Chapter 3
"Fine, state your deal."
"You see, you and I are not so different."
"How so?" I questioned.
"Look across the water" the voice told me. I could already tell what he wanted me to look at and my eyes shot over to the three ringed structure, which was still glowing a radiant blue color. "You have always been amazed at this structure, I know. How I know is what I will explain later. The structure you see before you is known as The Silent City. It has been around for thousands of years since I created it, long before the age of men, when demon lords still ruled this world."
"What demon lords? Such things do not exist. They never have."
"Wrong. There were many but I am all that is left."
"Well isn't that comforting, the world was once ruled by the spawn of evil." I said sarcastically.
"However that is besides the point. That is the place I have called home for many millennia in order to protect myself and preserve what is left of me, and my culture but, as you can imagine, it is exceedingly boring down here. I thought I had a way around this by being able to see the outside world, but the world is more at peace than ever, and it has grown uninteresting." He explained.
"I think I may know where you're going with this." I said.
"The people who stay interested in The Silent City all of their lives always come to a point in their life that they commit suicide. Most are not as public as yours but they kill themselves anyway. I have decided to take a handful and offer them a new chance at life." He told me.
"Might I ask what entertainment you get out of this?" I asked him.
"Well you might find out if you would stop interrupting me!" He yelled, sending vibrations throughout my body.
"Anyway now is when we get to the deal. For the handful I have deemed worthy they are offered the chance to fight one on one to the death. Once a champion has proved himself or herself to me by defeating every other person, I shall make all of their greatest dreams come true."
"Hmm, interesting. What are the rules?" I said in my usual serious voice.
"Persons competing shall continue with their lives as before, persons competing are allowed to form groups of people, three at maximum, so that should they be in the final group left standing they may share the benefits of winning together, once per week the competing persons shall return to the spot where they made the deal, after being notified by myself to do so, and shall be transported to The Silent City to fight a single match, should you encounter another competitor on the streets and you choose to attack them, you will suffer eternal torture. Any questions?" He said as though he had recited it a thousand times, which he probably had considering how much time he had been alive.
"No" I replied.
"Then the time has come to make your choice. If your answer is no feel free to jump. If your answer is yes, say 'I accept', simple as that. Now choose!"
I stood for a moment thinking, before shouting out "I accept!"
"Good, then let us be off." He replied with a hint of relief in his voice.
"Wait, what do you mea-" I was cut off as my body glowed the same blue as The Silent City and my vision was filled with light.