While dozing off and letting my mind relax, I continued to scan the lines, sucking up every of Shakespeares ancient words like an addicted that found a line of heroin. The language was hard, complicated. But doable. The meaning was easy. Things, still valuable today. The core elements of every human being. Just as flawed as hundreds of years ago.
The tea had started to get cold and my eyes to drop, giving the system a hard time finding the lines I tried to read in just that moment. The text wasn't bright enough to hide the beauty of the city behind the glass. Impressing. I smiled. Problems were forgotten. All of them.
I had fallen out of my clothes the moment I crawled through the door, tired and proud, satisfied but exhausted. I won the case. The algorithm decided for my client's sake. And where other people would go for a cold beer, this was my way of celebrating. Just sitting here in my dress-shirt and opened tie, letting my mind wander off. Finally, relaxing.
Until the display of my watch lit up.841Please respect copyright.PENANAE6iRwrUO3e
Of course. A quick tap, a sigh and my evening was ruined.
“Amstrong talking?” Breathing. There was harsh, strained breathing. A living being. But one that didn't bother talking for the next few minutes “Your days as gamma are counted, huh boy?” There was wind in the background, slamming against the speaker and clicking into my ear. Cars, somewhere. For more than a minute, that was for sure, no other sound than that.
In just a few days, two people found out about my true nature. I was getting worse at this gruesome game.
“What do you know?” I sat up, forcing myself to move as I locked the entrance door, double-checked it. Next step, the window front. “I mean no harm Kyris. No need to barricade yourself, little omega”
I had to breathe. He couldn't reach me, I was safe. Just had cut the electricity to the windows to make them opaque. A single touch on my home system. Doable. Easy. I could manage. And let out an exhausted breath once the white covered them. He couldn't see me. I was in the safety of my apartment and no matter what horrors where beyond that door, nobody could come inside and harm me.
This was my sanctuary. Here, nothing would ever happen. My mother was in prison, no other AsLaw nor client able to reach me. A few minutes ago, this place had been unbreakable and proud. And now, just seconds later, somebody, somehow, knew. Knew something.841Please respect copyright.PENANAggEFe24Hdc
How much still left to tell. “I know that you're slowly running out of your meds. I know that Idelle won't be able to get you anymore. I know you're desperate” he was right. I couldn't get them myself, had no connections. I could life without emotional control and additional immune strengthening. But my scent blockers? Heat dampers? How desperate was I really?
“What do you want?” My fingers left the display. I sank into my couch, laying my head into my hands. Suddenly I lost all my strength. Suddenly I was a walking target. “I want to make some friends. You're a good candidate” friends. Of course not. A price. A condition.841Please respect copyright.PENANA0pfJFLCKEU
“No, what do you want from me?” My chest was tightening, my hands sweaty. I had been balancing on the silver lining for quite a while and feared the fall “As your friend, I only want you to be happy. How about a little gift. Some meds perhaps. Blockers. You want them?” I felt like a fox being let into a trap. I knew that I was about to be captured. But blockers were valuable. Something I could get myself. Something I needed to survive. It could be everything. It could be nothing. And I had no time to think. None at all. So I abandoned the whole idea of thinking, started to hope that the solution came to me naturally. No success either.841Please respect copyright.PENANAQKdyO0lQAx
“Come on Kyris, there nothing that I couldn't have done by now. Keep these glasses on, I'm gonna give you a few directions.” My media glasses. He saw me through my glasses. Through my own eyes. He was in my apartment. He saw me. “No time to waste, come on, you can walk” 841Please respect copyright.PENANAVbf72nmtyD
The first arrow, directing me out of the door. My breath was ruptured. Nonetheless, I followed “Good boy, sweetheart” the second one, out of the elevator. By now, I left the skyscraper, felt the cobbles of the sidewalk pierce through my socks. I was freezing as well. Another time my glasses told me to change the direction. It was tempting to use the little button on my watch. Shut them down. Would it work?841Please respect copyright.PENANAsdTqcGmiIV
“It's not far. Go on” I did. Walked through the dark, ignoring my environment. It was too late to be seen. If I was kidnapped right now, nobody would notice until morning. Then, everybody would find out. And even if not killed to that point, my life would come to an end. 841Please respect copyright.PENANAysd2928mQg
The stranger was right concerning the distance. Nothing but parking slot I had seen hundreds of times before, filled with dozens and dozens of cars. My lungs got twisted while my heart tried to break the ribs imprisoning it. My head was urging me to run. But I had stopped listening to the usual omniscience of my mind “See the white Almagro?” Expensive car. Fully tinted windows. I nodded.
“Go there boy. Do not look inside. Eyes stay up, I'll know if they don't” once again my head bobbed up and down while I kept myself occupied biting my lips bloody. Steps light and insecure, I slowly worked towards the direction the car was, the pain of the cold suddenly forgotten.
“Stick your arm in here” I was confused by the echo. The real talking, the one that first went through the micro. My ever so fear fogged mind wasn't sure who was to be obeyed. But in a single moment of clarity, I understood 'none' was the answer I had been in the need of. My own master. My own alpha. I had to be. I had to stay strong. But I couldn't.
“I won't” The stranger chuckled, making me tremble “If you want your little secret to be kept, I wouldn't be as stubborn. Imagine what the oh-so-heartwarming Atticas Haslin would say if there was a flower boy defending the little fish in the crime scene. He wouldn't even let you fight for them.” I would lose my reputation. I would fail. Never again, I would be an AsLaw. Never again, I would be useful.841Please respect copyright.PENANAAK3WxJzWPv
Still, I was hesitating, closing my eyes, denying my instinct to simply run away “Do you really think I would wait this long if I wanted to harm you?” No. Yes. I didn't know. I hadn't been killed before.
“You hacked yourself into my apartment. How can you expect me to trust you?” “Do you have to?” He was right. I was desperate for these drugs. I needed them. And he knew. He was absolutely aware what kind of junkie I was. Could name the aspect of my life I couldn't help but be addicted to.
He knew I was desperate for freedom.
And waiting had been more than enough therefore. Because without parts of my personality blocked, I would never be able to reach the level of freedom I was possessing841Please respect copyright.PENANADttC8hezp2
841Please respect copyright.PENANAcdmGcuSCG6
that day.
“Good boy. No peeking” he grabbed my wrist. Pulled my arm inside and pushing the rest of my body against the car. There was a sharp pain. He drew blood. And I panicked, tried to pull away with all force left in my body. “Never again give a campus related person a possibility to get your DNA. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get into that guys system? You were seconds away from busting yourself”
I gave a short yelp from me. Helplessly struggled against his grip, trying to free myself. A small package was wound around my delicate arm. “Close your eyes Kyris” I couldn't. My body wouldn't allow me another stupidity. And in reaction, something was shot into my veins. A few seconds of fighting more. A few minutes before I felt my muscles giving up.
The sound of an opening door and I tried to scream, only to find my vocal cords unable to. Heavy steps that came into my direction. Somebody was coming for me. “Never forget who's helping you, Mr. Amstrong” 841Please respect copyright.PENANAggYUpUO6Jk
841Please respect copyright.PENANAo2S9HaG9B2
22.10.19 - 19:50