In the link between worlds there is a doorway, a doorway their connects the world of the living and the world of the dead. And every Shaman the door opens allowing the spirits to flood into the land of the living, and by the end of that night it is up to the keep of the door to round them all up. The keeper is also the protector, for as long as the door has been in existence he has been there guarding it with his life.
Many have tried to venture to this door and tried to open it before it scheduled time, all of them have met the same ruthless claws of Lazarus. He protects this door, although he may be a wolf (a much larger one than normal) he has always done his job. But it wasn't always like that, the title as well as the spirit of the protector is has been passed down for hundreds of generations.
And so comes the process of which the protectors are chosen, once it has come time for the wolf to retire his original spirit; the very first guardian, will rise up leaving the current one to travel through the gates and into the dead land. It is where he would spend the rest of his time in Elysium for the service that they had done for him, it is a great honor to serve and learn under the original guardian and few ever turned it down.
It would be around that time that the spirit of the old protector; the first one, would go into and search the human realm far and wide, top to bottom for a worthy successor to learn his teachings. It would just about always take a very long time.
Months, years, decades. But eventually he would find one and he would begin their training.
And that was how after many of millennia of waiting and searching for the one to hold his title, Kale De' Luno the small boy with dirty blonde hair that most likely hadn't seen a shower in what was estimated several weeks or even a month, who was sleeping in a filthy alleyway littered with tossed away newspapers and cardboard boxes, and that had large hairy brown rats with beady black eyes and yellow never teeth and cockroaches scuttling up and down it. While he was only wearing nothing but a tattered striped shirt and worn out gym shorts that blanketed his form, that looked very much like rags and fitted with some tennis shoes with the brand worn off, which were interrelated too large for him with holes scuffed into the soles. At just the tender age of six found himself dreaming of a huge wolf with a coat of silver and eyes of the moon, the wolf was huge and to him he seemed to be as tall as the stars themselves forever reaching upwards.
" shall be the successor of my power..." His still quite naive and innocent mind didn't understand it then, but he soon would.
Since that life altering night it's been twelve years, and if you asked Kale it hadn't gotten much better. He still lived on the streets sometimes sleeping at the train station and other times purposefully getting into fights so the police would take him to a cell for him to sleep the night away in. And in all honesty it seemed like some things just weren't avoidable, like for the fact when that wolf god thing appeared to him when he was fourteen telling him that all humans needed a proper education. He had told the wolf to fuck off, but apparently that along with the responsibility of being the wolf's fucking successor was something the wolf ;or as he like to called Gerad, was dead set on him doing this no matter how many times he said no.
So going to school, failing a few years out of spite to 'Gerad', it wasn't all bad though since going to the place had gotten him a job of sorts. With the weird mystical powers Gerad had oh so kindly bestowed on him he was able to win almost every underground fight that there was in the subway. And it got him a ton of cash along with it, well it had anyway until he was approached with a better deal...join a gang.
He had said no almost instantly to the very idea of it, fighting he could do but gangs? Nah, it really wasn't his thing and that was what he told them before the promptly outnumbered him and tried to beat the snot out of him. Long story short, one of the top five gangs was missing a few numbers thanks to Gerad.
"I did not give you this power for this!" The wolf had roared at him the tunnels shaking with his rage, the wolf's eyes looked like silver fire ready to pulverize anything in sight. "Then why did you huh?! To be some fucking successor to something I don't fucking want! If you really wanted me even begin to accept this, then you could at least get me out of this fucking town you lame ass wolf!" He regretted the words almost immediately after they left his mouth, the air around Gerad seemed to shimmer and warp. He had never not once in his life seen the wolf this angry. Ever, and it scared the ever loving shit out of him as he went to take a step back only to find that ever muscle in his body was frozen, he couldn't move an inch and it seemed that this was exactly how Gerad wanted it.
"You want out? Fine then, I'll get you out.." A blinding light burst free of the wolf and the color white for a second was all that Kale could see, after the light came the pain. Agony writhed inside him twisting his bones and and ripping his flesh apart before reforming it all again. Over and over, the pain seemed endless. Was this his punishment for taking his anger out on Gerad? Oh god, he regretted it so much now, what had been the point of fighting against the wolf anyway? He always got what he wanted anyway, so really what was the point? Why hadn't he just tried to listen to him?
But oddly enough as this train of though ran through his pain razed mind it ebbed at the pace of snail, before it finally just faded altogether in a drunken blur of bliss and unconsciousness.
The moment Kale opened his eyes he knew that something was wrong, the forest itself was odd. There wasn't a forest anywhere near the city he lived in, he'll if there had been he could've lived off of squirrels or something. But no what really set him on edge was how high clear it was, he had never seen anything THIS well or in this much resolution, it was kinda like this high quality televisions he had seen in shop windows. He shakily stood up only to realize his line of vision only came a few feet off the ground, just when he was about to start panicking wondering if Gerad had cut off his arms and legs or something. The wolf appeared easily standing several feet above him, "This is the punishment you will endure for squandering the powers I have given you. Either you will learn and grow from your mistakes or be stuck in this form forever. This is my curse to you." And with that the wolf faded away like dust in the wind leaving nothing more behind than the freaking out Kale.
Running to a small stream he heard deeper in the forest he looked down only to let out a howl like yelp in horror, instead of his usual human face the face of a silver furred wolf with equally silver eyes stared back at him.
What had he done?!