Being murdered sucked, but being murdered by dire-wolf psychopath sucked even more.
Statistically speaking dire-wolves were a race of rare breed of uberwerewolves, their bites were said to be poisonous to anyone who they had bit, more than a fifty percent of a chance of death if you received one. The tickler about it was that dire-wolves weren't even made you had to be born one and there was always the chance that they were batshit insane to go along with it. Luckily it was always easy to identify them, usually during the full moon their eyes shown a bright emerald green color completely devoid of the iris. They were stronger than your average werewolves able to rip car doors off of its hinges and throw it at somebody in their human form, and they hardly had any weaknesses, but they did have one. Mainly blessed iron dipped in holy water and wolfs bane.
Their hunger was insatiable, they were almost never satisfied with the meal that they had just eaten and if they went too long without one then it would crazy almost like a rabid raccoon or if you would a zombie. Whether it was humans or their food they could be seen eating something, and that was exactly how Valerius Zago found himself in a dark and dirty alley way bleeding out with vertical claw marks running down his torso that gushed his thick crimson blood, he was clinging to the last bit of life that was beating in his ever failing heart. It didn't matter what he did now, whether he liked it or not he was going to die.
He hadn't done anything wrong here, if anything he was the definition of a pushover, maybe that's why the beast had come after him. Maybe it had sensed what a weakling he was and though that he of all people would be an easy kill, it was sad to him. That even to a wild rampaging bloodthirsting animal that it would always be him to have the short end of the stick, but that was just life in his opinion, it wasn't always fair to those it screwed over.
The dire-wolf in question had obviously gone a very long time without eating as evidence by the thick clumping red foam collecting around it's slobbering japing mouth, and it had made the wolf incredibly desperate; it needed food it needed to feed. On something anything, and this boy would do the trick. And that was where the animal messed up, the wolf much like Valerius or Val for short (Much like his life right now) hadn't been watching and scoping out his surroundings or exactly where he was when he decided to take Val as a fleshy midnight snack.
If there was one thing for certain dire-wolves weren't that knowledgable about all of their weaknesses, he supposed that maybe they didn't really have time to worry about what with all the hunger and cravings they went through in their daily life. But it was also how this particular dire-wolf found himself with a sharpened steel rod embedded deep into it's throat as it gurgled choking frantically on its own blood, the copper colored liquid spilled everywhere quickly out from the maw of the wolf only serving to splash more of it on top of the quickly dying boy.
In retrospect it was probably a bad idea to let the wolf bleed all over him whist he tried to stay conscious but in his defense he was rather preoccupied with not dying at the moment. But even he couldn't fight fate as his rather blue eyes slid shut for the final time despite his best efforts, he expected that to be the last time to ever see the dark grey clouding sky above him. This place was always like that, always ready to rain on your parade but Val loved it all the same, it was his home and now he was going to die here. In the same muggy city that practically rained every single day.
However he didn't expect to open his now dull lifeless green eyes a couple months later with the annoying beep of a heart monitor in his ears and the unbearable craving for something anything to eat, he wanted food he wanted the flesh of anything that could get close enough to his drooling jaws. He was so damn hungry that he couldn't bare to stand it anymore. He didn't expect what had happened but it happened anyway.
And on the night of the full moon he finally discovered just why he survived the "accident" as the doctors and his cousin dubbed it, on the night of the full moon in his lonesome one bedroom apartment he shifted and changed, the sounds of his bones snapping and rearranging themselves filled the once deathly silent air only accompanied by his bloodcurdling screams of pure agony. It went on for what felt like hours as his skin thickened before sprouting rich hazel colored fur, his dull green eyes were now pupil less only reflecting the inner hunger and madness that lurked deep within his being, he needed to feed.
At last he had become one of them.