LIAM HEMSWORTH: Aidan Super972Please respect copyright.PENANAfEg1BTZSuK972Please respect copyright.PENANAVjoKAT4Bh4
KERI RUSSEL: Katherine Super972Please respect copyright.PENANAlBs1lG98s2972Please respect copyright.PENANAQMelWZc99x
MELANIE IGLESIAS: Lillian Bendahas972Please respect copyright.PENANAuit7bgMJkZ972Please respect copyright.PENANA8HPK6uiJJT
ROSHON FEAGAN: Joshua Gaines972Please respect copyright.PENANACXSX6s3OTJ972Please respect copyright.PENANAJpBzQ614uB
972Please respect copyright.PENANAuIR4CxcLLi
972Please respect copyright.PENANATv4IOKaRtV
LOCATION: Capital of Firia972Please respect copyright.PENANAd9pOX0ksuI
TIME: July 3, 2010
Azinine Krios, son of the king, runs down the hall with his mother behind him. The capital was under attack by those who would take the throne for themselves. The leader of the coup was none other than the brother of the king himself.
ACTIVE EDITOR’S NOTE: From this point on, everything will be translated into English from the Firia language.
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KATHERINE: Aidan…we must find your father.
AIDAN: I know mother. I will find him. You get out while you can.
KATHERINE: No. I will not leave. I’m a warrior my boy. I will hold them off. I can do it.
KATHERINE: This is not up for discussion Aidan. Go find you father and free him. He is the one that needs to quell this coup.
AIDAN: Yes, ma’am.
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Aidan bursts at Mach 4 running out of the sight of his mother. Katherine, Elite Warrior of Cambria turns to face those who would dare face her. Two her side was her trusted blade that had fell many a soul. That was all she needed to end this…but she was not in the mood to begin slaying everyone. She would try to act with kindness first…allowing them to live and then face the wrath of the queen.
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ARIOS: Katherine…where is Aidan?
KATHERINE: My son is doing his job Arios. You know you do not own the throne. Why does it interest you so?
ARIOS: You need to get out of my way Katherine. I will find your boy and lay him dead before you. I will protect my future. You do understand that right? I want no rival to the throne.
KATHERINE: Once the people figure out you don’t care about them; they will quickly turn their backs on you. Your rule will not be secure no matter how you slice and dice it Arios. Please, end this idiotic conflict with you brother for the throne. It is his and has been for many years.
ARIOS: Pathetic. You speak like a weak woman. Out of my way.
KATHERINE: Big mistake calling me weak.
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Arios tries to get past the woman. Katherine slams him into the ground. He lies in the ground hurt by her powerful attack. He looks back to his fire warriros.
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ARIOS: Knock her out and lock her away.
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The fight began. Katherine kicked their tails quickly. She turns to find Arios had escaped from her clutches. She heard something in ears then. She turns her head back seeing hundreds of Firia Warriors coming to bring her down.
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Katherine tightens her fist. She spins her body around to them. She then begins to float in the air and come towards them.
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KATHERINE: Let us fight then…
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LOCATION: Castle Dungeon
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Aidan comes out of his speed dash. He sees his father in a cage. He rushes at the cage in a blur. He rips the steel frame away like paper freeing his father. Flames swirled around his father. He was angry at the events happening around him.
972Please respect copyright.PENANAndjGU4Ixbv
AIDAN: Father we must get you out of here.
TALOS: I will not leave Aidan. It is my throne…my world…and I will fight for it. If my brother wishes to try and steal everything away from me, let him do in combat.
AIDAN: Father, you need to go now.
TALOS: I’m not going anywhere Aidan. You stay behind me and watch my back. I’ve got a score to settle with Arios.
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Talos floats off the ground and flies out of the dungeon. Aidan runs behind him matching his father’s speed. Talos sees his brother coming towards the dungeon. He rushes at his brother and lands on the ground with a thud.
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Aidan comes out of his speed dash. Arios looks at Aidan first then to his brother Talos. Arios simply smiles with his wicked thoughts floating around freely.
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ARIOS: The boy will die first.
AIDAN: Try it.
972Please respect copyright.PENANA3DIeo3Ohxp
A ball of fire forms in Arios’ hand. He throws it at Aidan and the fire rushes around Aidan blowing the ground under him and around him to bits. Aidan however walks out of the flames unharmed.
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AIDAN: Cambrian dude…should have thought about that.
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Aidan rushes at Arios to punch him. Arios spins out of the way. He then grabs Aidan and brings him to the ground. Arios places his hands on the face of Aidan. Flames rushes out of his hand burning the skin of Aidan.
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ARIOS: And you forget I’m of royal blood too! That my powers far exceed your own pathetic burn within!
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Aidan squirms in terrible pain trying to get away from his uncle. He knew that he get bring his uncle down if he were given the time.
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Arios continues to amp of the heat. Aidan finally blows Arios back with a pulse of fire coming from his chest. Arios falls on his back. He quickly leaps back to his feet and throws his hand at Aidan. Flames engulf Aidan…but he holds his hand out pushing the fire around him.
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TALOS: My son is of royal blood too. Have you forgotten that Arios. You’re coup comes to an end.
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Talos raises his hand in the air. A bolt of fire comes out of the sky and strikes Arios in the chest. Arios tumbles backwards hurt badly by the one attack. Talos walks to Arios and lifts his brother up.
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TALOS: You dare attack my family?
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Talos punches Arios knocking him through some concrete like material. Arios’ clothing is torn and his back bleeds. Talos walks towards his brother slowly and with intimidation in his eyes. Arios gets up backing up slowly while throwing pulses of fire at Talos. Talos simply waves his hand throwing the attacks away from him.
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TALOS: Give up Arios and I will be kind to you.
AIDAN: I can end this now father.
TALOS: NO! This is my job…stand down. Go find your mother.
ARIOS: She’s already here…(Smiles)
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Katherine was chained by hundreds of thousands of Firia warriors on the side of Arios. She was fighting with all her might to break free but their combined strength kept her in place as she was pulled along. Added to that, she was badly injured all over her body from the intense heat and fighting.
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ARIOS: My gift to myself…your wife fallen. Your great warrior is not so great now is she?972Please respect copyright.PENANA7qrdK9DMFI
KATHERINE: You don’t want to test that theory.972Please respect copyright.PENANA9axEUOlpDC
ARIOS: QUIET! What is brother…me or her?972Please respect copyright.PENANAWbaMWbieBn
KATHERINE: Go for him dear…I can live with dying.
TALOS: I don’t want to lose you Kathy…
ARIOS: Choose.
TALOS: Katherine…kill anyone who fights for Arios.
KATHERINE: Very well…Aidan!
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Aidan looks at the one man. His eyes heat up a stream of heat vision blows him out of formation. Katherine’s power overwhelms the men and the throws them all off breaking the chains holding her.
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KATHERINE: Who’s first?!
972Please respect copyright.PENANAINIV4pGCCI
She spins her blade ready to kill them all. She however stops herself. Aidan spins around hearing the sound of ultimate burn.
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Talos had jumped in the path of an attack meant to kill Katherine. He fell to the ground in horrible pain for his last moments of life. Arios looks in surprise but begins to smile. Aidan runs to his father.
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TALOS: (Weakly) Aidan…get away…hide yourself. This world is lost to you. They will hunt you down and kill you.
AIDAN: I’m not leaving until Arios gets what he deserves.
TALOS: (Weakly) The choice isn’t yours to make my son.
ARIOS: Kill the boy now!
TALOS: (Weakly) Katherine…
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Kathy closes her eyes. She opens them filled with the war spirit she had cultivated in herself so long ago. She blows through the thousands of warriors coming for Aidan. Aidan looks around in shock.
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Talos rockets off with his son disappearing into space. Talos places his hand on his son.
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TALOS: My final gift to you my son is your life.
TALOS: She is lost as I am Aidan. Go somewhere…live your life…be happy with it. Don’t let my brother find you…not until you’re strong enough.972Please respect copyright.PENANAcpBwDF4Oim
AIDAN: I’m strong now.
TALOS: It’s not enough to be Cambrian Aidan…you must be able…(groans) You must be able to use all that you. You’re something special…a hybrid with impressive abilities. Learn to use them then take back what belongs to you.
AIDAN: What if I don’t come back.
TALOS: That doesn’t matter to me Aidan. Goodbye son.
972Please respect copyright.PENANAfWwGCK0voa
Talos snaps his finger. A portal of flames opens behind Aidan. He is sucked into the portal and taken away. He is dragged in and hurtled to somewhere not know to him.
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LOCATION: Jupiter City, South Dakota972Please respect copyright.PENANA2mEUQyX1kF
TIME: August 15, 2010
972Please respect copyright.PENANAxf76zNS2rW
Aidan crashes in the middle of nowhere. He finally opens his eyes to the backwater world that his father had sent him too. Tears fell from his eyes as he realized that he was no longer at his home. Cambria III had nothing to the beauty of fire across an entire world. Now he was here on…wherever it was.
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He however wipes the tears from his face and stands tall. He was a king…a king by birthright. He had no time to be mulling over his losses. Now was the time to figure out how he could get his mother. She was trapped on Firia and he could not fly. He would have to try to learn how to fly and fast.
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Aidan begins his walk towards civilization….
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TIME: August 20, 2010
972Please respect copyright.PENANAsFt2IHeoVk
Aidan sat in the streets feeling the worst kind of enemy…hunger. There was not a soul on the world that would give him something to eat.
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He managed to figure out the language with his high intelligence, and blend in with their clothing. However, he learned quickly that nothing on the world was free. Being that he was of good heart he could not simply steal what he wanted. It would have been easy…but he could not bring himself to do it.
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So he sat pouting looking at the prehistoric vehicles ride by. They had some interest but they were certainly dated by standards.
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Then there was this red one. It was a large Ford F-150. It slowed down and stopped. A woman got out of the car looking directly at him. She smiles at him.
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Aidan’s mouth drops. He closes his mouth quickly. Never had he been attracted to a woman on Firia. Now he was attracted to a woman with the knowledge of ancient times, far outdated, definably stupid. But he could not help himself. He just kept looking at her.
972Please respect copyright.PENANAlCD8Oegq3o
LILLIAN: I’m Lillian Bendahas. I’m doing this report on the homeless. If you don’t mind helping me, I will provide you with a place to for a while, and of course food.
AIDAN: She rides around looking for the homeless to write a story? Odd. Um, sure?972Please respect copyright.PENANAIi0m7qoaTA
LILLIAN: (Smiles) Great. Get in the truck.
AIDAN: Invo jU’net?972Please respect copyright.PENANAEGBbTLAgKP
AIDAN: Sorry…truck?972Please respect copyright.PENANAkDNJ4XtwgM
LILLIAN: Big red thing I got out of.
AIDAN: Ah. Thank you.
LILLIAN: You’re a little cultured aren’t you?972Please respect copyright.PENANAEQuWuLKKvg
AIDAN: Doesn’t mean that I wasn’t kicked out of my home and left to rot on the streets.
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Lillian gives him an odd look. She then walks to the driver side. Aidan gets in on the passenger side.
972Please respect copyright.PENANA5kkDyvnBfG
AIDAN: Aidan Super by the way.
LILLIAN: Nice to meet you Super.
AIDAN: Call me Aidan.
LILLIAN: (Smiles) No. Let’s go over a few rules…one, take a shower, two, you try anything I will shoot you, three, you steal my stuff and I will shoot you. That’s all the rules I have.
AIDAN: Easily done. So…what are you?972Please respect copyright.PENANAeDY8c6T1Vj
LILLIAN: An aspiring journalist. I’ve been making vlogs for the past few years on the odd things of this city. My day job is being a secretary for a big company that has it’s pockets filled with Calloway money.
I hate it but it is a job until I can get things up and running for Bendahas News. It’s my own little company I’m trying to start on the web. No one reads the newspaper anymore, so I’m targeting my audience on the web itself.
AIDAN: Hmm. Web? I will do research on this world so I can understand what is going on. Do you have a device I can use to look up things?
LILLIAN: My cellphone?972Please respect copyright.PENANAJYjAyypSV1
AIDAN: That will do.
972Please respect copyright.PENANAKODv106K9F
Lillian gives him her cell. She then honks the horn at some guy in her way. Aidan opens it quickly. He looks at it unimpressed.
972Please respect copyright.PENANAPMCuUJ08kJ
AIDAN: You could get a much higher data transfer speed with this simple formula.
LILLIAN: What are you talking about?
972Please respect copyright.PENANAJs7n8MEWM1
Aidan inputs the formula and every bit of information on the web comes in on the phone. Aidan is overwhelmed looking at it at hyper speed. He blinks quickly and hands the phone back to Lillian.
972Please respect copyright.PENANANoGRvjSnQt
AIDAN: Okay then…um…wow…I’m a little shocked.
LILLIAN: (Smiles) You’re weird. What did you do to my phone? I’m getting all my bars and I never get all my bars.
AIDAN: Simple math is all. Man…she’s beautiful. I’m so nervous. What do I say?
LILLIAN: Wait till my boyfriend finds out I’m on the path I want to be on.
AIDAN: Absolutely nothing.
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LOCATION: Lillian’s Apartment
972Please respect copyright.PENANA7vfSF8UGmi
Lillian cook’s dinner as Aidan showers. He missed the feeling of warm water on his skin. He finishes and puts on a set of fresh clothes. He walks out of the bathroom and into the living room smelling the food as he does. His heightened senses stabbed at him with the delicious smell.
972Please respect copyright.PENANAXROaBiz3Yj
LILLIAN: All done?
AIDAN: Yes. Thank you. I really needed that.
LILLIAN: No kidding about that. Hungry?972Please respect copyright.PENANAetcUYWiH29
AIDAN: You have no idea.972Please respect copyright.PENANAgY88SiU6Pq
LILLIAN: Dinner will be finished soon. Help yourself to the TV.
AIDAN: I’d much rather a book.
LILLIAN: Whatever floats your boat pal…
AIDAN: Do you have anymore? These romance novels are a little sickening.
LILLIAN: Bookshelf! Those are my personal books! How did you even find them?
AIDAN: Oh…maybe I shouldn’t speed read around her. Maybe I have to lie low. I don’t think these people are ready to know about me just yet. Sorry. I’ll…read the bookshelf books.
LILLIAN: You’re annoying you know.
972Please respect copyright.PENANAEpb5gimjiF
Aidan finds a book agreeable to him. He opens it and begins reading slowly. He found that the book was a little bit more enjoyable to him by doing so.
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LILLIAN: Dinner is ready…come on.
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972Please respect copyright.PENANAAFLMcM8p0g
LOCATION: Firia Capital Castle
972Please respect copyright.PENANAX7bCWEGrLR
Arios has Kathy stood before him. He wears the crown proudly and looks down on her.972Please respect copyright.PENANAvTWz4E20PY
972Please respect copyright.PENANAeJA22rOkOQ
ARIOS: You’re an exquisite beauty Queen Katherine. I would like to have you as mine. Do you accept my offer?972Please respect copyright.PENANABBVXucuuOp
KATHERINE: (Scoffs) You’re insane if you think that I would even consider marrying you.
ARIOS: Very well. You will change your mind. Lock her in a cell.
KATHERINE: That seat isn’t yours…it is my son’s and he will get it back.
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Katherine is pulled away. Arios looks at guards around him.
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ARIOS: She is right…he is a threat to my rule. I want you to fan the galaxy for him. I want him brought to me and I will make a public display of his death and marry his mother in the same day, whether she likes it or not. Find him.
GUARD: Yes, my lord.
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LOCATION: Gaines Incorporated
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Joshua looks at a video feed of a person crashing into the ground. He smiles to himself.
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JOSHUA GAINES: Looks like I was right…972Please respect copyright.PENANAEPT0kiYk8l
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