Chapter 6: Leaders699Please respect copyright.PENANAL8f2wHcbfO
As the pressure released from the hydraulics of the door, light began to flood into the deep darkness surrounding Drexx and the two priests. Krish leaned heavily on Zara’s support as he blocked his dark adjusted eyes from the sudden brightness of the city lights outside. Drexx hadn’t noticed before but the courtyard they were once again stepping into was very brightly lit and safe from the shadows below in the city. The bodies of the dead and injured had been mostly moved away and the damage began to be cleaned up in the Sepulchre by the time Drexx stepped into the light once again. He made quick note of how his eyes didn’t need to readjust to the lighting around him, indeed it seemed the light bent and adjusted to his presence now that he stepped into it. Almost as if something was allowing his eyes a safer and less harmful transition like sunglasses only darkening the rays. As Zara led Krish away from the door behind them Drexx watched the air around the courtyard teem with mechanical life. Broken hull sections and battered armour parts were carried away by automated repair drones that had sprung to life. A whole cluster of them lifted away a crashed carrier with the charismatic designs of the Risers embossed on its hull sections.699Please respect copyright.PENANA9YEqgTeUs4
Several patrol troops in stylized metallic green and orange armours passed nearby being led by a Shield Corp Lokhagos. His plumage was missing and burnt from the helmet and his chest piece was badly burnt and scarred. Drexx’s ears picked up on the conversation they were having, the Lokhagos seemed very distraught. “Your telling me the park was destroyed? How many made it out before the thing impacted?” He was wringing his hands nervously, clearly upset.
“Yes the Cruise Liner fell almost directly in the centre. This Sevil Fellow is much more thorough then any we have come across before. Not many made it out besides Jaxz Orion’s Lions and handfuls of United Corporation troops. No word from any evacuation centres but rescue teams are in full swing digging through the wreckage and debris.” The way the woman that responded spoke was very shakey. Her voice even cracked from the thought of the devastation. Were they speaking of ptahs park? Tutor was dead centre of the place by now and if it was destroyed then he was likely…
“The boy is alive Drexx. Though I am unsure where he is.” Keter pinged in again with great timing. “That is the park they mentioned. Leveled by the Caution Cruiser falling from orbit. Luckily the blast was contained within the park by its blast shield defenses. I have readings on Tutors vitals but his locator is jammed in that area.” The voice seemed almost worried that the boy had gotten himself into something dreadful. “I lost the connection fairly quickly and just before the cruiser made landfall.” Well at least the boy was safe. Hopefully not in the hands of the Risers.
“This siege seems like it could be worse then Shambala. That does not sound like something any of us want to live through.” The Lokhagos’ face twisted in memory of something clearly painful and distressing. The name of the city the man mentioned seemed familiar to Drexx but he waved it away for now returning his attention to Krish leaning on Zara. Zara had led the injured red to where the remaining priests had assembled near a statue of their traitorous leader. The troops were leaving them be and just stood as extra precaution in the event of a second assault. Everyone was well aware of the Priests’ capabilities to defend themselves and the Sepulchre. Krish was looking away from the group towards Drexx with a face mixed of anxiety and grief. Drexx couldn’t bare to understand the feeling reeling through the mans head at that moment, having just led a whole dozen or so of his fellow priests to their deaths and losing his leader and beloved mentor. All for naught it would seem, their target escapes and leaves behind devastation behind. sowing the seeds of dissent in their ranks most likely.699Please respect copyright.PENANASmojeOqPUc
Drexx walked over to the pair watching the rest of the group of Priests. They were injured and weak but still stood stronger than a normal man or woman would have been in this situation. They assembled away from the groups of the soldiers and patrols circling the perimeter. Several blues stood about the group tending to others’ wounds and minds. In one corner a vehement argument was taking place between two, a red and a black, presumably over the leadership and the loss of trust for leadership. A tumultuous time for the order indeed, as if their pharaoh had ordered slavery to build him a pyramidal tomb in the name of Aten. “Drexx,” Krish greeted him as he neared, now standing straight with Judea holding his arm where blood now ran down from a gash at his shoulder. “I have to address them, stand beside me as mine and their saviour?” Saviour? Who would ever think he would be seen as such, besides it was only because of this blessing from Keter that allowed him to have the power to fend off the creatures in the Sepulchre. He stood unsure how to answer looking to Zara and Judea for any reassurance.699Please respect copyright.PENANAlIjLVqq8Vc
“Krish has told me of your bravery in the darkened halls.” He stood straighter for a moment, “You even allowed me to be saved to send off my departed love.” His shoulders slumped as he looked away to Judea for help. She removed her hand from Krish with pain striking his face again. She touched Zara’s neck and a smile cracked through his grief, for a moment Drex felt he would be again sucked into the memory of the man beside him but it was only a thought. Zara put his hand to Judea’s cheek. “Thank you. You chose well and brave to take on the role of healer.” She smiled back at him before returning to Krish’s wound.
Drexx nodded his head and stepped on the first step up to the feet of the statue. “Lets let them hear what you have to say Krish.” The priest was likely going to try and give him the seat of power for the order, a role he had no right nor strength for. All he wanted was the truth behind his wifes death brought to the light. Why was she attacked on the same night a siege was laid against Sphinx? What was all this show of aggression and force for? He led the way up the statues pedestal with Krish dragging behind, Judea still attached to his arm. The flow of blood had considerably lessened as the wound began to close on itself.
As they stepped up onto the platform several other arguments began to filter through the din. It seemed some groups were worried if Krish was going to make it back alive. The group of priests seemed to not have noticed the trio of men return until Zara wandered into the group and sat down at a bench opposite the statue. Several men that knew him brought his return to the attention of the group “Look Zara is safe! Krish must have been successful!” They ran to his side and tried to hug him but he pushed them away with a wave of his hand. He pointed up toward Krish and Drexx just after Judea walked away from them. She came to sit down next to Zara removing her robes, draping them next to her on the bench. The act revealed her thin almost translucent garb underneath, she proved to be even younger then Drexx had thought, barely reaching her late teens. She laid her head tiredly on Zara’s shoulder and closed her eyes, immediately asleep. The man looked up at the statue, a mix of anger in the air toward the statue of the likeness of such a traitor and happiness toward Krish being alive. There was also a palpable sense of unease and worry coming from the group watching, as well as the guards patrolling the area. This night has quickly turned into a nightmare for the denizens of the city.
Krish raised his hands above him and a slight boom resounded across the bickering priests that hadn’t noticed the new arrivals. “My fellow followers,” He addressed the group all now quietened with their gaze turned towards him, “our leader has betrayed us. He led the Risers to this unfortunate mans wedding,” he pointed over at Drexx, “and just as I have warned many of you, he tried to take my very life and indeed the lives of all those we swore to protect as the lords children. Unfortunately many of our brothers and sisters fell against his onslaught today.” The silence that was around seemed to grow heavy as many of the priests looked down saying various different prayers for their brothers in arms' lives. Several looked around to see their comrades and loved ones missing, a few women wailed into the air and held their faces to their hands. Drexx looked across to Judea and Zara, his hand rested on her head petting her hair down. She was so young and small but powerful enough to save Krish’s life. Drexx could have sworn the man was going to collapse from his injuries before now. “I led those men and women to their deaths,” a throng of slight anger and astonishment rolled over the group. “But know they followed willingly to put an end to the bloodshed. All of us here had lost much before joining the Priesthood and today we lost more family and even our leader.” Drexx felt the sorrow roll upwards from those standing below them. He couldn’t help but feel the need to say something to them. Yet the words never pushed upwards from his throat. “I am sure you all wonder as to our new direction. It has not changed in the slightest. We are here to help free the people from oppression and when we are oppressed by our own internal workings we must press on and show the world our strength in will and our testament to heal the world. We will hunt down the traitor and bring him to the might of the Gevurah!” at that last word several cheered and clapped. His speech seemed to assure them of their place.
Drexx turned his gaze from the young girl still asleep in the throng of noise to Krish. He held his hand down to him motioning for him to come forward. Drexx took it and stood beside Krish. “Today, despite the torture we have been put through and the many lives lost, is still a joyous occasion! For the lord Keter has blessed the land we walk with another to lead the people through the darkness!” A feeling of wonder and curiosity now flooded over them. “A new master of the Yellow Yesod. His golden light will break the paling of darkness around us all and lead us into a new era...”
Drexx cut him off there raising his hand before any cheering could ensue. “I’m humbly honoured to stand before you all here today,” he began attempting to be as cordial as possible. “And that The Almighty Keter has chosen me as a member of the esteemed Yesod. But that was in dire circumstances that would have left both me and Krish dead today and let loose a host of vicious demons upon our fair city,” The small crowd before him grew antsy, “But I must stand here and say I cannot accept the burden of being your leader. I do not have the experience nor the will to lead such an enigmatic and enlightened group of individuals. This day is marked with sadness and pain. Most of all to you all and myself.” The crowd before him grew upset at the loss of a second leader in a single day. Krish looked at him astonished, turn down this role of power? No man would do that lightly given the temptation.
“This is good Drexx,” Keter chimed into his inner self personally. “I saw animosity grow within Krish this day as I gave you the powers. The role of Yesod for the sepulchre is his not yours.” At that the voice dissipated. Drexx looked to Krish who stood staring at him abashed.
“This role was intended for whom I believe you all know deserves it. He led your fighters against the traitor to certain doom and defeated his plan turning away his evil force. Krish stands ready to accept the role of Yesod if you would have him.” Drexx stepped back and said to Krish alone. “My lust for revenge turns me down a much darker path Krish. You must lead your people to a better world. This is not for me.” Krish nodded and stood straighter looking out at his ragtag group of priests. All the elders had perished in that fight save for himself and they all nearly too. He would have to call upon outside pockets of followers to help grow his following again.
Drexx Didn't know why he said that exactly but he knew it must be true. He stepped back from Krish and down the stairs of the pedestal and made his way toward a balcony that had a sky taxi floating at its edge. He heard Krish start giving out orders and leading his new congregation immediately they all had a lot of work to do too. A man stepped up from beside the taxi clad in a green pilots suit. Thinner plating and more flexible along the chest it was sleekly fashioned along his body. “Hello sir. I understand you are the groom of the passed?” For a moment Drexx stared at the man before attempting to step past him. “Please I don’t mean to strike up a sore subject,” The mans voice was American. Not a dialect Drexx was particularly happy to hear in the city especially now. Americans have never been a good sign. “My name is Shalof sir.” The man started again hoping to strike up a better conversation.
“Drexx,” was his only reply for now. He stopped to look over the man more thoroughly. The same symbol that was on the large vimana and the suits of the green clad soldiers that now paced the courtyard adorned his chestplate. “What do you want? I have somewhere important to go.” He had been delayed on his quest for vengeance long enough and needed to get moving.
“I am offering my assistance on behalf of the United Corporations sir,” The man held out his hand. “Wherever it is you need to go I can bring you there much faster using emergency traffic channels. The entirety of the United Corporations announces the sheer displeasure and sorrow we all feel for this occasion. We wish to help find those responsible. The Risers couldn't be doing this of their own accord. It isn't their usual way of doing things.” Drexx took the mans hand and shook it looking at the taxi. Him and the pilot locked eyes and he waved the man off.
The door shut down and the taxi took off towards another balcony with a few others waiting on it. “I take it we aren't going to be flying around in some measly taxi eh Shalof?” Drexx said to the man jokingly.
“No sir allow me,” at that he pulled out a small device from a slit in his armour and pressed a button. “We'll take my Pygmy. She flies fast and swift. The Risers also wont be able to track it like a taxi sir.” Drexx wondered slightly what a Pygmy could be for a brief moment before he was afforded the answer. A small craft with large wings swung wide and hovered in place over the air just off the balcony. Two large intake rings pushed hot air from within the wings' cores and a third smaller circle sat on the tail of the craft. The side of it simply vanished in a particulated manner allowing entry. A thin ray of light stretched out from below the new doorway to the balcony. Shalof stepped inside heading for the pilots seat that had no separation between himself and the seats for transport.
Drexx hesitantly stepped inward from the balcony looking down the many stories to the paved ground. It was a bustle with many colours and movements. Vehicles whizzing by like the lines of light on photos of highways, careening missles and large explosions sending debris flying in all directions. He turned his attention the to the inside of the Pygmy, it was layered with comfortable looking seats covered with calmly coloured cushions and cabinets sunk into the walls filled with supplies. Most were labeled with their contents like bandages or even blood packs. The ship was more than a transport it was an air ambulance as well. He took a seat near one of the only windows on the craft. He always felt the most comfortable able to watch the world whizz by as he thought. “So Drexx where are we heading off to then?” Shalof asked from up front as the plane started to lift casually away from the balcony. As it did so the hard door reappeared as if it was never gone. Finally able to sit and think he was able to think of the only person who would help him in this.
“A home in the outer most circle of the city, to the west. Ill send you the address.” Shalof had already pointed the Pygmy in the right direction before Drexx sent the address. The ride was mostly silent as Drexx watched the cityscape fall away underneath them. The buildings glistened in the moonlight and shone a brilliance rarely seen in the world. Brightly lit multi-coloured lights beckoned upwards from many different angles. The city itself seemed to pulse with a life of its own as its populace combated their intruders. Like small white blood cells repelling an invasion of infection. Small results of the days fighting could be easily seen from up high. Many buildings were scathed with burn marks or power shortages. A couple fires still burned with crews fighting to put them out. Soldiers in the thousands stood full force against invaders that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. After this there was no way the Risers were going to be left standing. Drexx found himself thinking that the only result was their end. It was a desperate attempt at maintaining a grasp they no longer held anyway.
The city fell away to smaller structures and homes outlying the city. The suburbs were as cleanly structured and built as the rest of the city. Seeing the small buildings reminded him of his and Neith’s dreams. They had hoped to live out their lives in peace in a home here in sphinx.Away from all of this as was promised by the United Corporations. Indeed the promise was hard fought to be upheld, an entire war fought just for the livelihood of the people under its banner. The two of them had spent many a day recently looking for a home and imagining their lives to come. Soto Industries had promised all the support they needed and had prepared to design the layout for their new home. Drexx came to wonder if it had possibly been because of something Neith was involved in. Something that she had been doing the last few months that may have led up to her death and the attack of the city? He found himself conjuring up thoughts of her and her family. Had he only acted as a driving force of separation? Pushing her and Amani further away from eachother and forcing her people to finally make contact with the people that they vowed to avoid? He watched the landscape below but found that he didn’t see anything below as his vision departed from the physical, something instead pushed itself up from the recesses of his mind. A voice he found wasn’t his echoed around him in his helmet, it spoke of odd memories he knew could not be his own. Of happenings that were only spoken of in myth or history.
The voice wrapped him in a veil and separated him from the world below, it brought him into a misty and foggy world he was oddly familiar with but only in a way as if he should know this place.
He stood atop a spire that stretched upward from the city below. Its railing standing high above the ground he knew was an immense distance below him. The mists from the collectors rolled through the city streets below as his people walked and committed to their daily lives. The serene feeling was marred by a constant nagging thought that something below in the foundries and rain towers was wrong. The mist, as he watched it, almost rolled through the streets eerily whereas it was usually a comfort. Indeed even the few people he saw far below seemed distressed and ran for the nearest doorway as the mist drew near. Suddenly screams washed through the door behind him entering into his room. They were flung from their hinges, a heavy set solid stone door held by thick metal, as the body of his serving woman flew into the centre of his living quarters. From outside stepped a man he knew well, his brother and fellow watcher of these halls. “Enlil! What is the meaning of this transgression!?”
“It is time brother.” He stepped forward and put his boot to the struggling woman’s throat. She was much smaller then they and never stood a chance against the weight of his body. Though she struggled for dear life against the clawed boot around her neck.“For these humans to see the wrath of the gods. If we are to rule this world are we not meant to control it all?” She looked to Enki with fear and a desperate plea for help in her gaze. His foot twitched with a resounding crack from the woman’s neck. This was unheard of, surely the council would know of this folly before this. Before he could even reach for something to defend himself more screams wafted up from the mists below. His brother strode toward him holding out his hand. “The humans have done enough to satisfy our needs, as we have done before with mere plague and famine I will finish with the waters that Kulaba can bring.” Enki looked to his brother with disgust in his heart but a stoic face. He reached out and took the crazed mans hand.
A listing motion in the crafts pattern drew his attention away from the landscape below. He snapped from the vision he just saw with confusion, almost forgetting who he was and where his life was taking him. A buzzing in the back of his skull annoyed him to the point he took to disengaging his helmets locking mechanism. He set the small frame to his side and scratched the back of his head as he looked himself in the eye in the reflection of the Pygmy’s well polished floor. His dark brown coloured skin shone in contrast to the fine metal the craft was built with. His eyes stared back at him through a haze of golden reflection. He came to remember his person then, but still felt very out of place and oddly old. He turned back to look towards the city scape through the window. It now rose upwards in from the position of the pygmy as it lowered its altitude. They seemed to be arriving in the area of his old friends home and work space. The man was a genius hacker and had always had a knack for rooting out secrets and pushing deals forward when they were likely to fail. They had barely talked since he had mentioned getting a new job working on some secret project. Drexx was only hoping that he was even still living in the same place. “We're coming up on the property you wanted to head to Drexx. It doesn’t look like anyone has been here in quite a while. There is a renovation truck out front from Soto Architecture.”
“Knowing him there’s a trace of where he went inside. Go ahead and drop me off in the back.” Drexx knew the man too well. They were close enough for him to have left something behind for Drexx. The building was dark and being gutted with a huge dumpster sitting in the front filled with rubbish and furniture. The pygmy hovered down over the back patio with its engines whirring slower then before. No backyard in this part of the city but a little known use of the patio is a secondary docking area. The pygmy fell silent as it latched onto the patio and its working lights disappeared. Drexx stood again and touched the wall where the door was out of curiosity. It was as solid as could be before it dematerialized after he moved his hand away. The door opened to reveal that all that was in the back patio was all that was left of the furniture. It was torn to shreds and raggedy almost scarred. Someone had ransacked the place before Soto came through to get it ready for new residents. Or perhaps there was some sort of fight here long ago.
Stepping off the platform of the pygmy he felt his shoe fall onto the patios metal planking. It creaked under his weight as if it was old or degrading with a puff of rust shooting up from the corner where it was held together. He ran his hand over the ragged and sliced leather of the couch as he approached the back door to feel for any odd textures. Indeed his hand ran across odd bumps and jagged bubbles in the leather. Inside he could see the Soto engineer moving about almost frantically. Drexx stopped by the door way slightly hiding behind it and looking inward. The engineer was searching through the refuse left behind here and there and opening cupboards and boxes in the kitchen Drexx was watching through. The engineer wore an odd almost impractical armor of thick plates that ran along his arms and torso. A thick line ran up his spine and down to a thick pack resting on his hip. An old Soto design of an exo-suit with their telltale brand faded on his chest piece. The helmet was odd and almost angular and mostly squared like that of old European knights. Only a slight slit through the metal shone with light, presumably a heads up display was lit up inside the helmet. Resting on his other hip was a useful multi-tool in the shape of a pistol. Drexx heard a slight sound overhead before looking back at Shalofs Pygmy waving him away. The ship listed upwards before disappearing into the cityscape in the background. When he turned to look upon the engineer again he was nowhere to be seen.
Drexx decided to take the moment to step inside and silently close the sliding glass door behind him. Looking through the hall he could see that the place had been ransacked several times and some vagrants had moved in. Piles of refuse lay in heaps along the kitchen and littered the hallway. If either of them were to find anything in this place it had to be hidden where only those looking for it hard enough could find. Not easily accessible by the lowlifes that would likely take up the place as their own in its owners absence. Not too long before today, it seemed they were driven out by Soto or some other force. Up until then it was a good choice of homesteading for them. Power supplied all buildings owned by the United Corporations be them used or not in the event of an emergency happening and a vacant building being the only one available. The poor souls had found a small safe haven in their struggles. Struggles that were only against themselves. An open hand had been extended to all welcoming the entirety of the human race into homes and livelihoods. But no matter the enticing outreach there were still those that believed the companies that now ruled the world to be corrupt. It wasn’t without reason to believe this, throughout history those in power have been the cause of strife. And those same failed leaders still effect the minds of their descendants today. A chain of events that still stacked up and probably always will no matter the outreach to defeat it.
Drexx knew they were right though, that several companies were; such as a now defunct division of Soto Industries itself. Soto Entertainment, whose artificial constructs became self aware and learned of their purpose and rebelled. The rebellion was supposedly put down and the theme park given to them in full as a peace treaty with the androids but not without the division being shut down. Indeed this was true as many androids have integrated into modern society with ease, almost blending in without notice from the public. Even with it having been terminated its brand still lay on many new entertainment releases, movies generally reusing old anti corporation and government conspiracies. The U.C usually turned a near blind eye to their efforts but always stamped down on them when necessary. Entertainment is a basic human right in the modern era after all. Most of these corrupt companies came to fall under the banner of the Risers now. It seems after today that these companies’ survival will depend on their response to their leaders’ blasphemy.
He turned his attention away from the scene of refuse to instead focus on the state of the building. Even though he had only been here once long ago he could still tell that none of his old friends belongings remained save for empty food containers and torn up clothing. All stolen and misused by the vagrants. All his computers had been removed, by who it was hard to tell. It would be useless to attempt to find them. He was too smart to keep any relevant files on those unsecured drives. If there was anything that could tell Drexx where to find him it would be well hidden and impossible to remotely access. Keter offered no insights except a small diagram of the floor plan of the building and attached units on either side. All three had families living in them with no considerable space in between. There was no room underneath the home for anything to be hidden or above as the rooves were all flat. No space for secret rooms or hidden hatches as was common in homes outside Sphinx. They were usually designed to be much more spacious and old fashioned. Looking at the diagram holographically displayed in front of him there were slight differences. As if walls had been shifted or rooms rotated. Starting with the kitchen he stood in Drexx noticed a small extra width to the counter. He ran his fingers along the underside of the lip of granite that made up the counter top. He could feel a series of bumps and shapes in a sequence underneath. “what is this now?”
He held his hand out in front of him and air swooped in from nowhere blowing the kitchen clean. He heard a sudden thud from one of the other rooms that had to be the Soto engineer. Before the other man returned he lifted the granite slab off the kitchen counter and tossed it to the ground with the underside facing up. The immense weight he knew was there felt like naught but a feather. Another puff of air cushioned it from shattering on the ground as he waved his hand toward it. On its reverse side raised symbols and ancient script embossed its surface. “what language is this Keter?”
“Ancient Sumerian cuneiform Drexx. Specifically a dialect around the city of Ur. Most intriguingly is that it is raised from the surface not etched as was the style of the day.” The voice pinged out as usual and Drexx felt a sudden rush in the back of his mind. The lettering and script popped out of the surface and hung over the tablet. The etching began to take a more recognizable shape and translated itself into English, Drexx's most comfortable language:
Enna dag Mesh, En Ur Kulaba
En ánádu, a tu a sed
Girin Inanna sud, ug bi me
Utna ba bi-zu, Bar ina kalu
Giris Sé, Aerdrasíl
Kizah kindu, Marru hul-gal
Da-al su zal, Suba Me
Dug su, Digir
Galam su Ina lu.
“This roughly translates to the following Drexx,” Continued the voice.
Sanctuary of Mesh, Lord of Ur and Kulaba
Pure Inanna blessed, body and soul
Utnas potion and soul, Hidden from all
Saved only, for chosen few
Sacred Earth, flood of the evil ones
Now he waits, for shining me
Announce he, godhood
Ascend he from sleep.
“Note the pre translation word Aerdrasíl. It is clearly not of Sumerian origin. Rather it sounds more akin to Norse Yggdrasil. The tree of life. I will continue to search for any other relevancy sir.” The voice chimed out one last time
“I am only assuming the Mesh mentioned here is the Sumerian god king?” Drexx asked as he kneeled and ran his fingers across the odd triangular shaped writing and groove cut symbols. The writing took on a familiar feeling, as he watched it he felt he could read it himself like a second language. So many strange occurances tonight that couldn’t have been coincidental. Though he was sure that Keter had no answer for him either. A sound of feet hitting the floor pulled his attention away from the tablet for a moment. He looked up to see the Soto engineer standing with a raised odd tool. It shown in a radiant blue hue as it hummed with intense energy from within its frame.
“That is highly likely. Although I cannot find any mention of this tablet in my archives Drexx.” Keter replied.
“S-sir step away from the tablet p-please.” He was clearly terrified and shaken. Something had the man on edge since before Drexx got dropped off. His hands shook as they both held onto the grip of a gun that he was most definitely strong enough to hold with only one. A plasma cutter of Soto design; sleek and smooth with an adjustable tip for hard to reach angles of wires that would need splicing. It was angled flat horizontally. Despite Drexx’s advanced suit a shot from that thing along his neck would still be fatal. Drexx raised his hands in front of him in easy surrender. The man probably thought him to be a Riser given the armour.
“It's ok. Put the tool down and lets talk this through,” Keter chimed in saying that Drexx should mention his new standing in the priesthood. “My name in Drexx. Newest member of the Followers chosen by Keter to be of the Yesod Sephirot.” He stood putting his hands forward away from the gun on his own thigh. He deactivated the helmet showing his face to the man. He saw his own reflection there, clearly, for the first time in days. Since well into his wedding preparations he has been all to preoccupied and stressed. His face reflected what he felt inside. A mix of anger amazement and exasperation. The last day has been overwhelming and his usually chiselled expression sat perturbed and tired. His eyes were reddened and felt like hot air clung to them stinging his sight. “I’m just as tired and upset as you. So lets work together. Why are you here sir?”
The man lowered the plasma cutter and stepped forward looking down at the granite tablet. “I was sent to find that. The CEO has interest in it,” He finished with a cough disassembling his helmet. He rubbed his short cropped hair back with a sigh and looked Drexx in the eye. His pale white skin would mislead if not for his gruff voice. “The names Zaxon. Mister Soto sent me with the utmost urgency. Seems to believe someone else is looking for it,” He spoke quickly and almost in hushed tones. “Namely the Riser's and their lackeys. Wanted me to get my hands on it. Although I don’t think I’m walking out of here with that.” He waved the cutter towards the slab. Looking back at the slabs counter he noticed the outer shell was only a facade. The inside was riddled with support structures and other odds and ends that didn’t belong in a kitchen.
“Right you are. The things gotta be a ton at the least. I know the man who owned the house. Do you have anything on him?” Drexx asked as he stepped towards the tablet again. “he left this here to be found and clearly others know he left something. I need him and given the circumstances you do too.” The night grew more complex every hour as he stood with an engineer from Soto discussing his intentions.
“The Shadow Broker sir? That’s all we know about him and that he has had some sort of contact with Intel Industries. Leading them to some intriguing research for the U.C.” Drexx knew much of the technology they have today is thanks to Inte Industries’ research into ancient monuments and forgoing old mainstream archaeology. They took a more open minded approach and decided to think of it all as a riddle. How to unlock the secrets of the future from the myths of the past? Their CEO was always an enigmatic one, ever since he came into public view after the war.
“That must be that “big project” that he spoke of last we met. Damn that was a long time ago. About ten years now,” He found himself momentarily thinking of the past. “Before that he worked for Intellicor. Under surveillance and reconnaissance.”
“The parent company of Intel industries. They were almost extinct before they merged with most of the U.C to become I.I.. That was about a decade ago as well.”
“Well it would appear I’ve to go see Intel's human resources then. What a boring day I have tomorrow.” Drexx shook his head and scanned over the granite tablet with his visor to record what was etched on it.
“You're likely not to find anything out. The Shadow Broker works from the shadows as his name implies,” Zaxon stood behind him watching the laser scan over the surface. “The strangest thing is he has been operating for nearly a hundred years. There’s no way its the same person all this time.” Drexx looked back outside to the bustling city. A million people at the least were within its limits on a daily basis. Any one on the planet could be this broker according to Zaxon's intel. But Drexx knew his friend wouldn’t be far off. A job like information brokering has become common place in the aftermath of the internets fall. Old servers contained loads of data waiting to be recovered and traded. Ranging from the menial caches of cookie data to top secret military and governmental files that other countries or private entities would want. “If he is anywhere it would be where a lot of important information is held. Secret information and old data.”
“The only place in town that fits that bill would be the Ogdoad Athenaeum.” The library not only moved from Rhakotis but renamed after ancient Greek and Egyptian gods. He found himself wondering how the engineer came to be chosen for this job and not another of Soto’s top security officers. Drexx looked Zaxon in the eye wanting to ask him that question but was cut off unexpectedly. A large explosion blew the front door off its hinges barreling through the air towards the pair. Immediately both helmets covered their exposed faces and Zaxon ducked behind the kitchen counter that faced the living room. Drexx caught the door mid air with a swirl of air that pushed it back out the door like a bullet. He saw it slam into a man that was charging in after the door blew. The vortex of wind cleared the smoke from the room as Drexx balled his fists and punched the air in front of him. Concentrated channels of energy blasted through the living room ruffling the papers and rubbish littering the floor. They hit their marks squarely in the chest crumpling the armour and sending the men flying backwards out of the building into the darkened street. Those streets were brightly lit when he landed but now were pitch black save for the lights the Risers kept on their troops. They must have cut the power for the area for some reason. As the enemy stood stunned he ducked against the wall where a fridge once stood. They learned why the power was out not long after when a guttural growl rolled inward from the outside, the hairs on the back of Drexx’s neck stood as he remembered the sound.
“Damn you really are a priest!” Zaxon called as he peeked up and shot several concentrated beams of plasma at the opening. A huge explosion rocked the complex of buildings and people in neighbouring units began screaming. The screams were blood curdling and dire. Children screaming for their parents and men fighting drastically to save their families. The two in the kitchen kept up their defence picking their shots carefully through breaks in the enemies fire. Heavy thuds were heard over the din of the firefight as the pair assumed bodies of mere civilians were hitting the floor. Drexx blasted heated air towards their adversaries melting plating and burning skin. Like miniature solar flares the air in the room superheated for seconds at a time, radiation even burning away the scattered bullets and rays of energy coming towards them. As Drexx turned from his cover to blast another burst of energy from his burning hands he saw one man that stood screaming in pain from the burn was tossed aside by the creature that had made the low growl. Its immense hand pulled its form into the building and slammed down onto another helpless Riser. He had faced one of these once in the scar a few years back, an ogre of grotesque proportions and demeanor. Its skeleton poking through its flesh in several places and old petrified muscle clung to its frame as it threw its heavy weight around like the club classical ones wielded.
“No priest. Just blessed,” Drexx finally replied as he reached for the gun on his hip and fired around the corner not wanting to be seen directly by the creature he knew wasn’t too smart. It occurred to him the power that coursed through his veins could easily eliminate whatever was thrown at them. Yet his instincts still told him to fire that gun of his, that he wasn’t ready for the power he held. “Head to the patio there should be a V-TOL out there somewhere. Fire a flare if you have to.” Zaxon nodded and rolled towards the doorway running as he hit his feet again. The ogre slammed through the Kitchen wall chasing after Zaxon inadvertently throwing Drexx into the counter that once held the tablet. The firefight stopped as the Risers took the time to lick their wounds and fall back away from the rampaging beast. The lights in the room began to flicker and sputter out as the backup generator for the unit was cut off. Before Zaxon was slammed into the wall by the creature Drexx fired a shot at the creatures head, annoying it enough to turn towards him and sling its huge fist towards him instead. Zaxon darted out of the darkening room into the spotlights of Shalof’s pygmy that began again to hover outside.
With the creatures hardened fist falling towards him he rolled to the side and formed that blade from thin air again. He found himself amazed at his power of creation, be it momentarily as he struck through the creatures wrist after it made a hole through the floor of the kitchen where he lay a moment ago. It wailed in annoyance as it rushed the stony block back towards the man standing before it. Not a drop of blood fell from the wound. Instead the cut was more like a slice through thick stone, jagged and straight. He dodged the rock and avoided the hard place of the wall behind him. Its fist gouged through the wall opening it up to the horrors beyond, a woman strung above a fireplace on the opposite wall with her family laying bloodied before her. She began screaming with fright upon seeing the creature thinking that it was coming for her but instead other creatures melded from within the shadows created from the flickering fire. They approached the woman on the mantle as the creature raced its fist back toward Drexx. He had no time to spare a thought of the woman as he danced around the creatures massive structure, inching away at the stone that made up its outer shell. He knew deeper inside the creature was still flesh and blood, a mangled human mutated and convulsed into the hideous creature that stood before him. Only the two moved now within the building as he caught a glimpse of Zaxon raising off the ground watching the fight from within the Pygmy.
Comms trickled inward from his helmet. “Drexx you've got one hell of a caravan headed your way. I suggest immediate evac, leave whatever is there and come on.” Shalof chimed in over the headset. For a moment Drexx kept the fight going but began to turn before Keter too chimed in.
“Either destroy that tablet or take it with you Drexx. The Risers cannot learn of its secret.” The voice pinged out as Drexx stood over it forgetting about the ogre for a moment. He stepped forward toward the tablet just barely missing the creatures fist yet again. Remembering the instant he was now stuck in he turned and sliced upward through the air channeling more energy into the blade causing it to roar to life with extra heat. He sliced through the last bit of stone around the creatures fist and cut through its actual skin and bone. Angered now instead of just annoyed it raised its remaining hand and slammed it downward to where Drexx now stood atop the tablet. Aching inside having to make the choice to just destroy the tablet, he darted for the door turning at the gateway to see the cloud of granite dust waft up and around the creature. He couldn’t help but feel that tablet was connected to him somehow. Like he had remembered it from long ago even though he never could have. He thought for a brief moment of suffocating the creature in the dust made from his past when suddenly the room swirled to life like a tornado. The dust itself clung to the creature and swirled in a vortex towards its mouth forcing its way into its still very human lungs. Sure the thing was dealt with, he turned and headed toward the patio and waved upwards with his hand. A quick flash escaped his palm towards the sky signaling shalof.
“Lets get out of here Shalof. The Riser's are attacking innocents down here...” Again Drexx faulted himself for the loss of life on his behalf. It seemed like now these villains pursued him. Countless deaths on his account just for him to be steps behind and still in the dark, this had to be ended quickly if any lives were to saved.
“The U.C is already sending troops to deal with the insurgency. Its like world war 4 is starting up down there I’m receiving reports of the Risers assaulting several security firms and are amassing for an assault on the different embassies. Something either seriously pissed them off or they’ve been planning this for a long time now.” The pygmy pulled up being rocked by several blasts bouncing off its hull. A deep humming started reverberating from within the cabin as his defence systems hit full force. “I see you picked up the engineer. What did you two learn from that damned apartment.” Drexx noticed him slightly fighting with the controls before flicking on a switch that has remained down until now. Drexx stepped inward before the door reappeared and he took his seat across from Zaxon who nervously fondled his cutter.
“Nothing too relevant but it must have some connection to all this. It looks to me like a burial plaque and by the name it would be Gilgamesh.” Drexx stared transfixed as he projected the image of the tablet into the air. As he said the name a wash of longing seeped into him. Something about it seemed extremely familiar. Extremely sad as it made him long for a life he never knew, a woman and city that couldn’t be in his memory. All thoughts of a bygone time thousands of years buried by the Arabian sands.
“Soto seemed to think it had something to do with some research of theirs. Very hush hush for now but his daughter Excellatrix is extremely intrigued by this so called Mesh. I don’t believe it to be his burial but something much more elaborate. As if he was placed to protect something...” He was cut off as his communicator pinged him. “Zaxon here sir...yes sir me and a gentleman named Drexx retrieved it...yes a Sumerian want me there? Intel says there are a mass of Risers accumulating for assault on the embassy sir...ok ill have the pilot drop me off.”
“To the Soto Industries embassy then?” Shalof called back as he skilfully dodged an anti air missile aimed at him. “We will have to make it quick I’m not staying in the air much longer with how heated it's getting down there.” Drexx looked out a small window next to him to see several more Pygmies in formation near them. “My flight is awaiting their leader which way guys?”
“Yes to Soto, Excellatrix is in the building now. If they get their hands on her the war might as well be over,” Zaxon adjusted his metal plated shoulder nervously. “No matter how much fighting you do you never get used to it do you guys?”
“I try not to think about the fighting. Or the fact that those I’m killing have lives. They’re trying to kill me and that’s all that matters.” Drexx answered looking down the sight of his rifle that he pulled from a slot on his back. “It's all about survival. Pray to whatever god for forgiveness afterwards. Whatever helps you ease the burden Zaxon.”
“It's a lot less personal up here. I worry about my Pygmy. Without her I have nothing. I've flown all my life and my bird is my life when I’m in the air. If she goes down I likely do too,” Shalof also answered as he swung the Pygmy southeast towards where Soto's embassy sat. “Sure there’s an eject button but like I said she's my life. Whatever family we in the flights had is forgotten until we’re safe on the ground again. Consider it a sort of secret pact we all take. The captain goes down with the ship. That’s why we're all such extraordinary fliers and almost never lose a dogfight. Even though we forget about them our family on the ground doesn't forget about us. We have an obligation to make them happy too.”
“Thank you guys. We've only just met and already you give advice worthy an oracle.” A tear ran down Zaxon’s face as he looked out into the city erupting into chaos. Full sections of the city had gone dark and flashes of sirens and explosions ripped through the darkness. The Risers were destroying everything to find whatever they were looking for. Yet the city seemed to barely flinch. It fought them back at every turn. As they passed a tall skyscraper near the Metropolis's centre Drexx picked out every day civilians fighting back.
One man stood in front of his young daughter holding back a fully armoured Riser. They fought over the latter’s rifle. As the Pygmy passed over the balcony the altercation was on, the man wrested the rifle from the Riser’s hands and threw him over the edge. He immediately pointed his new weapon down the hall in professional military swagger. Drexx watched as the man fought his own against a squad of Riser's through one reinforced doorway. Shalof pointed the nose downward with his Flight following closely behind providing cover fire from the assault on them. As he did full swathes of automated defence and repair drones could be seen springing into action cutting through the Riser presence near the buildings entrance. A single contingent of Shield Corp soldiers held their own in the doorway of the building defending against an onslaught from both sides. Their shields in a full circular phalanx they fired off wave after wave of fire from within and speared down adversaries that got too close. It was difficult to imagine how the Risers had amassed such a force inside the city so quickly, it was almost as if they were appearing out of thin air from some ethereal plane. The thought struck him as absurd but with the way the world was and the events he experienced today it definitely didn’t seem impossible.
As Drexx sat in the seat across from this Zaxon he watched as it seemed the city itself began to fight as well, as if it had a mind of its own and was repelling the invasion like white blood cells fighting off a virus. A full section of highway listed to the side dropping Risers into some chasm below. It sprung to life as they hit what was surely the bottom, fire and heat pulsing upwards from below. The U.C troops stationed on the bridge hovered in place still firing down on the now doomed attackers before the highway settled back into place. They landed and turned back at the newest wave of Risers in place. No matter the defences or how many steps ahead the U.C was more Risers appeared to replace the ones that were lost. “Where are they all coming from? Is this all over the data from Soto?” Drexx knew he needed a conversation with this Excellatrix. He remembered Neith mention the name once when talking about her day. Although it seemed she let something slip as she quickly doubled back and said another phrase in correction. Sprouting back from his thoughts on the situation he saw weaponry began sprouting from the outer walls of the city like some hidden assault force. These began firing off in many directions at targets that no man would be able to see all at once. They had to be controlled by some greater force, one of the many A.I’s that the U.C had employed in their advancements maybe?
The flight of Pygmies then flew upwards under a sky bridge avoiding enemy fire. The bridge itself disconnected and fell into a similar chasm below, taking with it several squads of Risers and smashing into a fighter jet that made its way into the wrong pass. As they passed upwards and over the next set of shorter buildings the Embassy could be seen. It glimmered in the darkness of the night like a wide roman temple with various accenting lights and outcrops shining along its smooth carapace. Indeed, just as was expected, a very large concentration of Riser forces were amassed in the fields outside the embassy. They ranked in at least one thousand and filled the fields before the entrance, they toppled the large fountain in the front and were amassing some strange large device in its place. A full encampment was being erected around it as if they were expecting to be there for the long hall. Several large evacuation ships sat perched atop the large structure with hundreds of people pouring into them. The building itself stood a pale magnificence against the colour of the city as almost pitch black walls stood sucking the light that hit them into a void that wasn’t there.
“I’m receiving ground chatter here sirs. Seems that the Risers are holding back for now. Shield and Crater corporations are already on the ground at the major embassies and various other hotspots. Soto has requested assistance in evacuation of their personnel and time to extract data to prevent anything slipping into the wrong hands.” Shalof called back as he began circling the embassy. “Shield and Craters generals assure us that they will be able to handle the ground forces that we're aware of. But anyone heading into the embassy should be ready for anything.”
“I guess that means us Zaxon. We head in and find Excellatrix. You extract her after I ask my questions. What a tangled web this is becoming. We've a busy night,” Drexx ended with a chuckle as Zaxon nodded in agreement. He still seemed nervous and anxious. Instead of asking, Drexx let it go and motioned for Shalof to bring them in. “Set us down on the evacuation pads. There’s one open there.” Drexx pointed and Shalof looked to see it. He reared the vessel off to the side towards the bustle of civilians below. Seeing the Intel Industries logo on its side, the security personnel cleared the landing pad and stepped away. They turned their attention to the bustling employees at hand.
The building itself sat in a giant section of the city. A total eight football fields in length with an outer row of Greek columns. Four immense obelisks stood near the corners of the inner atrium of the embassy, giant black steel covered sandstone with golden hieroglyphics running along their length. Bright polished gold capstones pierced the sky over the entire embassy glowing brightly with some energy. The pair of men stepped off the pygmy onto the flight pad below. Even the spacious ship paled in size compared to the Evac shuttles lining the other pads. At each one stood a Soto officer ushering in individuals with no more than a quick glancing scan at each one as they passed into the ships. The entire scene was surreal; to most the thought would be chaotic and disorganized. Yet the people here treated it as no more than a passing nuisance. Drexx turned his attention from the people to the ships themselves for a brief moment. The outer hull's were pitch dark with only faint white and grey lines streaming across accenting divots and slim windows. They sat easily two bus lengths long with thick ionization engines sitting idle in their aft. They were a sort of bulbous design with smooth features and overhanging wing like structures on either side.
Zaxon tapped him on the shoulder ushering him along into the building. The pair passed several workers and secretaries who only worried about their plans for the night “They're treating this as nothing new. Like the whole city isn't erupting in chaos around them. Are they that blind behind their comforts?” Drexx was perplexed at the idea of so many people accepting the situation. When he travelled the world in his short life he never would have guessed the populace of any area could be so well collected and calm in such a dire situation.
“No they just have complete confidence in the United Corporations. With the truth being told to everyone quite the opposite of what the old world thought would happen did. Instead of inciting mass chaos and panic it ushered in a new age it seems. I remember being told of the innovations that the human's had so long ago in class. It’s what inspired me to be an engineer. Never thought I would be running covert missions for my boss though. Things are very different now.” Zaxon stood a moment staring at the people. Like him Drexx noticed something miniscule.
“They still fear deep down. No matter how well the shepherd ushers his flock the hairs on their necks still stick up at the thought of ravenous wolves. Its a delicate thing what we're getting involved in here,” Drexx stepped towards the building with Zaxon following. “Lets be on then.” Zaxon looked to him momentarily before following. A look of amazement in his eyes shot at Drexx for a moment as if what he had just said was some important fact that was hidden in plain sight.
They passed the peripteral style constructed row of columns that lie between the exterior and entrances to the building. They were the darkest black reflecting no light off their surfaces. They made it seem as if the arched promenades above were floating in mid-air. The only visible markings adorning the columns were at the base. Thin gold lines weaving in and out of each other in a vine-like pattern. The light being reflected off of them was bright enough against the black they sat upon, it seemed as if they were shooting stars streaking through the expanse of space. Indeed they seemed to mimic their own supercluster that earth came to be settled in, Laniakea. The glimmer alone they gave off lit the polished black marble at their base for a foot around their circumference. The shimmer gleamed brilliantly as it passed a thick embossed Logo of Soto Industries. A thick trapezoid mirror with a thin rectangle filled with an impression of the milky way shooting off its side. Drexx saw him and Zaxon step over it in surprising clarity through the looking glass. A thick scalene triangular mirror pointed back towards the landing pads. It reflected an almost abstract version of themselves. This was the amazement everyone that worked here stepped through and was greeted by each day and night. It was like a portal through space, stepping through dense black that seemed to envelope your very soul. Yet the gold lining of the columns and the thin white veins in the marble gave a sense of security. Something to look down to and see you are still on solid ground. What greeted them inside the atrium was magnificently different then the world they stepped in from.
“Soto Industries,” a soothing female voice echoed overhead from am intercom, “Your future is in our Reflection.” It dinged off with tune as they continued through the door. In the centre of the glass domed atrium sat an exact replica of a Mayan step pyramid the amount of steps equalling the amount of divisions Soto Industries controlled. Totalling in at thirteen. Down the centre of all four sides was a long automated escalator. Flowing from its top was a cascading waterfall fountain that ran down all the sides of the structure. Jutting out from each was a gargoyle like figure representing each division. The bottom representing their humanitarian goals stood large figures of different races of man on pedestals rising above the waters surface. Several races were recreations of extinct species such as Denisovans and Neanderthals or Pygmies. Their hands were outstretched toward eachother in a chain like manner. The second was nature with various plants growing out of the water and fish swimming about the crystal clear pool. Automated caretaker drones fluttered about like bees and birds adding splashes of colour to the green canopies of trees.
The next set represented their manmade creations: agricultural represented by crops growing right out of the structure itself being harvested automatically by drones and whisked off to the manufacturing and cafeteria areas located not far off in the atrium, pharmaceuticals represented by giant beakers and chemistry tools all held by important historical figures of the industry, engineering represented by replicas of many marvels of human engineering such as the Eiffel tower or pyramids of Giza and an aqueduct running water down to a large pool off to either side of the pyramid, the pool filtered and recycled water used within the building on a daily basis, in computer sciences stood large walls built from ones and zeros of code and large server like structures. The next above each of those was transportation. Huge replicas of famous ships and cars representing every age of mankind, the one that stood in front of Drexx was an odd circular pyramidal craft. He knew them to be called Vimana from ancient India, following that were horses and carriages growing in complexity to include the first motor wagons and famous automobiles like those they found on the streets today. The last was a scaled version of their flagship the Excellance. It was a large craft designed for deep space flight and was launched for a planet far in the reaches of space. They dubbed it Zanteska a colony for all. First official inter stellar settlement. The ship was built in a spaceport orbiting mars many years ago.
Above that was a tier oddly empty. The only object that stood was a large statue of a gilded Cleopatra with an array of android like subjects behind her. The now defunct entertainment division belonged in soul to their creation Clara. An android designed for educational and entertainment purposes that grew aware. She now coexisted with man here in the city. Synthetic humans blending in nearly seamlessly with society. Above her stood symbols of war; swords and shields holding in their girth carvings of Soto’s space force. Alongside them sat warnings of nuclear disaster. Mushroom clouds sprouting from the tops of skulls and wiping out tall known skyscrapers. This led him up to their recovery division represented by biohazard and caution symbols. They were responsible for restoring earth to its former glory through pollution recovery and prevention. Also clean up and containment of fallout in the undesirable event of nuclear war. Right above them sat medical symbols and doctors caring for patients. The last was all encompassing holding globes of the three settled worlds with snakes wrapped around them protectively. Atop the entire structure sat an office of modest size and design with a few guards standing with guns drawn ready for the onslaught.
“Enough staring Drexx. I know its a monumentous structure to have inside an embassy but it represents all that we stand for as humans. All that we have learned and mastered and hope to protect now that we are capable and not held back by our own fallacies. Excellatrix’s office is in the pharmaceuticals wing this way.” Zaxon walked off to the left. The wings were really only two but the building was so large that each was sectioned into six smaller wings containing the same divisions counterclockwise. As Drexx followed the engineer towards the pharmaceutical wing he began to notice small details about the interior walls of the atrium. They were adorned with various angular yet flowing neo art-deco designs. The complexity of the wall designs added to the surreal feeling of being somewhere not of this earth. The cascading diamonds and arcing triangles interweaving within one another reminded Drexx of the layout of the city streets. A definite design and pattern yet seemingly random and beautifully natural. Hidden in the designs were faces much like those carved into the walls of Machu Picchu or throughout Mayan and Aztec cities. Snakes also weaved around the lines in a way that made them seem to actually slither. Drexx had to pull his eyes away before he became too entranced in the moment.
“The architecture and walls are beautiful here.” He said to himself. A part of him had the feeling of loneliness and anger towards the designs, whilst another seemed to welcome it warmly. It was almost like something inside him was fighting with itself.
“What’s that? Ah I suppose you get used to it and get focused on your work after being here so long. The first month or so I couldn’t focus because of the walls. But I quickly came to realize, as the higher often teach, that snakes aren't to be feared. The great empires of south America were known as the snake kings after all. Snakes were a symbol of power rather than corruption once, a symbol of prosperity and health,” they passed several chairs and lounge areas. The furniture was of similar style to the neo-deco on the walls. Angular yet inviting and even looked soft to the eyes. They blended in well enough to forget they were even a different object than the building. “I suppose Soto is trying to bring that back by merging the serpent so effortlessly into their building.” Either that or trying to warn mankind of the duality of nature, even in something as profound and simple as snakes there is an opposite too everything. Where a snakes venom can heal it can also take away, where its slithering and burrowing can teach of architecture and temperature control it can also make them deadly in the wild. Where a snake is seen as a creature of wisdom, it can also be taken as a symbol of foolishness and lack in intelligence.
They passed the other divisional wings after several minutes and finally arrived to the pharmaceutical wings entrance. The frame mirrored that around the atrium pyramid. With beakers and mathematical equations etched into the polished sandstone like hieroglyphics. The doors were a dark crimson granite with fossils still embedded in their surface. Drexx knew that the conglomerate of Soto was also responsible for much in the way of archaeology but never heard of a specific company for it, he realized that it must largely be something held within many of the divisions as a secondary to primary duties within. As Zaxon pressed his hand against the smooth stone to push the story tall doors open a huge explosion rocked the building.
Drexx looked back to see segments of the glass ceiling fall to the atrium below and Riser troops pour into the building. The forces hidden around the building immediately opened fire killing many of the Risers before they even touched the floor. Chaos erupted in the giant room turning the entire area into a battlefield. Drexx pushed Zaxon into the hall as a huge Gibborim Riser smashed through an exterior door near them. Alarms blared and automated defences sprung into action around them, if they weren’t quick now they would be left blockaded away from Excellatrix.
The hulking mass turned towards them before an even larger man slammed into the giants side. He wore a sleek pitch black armour with a fauld running down to his heels and an armoured hood. The fauld had small flower designs along the base and large oval slits running down either side. As he pushed away from the giant his armour shifted colours from the deep black to a smooth baby blue with various shades of blues colouring the accents. He turned his back to Drexx to show a large white rose appearing on his back with silhouettes of a man and woman appearing in its centre. The newcomer raised his leg and slammed it into the others side and unleashed a torrent of kicks and hits. Before Drexx was pulled into the still quiet hallway he saw small symbols on the mans shoulder pads. A single gold star with it’s lower points holding a circle and a single chevron pointing downward to his chest.
“Lucky that phantom was there to hold that guy back for us damn.” Zaxon took a quick peek down the hall before leading Drexx off into the wing. “these offices deal with everything from complaints about cosmetic products to patient outreach of those that need prescriptions filled. Towards the back there’s some labs but I’ve never set foot there. They’re very secretive. Some of the staff here seem to think that they are doing something phenomenal in there,” Drexx let the guy go on. He was busy trying to remember which office was Neiths. He had been in the building only a few times before and knew she worked in this wing specifically. A strange coincidence actually that this Excellatrix was focused on the same business line as her. Neith always loved helping the sick or injured and was always one to look her best. Soto pharma was the best choice she had at the time the other companies within the U.C seemed to have some odd entry requirements or training. Though Neith was still put through some combat training for some reason and a careful mental examination it was still simple for her to get the job. “Does this place have any sort of intelligent guide for locating a specific office?”
“Yes but it would appear the mainframe is offline. I know where to find Excellatrix just follow me.” Zaxon passed over the question not even realizing that Drexx asked for an office. Not the lab Excellatrix was likely in. Drexx instead pitched the same idea to Keter who immediately replied.
“The office in question is nearer to the labs sir. Her doorway will be highlighted for you as you approach.” Drexx felt a small presence exit his body after Keter said that. It was barely noticeable if this is what happened every time that he used Keter to lead him he must only notice because of the ascension to Yesod. The pair continued down leaving the sounds of battle and chaos behind after not too long. Both became lost in their own thoughts as they approached the labs at the far end. They passed hundreds of doors and stained glass windows. Similar deco stylised panes adorned them depicting important pharmaceutical figures such as Fredrick Sertürner, John Abel and Jokichi Takawine, Gordon Alles all the way up to more notable and recent figures such as Gerhard Domagck holding his Nobel peace prize, Alexander Fleming, Louis Pasteur and Paul Émil Roux, Maurice Hilleman and Jonas salk. Several also contained symbols relevant to important governmental acts such as the clean food and drug act, or the Biologics control act.
The history reflected there was of little concern to Drexx and Zaxon they had tasks to accomplish at the end of the hall. As they approached the labs several explosions rocked the building. The Risers were picking up the intensity trying to get in. The battle outside could be glimpsed briefly through the windows. Large craft were floating ominously overhead battling each other intensely. Hundreds of smaller craft poured out from the hulls of the larger firing energy and ballistic weaponry at each other. The Risers had amassed a huge fleet to combat the U.C in a short time it seemed. A huge craft could barely be seen high in the atmosphere as no more than a silhouette against the darkness. An odd angular shape blotting out the few stars in that portion of sky that could be seen. Drexx briefly looked down towards the ground. Nothing could be seen from this height besides flashes of light and puffs of burning smoke.
Neiths office room door appeared a glowing green as the two passed it. Zaxon seemed to be lost in his own thoughts so Drexx silently fell back and snuck into her room. Pushing the door open smooth polished sandstone greeted him as the floor here was in stark contrast to the deep black of the rest of the building. On the walls hung several large paintings of Ugandan countryside . Particularly the village she once called home. The huts circling around one small well that sustained them with enough clean water for miles around. Though there were no others to use it at the time. Seeing the well itself with the figures of men and women painted around it brought a painful memory back to him. One that her mother still blames him for:
The sky darkened amidst the fires sprouting up around the village. Drexx stood outside the hut he had called home for several days now. The kind woman he met had offered hospitality for the travellers. But staying here turned to be a grave mistake. They had been followed by a caravan of roughneck raiders from the African desert. They just moments ago had started a huge fire all around the village trying to suffocate the inhabitants. Drexx and his team stood guns ready behind the only barrier they could find. Deep cackling and hooting could be heard from beyond the crackling fires.
The memory dispersed as he looked around for her computer. Past a large draped rug with ancient Voduon designs embroidered into it sat her desk with several items on it. A picture of her family beside another of her and Drexx. Various paperweight stones and carvings gifted from the pharaoh for her swift acceptance of his apology for not doing more about the brigands in the countryside. Drexx brushed aside some dust accumulated over the last few days of her vacation and tapped her holo-computer. It winked on in bright blue hues with her desktop and a verification screen. He quickly typed in what he knew was all her passwords and a key phrase it asked for.
Luckily it accepted both and opened into her last open project. A file detailing some project she had been working on for several months regarding the longevity of mankind. A quick skim through detailed that it was highly secret and very important. A few key figures were named of interest including members of other corporations within the U.C as well as mention of enemy interference on this project. This had to be the reason behind the large scale invasion of a city. Secrets like these would surely gather the ire and lust of an enemy. He quickly saved a copy to his suit and wiped the computer of any relevant files. She wasn't going to be using it anymore after all.
That thought hit him like a brick. His beloved wife of only a day and he'll never be able to see her again. Taken away on the cusp of happiness. And then he's thrown into this mess of open war in a city he never thought would be overtaken. He looked up at a sound and saw Zaxon barrel in. “Drexx the labs are destroyed! There's Risers everywhere! I barely made it out without being seen.” So he did notice Drexx disappear from his side, smart man it would seem. A good companion to have in these dark times, and a welcome respite.
“Calm down we'll handle it.” And into another battle with soldiers out for blood. The night seemed to drag on longer around every turn and it seemed he was barely any closer to figuring out this whole debacle. Lights of fire and city nightlife flickered into the window and danced across the painting, it seemed like it was surrounded by fire just like that fateful night so long ago that had forced her people out of solitude. He watched the light for a moment with sorrow in his heart before stepping away from the computer that quickly shut itself down.