"Burn the witch burn him! Burn him at the stake!" These words swirled dizzily in Dakota's mind as a bunch of hands grabbed and pulled at his fiery red hair, he let out a sharp piercing scream as he was dragged away from his home, his family and everything he had ever loved in his life. He could see the wood being stacked higher and higher, it wasn't his fault! It wasn't his fault! "Please! Please stop it! I didn't do anything! I didn't mean to!" His voice fell on deaf ears as a cold eyes man stood beside the pile of wood holding a single torch, it was all that it would need to light this fire and they all knew it Dakota especially. "This witch shall burn for what it has plagued us with!" The tall broad shouldered man with stark white hair cried out among the crowd, that jeered and hollered clearly having no problem sending him to his death. They didn't understand! None of them understood a thing!
"You stand accused here with the penalty of witchcraft! How do you plead Dakota Blackwood?" This was it! They were actually giving him a chance to defend himself, he hadn't heard of any of the others getting a chance like this so by God he wasn't going to waste it! "Not guilty!" The moment he opened his mouth an spoke those words the crowd let out cries of his guilt once more, and suddenly he was out of breath kneeling over as one of the people in the crowd slugged him in the stomach. For a moment he couldn't breath and stars flashed in front of his eyes.
Kill them...
His head jerked up at the soft whispery voice his holly green eyes widening, but then it all fell into place as the man holding the torch spoke out again. "We find you...GUILTY! Your sins will be welcomed here no more godforsaken witch, your sentence is...being burned at the pier!" Dakota could hear his mother weeping in the distance screaming at for them not to take her baby away from her, not her precious baby. No...this couldn't be happening! No! He shook his head denial but knew, yes he was going to die today and his family was going to have to watch it happen to him. And that was something he begged to God for them to look away when the time would come.
God won't hear you boy...it's just me here.
That voice again, the same menacing dark tone as before. Who was it? Had he really gone insane? Was it the power of the devil trying to sway him? That didn't matter now, he needed to look at them one last time he needed to see his mother's smile worn face and his sister's chubby cheeked smile, but when he looked all he could see was their sorrow. His sister's smile was fresh with tears as she reached her toddler fingers out to him, her child mind couldn't comprehend why they were being so mean to her Bubby, and his mother..oh god his mother. She looked absolutely heartbroken to him ripple out of her arms as she held his little sister tightly whispering over and over for her not to look. Tears dripped down her tan cheeks and her coco brown hair had come out of its usual bun in all the struggle, men had been holding her back but now..but now all the fight seemed to just leave her body like snow in the summer time. It was honestly heartbreaking for him just to watch, but he didn't have to worry about that. With rough uncaring hands he was pushed and shoved towards the pier, his fear and horror growing by the second.
Fight back..burn them all..
Oh he wished he could've fought back, he wished dearly so but as he was thrown atop all the wood his hands bound behind his back with a twine even he couldn't break in all his teenage strength. Dakota looked out among the sea of faces, they were all familiar to him. Mr. Tassel who he used to buy bread from, Ms. Ferrow who he worked for on the days she needed help since her husband had died five years ago, and so many more that had all turned on him at the faint mention of him being a witch. He guessed that it was the hair, a burning fireball red that was most uncommon in their town of browns, blacks and blondes. He was the freak...in more ways than one.
He couldn't help it if nature seemed to like him more, that if sometimes just sometimes if his emotion was high enough he could make things happen. And happen they did, just the day before he had been caught a couple of sleaze bag jerks had thought that it would be funny to pick on the younger children of the town, Dakota had always been one to despise bullies and so he had stepped in but incidental so had his powers. He made them hurt..he made them feel like they were burning alive and..and he had liked it.
Such ferocity..such courage. Make the deal with me...
A...deal? What could a simple deal do in this situation, but it was better than nothing right? His situation couldn't get much worse than it already was.
So you agree....fantastic.
He was already starting to feel uneasy from the tone the voice was using when he said that last word, but he didn't really have the time to take it back as pain lanced up his body. The fire had been lit but that wasn't what was causing his agony, it was from something inside him. His screams echoed through the town silencing the townsfolk for once as they stared at him in dread. "The devil is possessing the witch!" One of them shouted fear in her eyes, and that was when the panic started. Many of the townspeople ran and many of them picked up rocks foolishly throwing them at the Dakota who was still screaming in agony as the flames grew and grew, but to their growing alarm they bounced off an invisible shield. And in that exact moment Dakota's green eyes rolled up in the back of his head his screams finally going silent for the first time, instead those green irises turned a pitch demonic black as a grin slit it's way onto the boy's face.
Horns sprouted from his head and a tail was quickly forming sending blood gushing down his face, "Oh I'm ready to play!" The not-Dakota sang as he easily snapped the twine binding his wrists together with almost too much easiness. The fire jumped and sputtered on the stack with a wave of his hand catching the houses and farms on fire, he stepped down from the pier his bloodthirsty smile remained as the bloodcurdling screams of the people around him slowly died one by one as his hands became soaked in their blood one by one..
Remember kid...don't ever make deals with demons they will always fuck you up in the end. Just like I'm about to do now, for the rest of your immortal life you will live with the knowledge of what I've done here...of what you let happen because of your cowardice..
Dakota laid among the wreckage before his eyes slowly fluttered open, only this time instead of their usual green one was entirely blacked out leaving a permanent mark of just exactly what he had done and the consequences of it. This was the mark of a demon who had punished its possessed one.
But that was hardly the extent of his punishment, as he scrambled up he was able to see just what he had done and to who he had done it to. Mother...little sister. He instantly felt bike rising up in his throat and Dakota barely had enough time to run to the bushes before he emptied his stomach. Laying there..dead was his little family. His mother and little Lucia, their chests had been viciously ripped and torn open many of their organs missing. And to be completely honest if Dakota hadn't just thrown up he would've done it again, but if sickened him no less to gaze down at his own two hands that had helped all of these people only to see it dyed a harsh drying crimson. He killed them all, there was no other way around it, he had let a demon in. He had thought before that things couldn't get much worse...this was definitely worse.