Chapter 8
As I appeared in the arena I noticed that I was alone. I decided to practice to make sure my aim was still good. I drew my D.E. As quickly as I could and fired at a specific spot I selected on the wall. It hit dead in the spot I wanted it to. 'Good' I thought as I slipped it back into its holster. I looked out at the other arenas and spotted number 37 looking around at all the other people, probably trying to find me. She looked up and we made eye contact. She looked at me with an expression that said 'Are you serious?!'. I simply smiled and gave her a thumbs up before turning and looking at my opponent who was in the middle of teleporting into the room.
"Oh shit" I said as I saw what I was facing. Standing across from me was a large redneck man with a beard and a shotgun across his back. Once he saw me he turned and looked at me with an evil grin.
"Well lookie what I got myself here." He growled.
"Ten" 'I'm so screwed. I should have listened to 37. Why am I such a moron?!'
"Nine" 'Okay, calm down and think. You already know his weapon, therefore you can fight against it. You have eight seconds, that's plenty of time.'
"Eight" He'll probably fire at me right away in an attempt to beat me quickly, therefore a quick roll to the right should deal with his first shot.
"Seven" I should then come up and fire down the barrel of the shotgun and explode the shell in the gun.
"Six" No, that won't work, he will fire again before the bullet reaches the cartridge.
"Five" Screw it, I'll improvise.
"Four" My opponent doesn't know what my weapon is, so I have a tactical advantage over him.
"Three" He was aiming his shotgun at me already, still with an evil/psychotic type look plastered on his face.
"Two" I positioned myself in a way that made it look like I was about to roll to my left instead of my right.
"One" 'I hope this works.' I prayed.
*flash* Everything became a vibrant green, which I would have loved if I wasn't about to fight a man a lot larger than me that was holding a shotgun. He shot just to my left, as I hoped he would. I jumped and rolled to the right. Once I stopped I stood up as quickly as possible, pulled out my D.E. and shot at him. He moved back to avoid the bullet as I ran towards the left side of the arena, but did not anticipate his move. As he moved back he shot towards my left. I reached it and turned around to face him, not realizing what he did. As I faced him my left shoulder and side blasted my body with pain as my vision exploded with black and white dots. I fell onto my right side in pain, screaming. I looked down at my left side to see my left shoulder and ribs gushing blood from two bullet shaped holes.
"Well well well, what do we have here." I looked up at two evil-brown eyes staring at me from above. He moved his shotgun between my eyes, but failed to notice a crucial detail. I moved my D.E. in my hand and pulled the trigger. I tried to hit him between the eyes but missed and hit his nose. It didn't matter since they had the same effect but I think I was pretty close for someone who had two bullet wounds in his side. The redneck fell backwards, dead. I lay there for a moment in pain before my body started glowing blue and I was teleported to the room I was in before the fight. Unfortunately for me I teleported into the room standing up and fell straight to my knees. No one seemed to notice me though, for I was teleported to the back of the room. Number 37 noticed me and ran over.
"You're hurt!" She said in an upset voice. It sounded distant, like an echo. That was when I blacked out. I woke up through the sheer pain I was in. It felt like my side was being pulled off. I looked down to see two pieces of metal hovering over me while my left side was re-forming itself, and it hurt worse than actually getting shot. I looked up to see that I was lying in 37's arms. Finally the pain subsided and the demon spoke.
"I can't let you die too 128. After all,you won the match."
"Thank you again Mr. Demon Lord." I replied.
"You're welcome. Call me Valmundra." He told me.
"Sure." I said.
"Now, are there any questions you may have thought up for me." Valmundra asked the 32 people left. There was silence.
"When you are ready you may teleport out. Until then, you may stay and chat for as long as you like." He said.
"Thank god you're ok", 37 said to me,"I thought I had lost my partner."
"Partner?" I questioned.
"Of course. Don't you remember?" She said holding up her hand and showing me the symbol I had decided on.
"Yes, I was just questioning your choice of words." I said standing up.
"Well then, I guess I'll be heading off." She said turning around.
"Wait 37!" I called to her.
"Yes?" She looked back at me.
"Meet me at Jack's Diner on the river, tomorrow, 9:00."
"What, are you falling for me?" She asked in a joking tone.
"You're an interesting person and we've only met twice. I would like to know more about you." I said.
"Alright. I'll see you then." She said as she teleported out. I looked up at the three rings and thought for a moment. 'I should really thank Valmundra. After all he did give me a very interesting friend.'