Thank the gods your safe my flower.” A thick African accent rolled from her tongue. Their native language was a Bantu dialect as they were from Uganda farther south in Egypt. Her mothers face was awash with fear as she kissed her and held her close. The two watched out into the dark smoke and air filled with screams and destruction. 711Please respect copyright.PENANAHBMLJSNpU4
“Yes mother I am thanks to the captain and his men. We all owe them our thanks.” Her parents both disagreed with having security at this ceremony but Drexx convinced them of the need. They still seemed to think it was the security that drew them here. And perhaps it was. She knew well enough that this company was a member of the U.C. And they opposed the Risers. If the Risers had seen that U.C presence was in the Sepulcher then they might attack without thought.
Situational awareness pinged on as he pushed up over his defense line. Easily a hundred red outlines appeared in the thick smoke outside the chapel. He exploded through the fire ripping through into the atrium several marring the surface of his armour. He landed on one Riser and pushed him to the ground blasting a round into his skull before dodging a second Risers attempt at hitting hit him with the butt of his gun. A second blast ripped through the mans stomach before he rushed towards a third. This one was of the group pushing against his troops defense and held a long spear with a thick red-hot blade at the end. the man swung it downward as Darlex dodged and kicked his foot down on it raising his gun up and blasting through the mans visor. As blood rained down from the mans skull he kicked the spear upward and caught it with his off hand nearer to the tip. He tucked the long shaft under his arm pit and began locking blades with another that charged up to him. They parried each others moves and pulled away from each other for a moment. Darlex took the time to holster his shotgun and hold the spear in both hands. A deep feeling washed over him as he stood locking eyes with his adversary. A thought had rolled over his mind to fight to the death. To go home with his shield or on it as the Spartans of old would say. Seeing an opening as Darlex wondered the Riser charged forward with a quick stab to his abdomen. Darlex pushed the tip of the spear away with his vertically pointing upward and slashed downward into the mans shoulder nearly cleaving it in half. The man screamed in pain as his knees buckled below him. Another Riser pushed forward with a sword in her hand and spun towards him with a quick flip.711Please respect copyright.PENANASwayPikc80
He tackled this one, a woman, to the ground and broke her neck without second thought before blasting another ones knee off and looking towards the door to the courtyard. More Risers continued to pour through the doorway as Darlex began to push through the front line to reach outside. As he did so several more of his squads pushed inward from several side passages. The Risers were stuck in a deadly unending and impenetrable crossfire. The shields held forward by all his men bounced back the fire returned to them from the Risers and pushed the front line further and further back. With the Atrium now clear and a strong wall holding the doorways shut Darlex stood behind the thick shields his men held forward. In between small slits in their shields, long spear-like rifles with thick bayonets attached to the ends stuck out into the fray. It wasn't long before Darlex reached the doorway to the courtyard. As he pushed in between his men to hold ones shield that was injured The man fell back to the secondary defense line where Darlex saw a small woman there tending to the wounded. The tumultuous sounds of battle exploded inwards as they pushed a thicker wall of shields just outside the doorway in an arch fashion. It was as if he was back in the war battling for his life in the US military against adversaries from around the world. Explosions ripped downwards from the sky from a Riser fleet dog-fighting with UC forces in the air. Full blown war erupted as three parties participated on the ground. Shield Corp fought hard from all fronts against the Risers that landed drop-ship after drop-ship unloading troops. Risers pushed hard against the defensive with unheard of strength. A small band of Shield troops stood just inside the Shield wall either bouncing grenades that were thrown in back out or placing small domes over them and holding them down to contain the blasts.
Suddenly a third party erupted from within the Sepulcher's interior. Priests of various nationalities and wearing various colours pushed forward into the fray. Darlex stood transfixed in between the past and present marveling at the ferocity of the priesthood. Here a man in red spewed fire from his hands, another woman there in golden gilded purple robes glowing as she hummed and chanted with several tendrils of power reaching out to other priests. The ones touched by the woman’s meditation exploded in prowess such as a man in white raising the ground from underneath Risers and squishing them against walls. A man garbed in deep perpetual black ran through the Riser force with impossible speed and strength punishing the Risers with great force. It seemed as if he knew the enemies movement before they even did. Darlex snapped out of his entranced mind as a woman wearing a simple orange outfit and a face veil touched his shoulder. He felt a great surge of courage and inspiration rush through him. He looked to her confused before raising his gun and rushing into the fray leading his force against their adversaries. He pushed his shield against a Riser and lifted the thick man clear off the ground throwing him behind as their shield wall erupted with anger and might. The mans body hit the ground as his troops gouged him to death before following him into the fray outright.711Please respect copyright.PENANAr9VshlXh1T
He bashed a second against the shield and stabbed him through with the its own sword before spinning and using the momentum to throw the shield straight into the fray catching another clear in the neck with the bladed tip at the end. the mans head rolled along the ground before Darlex kicked it into the air hitting a third against the chest. This man didn't seem to care as he crushed his former comrades head under his boot and swung a heavy halberd through the air at Darlex. He dodged and pulled his blade upwards slicing through the air at the mans torso. A thick gouge was cut across his chest with no notice from the man. Instead he swung his axe up and flipped Darlex off his feet. Darlex landed with a heavy thud before opening eyes from the force of the impact to see the heavy sickle blade falling towards him. He rolled to the side and pulled his shotgun from the ground where it fell blasting the man in his side. Standing back up he took a quick look around to gather his composure. The three forces were locked in deadly struggle as he noticed the seemingly overpowered priests were even having a tough time as some of the Risers seemed to be throwing their own powers into the fray. This was brand new to everyone here. In all the time Darlex has fought in wars he has never seen this type of power before. The priests were familiar to him having fought alongside them in a series of battles at Shield Corps HQ as well as the other subsidiaries of Caution Corps. But the Risers throwing magicks like this back at them was unheard of. Indeed even the priests seemed surprised as they shifted their focus against the new foes.711Please respect copyright.PENANAgKjDLU1ELF
Looking around the battlefield he noticed where he could have sworn there were bodies just moments ago there was empty space. At the thought of wondering what had happened he was tackled to the ground by some creature. As he struggled with it he saw the face of a Riser he had killed just moments ago but now writhing in pain and torment as it was being changed into a grotesque monstrosity. It’s face melting away as bone and muscle shaped into a new ugly thing. It opened it’s gaping maw to reveal sharp pointed teeth and a devilish forked tongue prickling with spiky hairs like a cat. The thing bit at him as it tried to tear through his visor. Scrambling at his hip for his knife he held the things neck too far to allow for it to get him with its tongue. Unclasping the holsters grip he took his blade up and slammed it into the things neck wrenching it sideways with a resounding crack as its neck broke. he pushed the thing from his body and stood looking down at it to see its mouth still biting at him with its body separated from its nervous system. But still far from death it would seem. "What in Osiris' name is this madness?" He then looked around and pulled a small horn from his hip and blew into it three short equal bursts of air. His men weren't trained to battle the unliving and he knew to leave this to the priests who were well versed in the unholy. His men quickly turned and fell back into line at the doorway to seal it off with their shields yet again.
Falling into line with his men he could see the fear wash across the faces of the few without visors or helmets on. Others were whispering to themselves wondering what on earth these abominations could be. Some cursed the Risers outright for the blasphemy. Even a few priests fell back with them with fright painted across their demeanor. Darlex himself looked out into the roaring battlefield to see the devastation the priests wrought against their foes. The eldest in the fold all flew through the battlefield quickly without hesitation for their new enemies. Almost as if they knew of them before they started coming about. Briefly from across the filed he saw a man garbed in yellow slink inside a hall with several other priests as an unsettling pulse pushed through the crowded courtyard. Immediately the fighting became much more intense with his men getting ripped apart by the demons and the priests holding their own by a thread. Darlex held the horn up again to blow in only two long bursts signaling a regrouping at his position. Here his men began forming a classical spartan phalanx with multiple rows of overlapping shields and long bayoneted rifles pointing out at the swarm of undead now rushing at them. The impenetrable defense held fast against the onslaught of Riser firepower and unliving might.
The phalanx held strong against them for a few long moments before something fell to the ground in the courtyard shaking the area. Darlex stood transfixed with a few other men whilst the rest continued defending against an impending slaughter. A huge man stood up from a small crater left in the ground and immediately charged for the phalanx. Darlex called a quick retreat and ordered the doors shut fast and barricaded. The phalanx shattered and sunk inside the sepulchers atrium whilst another group immediately shut the doors and pushed thick beams of steel into the slots along the inside. As soon as the doors were shut a dent was made in it from the other side as the howling and screaming crept in from outside. He ordered his men into a secondary phalanx at the gateway to the chapel as he made his way back inside to find the bride. She stood staring out the large window with her parents right beside her consoling her. He made it to her side after giving a few orders through his communicator. She was crying and holding her head against her mothers breast. She must have been distraught about the day being ruined like this. Damn if the Risers wont pay for ruining this. She isn't even a threat to them...why are they here? He stood thinking to himself and growing anger at the intrusion on these hallowed grounds on this joyous occasion. Before he could affirm his dedication to defend them the doors to the chapel slammed open barely hanging onto their thick stone hinges. The giant and full ranks of Risers stepped through holding off an assault from outside. New gunfire could be heard as another party had joined the fray moments ago.
The priest stepped out in between the bride and the Risers and raised his hands. Immediately the Risers stopped in their tracks and stared at him, the big man stepped forward rising up a full three feet taller than the rest in the room. He was a hulking mass of muscle and stood with his muscles in a permanent flex. He was bald and layered in combat armour. With only a few more moments rest the giant of a man pushed through the ranks of the phalanx throwing bodies across the room and charging straight for Darlex and the bride. Without a moments hesitation Darlex leapt forward towards the hulking mass coming for them. He ducked underneath a huge fist and slid in between the mans legs and sliced down its calf but just barely missing its Achilles heel. It seemed to barely make a slice through the layers of combat plating he wore. The large man laughed and kicked backwards with Darlex barely grabbing the leg and using the momentum to fly up into the air. He held out his hand where an officer tossed him their shield. He caught it and slammed it downward with a momentum reversing spin bearing it down onto the giants back. The shield buckled and broke in two under the pressure as the giant was pushed to its knees. Darlex landed and in no time at all a large fist shoved him in the gut throwing him back to the feet of the priest.
“Where the hell did they find a Gibborim?” the captain reached for his hip and gripped at his pistol while holding his gut. Yet before he could even draw a strange spectacle began before their eyes. The priest started humming and chanting in a strange tongue as he held his hands up towards the enemy line. The Risers began stepping back a few steps not knowing what to think. The pores on his hands began bleeding and with each word chanted more began forming on his outstretched palms. As the droplets fell to the floor they began rushing towards the Risers. Only Neith had noticed this as all the others were too occupied with their impending doom or the two strange humans standing before them. The blood drops stopped short of the Risers before coagulating and forming a thin red line along the floor from wall to wall. The continued chanting and humming from the priest filled the air of the room with an odd serenity. He suddenly fell to one knee as he continued chanting, a look of pain across his face. Yet to Neith’s ears it seemed more calm. He lowered his hands to touch the ground and look down. Tears of blood ran down his cheeks and began falling as well. The instant these tears hit the ground a boom resounded through the chapel and shook the walls. The ‘Gibborim’, as Darlex had called him, sprang forward and led a renewed assault on the people. As bullets rang forth and boots hit the floor a great beam of light shot up from the bloodline set before the attackers. 711Please respect copyright.PENANA0FanVK7ofa
Each Riser that strode through that beam was vaporized and each bullet turned back upon its master. The room quickly became a bloodbath of bodies and piles of ash. The Risers, instead of continuing their onslaught at the civilians and priests, turned upon the officers that still held the door. With the bloodline set and the Risers distracted the priest stopped humming and began to stand. He turned his attention to the Risers now and held his hands close to his body with one hand over the other in opposing figures. The index finger pointing away from his palms and the others circled in two rings inter-locked. An energy focused in the center of the two rings began to glow. Tendrils began reaching out from the orb that now encompassed his hands. When they touched a Riser immediately a puff of smoke blew out from their backs, right where Darlex knew sat a small nuclear reactor, and their suits began overheating cooking them alive inside their armor. The smoke that accumulated in the room began to form a thick cloud under the ceiling. Thunder began rolling across the ceiling booming through the room shaking and disorienting the enemies. Neith was surprised to notice that her own ears barely made note of the booms yet the Risers made full acknowledgement of them, some cowering and holding their heads as they keeled over on the floor. The moment allowed the security to quickly execute them as they fought against both them and the beasts rushing inward. Quickly following the booms were a series of quick flashes and explosions of marble rubble. The last of the officers stood back at the foot of the gateway holding back the last of creatures as the Risers now trapped inside were either burned alive or crumpled to a crisp from quick flashes of lightning.
The only adversary left standing was the tall hulking figure now holding Darlex in a choke hold with one hand up against a pillar opposite the group of survivors. Darlex struggled with his hands around the mans wrist. The Gibborim's hand began clenching and Darlex quickly started losing the ability to breath. Neith watched from across the room helpless as the captain began getting the life forced out of him. The Gibborim stopped and stared over towards the door before tossing Darlex’s seemingly lifeless body to the ground with a heavy thud. After that he trudged out of the room and disappeared into the chaos outside. Throwing the security away from the doorway in a hurried manner. No more Risers entered the atrium instead an atmosphere of silence crept over the crowd. Several began muttering to each other and worried about what was going to happen. The priest lowered his hands and staggered slightly backward catching himself on the statue of Keter. He composed himself for a brief moment before standing straight, taking a deep breath and darting out the door past the security now rejoining their phalanx.
Neith stared in amazement that the deadly confrontation had ended with that. Simply a walkout. Something was wrong. As she stood thinking of the dreadful few moments they all just witnessed. Several security forces charged in guns ready. A steady trickle of survivors filed in from outside looking to escape the nightmares of what they just lived through. Far fewer than what Neith remembered had left the chapel. A small force of reinforcements had landed outside and relieved the now tired and bloodied troops. The sounds of warfare could still be heard outside the Sepulcher but all was calm just outside the door. Although a deep rumbling was felt from somewhere deep inside the building. Two Shield Corps. officers came up to Neith where she stood next to her trembling parents. They were of a slightly different caliber with thicker armor and a sort of plumage topping their helmets with gray and blue alternating patterns in them. They stood just before Neith and saluted an old Greek greeting before looking around the room.
“Chaire. Are you alright ma'am?” the first questioned before the rest began ushering others out. “We need to get you to safety before they show back up.”
“But why did he just...?” before she could finish the question a sleek see through silhouette fell from the ceiling in between the two men. They didn’t notice until it was too late and both their necks were broken and they lay on the ground in broken heaps. Neith quickly found herself swept off her feet and falling from the rooms stained glass window to the littered streets far below. The multitude of glass shards rained down around her reflecting the sun light in different hues around her as she fell. Her body rolled over in mid air to see the littered streets and heavy fighting below. large creatures and mechanized suits trampled the highway below with destroyed cars and bodies littering the ground. She couldn’t help but to scream even though she knew it would do her no good. She covered her eyes before the ground came too close. The rushing wind sweeping her hair from her face. The sounds of her mother screaming from above crept farther away as the sounds of roaring battle and destruction careened closer. A brief flash of Drexx flashed in her mind as she felt fear wash all over he mind. Tears streamed up as the wind pushed against her face.
The chaos was immediate as Drexx entered the gates into the Sepulcher proper. Risers littered the floors and banisters and columns that once hung suspended in the air via some trick of magnetism had been thrown down from their perches in the air. The whole building was built of a deep green marble with white veins, polished to such a finish that one could see their reflection clearly and crisp. Great statues stood along the hall on both sides depicting various important figures of the day. In two rows on each side stood historically important characters ranging from the mythical to the factual. Rama Chandra holding aloft his mighty chakram opposite that of his villain Ravana with his ten faced head standing menacingly in the brightly lit room. Drexx passed the pair without notice as several Risers appeared to hinder his progress. he flew through the small force with deadly precision. The first fell to a quick bladed jab from his elbow with the second falling to the first rifle blast redirected to his chest. His fist went through the visor of the third and smashed him into the last crumpling all four down to the floor in seconds. Here he stood underneath a statue of the great king Gilgamesh. Six arms stretching out over the room wielding several odd weapons such as chakram and qatars and a sickle shaped blade and ancient shield. Drexx stared up at the statue with an odd feeling in the back of his skull. The face of the statue seemed so very familiar and creepily peaceful as it stood 20 feet over him with a deep scowl across its red granite façade.711Please respect copyright.PENANAk4w6mYTSbp
Opposite the statue stood a statue of a man in a simple garb with long snakes twirling up both arms. Each looking in different directions as the statue stood looking down almost as if imprisoned by the snakes. Turning away from the pair Drexx darted for a passage that led into a series of elevators. One led directly to the atrium where he knew his wife had to be safe with Darlex. More bodies were scattered about with various types of wounds. Several burnt or simply crushed in between two slabs of the ground. Yet now Shield Corps officers began to litter the hall leading up to the elevator. It's door hung open out of its track with a man lying on the floor of the elevator itself. Drexx stopped in the doorway to see one of Darlex’s subordinates clinging to life in the elevator. The control panel sparked with electricity and had a huge burn mark around it. Drexx knelt down next to the man who noticed him and reacted by holding up his pistol. "No! Get away demon!" The young mans arms shook with pain, fear and weakness from the loss of blood from the wound in his side. Drexx pushed the boys arm down and laid it to the side letting his own visor retract to reveal his face. "Not a demon...," The boys voice trailed off as he recognized Drexx from the hiring. "They were...relentless. We had to hold the elevators and keep them back. It was the only way to hold the. to..."
"It's ok. save your strength for the afterlife. You did your duty and I thank you. Without your sacrifice here today the dead won’t know peace," The young mans eyes trailed away staring at some distant object behind Drexx. "Now go to yours. And meet the ones waiting for you in the beyond." At that the mans eyes glazed over and Drexx brushed his hand down his face to close them. His head lulled to the side as Drexx stood turning back to the hallway. Another way had to present itself before long. And sure enough Keter pinged on a line of highlights running back out into the entryway. Drexx immediately followed it and further down the hall past many more statues. Set from ancient Egypt stood opposite Horus the younger; several past this included Tsun-Tzu, Qin Shi Huang, Jesus Christo. Past them Beethoven stood with a full orchestra at his feet and music bars hanging holographically in the air around him opposite a universal symbol for ignorance, a shepherd hook hanging over a flock of people with no free thought or self control in their posture. Many more pairs hung over him menacingly, yet he felt very at home and comfortable. Passing finally a statue of a large black man clad in modern plated armor opposite that of a man resembling that of the man with the snakes. Here Drexx felt inclined to look up and marvel at the handsome and strong face hanging over him. He felt a longing for family dig deep into his mind as flashes of people he never met crept into his mind. Four young boys playing in a front yard, a beautiful small Asian woman standing beside him on the porch. She smiled up at him as he saw another woman step into the picture. Her face hung like a decrepit picture hanging on a molding wall. The taste of hate touched Drexx's tongue before he snapped out of it and ran up a giant spiral staircase leading directly up into the courtyard just outside the atrium where his wife was safe and sound.
Risers appeared in the hall underneath him with large rockets pointed up at him. That wasn't going to stop Drexx. They fired upwards shattering the staircase ahead of him where he leapt into the air bouncing off several slabs before the whole room illuminated and the stair hung in place where it would normally fall to the ground below. The defiance of gravity made Drexx chuckle as he looked down to the Risers frantically trying to climb up after him. More rockets rained downward from above but now targeting the villains below. They scrambled as the explosions rocked the central column of the stair. Drexx stepped his feet onto the final step just before the courtyard and looked down to see the Risers halfway up the stair. Here he took one more step back and saw the whole of the shattered stair fall heavily down into the hall below. A hundred feet or so of height caused a rolling cloud of dust to make him look away. He now looked on a full defensive line at the exit of the small room. Outside was the courtyard and beyond the chapel. He sprung forward with his security letting them through having recognized him. He passed by without any of them making eye contact. Not even a salute as if they didn't feel he deserved it. And perhaps he didn't or was it they felt that they didn't deserve the acknowledgement for some reason. That brought a pang of fear into his mind as a deep sinking feeling fell into his heart. Something terrible had just happened and praying to his inner self he rushed into the sunlight outside.
The courtyard was littered with bodies and wreckage from planes and airships above them. The dogfights in the sky continued but now here and there were Shield corps. and priests gathering up the dead and tending to the wounded. A lot of fighting happened here. It was particularly heavy and surprising giving the priests didn't hold anything for the Risers. He made his way across the field of death to the atrium to find the doors blasted through and largely dented. His heart fell deeper as he saw it and a few men holding various parts of their bodies clinging to life near it. Behind him he felt the rush of air of a personnel carrier landing in the courtyard. The few officers that could stand did and slowly made their way to the carrier. The rest waited for either the medics or a healer from the Sepulcher to arrive. The surreal thought of what lay beyond that door stopped Drexx in his tracks. He almost didn't feel prepared for the impact of what was beyond. But after a moment longer of thought he started inward. At first at a walk but as soon as he saw the atrium inside he barreled through the littered bodies on the floor of the atrium. Risers and his security lay dead or dying all over. A huge battle scarred the inside of the large room. Priests in blue robes leaned over surviving members of both sides tending to their wounds. He wanted to smash a few visors in on their owners eyes. But he knew better than to anger these priests. They were followers of the one.
A haughty bunch that took no insolence or hatred within their hallowed halls. They all had otherworldly powers blessed to them by their almighty. A being of truth and all encompassing glory, so he has been told. The doors to the chapel where the final vows were to be said lie on the floor completely blown off their hinges. The Risers came in full force to get in there. A large footprint was pressed into the ground and the walls were scorched by gunfire. Shields lay scattered about and broken spears were mingled in with the crumpled bodies and bent rifles. Several security officers he met before he left had been killed in the onslaught. They fought valiantly and most lay on heaps of Risers or with their shields neatly underneath them ready to be carried away. Looking to the chapel he saw light flooding into the atrium from beyond. His wifes serene face flashed before his eyes. A tear ran down his cheek as he stepped toward her with his hand outstretched. He made his way deeper and closer to the truth. Entering the room he found it nearly empty save for the captain lying on his back off to one side with several guards left standing around him. At the far end, near the altar, stood a couple more with their shields shining bright against the lights flooding in from the life of the city. The light shown in through a huge broken stained glass window. Drexx saw it once before when they were here at a recital. It depicted a woman standing holding her arms upwards toward a great shining dial casting a shadow directly down her naked back to where a great energy flowed up her legs. One of a new age of “gods” that the followers have come to believe in. Her name was Zeranni and she kept watch over time. They chose this room so she could watch over their marriage for all time. The shattered glass lay scattered about the area in front of the hole several more bodies lay strewn in the area. Neith was nowhere to be seen.711Please respect copyright.PENANADexbwk3olT
His heart sank as he searched the broken bodies and battle scarred room for any signs of her. His eyes fell upon the captain he hired for security. He was from a company called Shield. A subsidiary of Caution corporation, the head of the UC. He walked over to the man lying on his back with his head lulled to the side. Anger flooded through him but he held it back. It would do no good to show it now. A priest kneeled over him with a bright light emitting from her hands. She wore a modest blue robe with a light shawl over her shoulders with their symbol outlined in silver across her shoulder. She very lightly hummed a soft comforting tune occasionally speaking in low hushed tones. He walked up quietly watching the calming light emitting from her hands. A faint static was seen traversing in between the two individuals and a light pulse ran through the veins Drexx could see on the mans face.
“Can he talk?” he asked her as he came up. She was a young Indian woman wearing A face veil with her priestly garb. “I have questions for him.”
She looked up at him with deep brown pained eyes. She moved her hands away from his neck to reveal a swollen artery and thick red finger marks. “I don’t think so kind sir,” she stands and bows to him “you must be the would be groom." a smile quickly flashed across her mouth before vanishing again. "I’m deeply sorry for your loss. The priesthood did everything we could to hold back the onslaught. We were spread too thin I’m only glad that one of our number was here...” She looked around at the bodies and Drexx saw a tear rush down her face. She clearly valued life and he followed her eyes across the room. He only just now noticed several other priests in the room wearing several different colors. They dragged odd monstrosities out of the room into the courtyard and tended to other members of the Priesthood.
“Its fine I'll get my answers,” He patted her on the back before turning to the door. The anger turned to remorse. The priest was clearly broken to see so many dead and injured “If he recovers can you send him my information? To start who was the priest in here at the time?” He needed to know as much as possible to get to the root of this sudden onslaught. And the priests never withheld anything from those seeking truth. Except in the odd situation of being asked about Keter. Though they always insist they know not much else then those that are blessed.
She seemed glad that Drexx wasn’t angered by the failure of the priests. “That would be Krish sir. He is in recovery at the moment. He used a new skill to defend your people. I’ve never heard of anything like it.” She knelt back down beside Darlex and put her hands back around his neck. The pain in the mans unconscious eyes vanished as his body relaxed under her delicate touch. Drexx turned to leave the atrium when Neiths mother ran into him. Oh great here we go. He could feel the anger and see the pain in her walk.711Please respect copyright.PENANA9EVcbD9Vpd
The instant she saw him she directed her mournful gaze to him, which quickly changed to that of pure malice. “Drexx! I told you not to hire any damn security,” when she reached him a hard smack slammed into his face. Little does she know he is the reason the Risers attacked. They learned who he was somehow. The imprint in his armour should have blocked intel on him but somehow they bypassed it. At least that’s the logical thought. “and here the Risers come to kill my baby girl!” She turned and leaned into her husbands arms tears streaming down her face. Sobs wracking her body as her moans of sorrow echoed through the halls.The sadness echoed through the building like a sad melancholy organ playing a song of the dead.
It hurt Drexx not only because he lost the only woman he’s ever loved but because her mother hated his guts now for sure. He was trying so hard to win her favour. For years all he could do was bring in as much money as possible and bring them out of one of the only under developed areas of the world left. Her mother was convinced he dealt in illicit activities. “ It isn’t your fault Drexx,” Neith’s father spoke. His voice calm and collected with only a touch of sadness. Compared to the rest of the scene he seemed to be a beacon of hope. This was the first time in years, since Drexx offered his hand in marriage, that the man so much as spoke in his presence. “This was going to happen anyway. I...,” he stopped momentarily and quickly changed his words. “Somehow knew it would end this way.” The usually noble and chiseled complexion distorted in a pang of sadness as he gripped his wife in his arms.711Please respect copyright.PENANAGHYuOdKWky
“I have a feeling it is," Drexx turned away not wanting to speak about the situation anymore. "I have to go. There’s some people I have to speak to," He looked back to Neith's mother momentarily. "They’re not getting away with this.” He looked away with guilt washing over him before he stepped away. Her sobs filled his mind as he stepped back into the destroyed chapel. The voice of Neith's father could be heard telling her to calm down and consoling her. Drexx couldn’t bring himself to turn and say anything else. It would fill his mind with more hate and anger. And it would serve to only make the situation worse. He looked around more thoroughly this time and saw the full extent of the damage. Pillars lay shattered and broken. The large amount of chairs and tables set up for the festivities were strewn about the entire room. Several bodies still lay in pools of blood. The banquet that had been laid out and barely touched was completely destroyed and littered across the ground near the long dining table. Windows’ glass lay shattered about the ground. A thick line of ash or dust was directly in the center of the room halfway between the entrance and the raised platform topped with large tapestries commissioned for the wedding. They depicted the bride and groom happily wed at home and various other scenes woven over green and gold silken cloth.
All the time and careful planning they put into this event completely obliterated. He almost couldn't believe it. This just cant be happening. He ran his hand along the smooth black marble table as he walked along it pushing cake and spilled cups away from his feet. Thoughts of Neith shot across his mind. Her beautiful mid African complexion and composure. Her soft tender voice. Her short cropped hair and her gorgeous almost black-red eyes. He remembered meeting her that day far back. He was on a job for the very company she ended up working for later on. Him and his team were out mapping out the Ugandan countryside when he found a town that wasn’t supposed to be out there. All the old maps of the area had been corrupted or wiped out by the effects of the world war. The town lay separated from all the woes of modern day corruption and filth. He entered the town alone, without his team to avoid an altercation. It was a small village of mud brick huts topped with tall conical straw roofs. The dirt under his feet seemed to crunch with a different texture then the ground just outside the fine paved dirt of the Ugandan countryside. He watched as most of the villagers ignored his presence or shied away from him, except for one young woman. There she sat in the centre of town pulling water from a well. Her hair woven into thick braids along her skull and her clothes hung loosely in the desert heat. He came up and she addressed him with a bright smile and a smooth hello in her natural tongue. He remembered her face shining in the bright sunlight and the wind rustled through the tree next to the well.
The first thing she did was hold out her bucket of murky and dirty water as if saying, “Have a drink traveler.” Despite his better judgement against the clearly dirty water he took some cupped in his hand and drank some tasting the earth on his lips. Even though it wasn’t purified it did feel refreshing. He felt the water run down his throat and hit his chest with a smooth cooling feeling as it trickled into his body. She had smiled at his gesture of trust and asked what he was doing in their small dying town. He was shocked to learn she spoke English. They spoke for a time and he was forced to leave due to time. The following months had filled his mind with her. Even now standing at the broken end of his life everything he thought about was her. All his thoughts traversed into images of her smile and gold jewelry he had bought her on many occasions. The bangles and rings set with various gems had a tendency to shine in any light she found herself in. There’s no way she had been snatched away so easily and suddenly after everything he had done for her people. Everything he had done for his own life in hopes of making her happy and comfortable. He had known it worked for some time now. But no matter his efforts her mother still never trusted him.711Please respect copyright.PENANAOfTrj8BNkF
Drexx found himself just outside the chapel in a large courtyard filled with greenery from around the world, mostly African foliage could be found though. Many statues of saints and religious figures from around the globe stood in different shaped platforms floating raised off the ground. A large Riser ship lay smoking on the far side and priests ran to and fro. It seemed more damage was done than to the chapel and Drexx’s life. Bodies littered the courtyard and defiled the sanctity of the Sepulcher. He walked through the mangled masses and looked at the bodies around him. Men and women both lay dead at his feet and he couldn’t help but wonder why this had to happen. From all the history he remembered learning about the last few decades one would think this wouldn’t be happening anymore. Even priests, speakers of a new holy truth, lay amongst the dead. With large grotesque creatures that slightly resembled Risers near or on top of them burnt to a crisp or simply broken. He watched as several members of another company walk around searching these things for life. Occasionally they found one with a broken spine incapable of movement and put it down with a quick shot to the head. These soldiers wore slightly thinner armor with no shields and had more weapons on their person.
He sat down on a bench near a woman that was in the crowd in the chapel. She seemed hysterical and distraught. Her head was lulled in her hands and she rocked back and forth. A man stood in front of her attempting to console her. A large deeply dark skinned man with a deep scar on his arm, he seemed to know who Drexx was and shot him a look of anger. There was a bandage wrapped around her own arm. This was all his fault. Why didn’t I just leave the Risers to their business. He leaned forward and covered his face with his hands trying to forget the sacred building having been so desecrated. Thoughts of guilt fluttered about in his mind. He couldn’t ever conceive he would have brought such pain to those around him. Something in the back of his mind told him it couldn’t be his fault. The large man put his own hand on Drexx's shoulder and shot him a glance of understanding and sorrow. They knew each other for only a short while back in Neith’s home. They had never left the small town before now. This had to be some first greeting for them from the new world. Drexx shook his head and began to cry into his hands. All his efforts suddenly seemed to fall apart around him. The man sat in between the two of them and nudged Drexx. When he looked up to the man a different look sat in his eyes. Distorted by the tears but calm and sympathetic. Noble even. "You know why my people never made direct contact with yours before that day?" He shook his head no.
"Well allow me to tell the tale." Drexx sat up straighter hoping for something other than the destruction around him. "Long ago in a time nearly forgotten with people who have no names left to remember there was a great family of kings and queens. They ruled all the lands of what you call Africa. our lord, his name came to be Set, for reasons outsiders no longer remember, killed his brother the king of Osiris. In short, a long and brutal war came and split the lands asunder and burned the land to desert. We vowed never to make contact with the people of Horus after his victory over our just ruler. Whom has been deemed a traitor by the descendants of Narmer and Menes." Drexx knew this tale well from a historical viewpoint. Set, Horus and Osiris are famously important gods of Egypt. Was he saying that they were descendants of Set? "They murdered our people in great swaths and destroyed the land we all held dear." He stood back up and looked around to the skyscrapers reaching high above the broken bodies and burning wreckage. The sound of intense battle rolled inward but Drexx began to ignore it as he watched the broad shouldered man raise his arms into the sky. "But coming here I see that we were not the only people to oppose the evil Horus' oppression. That many more souls ached to restore the world to a time before corruption of Mordias. His evil you see laid out before you in the form of those creatures." Drexx looked on to see that he hadn't noticed they were very similar to those trapped in the Scar. He sat straighter as he noticed and stood stepping toward one.
Crouching down and looking one over more thoroughly he noticed the striking resemblance with them and those devils. As he went to touch one to feel the assurance the man stopped him. "You've seen them before. Horus forced Osiris to summon these from the land of the dead to combat and push us down. Our forefathers tell of us hiding out in a great distance away from home to avoid the slaughter. It is regrettable that we had to flee the battle to preserve our bloodline and the only true record of those evils. Yet here we are to fight the monsters yet again," The man looked up at the soldiers in their armor with longing. "Though the elder would refuse, I think. I am very curious to hear of the rest of the worlds' history after that war. Tell me Drexx." Drexx looked up at the man and stood.
"Anything you need Amani." Drexx stood to meet the man. He was the son of the chief of the tribe Neith and Amani were from. His father had passed not too long ago and left him in charge of the dwindling tribe. Last of a long line of leaders. His tribe has been on the fringes of society fleeing from its approach since antiquity. Drexx finally learned why.
"How can one bring peace to these troubled lands at long last?" He looked into Drexx’s eyes with longing and trust. He must have known something Drexx couldn't put his finger on. The mans fist clenched at his side as he looked down to the unliving bodies at their feet. He followed his eyes to look down at it. It's mangled corpse a reminder of the evil that has permeated everything since time immemorial.
"Lead your people Amani," The chief looked at him a bit astounded. "fight the evil that put your ancestors down and bring the wrath of Set down upon this. Mordias?" The man nodded at the name of his villain and suddenly a spark struck between them. Drexx saw the blood course through the chieftains veins and felt a familiarity. Something that pushed against him like a wave. "Because now its clear the evil that was abated back then has resurfaced. We need your families expertise in fighting the unliving."
"Our expertise?" He seemed skeptical and looked questioningly at the thing again. "What could we, a primitive unknowledgeable people, bring to this war?" He looked into the room that just a little while ago he had lost another member of his extended family.
"I don't know Amani. But a pull I have felt towards you and Neith since I met you both tells me you should seek out our new leaders. That they would know how to bring out your inherited prowess against these monstrosities." Drexx looked to the girl watching them both now wondering who was just comforting her. A look of amazement on her face instead of fear. "It would seem you have much more to fight for than your own people chief." He motioned to her then held out his hand. The other man saw her and smiled before gripping Drexx by the elbow and they pulled each other close to a hug.
"The road doesn't tell the traveler what lies ahead. But thank you for the guidance." The chief released him and turned towards the woman holding out his hand. She reached up and grabbed it softly pulling herself up to meet him. She smiled at him then looked to Drexx with sorrow in her eyes. He locked eyes with her sending her a look of forgiveness and sorrow as well.
"I'm sorry Drexx..." She trailed off as the chief led her away to a taxi that had landed not too far off. Drexx watched the woman give him a small paper before climbing into the taxi and disappearing as the door closed. The chief turned toward the men in armor and waved them over before engaging in conversation with them. Presumably to join their ranks as a war chief for his people. They would fight strong, Drexx knew. They were a hardy people with strong blood and even stronger will.
He sat down back on the bench staring at the convoluted mess of flesh ahead of him. It couldn't be just some chance that he kept feeling these weird connections with people he never met. Two troops came up and picked up the creature moving it away with an air of respect about them. Soon after that he felt a different body sit down next to him. A lighter body, must have been Tutor. Drexx looked over to the boy. He was extremely curious but Drexx could see the sadness in the boys eyes too. “How you holdin' up Tutor?” Asking himself the question more so than the boy. He didn't know how to answer it and was sure the boy felt just as lost to everything. The boy sat staring around in amazement of the Sepulcher. It was a mix of many different styles melding well with expert craftsmanship. Great flowing lines weaving in and out of the stone masonry sitting atop plates of thin bronze metal.711Please respect copyright.PENANAerzwbN8nDi
The boy stopped looking around at the scenery of the great structure they sat in and looked to Drexx a mix of emotions swimming through his bright ice-blue eyes. “I’ve never been in a church before. Especially not one so,” he seemed to not know the answer either. He looked over towards the blasted doors to Zeranni's chapel. “Huge.” He finished with a chuckle. His eyes were aglow with amazement and wonder. Drexx almost couldn’t see the sadness hiding behind it in the boys eyes. Even though it was in ruins the Sepulcher was astounding. A true modern marvel. Sitting in a marvelous world changing city. It's blue tinted stone and metal rising above them in classical Egyptian facades and pillars.
“I never had been either till real late in life.” Drexx stood up with his shoulders sunken. The thought that the first time he heard Keter was in a small church that was burnt to the ground by anti-unifiers crossed his mind. A cult said to have stemmed from ISIS after their eventual fall. Rather than extremists they worked in subterfuge and silent planning. The Scar was a result of their well planned strategies. “lets go look for someone. He was here during the attack and might be able to tell me something.” He tried to forget about what happened and to just focus on the task at hand. He spent enough time contemplating the past and talking with individuals when he should be seeking answers.
“Perfect maybe we can get these bastards.” The boy perked up a bit and stood next to Drexx. He gave off an air of enthusiasm over the prospect of revenge. He was looking over toward the broken down Riser dropship for a moment before looking away. “Hey da-Drexx. Lets go over to that thing real quick. I bet it still has navigation data.” Letting the slip go he looked over to the ship. The boy knew a lot for his age. Especially about tech. His name fit very well indeed. And he clearly missed his father. Better to not bring up the sore subject for the boy. They'll both operate better without thinking about the day behind them.
“How do you know so much,” Drexx questioned him. If they were to work together he needed to know more about his past. “You grew up outside the city right?” For someone to have lived his entire life outside of the new capitols and learn so much about higher society was an amazing feat. Although taking into the fact that the family had worked for the UC on several occasions Drexx was sure that the boy would pick up something here and there.
Tutor looked off. He didn’t seem ready to think about his past yet. “Yeah I grew up in a small town outside of Qattara. Nearer Rhakotis.” When the new age of Pharaohs began Sekhet-Djer, the first and current Pharaoh renamed Alexandria after what the Egyptians called it in ancient times. Him and many other people of the world learned to see the city as a sign of corruption and darkening our past. The great library was moved here to the new capitol before it was even finished being built. The first major construction project. Now named The Ogdoads Athenaeum, named after a group of Egyptian gods of old and the Greek goddess of wisdom. “We did a lot of chasing back then,” so they were chasers huh? No wonder the Risers were after them. The data on that drive must be worth quite a bit if both his parents died over it. “Until mama died. Then it was all about revenge.” Chasers were a group of agile smart individuals that ran errands for the populace. It was a sort of underground network for package delivery and data thievery. They mainly worked for large companies and the coalition. The Risers were often a target. They often stole myriads of company secrets or national security data and needed to be put in their place by the victims. Chasers were the prefect way to recover the data and release a payload of virus' that quickly destroyed infrastructure.
“So then you think something useful is in its nav computer eh?” It makes sense that he would have the thought. Giving no time to his problems except to get revenge can make you think of amazing things. A goal and something to strive for in the end gave amazing results. Even in the midst of such chaos and sadness, the Risers have family too and believe what they're doing is just. Sometimes mankind's hand is forced to do the unthinkable like assault holy ground on a wedding day.
“At least the location of where they were sent from.” Given the amount of Riser presence in Sphinx narrowing the search would be immensely helpful. And it would likely lead to some hidden base outside of Sphinx. That kind of data would be immensely useful to the United Corporations as well. Let alone the knowledge of what they planned to do with Neith and the boys mothers data.711Please respect copyright.PENANAwLbixCD9c9
“Lets give it a shot then.” At that the two started toward the dropship. Before they reached the ship several shield corp. soldiers appeared from around it on a patrol. They clearly had already tried to get info from the ship and had it under lock down. “Hmm if there was anything those guys probably have it already. Keter?” The enigmatic resourceful voice always came up with an answer when asked. It was strange to have such a guide in a world fraught with uncertainty in life.
“Yes Drexx?” the voice chimed in right on cue. It seemed slightly annoyed for some reason. Almost as if the attack on the Sepulcher, or the city, had been toiling to him as well. Knowing that the priests and also the boy have Keters blessing made the impression it was a lot of work guiding them all in this fighting.
“Do you know anything about the attack on the Sepulcher?” Drexx watched the group of guards. Only four patrolling the area. Higher end Shield troops with a Lokhagos leading them. His plumage standing up over their heads as he strode ahead of them on a communicator. He looked very similar to Darlex in armor and stature. The same three stars adorned both persons’ shoulders. Their shields were reattached to their chests and these individuals were different in their weaponry. They carried on their back a quiver of spears with jagged heads of various tips and impressions.711Please respect copyright.PENANAh4ZUZmJ4Id
“It would seem the Risers were after information on Soto Industries.” A quick thought crossed his mind. Could they have come either way? Even if they did he still should’ve been here to defend his wife. They had become very aggressive in the hunt for knowledge of late. Something was awakening a beast in them that the U.C. must have been knowledgeable of. It's almost astounding that they allowed the Risers to even exist. Drexx supposed it would be counterproductive to support such an open society but destroy something like their rivals indiscriminately.711Please respect copyright.PENANAGmwnXEAosm
“Neith worked for Soto. But she was only an accountant...” He lost himself in thought thinking of strange things Neith had been doing the last few months. Leaving early and returning late. Always tired at home but almost never sleeping. She always accounted it for the others in the Soto embassy disappearing or quitting. Could she have been working on something more? With such a workforce of people under Soto Industries, the worlds largest conglomerate of divisional companies, it would be strange to lose so many employees in a division like pharmaceuticals. Much less of a headache for the base class of intelligence than the equally minded in say the humanitarian or restorative divisions.
“That is quite likely Drexx. I am not allowed to delve any deeper for you at this time. I am sorry Drexx but you must find this on your own.” With that Keter pinged out. Not allowed to? does that mean he has a higher power than himself? The day grew stranger by the hour.
“Well that’s interesting. Lets see have any ideas Tutor?” As he looked down to the boy he came to find the boy gone without a trace. “What?” How could have the boy simply disappeared without him noticing? He supposed he was in his own thoughts for a moment and could have missed the boy escape his grasp.
He looked around wondering where he could be and espied a shape moving inside the cockpit of the dropship. The group of shield security was nearing the other end of the ship before stopping and turning around weapons raised. They had detected movement in the ship probably expecting some Riser threat. Shit. Drexx rushed over to them and struck up a conversation about the attack. "Hello officers."
"Ah the groom to be," Began the Lokhagos taking his plumed helmet off and bowing deeply, His voice a deep Greek with rolling accents as he spoke. "We are deeply saddened for your loss and humbly apologize. Darlex is among the greatest of our Lokhagos and fought valiantly to do the job we failed at." He looked back up to face Drexx head on before telling his men to sheath their spears and step kindly away. They bowed as well and stepped off to the side both switching something on their helmets and taking them off setting them at their feet not too far away. "They won't be hearing anything of the conversation just in case you feel a need to open up. We at Caution Corporation hold a strict guideline of open door with any and all civilians."
"Thank you very much for the thought and effort. I'm in the process of thinking it all through. She was of an old tribe that never made outside contact before." He found himself travelling back again in thought and stopped himself. " Can you tell me anything new about the attack. Why did they kill her and then run off like they did?"
"The only thing we really know is that they were after information she held. It's particularly odd they killed her like they did. We are currently working on decoding some information and dealing with the insurgency. I have reports of battles popping up at all the major United Corporation sites around the city. They also seem to have been attacking the Athenaeum. Whatever it is they want is knowledge of something they don't have." That didn't make sense even the Risers had open access to most public records and technological advances. Unless the UC had been hiding something they were working on or recently found something. "I can assure you that we will figure it out and forward all relevant information to your person when we find it." 711Please respect copyright.PENANAgPrXuyF2Mi
"Thanks again officer. Forward my appreciation to your superiors when you can and tell your men to be careful. These creatures are of a different ilk then the Risers themselves." With that he turned to find Tutor had already finished and exited the crashed ship. He had sat down on a bench near a statue of an angelic figure with multiple sets of wings. "Oh yes have you noticed a priest from the Sepulcher in red robes anywhere?"
"Yes the one named Krish led a full score of different yesod priests into the Sepulcher living and meditation quarters just there." He pointed to two large sealed double doors on the far side of the courtyard. " They seemed distressed about something and in a heated mood about their leader. apparently he did something to upset them. But we've strict orders to leave them be until further notice. If you follow be careful they're a dangerous lot for sure. Ungodly powers those ones." with that the Lokhagos replaced his plumed helmet and strode back to his companions who had been relaxing for a moment talking about their own lives. Drexx didn't expect much more than that but at least found a trail to this Krish fellow. With Drexx not under anyone's guidance he could investigate for himself. Drexx headed casually over to the bench Tutor now sat in. It definitely was something important if Krish was leading a full force of priests. What could have happened? Upon reaching Tutor the boy tossed a second drive towards him with a faint pulsing red LED on its surface. 711Please respect copyright.PENANASM2cdO4gVr
As if responding to his curiosity Tutor started "There’s nothing more I can do with it. I’m great at retrieving data and getting it back to its owners but if its encrypted or protected someway that is where I fall short." he sat on the bench swinging his legs childishly as he spoke without a second thought about the danger he just faced in a possibly volatile dropship. "There’s always a third-party that the owners deal with or that I have to bring it to in the event of encryption."
“I know a guy. I say we head there after I find this Krish fella. He was among the last to speak with Neith and I have questions.” Krish was his best lead and he has dallied long enough. Sorrow has begun to turn to anger and Drexx knew to use it as fuel for his flame. He was going to find her body and then deal with the murderers of his happiness. The Risers were going to pay for what they've done here today.
“I can head there now give me the location and I'll update you with info.” The boy stood up shoulders raised and ready to run. He bounced slightly as he looked up at Drexx. Tutor knew what it was like to lose family. He had a quick willingness to help probably in light of the familiar feeling in Drexx. But probably also a need to escape and run to clear his mind. Drexx knew the perfect way to do just that for people like Tutor.
“No. But if you are itching to run I know of a great place to. It was actually built by the UC to compromise with runners. And they’re constantly updating it with new requested features.” Runners were a problem in the old world. Always climbing on tall skyscrapers or invading abandoned private property to make a living on the internet. Now that they have places to do just that and insurance is a thing of the past there aren't any problems in the cities. At least with ones that work within the lines like Tutor and his dad who did it for a living. There are occasionally the uneducated that run into trouble not having proper identification but they get straightened out fairly quickly. It's when the Risers have their own version of Chasers out on missions that problems are caused.
“Really? Solely for running? I didn’t think any of those damn corporations cared for vagrants like that.” Tutor looked over at the group of shield operatives. The thought pushed itself in that all the companies that ran the world had been corrupt. But seeing how hard Shield fought for Drexx's wife and the city that couldn’t be the truth. “I'll head there then. Where is it?” Tutor scanned the structure around them as he stretched his arms. The boy needed an escape and talking to Krish would be easier for Drexx if the young one wasn't present.
At that Keter chimed in again. “Ptah’s park is not far from here Tutor. The address has been uploaded to your link.” He chimed back off soon after that. The enigmatic figure seemed to always be listening. And always knew what to say in situations like this. It always had the answers. Always had an insight or trick to be taught as if all the knowledge of mankind was at its finger tips.
“It's best to introduce yourself to the owners, they have a home right out front of it. I believe they're part of Phantom corp. A sister company to Shield kinda. Have a good time and blow off some steam,” Drexx got down on one knee and looked Tutor in the eye. A familiar glow now shone in his iris's. They've both lost someone dear now to the same people. Drexx wasn’t going to let that bond go. Tutor was all he had left and vice versa. They’re in it together now. The two locked eyes and nodded at each other. Tutor wrapped his arms around Drexx and hugged him tightly. Drexx returned the favour and couldn’t help but think he promised to keep him safe even though the words never escaped him. Maybe all it took was a familiar loss to bring someone close to him. Or perhaps fate had plans for the two for a long time now. Drexx stood back up with his hand on Tutors head giving him a calm pat before turning slightly away.711Please respect copyright.PENANAWRHxSTR7vJ
With that the two split up and went their separate ways. Drexx watched as Tutor ran off and clamored over the wall of the Sepulcher with ease and disappeared into the smoke above the chaos that littered the streets around the Sepulcher. He then followed the walkway towards a doorway opposite that of the chapel. The door itself was decorated with numerous good luck charms or prayers from all around the world ranging from gods and goddesses to simple horseshoes and animals like rabbits. Along the border of the door hung numerous idols of several deities and gods. Inside was the hallway that led to private quarters and meditation chambers of the priests. He hoped to find this Krish inside recovering and the answers to the days mysteries a step closer. A step closer to dealing with these villains once and for all.711Please respect copyright.PENANAzhWpLPRTGO