Due these circumstances, the human defenses' conclusion comprises... I sighed, resting my forehead on the desk, blinking to get rid of the exhaustion. I hadn't gotten any sleep last night, laid awake for hours and hours. 902Please respect copyright.PENANAYf4rfk7CX4
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Apollox, dad, mum...Damari. What if they found out? Maybe by scouting the corpse of a rotten ten-year-old, that clearly couldn't have taken any drugs in the past eleven years. Maybe by me, crumbling down in front of the alphas and barring my neck, showing submission.
I was terrified of such an event.
I loved my life.
Loved what I had built up for myself, regardless how hard it was, how much I fought.
Being given to an alpha for “safety measures”, loosing all respect the world of law and justice had left for me, I couldn't stand the idea.
How would anybody? Way more troubling than some wannabe-hacker teens ...that all of this is ridiculous and really fucking me off.
I didn't bother lifting my head. My big mistake. Because somehow, I must have touched the send-button. Something the high little noise noticed me directly and Atticas deep laugh coming closer some minutes later, the door getting opened.
“I am so tempted to send your recommendation through, I swear Kyris"he laid down his tablet, crossing his arms while sitting down in one of my spare chairs, trying to gain my attention. He hated to be ignored. But I, I had worked my way up to be an exception. So I just kept laying down, my cheek pressed against the cold surface of my desk as glued onto it. “Oh, come on, the last guess when you're going to have a burnout is overdue a whole year by now. I'm going to send you home with ice cream and you come back tomorrow for the resolution, ay dream boy?”
I groaned, fixing my frizzy hair “No, I can do it now, not much of an issue” “It's a whole week early anyway, I don't even know if I'm going to find work for you tomorrow. Don't go moody gamma on me. I told you to get yourself some ice cream, so get yourself some ice cream” he rolled his eyes, the grin slightly faded “I never go moody gamma on you. I'm never moody at all!”
“Exactly, so don't start it, pint-size” I chuckled slightly, scanning my display once again. Just in case I forgot something. Some tasks to do. Anything “I'm fine. No burn out, just lacking sleep. Don't worry about me big guy”
He instantly stopped smiling, started to adjust the cuffs of his jacket, clearing his throat before sighing “Look Kyris. It's a lot. Loosing your brother, even when an omega, being abused by your own mother and getting confronted with it all over again...”
I couldn't believe my ears. Atticas. Out of all people, it was him pitying me. Him thinking of me as weak. Unable to handle my own life. “Skip it Att'. It was my only condition. That I could stay here, work. So just...let me work.”
He wasn't convinced. Not at all. “Att', you can't...” He raised an eyebrow, taking my display, turning it off. Without additional saving to my cloud or pairing it to my watch. What was I supposed to do in the evening? “Get your ice cream, sleep, come back here tomorrow, alright?” I bit my lip, defeated. He was my boss, after all. No use in fighting. He understood my reaction instantly. Smirked only to receive an annoyed eye-roll “And remember I love you, my angry moody-Gamma dwarf.”
I collected my things, just in time before he sent some money onto my account and pushed me out of the door “If you dare to work anymore today, I will force you to sit out your overtime in a spa. All of it Kyris” I chuckled once. It wasn't that much honesty, just an hour or two whenever my overly stressed mind allowed me to or I had something important to take care of. It wasn't just keeping me busy. I was passionate about my work.
I waved weakly into his direction, making my way toward the hyper loop that went into downtown. It was a quick jump, not a lot of distance to cover. No funny looks about my size, nothing to ruin my day and keep my mind running. Having too much unused energy resulted in thinking, thinking was a bad thing as soon the mess in my current mindset was considered.
I felt helpless, lost between all those paths I had to choose and things I had to do. No longer capable of mastering my own life, standing up for my values and rights. Unable to be my own master.
I felt like an omega.
Biting my tongue, I started choosing my favorite ice cream at the vending machine, mumbling to myself. I was twitchy, on the edge.
Suddenly, I seemed to be smaller, my body boney and fragile.
Suddenly, so I was sure, they knew. It was like an unerasable label, sitting on my forehead, to be seen by the whole world, so they could start treating me the way my kind deserved in their eyes.
As something of less mighty.
Something they were superior to.
Like a pet, unable to make own decisions, be free.
I was just waiting for an alpha to lay a chain around my neck and force me to follow him.
It made my head spin, my throat tighten.
There was this envy, vicious voice again, cheerfully humming the word omega like lyrics to a song I didn't remember which rhythm I still couldn't match. But this time I could name the singer of these disgusting tunes.
It was mum.
I lost my appetite, looking around, carefully. Still unnoticed, no alphas trying to force my submission.
No funny looks.
My mind started playing tricks on me. I realized, as soon as I saw him. As soon as I saw dad. Filthy and outgrown grayish hair, ghostly pale, his cheeks fallen in. There was a glimmer in his ever-so-dull eyes. Something...vivid. He was so alive, more than he had ever been.
He smiled. Such a soft, loving smile, reassuring me everything was going to be ok. I could hear him. Even without his chapped lips moving, I knew what he was telling me. It's ok baby boy. It's fine.
I made a single step into his direction, ignoring the stream of people that was parting us.
“Dad...help me...I need you...”
When a suited business woman ran into me, obviously an alpha, knocking me to the ground, I realized nonetheless.
My father killed himself. My dad -loving and beloved- was gone.
“My apologizes” I didn't react. Just...starred into his direction, now hidden by an uncountable number of fast-moving legs “Sir, are you fine? You look anxious”
A soft hand grabbed me, tried to lift me back onto my feet. I slapped her hand away and backed away, just in the moment she realized, her eyes widened.
“Oh, I had no clue...my god, are you unharmed?” She knew. Somebody knew.
My body was first to regain control, tell my legs they had to move instead of staying gelatinous and unmovable.
Down the street, back into a hyper loop. I was trembling, had pushed my legs against my torso before we made the first jump. I was happy the loop was mostly empty at this time, more and more leaving during the time I tried to collect the lost pieces of my mind. Mostly by looking out of the window. The areas we crossed were getting less populated, enough to make me see the red, sandy surface resting underneath the ever-so-present artificial stone and metal.
With every jump, something was tempting me more and more to leave the loop I just couldn't think of the what, of the why.
Why I was getting out of the loop.
Why I walked down the clean little paths who connected the few houses that reached into the air.
Towards the still clean, well remained mansion they were leading to. I knew these streets. Maybe not like other children remembered. Not through playing or running around. Through drawing onto the side-walk and messing with other kids.
I remembered through desperately starring out of my window, wishing I could do all of those things. Wishing I could be a normal child instead of the abomination I had been born as.
I knew the door I was opening. But never had I seen her from this side. Either because I walked awayfrom it or because I had been on its other. It was too beautiful for this hell.
“Good evening, Master Kyris. There had been 1623 Days since your last visit. I am happy to welcome you again” I sighed, feeling my throat close.
The hallway.
So much had changed since I left. I barely remembered this place anymore. It was my mothers by now.
I was surprised my code was still in the system. Being on the family servers had been one thing, but the home control was another. It wouldn't been as noticeable if she took me of the list.
My hand caressed the clean wall. There had been bloodstains once. Right there. One of the rare times it wasn't dads, but mine. One of the rare times I had angered her enough to make her hurt me. Slap me, slam my teenage body into the shelf that used to stand here. She had gotten rid of it.
Didn't talk to me for months until she'd gotten rid of me too.
The living area was different as well. No signs of husbands. Just her. But a different her that I used to know. She had been more modest with her choices. Simple, necessary furniture, everything dull and clean.
No expensive electronics, no useless art. There were more chairs by now, a bigger table.
It was too simple. Too cheap. But it wasn't before I reached the kitchen that I started to question if I even found the right mansion.
There was a photo on the fridge's screensaver. She and a beautiful male of elegance and pride. Her newest husband. There was a picture of him. A sign of his existence. As if she cared for him. As if he mattered. I wasn't sure of his position. Too big for an omega, to small for a Gamma.
And suddenly it was anger that run through my veins.
How could she be so kind after killing the one person that deserved her kindness? After she killed dad?
Let Apollox run and die?
I was the only survivor of the hell she'd been trying to create. Just barely, left so broken I even stopped trying to reconnect the parts. I just hold them together, kept myself alive by keeping them next to each other.
Beyond cracked. I knew. But...my efforts to retain from further damage went as far as controlling my life.
I knew!
I knew exactly what I was doing. How often I overheard a right-speaking tongue. How often I picked to socialize with only those people who couldn't tell me any more than I was already aware of.
I clenched my hands to fists.
How could she dare to play the loving alpha in a house that used to be tyrannized by a hating one? How could she just change furniture and repaint the rooms?
How could my father, my brother and I mean so little?
I knew the answer, didn't I?
This wasn't an evolution, it was a curse. Being an omega. There was nothing more deadly than being born with those genes that set us apart from all other classes.
A scream left my throat, echoed from the walls. Nobody answered. Even after waiting for minutes, the was no one ordering me to shut up and no one questioning me if I was doing ok. I sighed, took the stairs into the third floor.
Maybe, just maybe there was still a way to provide Damari Siesama with DNA of Apollox. Just that I never considered making my way up there once again, ever since I left 4 years ago. It felt like a million more.
I expected my room to be different now. Our room, once. My mattress was suddenly resting in a bed frame, clean bed sheets covering the stiff foam. I had more furniture and electronics, everything looking like a typical teens bedroom.
This wasn't my room. Not where I grew up. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, biting my lip.
There was one place she didn't know about.
One place I could keep some of Apollox belongings to grief in peace while I was younger. A simple air shaft at a usual gamma's ankle height.
As soon as the sealing was broken, enough place to store some pictures, clothes and toys.
I took tissue to pick the little brown teddy up and into my leather bag.
I remembered him sleep with it, calling the stubbly brown thing dad had stolen for him Millows. How he pressed it against his fragile body, laying in his bed fetal position, one arm stretched out to connected with my shoulder, snoring lightly.
He wasn't much of a deep sleeper.
Sometimes he wouldn't sleep at all.
Sometimes he would stay up with my old, insomniac me, talk all night about all the things he wanted to do and experience as soon as he left home. Be an explorer, fly into space and discover new elements and planets, marry a girl he had been watching through the window and adopt something changing from a dog, to a horse and sometimes even an elephant.
I needed to get out of here. Quickly.
And so, I ended up in the master bathroom, between remaining belongings and empty shelves. Empty. She had taken something with her.
If she had been taking into custody she wouldn't been allowed to. Something here didn't match.
“When was the last time that somebody had been here?” I ran over to the master bedroom, checked the wardrobe. Missing pieces, here as well. Fuck.
“Master Jilsin had been taken out of all systems at the 31-09 Mistress Idelle at the 08-10. There had been no one else here afterwards.”
Today was the 13-10. Officially my mother was arrested at the 11-10. Something was seriously wrong.
I had to reach the Siesamas apartment as soon as I could.902Please respect copyright.PENANADUMI3Jswmp
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22.10.19 - 19:41