Damari had the softest hands I had ever felt. And ever since he forced me to sit down in the kitchen, I couldn't help but think about the fact how good these long and slender fingers would fit to the keyboard of an piano. Their movements where fine and controlled, careful and strategic.
They worked managed to work steadily and quick, picking up another ice cube, holding it against my cheek before they let it melt against bruised skin, circling the multicolored spot in perfect patterns, careful to keep me unharmed and out of pain.
Damari hadn't said a word more than necessary, but his angry glare that kept switching from Arnaxis to me and back in mere seconds. And it was enough to shut us up as well. Well, to this point. It was to mention that I never managed to keep my voice low for a enlonged amount of time.
"It's not Arnaxis fault. That guy just blocked him off" Damari sighed, shaking his head. The bloody cut was still hidden underneath my beloved buttoned trenchcoat and I hoped it would stay this way. Arnaxis did too, apparently. Or just forgot about the minor wound.
"I'm not angry because of the two of you, Kyris. I just need you to be quiet so I can keep brooding over that son of an ape" Tension left my body in seconds, making me look at Arnaxis who had already wandered off and found the now cold scrambled egg Tania had made for breakfast.
But the calm teddy eyes kept watching us while he munched some more of the soft, golden dish, his face relaxed and unbothered. He knew the whole time what really angered Damari and what to do in such a case. Of course he did. He always managed to.
"I kicked him first. Guess it's fair game" he didn't buy it for a second, simply brushing about the bruise as if he was trying to dust it away "Because you're such a violent person, so uncontrollable and primitive" None of us told him the full truth. Or rather, I didn't dare and Arnaxis didn't care. "Just a new alpha in my building that got a bit close. It's nothing to..."
"You stay in the guestroom" Damari pressed his lips into a thin line, drying his hands off to raise my chin with the tip off his fingers, glaring at the spot. I held his frist, pulled away. I wasn't his doll. This was no damage done to him, only to me.
"I can watch myself. I live there, I'll stay there" he just shook his head, and beside tensing his muscles to the point where I could see their outlines through his button up, he was not moving closer. Not even touching me. Just talking, waiting for me to react.
"There's protection here Kyris" Protection. How often was I supposed to prove that I didn't need that? That I wanted to stay on my own?
That I was fine on my own. Could handle. I was alright. I was perfectly fine. That I didn't need all so mighty alphas to fight my battles "I'm not one of these sickly omegas. I will protect myself Damari, no need to pamper me" I should have known that it riled him up. Made him sit more straight and let his face fall stoic.
He wasn't keen on my view of the things, especially concerning his favourite element of study. He didn't wsnt the opinion of someone who had seen dark corners of the world as well.
"This is not about your class Kyris. You happen to put any other twink in your shadow and I can't even think of any human more fiercy. But this is just dangerous"
He called me a...I was no...
"I'm not a twink. I'm not a omega. And I'm sure as hell not your resposibility" I was shouting by now. Rage building inside my body. My heart pumping this awful venom into every corner of my body. It was poisoning my blood.
"Why do you care anyway? We work together. Nothing more." I could not be around alphas. I shouldn't be "This is exactly why we have those problems in the first place. Alphas huffing and puffing about their superiority" Damari was getting angry as well "I'm trying to keep you safe, not enslave you. There is someone obviously not keen on being pushed back by you, just waiting for another encounter. Giving that to him now is idiocy"
Keep me safe. It was always about keeping omegas safe. No hard physical labor, Identification, enlongated storage of the GPS history and regular check ups. It were methods keeping omegas safe. In this moment Damari just thought like one of these senators, a council full of alphas and their over-the-peasants opinions. Worse. He was what fueled these people.
"Your sounding like those goddamn government guys. This isn't safety. It's prison" he sighed, his eyebrows furrowed "I am just trying to keep you safe for a few weeks. I would never do you any harm Kyris. No one would ever claim you against your will. No matter what kind" Harm me. Like... "You think I am so heasitant because of my past" he was silent for a moment, rubbing his hand theough his face. His hand reached for me, just before he pulled back. He was thinking of me as some anxiety crippled twink, no longer compes mentis.
But this wasn't about my mother. This wasn't about the way I grew up. And I didn't wanna hear about it. No longer. Never again. I was fine. I made it out. I. Was. Alright. I was no longer the scared little boy. I was a man now. And as a man, I could face buffed up alphas. I had to. No matter if they wanted to fuck or forster me.
"Obviously, you have no fucking clue what it was like and what I'm now. You think of me as some pityful stray. Fucking hell Damari, you're a goddamn genius and able to understand exactly nothing"
"Then make me understand. Finally start talking to somebody" He had to be kidding. He had to be. He knew. I told him I couldn't the way we met.
I felt emotions bubble up inside of me, feel myself being ripped into a mental stream, my thoughts running faster and hiting my mind more violent, muscles cramping in order to run with it. I just took a breath for another attack, just when Arnaxis voice boomed through the room.
"Stop it, both and now"
He plopped down in his seat, rubbing his forehead, giving us demonic black puppy eyes "I'm sorry." A moment of peace and he was talking in his usual calm manners again, smiling sheepishly "But bickering won't change anything. Kyris, Damari's worried. But Damari, he didn't ony kick a man into the back of an elevator, he's adult. He can decide for himself"
He sighed, sitting down between us, chuckling softly, shaking his head. I could neither bring my self to be angry nor scared. Istead I just sat there and with every moment the anger combusted, my confusion grew. What was I supposed to do?
"I can't stand your fighting. I can't even team up with anyone" He kept his hand on Damaris knee and rubbing the ever so present sides. The beautiful scientist leaned over the table, eyebrows still furrowed, but wrinkles a little less prominent. "I really lost my mind there for a moment, didn't I?" he sighed, smiling at me and laying his hand onto Arnaxis, who grew with the simple gesture.
This was Damari. Cheerful, charming Damari with a mind full of ideas and knowledge. I didn't mind his presence. I didn't mind being with him. I knew he had not a single bad thought stored in his head. Not the urge to hurt anyone. Not even by making somebody stay with him. "You wouldn't keep me here if I refused you now"
He steadily shook his head and his hand was reaching for me, stretching out to touch my cheek. She fell down again. I couldn't do it. He knew. He knew that maybe, I would never.
"I would never do anything to hurt you Kyris. If you feel like you need to leave, I won't stop you"
"Then I won't"
I would stay. Not permanently. But I wouldn't leave either. I would miss Arnaxis gentleness and Damari's happiness, parts of their deepest being that radiated off them in waves. In that moment I realised how good those things felt. And like every good thing, you could grow addicted to them. I was addicted to the Siesamas.
I didn't fully trust them, no. But, I liked them. I liked a pair of alphas.
"I can stay for a week. Until that guy forgets me" To my surprise, it was Arnaxis who threw in the next argument, knowingly or not. Hard to hear in his mumbling "No one could forget you in a week." Well, I suppose no one that got kicked by someone half their size.
But, I wasn't just escaping the alpha. The pain in my arm reminded me that I was escaping the stranger. One that could still run through my system like snakes venom in blood. Still watching me. Never leaving. At least, not certainly.
"Two. Or I leave here and now" Two weeks. I didn't have a lot to take care of. I was provided with enough meds now. And even if their donator scared me, I would use them, couldn't let such a chance slip through my fingers. He didn't want me dead, no. The stranger could have killed me already. This was my best shot.
Nothing less than the brilliant pair of blue eyes pulled me out of my thoughts, sparkeling and lively in a way I never knew eyes could be "Couldn't say no to such a deal"
I smiled.
Two weeks.
I would be alright.
This one STILL couldn't go through the text correction. And until next week, maybe even a day earlier than wattpad (this app might become my testing bunny) there won't be an update. That's the schedule.