LUCY HALE: Skylar Malone960Please respect copyright.PENANASGz1xtLI7l
HARRY LENNIX: James Willen960Please respect copyright.PENANAOpIJbppoFg960Please respect copyright.PENANArHVTu91CCP
NATHALIE EMMANUEL: Tori Barksdale960Please respect copyright.PENANAZelNJ9SCfe
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LOCATION: Malone Mansion960Please respect copyright.PENANAw67DvquLKh
TIME: September 29, 2010
Skylar stares at her TV screen with reports of “heroes” appearing in various cities in New England & the US. She doesn’t look very happy.
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JAMES: Isn’t this good? There are others out there like you trying to do the right thing?
SKYLAR: That’s not good…it’s foreboding if anything. Do you not see what I see? They all have powers. That is a problem. The one they call Invincagirl has an immeasurable amount of power and invincibility.
Then there is the other…Kinesis. He displays growing telekinetic abilities that could be a strong problem. He is also as what I’m guessing is bio-forcefield protecting him from things such as guns and grenades and whatever else hits it and bounces off. Added to that…I think he has telepathic prowess…think.
And then speedster…cocky. He moves so fast, yet he sees a pretty girl and he’s off his game. See…
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Skylar rewinds the video of Lightguy stopping at Lindsey. She pauses it and stares at his body motion.
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SKYLAR: He makes it a point to be seen by her.
JAMES: Maybe you are reading too much into it.960Please respect copyright.PENANAOqojWHpqyL
SKYLAR: I’m doing nothing of the sort Mr. Willen… I see things as they are. We have to plan for them going rogue. There is no one on this earth that can stop them.
JAMES: And you will…with no powers?960Please respect copyright.PENANADOLjQYowN3
SKYLAR: If I have to. Everything has a weakness Mr. Willen… the only thing we need to do is find out what that weakness is.
JAMES: Okay. I’ll leave that one up to you. Are you going out tonight?960Please respect copyright.PENANA8dROF1zk9L
SKYLAR: Only if it is necessary Mr. Willen. Today, I’ve promised an old friend of mine some time. I’ve come back and she was not the first person I went to see. It doesn’t sit with her well.
JAMES: Ah, Ms. Barksdale. Yes.
SKYLAR: Yes. Now, if you will excuse me.
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James moves out Skylar’s path so she could go get dressed. He then returns to his household duties.
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LOCATION: Tori Barksdale’s Apartment
A knock on the door resounds through the apartment. The woman Tori stares ahead out into the window. She turns around and walks to the door almost instinctively. She turns the knob and Skylar smiles at her friend.
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TORI: Are you smiling or frowning because you know…I can’t see.
SKYLAR: Smiling.
TORI: I would hope so. Come in...(Smiles)
ACTIVE EDITOR’S NOTE: Tori Barksdale is blind. However, she can see a little bit. The closer she is to the object the easier it is to identify it. She can differentiate light from dark rather easily.
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Skylar enters Tori’s home and hugs her friend. She helps Tori into the living room. Tori finds her chair…the most comfortable one obviously.
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TORI: I heard you were in town. Then I thought about it…Skylar would never forget about me would she?960Please respect copyright.PENANAchPfwFgXvU
TORI: Sky, I know…you came back and you had things to do. I’m picking with you. (Chuckle) What have you been up since you’ve come back?
SKYLAR: Getting myself in order. I’m ready to make some big changes to the city.
TORI: What kind of changes?960Please respect copyright.PENANAeYqcqHKLXo
SKYLAR: (Smiles) Good ones. You’ll hear about it on the news.
TORI: I want to hear about it now.
SKYLAR: No spoiling the surprise. You always want to know everything before it is time to show and tell.
TORI: (Pouts) You can’t even give me a little sliver of something to go on?
SKYLAR: Well...right now, I’m going to ask my mother for help on an active campaign against crime.
TORI: (Raises Eyebrow) I see. Not a bad ambition, but don’t you think it’s a little to personal for you?960Please respect copyright.PENANAeMTk0c6yTB
SKYLAR: Because of my father…
TORI: Yes, because of your father. He is the one person in this world who do don’t think clearly on and you were his. That’s a tough bond to break even after death. You can’t seek vengeance out Sky.
SKYLAR: I’m not…
TORI: Well…I feel like I know you pretty well. You’re quick to right a wrong without thinking about what it will do to those around you and yourself. So if you do this…be careful and watch your back.
SKYLAR: (Face darkens) Always will…
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TIME: 1:00 A.M
Skylar comes out of a ceiling and into a jewelry store. Ten men stuff as much as they can carry into their bags. She shakes her head at them. She was disappointed that they were so stupid as to set off the alarms…or maybe they weren’t. She’d figure that one out later.
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She walks up slowly to one man and drags him down by wrapping her arm around his neck and putting him to sleep. She then slips into the darkness.
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MAN: Where’s Charles?960Please respect copyright.PENANAwi3Gc3zcx8
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Sparrow comes at that man and takes him down in a few attacks. The men starting shooting their guns and she runs behind a case and hides. She comes out in a roll and launches forward at two men taking them to the ground. She punches them in the face at the same time and flips off the them as the others shoot in her direction. She disappears again.
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LEADER: Come on guys! It’s just a small little girl! How bad could she be?!
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Sparrow comes out of the darkness at one lone man. She jabs him quickly, sliding around him long before he could even attack and jabbing him again with quick attacks. Then she finishes it off with a flipping kick and lands back in the darkness.
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The other men start shooting into the corner of shadow. She comes off the ceiling on three men. She knocks the gun out of one man’s hand and grabs him. She slings him into another man and she runs at that man and takes his gun away. She then hits him with the back of it. The man that she had thrown, grabs her and lifts her in the air and starts crushing her.
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Her foot comes into his middle and he stumbles back releasing her. She back flips over him and holds her arm out. He hits it and trips over hitting his head on the back. He knocks himself out. The last man shoots at her but she rolls out of the way. She comes up and in a spinning punch knocking him down.
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Five men were left…and then the leader. Sparrow ran back into the shadows and came out like a bullet. With a quick succession of attacks and leaping back into the shadows, she felled all five of the men in a few minutes’ time.
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The leader was now angry. But he didn’t have time to be captured by a nutcase girl. So he grabbed his bag and ran for the door. She comes out of the shadows near the door and punches him in the throat. He grabs his throat and drops his bag.
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LEADER: Want to play birdie? Let’s play…
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Sparrow smiles at him. She throws out a few more quick attack that he blocks. He punches her in the arm and she bruises instantly. She felt it more than she anticipated and was thrown into a wall by the hit.
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He grabs her and throws her through some glass cases breaking them up. He laughs haughtily at her, knowing he was going to win.
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She runs at him and blocks another incoming attack. She pushes the right swing away and palms the man in his gut. He bends over and she elbows him in the back of the neck. Before he could go down however, she gets her arm around his neck and pulls him into the air. She launches him into the ceiling with her feet as he comes in the air.
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As he comes down, she leaps in the air and spins kicks him into a wall. He smashes into the wall and slides down. She runs at him to finish him off with a punch but he grabs her fist and twists it.
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He lifts her into the air and punches her in the head. Her world spins from the blow. She felt herself being thrown through the but she did not know where.
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The leader lifts up a spare gun and targets at her. In the nick of time, she rolls out of the way. She runs at him and he swings. She slides under the blow meant for her and swings her palm into his elbow, breaking his arm utterly. He screams as he grabs his arm with his only free and good one.
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SPARROW: Lights out.
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She triple spins at him throwing her foot into his face, knocking him down. He does not get up from this final attack. Sparrow herself hobbles out of the jewelry store leaving only her calling card…a sparrow.
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LOCATION: Malone Mansion
TIME: 5:00 A.M
Skylar sits in her room taking off her mask. James enters the room looking at her shaking his head.
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JAMES: How are you?960Please respect copyright.PENANAR5VZhZ5jPh
SKYLAR: I’m fine.
JAMES: Take off the outfit and your shirt.
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She removes it showing him the bruises all over her body. He exhales gently, sighing at the sight of her.
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JAMES: Nothing right? Well…you can’t walk around like this Sky. I have the solution to this problem. Just hold on a second.
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James leaves and returns with a jar of cream. He takes some and rubs it on her back. She winces in pain but dares not move more.
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JAMES: What did you learn while you were away?960Please respect copyright.PENANAvE8i4xSgJp
SKYLAR: Everything I needed to know in order to come back to this city with a vengeance. Pushing pain down is one of those skills…sometimes you’re going to get hurt and you have to work through it.
SKYLAR: What is this stuff anyhow?960Please respect copyright.PENANAUgYuVBvJYh
JAMES: Your mother’s special cream. She created the formula ages ago. It heals at an incredible rate. In a few hours, you’ll be good as new.
SKYLAR: And she doesn’t share this why?960Please respect copyright.PENANARqi4zBAYRS
JAMES: Too dangerous with the world dear…There…all done. Now get a few hours’ sleep huh? Can’t have you falling asleep at you meeting at 10:00 today.
SKYLAR: Make sure to pick up Tori. I would like her to be there.
JAMES: I won’t forget Sky. You get some sleep.
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He leaves the room. Skylar grabs another shirt from her drawer and lies in bed. The only place sleep could take her was the night her father was killed…but she needed to sleep anyhow. So she forced herself to do so…as she was doing now.
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