"I'll make the pain go away..." The soft silken words were spoken like a caress against the skin meant to sooth the person who it was directed towards. Unfortunately, it seemed to have the opposite effect, the good doctor Alaric or Ric as his many (once) alive female patients, gently shushed the man in his late fifties as he slipped the steel needle under the aged man’s skin injecting the morphine into the patient's bloodstream. "Soon all that bothersome agony will be but a distant nightmare." The patient's eyes drooped as his struggles weakened, "I..I'm not..in pain.." He managed to gasp out like one trying to keep his head above the water in the strong gushing waves of an ocean, but it was pretty much hopeless in Ric’s eyes as just mere moments later his patient went under.
The head full of thin grey hair and a few spare wisps of black thumped against the dull cotton pillow, his breathing once scared and erratic now evening out the deeper his subconscious drifted off into his last slumber. "Don't be silly...everyone is in pain. That's why I'm here." The good doctor murmured so very soothingly as he patted the cheek of his patient, it couldn’t be helped that they were delirious to the own pain that they were in. Humans in their right minds were always so dull to the pain they caused themselves as well as to those around them, it was why doctors existed after all to find this sort of thing…or rather it was why he existed to terminate this sort of thing.
Even if they didn’t understand it he did, he understood the constant pain of the human body. The creak of old bones, the clenching of one’s chest when staring at something that saddened them, and the pain of just living until their bodies eventually gave out on them. Doctor or not Ric understood perfectly, the exact way he had understood when he had come home from college to find his mother. His beautiful mother with her bright golden hair colored red and her face disfigured with the shotgun laying by her side, Ric hadn’t wept that day. He understood, just as he had understood every single day from then on.
That serene smile that had covered his face the entire time that he had his one-sides conversation with Mr. Hiens abruptly vanished, instead morphing into something that belonged to a demon from the darkest pits of hell. A flash of silver from the gleaming deadly sharp scalpel was seen for only a split second before it made contact with the flesh under it. "First comes the stiff stiff bones that go crack and snap! Then here comes the gooey ooey mess that go squish! Next here’s the meaty tender things protected underneath!" He sang his deep baritone voice carrying all around the underground empty medical room.
With each cut he felt so much better about his work, soon enough Mr. Hiens incurable disease would no longer ail the man’s poor pathetic body, soon enough the man would be free from his mortal coil of pain to exist without the fleshy cage holding him back from what he wanted in life. The negativities of the brain would not interfere with the freedom of the soul; his surgery took full care of that.
With all the care of a professional doctor he removed them, as each organ gave a futile last pump before he had snipped out each cord connecting them to the flesh bag around them, placing them in their respectable bin taking care to leave the frantically pumping heart and lungs for last. "See? You're almost free of all your pain. I told you that I would help you my friend…" His grin was like a that of a shark that had smelled blood in the water and was just about to come in for the kill. "This doctor knows what's best..."
It hadn't taken long for the patient's heart to give out from all the lost blood, and when that specific moment occurred Alaric skillfully maneuvered the edge of his blade slicing at the main arteries that connected the now still heart to the rest of the body, or as it could be called now; the corpse. "You Mr. Heins are finally free of all your torment that life has dealt you. Old age can no longer hold you" He gave a cheeky blood soaked bow before turning his back to the dead man packing up every organ in a cooler leaving behind a little note for the men who came in after him. Peeling off his blood stained gloves and then depositing them into the trash shoot, Ric then made his exit. The police were a lovely bunch to get the job done. 'Do please donate these, to another suffering flesh bag. Mr. Hiens could no longer hold them properly.'
His work here was done, for now at least. After all the world was just full of suffering humans, and he was just the person to liberate them from that agony.